77 research outputs found

    Hilbert series and Hilbert depth of squarefree Veronese ideals

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    In this paper, we obtain explicit formulas for the Hilbert series and Hilbert depth of squarefree Veronese ideals in a standard graded polynomial ring.Comment: 7 pages, a gap in the previous version is fixe

    A Decentralized Processing Schema for Efficient and Robust Real-time Multi-GNSS Satellite Clock Estimation

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    Real-time multi-GNSS precise point positioning (PPP) requires the support of high-rate satellite clock corrections. Due to the large number of ambiguity parameters, it is difficult to update clocks at high frequency in real-time for a large reference network. With the increasing number of satellites of multi-GNSS constellations and the number of stations, real-time high-rate clock estimation becomes a big challenge. In this contribution, we propose a decentralized clock estimation (DECE) strategy, in which both undifferenced (UD) and epoch-differenced (ED) mode are implemented but run separately in different computers, and their output clocks are combined in another process to generate a unique product. While redundant UD and/or ED processing lines can be run in offsite computers to improve the robustness, processing lines for different networks can also be included to improve the clock quality. The new strategy is realized based on the Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA) software package and is experimentally validated with about 110 real-time stations for clock estimation by comparison of the estimated clocks and the PPP performance applying estimated clocks. The results of the real-time PPP experiment using 12 global stations show that with the greatly improved computational efficiency, 3.14 cm in horizontal and 5.51 cm in vertical can be achieved using the estimated DECE clock

    Variance Reduction of Sequential Monte Carlo Approach for GNSS Phase Bias Estimation

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    Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are an important tool for positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services. The fast and high-precision GNSS data processing relies on reliable integer ambiguity fixing, whose performance depends on phase bias estimation. However, the mathematic model of GNSS phase bias estimation encounters the rank-deficiency problem, making bias estimation a difficult task. Combining the Monte-Carlo-based methods and GNSS data processing procedure can overcome the problem and provide fast-converging bias estimates. The variance reduction of the estimation algorithm has the potential to improve the accuracy of the estimates and is meaningful for precise and efficient PNT services. In this paper, firstly, we present the difficulty in phase bias estimation and introduce the sequential quasi-Monte Carlo (SQMC) method, then develop the SQMC-based GNSS phase bias estimation algorithm, and investigate the effects of the low-discrepancy sequence on variance reduction. Experiments with practical data show that the low-discrepancy sequence in the algorithm can significantly reduce the standard deviation of the estimates and shorten the convergence time of the filtering

    Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor From Shipborne Multi‐GNSS Observations

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    ©2019. American Geophysical UnionPrecipitable water vapor (PWV) is an important parameter for climate research and a crucial factor to achieve high accuracy in satellite geodesy and satellite altimetry. Currently Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) PWV retrieval using static Precise Point Positioning is limited to ground stations. We demonstrated the PWV retrieval using kinematic Precise Point Positioning method with shipborne GNSS observations during a 20‐day experiment in 2016 in Fram Strait, the region of the Arctic Ocean between Greenland and Svalbard. The shipborne GNSS PWV shows an agreement of ~1.1 mm with numerical weather model data and radiosonde observations, and a root‐mean‐square of ~1.7 mm compared to Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa PWV. An improvement of 10% is demonstrated with the multi‐GNSS compared to the Global Positioning System solution. The PWV retrieval was conducted under different sea state from calm water up to gale. Such shipborne GNSS PWV has the promising potential to improve numerical weather forecasts and satellite altimetry

    Automatic Calibration of Process Noise Matrix and Measurement Noise Covariance for Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning

