29 research outputs found

    Valoración del crecimiento y la evaluación de la dieta en gimnastas de artística femenina de élite

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    Las gimnastas de artística femenina de alto nivel dedican una gran parte del día a los entrenamientos y residen desde edades muy tempranas fuera del entorno familiar. Estas deportistas alcanzan su máximo rendimiento durante la adolescencia dónde la nutrición desempeña un papel primordial ya que, se producen grandes cambios en su composición corporal y ósea, así como en su maduración puberal. El asesoramiento nutricional a largo plazo podría resultar beneficioso para la salud de las gimnastas así como para su rendimiento deportivo. El ejercicio de alto impacto que caracteriza sus entrenamientos podría ser determinante de su mineralización ósea. A lo largo de 21 meses se llevó a cabo un seguimiento nutricional y de maduración puberal acompañado de una valoración de composición ósea y corporal en gimnastas de la Selección Nacional (n=17). Cada seis meses se realizaron determinaciones (cinco días) de valoración de la dieta (mediante pesada de todos los alimentos) y cuantificación de la actividad física (estimación del gasto energético), así como de composición corporal y ósea (DXA). Se estudió como afectan a la nutrición de las gimnastas diferentes variables: propias del sujeto (efecto del asesoramiento nutricional), relativas al entrenamiento (periodo) o al entorno (menú fijo frente a tipo buffet y/o el grado de elaboración de los platos ofertados). El asesoramiento nutricional condujo a mejoras en la composición de la dieta de las gimnastas; el periodo deportivo no afecta al aporte total de energía pero si a su distribución (menor porcentaje de grasa en competición); el consumo de menús fijos fue más adecuado frente al de buffet; la ingesta de platos más elaborados con materias primas frescas se relacionó con una mejor calidad de la dieta. No se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre parámetros nutricionales (calcio, magnesio y zinc) y de composición ósea y corporal. Las gimnastas presentaron un retraso de maduración puberal, reflejado en su tardía edad de menarquia. El desarrollo muscular se encontró relacionado con la DMO y CMO total y en la región principal de impacto (radio-cubito). Independientemente del periodo de entrenamiento en el que las gimnastas se encontrasen, su gasto energético estimado de forma indirecta mediante cuestionarios de actividad, fue bajo. Las gimnastas tienden a mantener su BE, pero su distribución de la energía en la dieta fue más adecuada durante el periodo competitivo. Aunque en este periodo hubo más nutrientes por debajo de las DRI's. Un estrecho y profundo asesoramiento nutricional a lo largo de toda la temporada sería necesario. A pesar de su retraso puberal, las gimnastas presentan parámetros óseos adecuados a su edad biológica. Competitive female artistic gymnasts dedícate a great deal of their day to training, and live outside their family environment from a very young age. These athletes reach máximum performance during adolescence, a time in which nutrition takes on a crucial role, and a time in which, in addition to the onset of puberty, their body and bone composition are going through important changes. Long term nutritional counseling can provide beneficial results for the health, as well as athletic performance, of gymnasts. Their training régimen is characterized by high impact exercise, and this can be a determining factor in their bone mineralization. A study on nutrition and the onset of puberty was conducted over a 21 month period on gymnasts from the Spanish National Team (n=17). Every 6 months nutritional dietary intake was evaluated (by weight of food intake), and physical activity (expenditure energy estimation; EEE) was recorded through surveys. Body and bone composition were also measured (DXA) during the same timeframe. The study focused on how different variables affect gymnasts' nutrition: subject related (effect of nutritional counseling), training (period) related or environmental (fixed menú compared to buffet type and/or the degree of preparation of the dishes offered). Nutritional counseling resulted in improvements in the composition of the gymnasts' diets; the sports season does not affect the total energy intake, but does affect its distribution (lower percentage of fat during competition); consumption of fixed menus was more adequate compared to the buffet; ingestión of more prepared dishes with fresh ingredients was related with a better quality diet. Positive correlations were not found between nutritional parameters (calcium, magnesium and zinc) and bone and body composition. The gymnasts presented a delay in the onset of puberty, reflected in their later age of menarche. Muscular development was related with total BMD and BMC, and the primary impact área (radioulnar). Indirect methods for EEE reflect low energetic expenditure, regardless of the training period. The gymnasts tended to maintain their energy balance, but their energetic distribution in the diet was more adequate during the competitive period. Although in this period more micronutrient intakes were below DRI's. More narrow, thorough nutritional counseling over the entire season would be needed. Despite the delay in the onset of puberty, the gymnasts present adequate osseous parameters for their biological age

