29 research outputs found

    L'immagine iconoclastica e l'assoluto mediale: Metafisica dell'interfacciarsi

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    Thesis of the essay: if we don't want to abstractly consider the Interface as the functionalistic interaction of different systems, within a merely logicistic, substantialistic and mechanistic horizon, so interfacing is a destiny, which assigns the complexity of existence to the unpredictable and elusive vibrations and pollutions of universal, cosmic Mixis, which cannot be theorized, nor known, nor signified as such, but only absorbed, worked and interconditionally and erotically co-produced on the ethical-aesthetic level. Even though the word is not philosophical in origin, interfacing is the crucial philosophical question. Interfacing implies a unitarily complex movement, self-mediating in the course of work, in whose action what is being unified appears as the prismatic plurality of facies, which are not parts of a whole, but aspects of the same unitary pragma at work. In all the main declinations of interfacing, the oscillation between two different logical-metaphysical interpretations of relating is revealed and, at the same time, the character of pharmakon of philosophy as metaphysics also emerges. The experience of relating as a concrete interfacing is incompatible with any metaphysical-ontological-scientific conception founded on the Aristotelian notion of Substance. The interfacing constitutes the fundamental kinematics of thinking that becomes world. It goes beyond all logical oppositions. Neither part nor whole. Neither inside nor outside. Neither external nor internal. In his works only rises the metamorphic unit of facies, each of which prevails over the whole. The inter of every interfacing is in the Image, without which no interfacing would take place. However, today's "civilization of the spectacle", presented by Guy Debord as the heir of all the weaknesses of the western philosophical project dominated by the categories of seeing and by the deployment of technical rationality, is inclined to confuse images with objects, facts and visible things and thus tends to break up and make impossible any concrete interfacing. So the spectacular alienation of images removes their essentially iconoclastic nature. The philosopher who, in the 20th century, thought, in the most profound and radical way, the iconoclastic nature of the Image is Andrea Emo, who also highlighted its absolutely medial character. Not removing the iconoclastic and absolutely medial nature of the Image requires going beyond any purely theoretical-contemplative attitude, towards an integral practical reconversion, in the light of which living and thinking life turns to rhythm, nothing but rhythm. Following the ultrahumanistic urgency of rhythm delivers every action to its autoschediastic character, that is such as to give itself, from time to time, its own figurations. Beyond meaning and as in a musical dance

    Accantando la superstizione del significato: Mondo simbolico degli abitatori del tempo e saggezza transpecifica del conversare

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    The vain compulsion to repeat in which the philosophical search for the foundation consists depends on how the philosophical faith of the "inhabitants of time" has invented and established the super-device of Meaning. It constitutes the mark of the symbolic as a special protrusion, in which only human beings endowed with the vox significativa (phonésemantiké) can have and share a world. Otherwise, “thinking” is the capacity of every living being to respond to stimulations, transforming this reaction into habits of answer (according to the terminology of C.S. Peirce). And Mind is the atmosphere that surrounds and permeates the unpredictable metamorphoses that the mixis-entanglement of the living life undergoes. The first part of this paper, on underlining the fact that the search for a foundation is connatural to the special (in all senses)practice of analytic philosophy, dwells upon the constitutive aporetic nature both of every position or postulation of foundation, and of every deconstruction of such foundational claim, identifying in the instance of semantic meaning the generating fulcrum of every foundational philosophical requirement. Meaning semantically is the mark of the Symbolic, that is of that peculiar anthropocentered protrusion, in which the “infinite semiosis” takes on an abstractly and humanlylogical-legal value. The second part dwells, starting from the “interlude” of the Platonic Theaetetus, upon the nature of conversational thinking, which is not dominated neither by the obsession of rapacious and fleeing Time, nor by the “superstition” of semantic Meaning, prevents any fundamentalist temptation and exceeds the imperium of the Symbolic. The third part – based on some late twentieth-century and contemporary examples – finds in the gambling Play of creative thinking of the work in the arts, in accordance with the dynamic model of music and dance, the full expression of the conversational model at a transspecific and non-anthropocentred level. What the dynamic non-symbolic arts testify to and invite to practice is a practical-performative and not merely poietic productive thinking, which is not exercised beyond philosophy, nor as an alternative to philosophizing, but alongside philosophical thinking. Thus putting aside and suspending the inflexible power of any speculatively logical-dialecticalmachination and displacing any mystifying irenic rhetoric of the dialogue

    Endovascular treatment beyond 24 hours from the onset of acute ischemic stroke: the Italian Registry of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke (IRETAS)

