12 research outputs found

    Specimen collection and sequencing details, including GenBank accession numbers.

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    Specimen collection and sequencing details, including GenBank accession numbers. Species names in bold are nectar secretors; individual codes in italics indicate Disholcaspis species included in the Cynipini-wide analyses. Four species currently classified as belonging to the genus Disholcaspis (D. chrysolepidis, D. corallina, D. plumbella and D. sulcata) were excluded from the Disholcaspis study as sequence data (see Figure 2) and morphology (see Melika and Abrahamson 2002) both indicate they are not true Disholcaspis

    Disholcaspis ITS2 sequences

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    Alignment of Disholcaspis internal transcribed spacer 2 sequence


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    Mathematica notebook implementing the likelihood calculation. The summary files provided in Lohse_2012_data.tar are used as input

    Cynipid species inducing nectar-secreting galls

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    Cynipid species inducing galls known to secrete nectar, with information on their galls. Data collected from the literature and personal field observations

    Posterior probabilities of nectar secretion or no nectar secretion at ancestral nodes within the Disholcaspis phylogeny.

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    Posterior probabilities of nectar secretion or no nectar secretion at ancestral nodes within the Disholcaspis phylogeny (nodes numbered in insert). Posterior probabilities of ancestral character states are presented for the full set of models visited in the rjMCMC run (columns 2 & 3), those under a symmetric reversible model (columns 4 & 5) and under a model where the rate of change of nectar to no nectar was fixed at zero (columns 6 & 7). The final set of columns indicate likelihoods of models run with the respective node fixed to one or other character state, and the result of a Bayes factor test comparing the two models