    Recomendaciones de dieta y ejercicio en niños y adolescentes

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    Los niños constituyen uno de los grupos vulnerables en el ámbito de la nutrición, el instaurar hábitos saludables de dieta y ejercicio durante la infancia conduciría a la prevención de muchas enfermedades crónicas (diabetes tipo II, hipertensión y obesidad entre otras), cada vez más frecuentes y de más temprana aparición en países desarrollados. Por otra parte, la actividad física habitual produce una sensación de bienestar general relacionada con la mejora dela auto-estima, entre sus efectos psicológicos positivos se encuentra un efecto antidepresivo y una mejora del control de la ansiedad y del stress. Por todos estos motivos, durante la infancia y la adolescencia se recomiendan programas de actividad física ya que éstos, se han asociado con beneficios de tipo fisiológico, sociológico y psicológico tanto a corto como a largo plazo

    Efecto del asesoramiento nutricional sobre la ingesta de nutrientes relacionados con la mineralización ósea en gimnastas de artística femenina = Effect of nutritional advice on nutrient ingestion related to bone mineralization in female artistic gymnasts

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    Las gimnastas de artística femenina de alto nivel dedican una gran parte del día a los entrenamientos y residen desde edades muy tempranas fuera del entorno familiar, alcanzando su máximo rendimiento durante la adolescencia dónde la nutrición desempeña un papel primordial. Se valoró la dieta de la selección nacional de gimnasia artística en dos periodos de 5 días cada uno, uno sin asesoramiento y otro tras asesoramiento (educación nutricional y diseño de nuevas dietas), dentro del mismo periodo de entrenamiento (precompetitivo). Se utilizó el método de registro de pesada de todos los alimentos consumido y se estimó su gasto energético en los dos mismos periodos de cinco días. El asesoramiento nutricional condujo a mejoras en la composición de la dieta de las gimnastas así como a aumentos en el consumo de gran parte de vitaminas y minerales. El asesoramiento nutricional a largo plazo podría resultar beneficioso para la salud de las gimnastas así como para su rendimiento deportivo. Competitive female artistic gymnasts dedicate a great deal of their day to training and live outside their family enviroment from a very young age, these althletes reach maximum performance during adolescence, a time in which nutrition plays a crucial role. We assessed food intake of the National Team for two 5 day periods, without and with nutritional counselling (nutritional education and new diets desing), in the same training period (precompetitive period). Diet composition was estimated by food weighing and, during the same days, we estimated their energy expenditure. Nutritional counselling resulted in improvements on the diet composition of the gymnasts as well as increases on the vitamins and minerals intake in most of them. Long term nutritional counselling can provide beneficial results for the gymnast’s health and athletic performance

    A bibliometric review of the technology transfer literature

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    This study explores academic research on technology transfer (TT) and the related themes. The TT field has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent years and has grown rapidly, resulting in a large body of knowledge. Using a bibliometric approach, this study reviews related research issues as well as their influence and connections and provides directions for future research. It uses Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science database that includes 3,218 bibliographic references. Several bibliometric analysis techniques and a subsequent review of the content of the most relevant documents are adopted. The performance analysis provided an updated overview of the evolution of the TT literature from 1969 to 2018 and quantitatively identified the most active and influential journals, articles, authors, and organizations. The co-authorship network analysis allowed us to identify and visualize the structure of relations between authors as well as determine the collaboration patterns among them. On the basis of the information supplied by the co-authorship network, the main literature was reviewed to identify the current status and research trends related to TT, identifying five main research streams and related topics. The implications of the study’s findings and directions for future TT research are finally discussed to enhance our understanding of TT agents and issues and support further research in this field.Funding for this research was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities (MCIU/AEI/FEDER-UE) under the Grant Number RTI2018-097579-B-100, by UPV/EHU under the Grant Number GIU16/46, and by FESIDE