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    Background Clinical trials and observational studies have demonstrated the benefit of thrombectomy up to 16 or 24 hours after the patient was last known to be well. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of stroke patients treated beyond 24 hours from onset. Methods We analyzed the outcome of 34 stroke patients (mean age 70.7 +/- 12.3 years; median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score 13) treated with endovascular thrombectomy beyond 24 hours from onset who were recruited in the Italian Registry of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke. Selection criteria for patients were: pre-stroke modified Rankin scale (mRS) score of <= 2, non-contrast CT Alberta Stroke Program Early CT score of >= 6, good collaterals on single phase CT angiography (CTA) or multiphase CTA, and CT perfusion mismatch with an infarct core size <= 50% of the total hypoperfusion extent or involving less than one-third of the extent of the middle cerebral artery territory evaluated by visual inspection. The primary outcome measure was functional independence assessed by the mRS at 90 days after onset. Safety outcomes were 90 day mortality and the occurrence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH). Results Successful recanalization (Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score of 2b or 3) was present in 76.5% of patients. Three month functional independence (mRS score 0-2) was observed in 41.1% of patients. The case fatality rate was 26.5%. and the incidence of sICH was 8.8%. Conclusions These findings suggest that, in a real world setting, very late endovascular therapy is feasible in appropriately selected patients

    Association of the Careggi Collateral Score with 3-month modified Rankin Scale score after thrombectomy for stroke with occlusion of the middle cerebral artery

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    BACKGROUND: The Careggi Collateral Score (CCS) (qualitative-quantitative evaluation) was developed from a single-centre cohort as an angiographic score to describe both the extension and effectiveness of the pial collateral circulation in stroke patients with occlusion of the anterior circulation. We aimed to examine the association between CCS (quantitative evaluation) and 3-month modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score in a large multi-center cohort of patients receiving thrombectomy for stroke with occlusion of middle cerebral artery (MCA). METHODS: We conducted a study on prospectively collected data from 1284 patients enrolled in the Italian Registry of Endovascular Treatment in Acute Stroke. According to the extension of the retrograde reperfusion in the cortical anterior cerebral artery (ACA)-MCA territories, CCS ranges from 0 (absence of retrograde filling) to 4 (visualization of collaterals until the alar segment of the MCA). RESULTS: Using CCS of 4 as reference, CCS grades were associated in the direction of unfavourable outcome on 3-month mRS shift (0 to 6); significant difference was found between CCS of 0 and CCS of 1 and between CCS of 3 and CCS of 4. CCS ≥ 3 was the optimal cut-off for predicting 3-month excellent outcome, while CCS ≥ 1 was the optimal cut-off for predicting 3-month survival. CCS of 0 and CCS < 3 were associated in the direction of unfavourable recanalization on TICI shift (0 to 3) compared with CCS ≥ 1 and CCS ≥ 3, respectively. Compared with CCS ≥ 3 as reference, CCS of 0 and CCS 1 to 2 were associated in the direction of unfavourable recanalization on TICI shift. There was no evidence of heterogeneity of effects of successful recanalization and procedure time ≤ 60 min on 3-month mRS shift across CCS categories. CONCLUSION: The CCS could provide a future advantage for improving the prognosis in patients receiving thrombectomy for stroke with M1 or M1-M2 segment of the MCA occlusion

    Association of the Careggi Collateral Score with 3-month modified Rankin Scale score after thrombectomy for stroke with occlusion of the middle cerebral artery

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    Background: The Careggi Collateral Score (CCS) (qualitative–quantitative evaluation) was developed from a single-centre cohort as an angiographic score to describe both the extension and effectiveness of the pial collateral circulation in stroke patients with occlusion of the anterior circulation. We aimed to examine the association between CCS (quantitative evaluation) and 3-month modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score in a large multi-center cohort of patients receiving thrombectomy for stroke with occlusion of middle cerebral artery (MCA). Methods: We conducted a study on prospectively collected data from 1284 patients enrolled in the Italian Registry of Endovascular Treatment in Acute Stroke. According to the extension of the retrograde reperfusion in the cortical anterior cerebral artery (ACA)-MCA territories, CCS ranges from 0 (absence of retrograde filling) to 4 (visualization of collaterals until the alar segment of the MCA). Results: Using CCS of 4 as reference, CCS grades were associated in the direction of unfavourable outcome on 3-month mRS shift (0 to 6); significant difference was found between CCS of 0 and CCS of 1 and between CCS of 3 and CCS of 4. CCS ≥ 3 was the optimal cut-off for predicting 3-month excellent outcome, while CCS ≥ 1 was the optimal cut-off for predicting 3-month survival. CCS of 0 and CCS &lt; 3 were associated in the direction of unfavourable recanalization on TICI shift (0 to 3) compared with CCS ≥ 1 and CCS ≥ 3, respectively. Compared with CCS ≥ 3 as reference, CCS of 0 and CCS 1 to 2 were associated in the direction of unfavourable recanalization on TICI shift. There was no evidence of heterogeneity of effects of successful recanalization and procedure time ≤ 60&nbsp;min on 3-month mRS shift across CCS categories. Conclusion: The CCS could provide a future advantage for improving the prognosis in patients receiving thrombectomy for stroke with M1 or M1–M2 segment of the MCA occlusion