82 research outputs found

    Representation of Critical Thinking Skills in EFL Algerian Syllabus: The Case of “New Prospects”, Third Year Secondary School Textbook

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    قبل بضعة عقود، ظهر مفهوم التفكير النقدي في التصنيفات، وهو عملية معقدة تتطلب مستوى أعلى من المهارات المعرفية في معالجة المعلومات. وبناء عليه تستجيب هذه الدراسة لفكرة التفكير النقدي أثناء تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية من قبل الطلاب الجزائريين، وذلك من خلال التحقيق في التفكير النقدي في الكتاب المدرسي"آفاق جديدة"، وهو كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية بدولة الجزائر و المخصص لطلاب الصف الثالث الثانوي. تطرح الدراسة سؤالين بحثيين: (1) إلى أي مدى يساعد محتوى الكتاب في تعزيز مهارات التفكير بين طلاب الصف الثالث الثانوي؟ (2) ما هي آراء مدرسي اللغة الإنجليزية وتصوراتهم تجاه إظهار مهارات التفكير النقدي في محتوى هذا الكتاب؟ للإجابة على هذه الأسئلة، تتبنى الدراسة منهجية تحليل المحتوى التي تركز على الأسئلة النصية والمقابلة كأداة للمعلمين المشاركين. يتم إجراء المقابلة بشكل أساسي للتحقق مما إذا كانت المهام والأسئلة الموجودة والتمارين في الكتاب تجعل الطلاب يفكرون. تمت الدراسة في أربع مدارس ثانوية في الأغواط بالجزائر. العينة تتمثل في مدرسي اللغة الإنجليزية في المرحلة الثانوية. أظهرت الدراسة أن هذا الكتاب المدرسي للغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية، يحتوي على أسئلة نصية أكثر صراحة من الأسئلة التي تعزز التفكير النقدي. تقدم الدراسة الحالية بعض المساهمات الجديرة الملاحظة في الأدبيات الحالية.Few decades ago, the concept of critical thinking was featured in taxonomies which is a complex process that requires higher level of cognitive skills in the processing of information. This study responds to the idea of critical thinking, English Language Teaching (ELT) and Algerian students by investigating critical thinking in “New Prospects”, the Algerian English language textbook intended for third year secondary school students. The study poses two research questions: (1) To what extent does “New Prospects” help fostering Critical Thinking Skills (CTS) among second year secondary school students? (2) What are the English language teachers’ attitudes and perceptions towards the manifestation of critical thinking skills in “New Prospects”? To answer these questions, the study adopts a content analysis methodology focused on text-based questions and the interview as a tool for participating teachers. The interview is conducted mainly to investigate whether the tasks and questions within “New Prospects” make students think. The study took place in four secondary schools in Laghouat, Algeria. Participants of the study were secondary school teachers of English. This study shows that the Algerian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbook, “New Prospects”, contains more textually-explicit questions than questions that promote critical thinking. The present study makes some noteworthy contributions to the current literatur

    Factors influencing seed germination of medicinal plant Salvia aegyptiaca L. (Lamiaceae)

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    AbstractSalvia aegyptiaca is a xerophytic perennial herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family commonly used for medicinal purposes. Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the effects of temperature and salinity on seed germination and recovery responses after transferring to distilled water. Temperatures between 10 and 40°C seem to be favourable for the germination of this species. Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the optimum (30°C). The highest germination percentages were obtained at 0mM NaCl; however, the increase of solution osmolalities progressively inhibited seed germination. The germination rate decreased with an increase in salinity for most of tested temperatures, but comparatively higher rates were obtained at 30°C. Salt stress decreased both the percentage and the rate of germination. An interaction between salinity and temperature yielded no germination at 300mM NaCl. By experimental transfer to distilled water, S. aegyptiaca seeds that were exposed to moderately saline conditions recovered and keep their ability to germinate mostly at low temperatures. At 300mM NaCl, germination recovery decreased with increasing temperature and it was completely inhibited at 40°C

    The effect of preparing for organizational change on the public service institutions "Public health institutions as a model case of Saad Dahlab Hospital, Eloued University

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة التعرف إلى أثر الاستعداد للتغير التنظيمي على جودة الخدمة بالمؤسسة العمومية و بالتطبيق على المؤسسات الصحية العمومية ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة فقد تم إتباع أسلوب دراسة الحالة من خلال استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، حيث تم تصميم استبانة وتوزيعها على عينة الدراسة التي تكونت من (76) فردا من العامليين بهذه المؤسسات . وقد تم استرجاع (68) استبانة صالحة لغايات التحليل الإحصائي،من إجمالي الاستبانات الموزعة. أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى وجود أثر ذو دلالة إحصائية لابعاد الاستعداد للتغيير  على الخدمة في المؤسسات العمومية الصحية  ، وقد أوصت الدراسة بضرورة حرص هذه المؤسسات على التطبيق الامثل للتغيير مع مراعاة ابعاده  حتى يتم تطبيقه و لا يواجه أي مقاومة.This study aims to identify the impact of the the change management on the quality of the public service organization especially the application on public health institutions. To achieve the objective of the study we followed the the case study method by using the descriptive analysis method, where the questionnaire was designed and distributed to the study sample that included (76) the members of the working groups of these institutions.The validation extract (68) valid for statistical analysis of the total questionnaires distributed. The study concludes a statistically significant effect of the willingness to change service in public health facilities, the study recommended that those institutions wishing to optimize the application of change, Taking into consideration its dimensions so that it is applied and does not pose resistance

    Impacted and Fractured Biliary Basket: A Second Basket Rescue Technique

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    A 59-year-old woman was treated with ERCP, ES, and biliary plastic stent, for large and multiple common bile duct stones. During a second ERCP basket extraction was impacted with a round entrapped stone. The basket handle was cut off; a metal sheath of extraendoscopic lithotriptor was advanced over the basket. The mechanical lithotripsy was complicated with basket traction wires fracturing, without breakage of the stone. A rescue standard basket was pushed until it caught the basket/stone complex. Using this method disengagement of the whole fractured basket/stone complex was achieved without need of surgery. It is the third case reported in the English literature

    Case Report Impacted and Fractured Biliary Basket: A Second Basket Rescue Technique

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    A 59-year-old woman was treated with ERCP, ES, and biliary plastic stent, for large and multiple common bile duct stones. During a second ERCP basket extraction was impacted with a round entrapped stone. The basket handle was cut off; a metal sheath of extraendoscopic lithotriptor was advanced over the basket. The mechanical lithotripsy was complicated with basket traction wires fracturing, without breakage of the stone. A rescue standard basket was pushed until it caught the basket/stone complex. Using this method disengagement of the whole fractured basket/stone complex was achieved without need of surgery. It is the third case reported in the English literature