2 research outputs found


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    This study aims to answer the problem of the effect of transformational leadership on organizational commitment at PT. Indonesian jewel. In a company, employee commitment is a valuable asset that can give good results to a company. If employees have good commitment, all of the company's vision and mission will run well. One of the factors that can provide positive things in building commitment is transformational leadership. Some theories put forward by experts on organizational commitment According to Lincoln (in Sopiah, 2008: 155), organizational commitment includes member pride, member loyalty, and member willingness to the organization. As for the transformational one, Bass (in Wutun, 2001: 350) states that transformational leadership is a leadership style that tends to build awareness of his subordinates about the importance of the value of their work and duties. The population to conduct the research was composed by 110 respondents, by first conducting a tryout test to 30 respondents, the study was carried out by distributing the scale to 80 respondents, by dividing two scales, namely, the scale of organizational commitment totaling 28 items and the scale of transformational leadership totaling 28 items, after the validity test and reliability became 27 items of transformational leadership, while organizational commitment amounted to 16 items. This study uses statistical regression test calculations. Based on the regression equation Ŷ = 30.258 + 0.351, it can be read that every one unit increase in the transformational leadership score will increase the value (Y) of organizational commitment by 0.351 at a constant of 30.258 or in other words, the stronger transformational leadership, the stronger organizational commitment. It can be seen that the Transformational leadership regression on commitment is t = 12.148 with a significance of 0.00

    Hubungan Self Efficacy dan Goal Orientation terhadap Career Development pada Para Pencari Kerja PT. Bina Talenta

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    Abstrak – Dunia industri dan organisasi sangat membutuhkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang memiliki aspek psikologis individual yang tangguh. Karenanya dibutuhkan pelatihan tertentu dalam mengenalkan dan merubah cara pandang para pencari kerja, agar lebih siap menerima tentangan pekerjaan baru, dan mampu mengemban tugas dalam dunia kerja. Adapun Dalam penelitian ini yang akan menjadi permasalahan adalah, apakah variabel self-efficacy dan goal orientation dapat mempengaruhi secara langsung terhadap career development pada para pencari kerja.  Sebagai bagian dari penelitian ilmiah dalam bidang Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, maka yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh dari varaiabel exogen (self-efficacy dan goal orientation) terhadap variabel endogen (career development); Untuk menguji model teoritis tentang variabel endogen (career development) serta beberapa modifikasinya; Untuk mengetahui seberapa dominan variable-variabel exogen (independent) terhadap career development. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian dan pembahasannya disimpulkan bahwa: Ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara self efficacy dan goal orientation dengan career development individu pencari kerja PT. Bina Talenta; Ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara self efficacy dan career development individu pencari kerja di PT. Bina Talenta; Ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara goal orientation dengan career development individu pencari kerja di PT. Bina Talenta. Abstract – The industrialized world and organization is now in desperate need of human resources (HR), which has a strong individual psychological aspects. Would require specific training in introducing and change the way job seekers, to be more ready to accept the challenge of a new job, and able to carry out tasks in the workplace. As this study will be a problem is, if the self-efficacy and goal orientation variables may affect directly to the career development on job seekers. As part of the scientific research in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, it is the goal of this study are as follows: To determine whether there was an effect of exogenous variables (self-efficacy and goal orientation) on endogenous variables (career development); To test the theoretical model of endogenous variables (career development) as well as some modifications; To find out how dominant exogenous variables (independent) to career development. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion concluded that: There is a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and goal orientation with individual career development jobseekers PT. Bina Talenta; There is a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and career development of individual job seekers in PT. Bina Talenta; There is a positive and significant relationship between goal orientation with individual career development job seekers in PT. Bina Talenta. Keyword – Self efficacy, Goal orientation, Career Developmen