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    The Expectation-Maximization algorithm is adapted to the extended Kalman filter to multiple GNSS Precise Point Positioning (PPP), named EM-PPP. EM-PPP considers better the compatibility of multiple GNSS data processing and characteristics of receiver motion, targeting to calibrate the process noise matrix Qt and observation matrix Rt, having influence on PPP convergence time and precision, with other parameters. It is possibly a feasible way to estimate a large number of parameters to a certain extent for its simplicity and easy implementation. We also compare EM-algorithm with other methods like least-squares (co)variance component estimation (LS-VCE), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), showing that EM-algorithm from restricted maximum likelihood (REML) will be identical to LS-VCE if certain weight matrix is chosen for LS-VCE. To assess the performance of the approach, daily observations from a network of 14 globally distributed International GNSS Service (IGS) multi-GNSS stations were processed using ionosphere-free combinations. The stations were assumed to be in kinematic motion with initial random walk noise of 1 mm every 30 s. The initial standard deviations for ionosphere-free code and carrier phase measurements are set to 3 m and 0.03 m, respectively, independent of the satellite elevation angle. It is shown that the calibrated Rt agrees well with observation residuals, reflecting effects of the accuracy of different satellite precise product and receiver-satellite geometry variations, and effectively resisting outliers. The calibrated Qt converges to its true value after about 50 iterations in our case. A kinematic test was also performed to derive 1 Hz GPS displacements, showing the RMSs and STDs w.r.t. real-time kinematic (RTK) are improved and the proper Qt is found out at the same time. According to our analysis despite the criticism that EM-PPP is very time-consuming because a large number of parameters are calculated and the first-order convergence of EM-algorithm, it is a numerically stable and simple approach to consider the temporal nature of state-space model of PPP, in particular when Qt and Rt are not known well, its performance without fixing ambiguities can even parallel to traditional PPP-RTK

    Improving the Orbits of the BDS-2 IGSO and MEO Satellites with Compensating Thermal Radiation Pressure Parameters

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    The orbit accuracy of the navigation satellites relies on the accurate knowledge of the forces on the spacecraft, in particular the non-conservative perturbations. This study focuses on the Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites of the regional Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-2), for which apparent deficiencies of non-conservative models are identified and evidenced in the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) residuals. The orbit errors derived from the empirical 5-parameter Extended CODE Orbit Model (ECOM) as well as a semi-analytical adjustable box-wing model show prominent dependency on the Sun elongation angle, even in the yaw-steering attitude mode. Hence, a periodic acceleration in the normal direction of the +X surface, presumably generated by the mismodeled thermal radiation pressure, is introduced. The SLR validations reveal that the Sun elongation angle-dependent systematic errors were significantly reduced, and the orbit accuracy was improved by 10–30% to approximately 4.5 cm and 3.0 cm for the BDS-2 IGSO and MEO satellites, respectively

    Mitigation of Unmodeled Error to Improve the Accuracy of Multi-GNSS PPP for Crustal Deformation Monitoring

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    High-rate multi-constellation global navigation satellite system (GNSS) precise point positioning (PPP) has been recognized as an efficient and reliable technique for large earthquake monitoring. However, the displacements derived from PPP are often overwhelmed by the centimeter-level noise, therefore they are usually unable to detect slight deformations which could provide new findings for geophysics. In this paper, Global Positioning System (GPS), GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS), and BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) data collected during the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake were used to further exploit the capability of BDS-only and multi-GNSS PPP in deformation monitoring by applying sidereal filtering (SF) in the observation domain. The equation that unifies the residuals for the uncombined and undifferenced (UCUD) PPP solution on different frequencies was derived, which could greatly reduce the complexity of data processing. An unanticipated long-term periodic error term of up to ± 3 cm was found in the phase residuals associated with BDS satellites in geostationary Earth orbit (GEO), which is not due to multipath originated from the ground but is in fact satellite dependent. The period of this error is mainly longer than 2000 s and cannot be alleviated by using multi-GNSS. Compared with solutions without sidereal filtering, the application of the SF approach dramatically improves the positioning precision with respect to the weekly averaged positioning solution, by 75.2%, 42.8%, and 56.7% to 2.00, 2.23, and 5.58 cm in the case of BDS-only PPP in the east, north, and up components, respectively, and 71.2%, 27.7%, and 37.9% to 1.25, 0.81, and 3.79 cm in the case of GPS/GLONASS/BDS combined PPP, respectively. The GPS/GLONASS/BDS combined solutions augmented by the SF successfully suppress the GNSS noise, which contributes to the detection of the true seismic signal and is beneficial to the pre- and post-seismic signal analysis