    Building bridges between gender and family business literature to advance women's empowerment

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    This study underlines the importance of addressing gender issues in family firms. It reinvigorates research in this field by revealing its current state, identifying research gaps, and suggesting future agendas. A bibliometric approach using a co-word analysis of 376 papers from the Web of Science database and their 885 keywords was performed to reveal the thematic structure of gender and family firm research, research topics, associations among them, and their evolution over the last 30 years (1991–2021). This review provides an extensive literature base and suggests research topics that facilitate the adoption of a gendered lens in family firm literature and business practice. This review demonstrates how gender issues are intertwined with management, leadership, and family business approaches. Our observations inform scholars, policymakers, and practitioners on the need to integrate gender issues into organizational culture and to connect empowerment strategies with the sociocultural environment. This study shows the need to address women’s empowerment in business, considering different sociocultural contexts in addition to a Western focus. It also calls for embracing gender and feminist perspectives in research.This research was partially supported by the Consolidated Research Group funding by the Basque Government under the grant number IT1641-22. It also receive financial support from the Spanish MICIU/AEI/FEDER-UE under the grant number RTI2018-097579-B-100. Amaia Maseda also received a Salvador de Madariaga Grant (PRX19/00636) from the Spanish MECD for a research stay at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UK)

    Dietary intake in track and field athletes during a competitive training period

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    + Nutrition becomes a key factor for an optimal performance during sport practice, specially in elite sport (Burke and Maughan, 2007). + Each athletic discipline has specific nutrition requirements according to its energetic demands. + Is it nutrition knowledge of the Spanish elite athletes appropriate? + Basis of a support project to the RFEA athletes (Sponsorized C.S.D

    The family business brand

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    The authors would like to express appreciation to Professor Randolph-Seng and the two anonymous referees for their insightful comments on earlier versions of this article, although any errors are entirely the authors’ own responsibility. The authors also highly appreciate the institutional support received from the Family Business Centre at the UPV/EHU in collaboration with the DFB/BFA and from the Consolidated Research Group (Code OE7) at the University of Vigo (Spain).Following a bibliometric approach, this study examines research on brand and branding in family businesses to identify influential sources and main areas of knowledge, proposes an integrative framework that provides a holistic perspective of this field with an interdisciplinary cross-fertilization view, and explores new avenues for future research and practice. Based on 449 bibliographic references retrieved from the Web of Science database through a systematic process, we employed bibliographic coupling analysis to visualize the relationships among key works in the field, and subsequently performed a literature review to deepen the analysis. The bibliographic coupling analysis structured the existing research into six thematic clusters. Four of them follow an internal perspective and focus on family business identity and its influence on the construction of corporate brand identity, whereas the other two follow an external perspective that explores how family business brands are communicated and perceived by stakeholders and the influence of corporate brands and branding on family business image and reputation. Drawing from an in-depth review of the literature, this study offers a novel integrative framework, together with a set of proposals with managerial and theoretical implications. The proposed framework aims to clarify the relationship between internal identity and management to build and communicate a family business brand. The study also shows the symbiosis that exists among family values, corporate reputation, brand equity, and awareness in family businesses. The existing interconnection between the family and business generates unique associations that are difficult to imitate. This study is the first documented attempt at a bibliometric analysis of brands and branding in family businesses, which serves to clarify the linkages between different research streams and connecting marketing, organization, and family business literature to guide future research. Moreover, our integrative framework provides researchers and practitioners with a better understanding of its scope, highlighting the importance of corporate brand strategies beyond the boundaries of marketing departments.This research was partially supported by the Consolidated Research Group funding by the Basque Government under the grant number IT1641-22. It is also received financial support by the Spanish MCIU/AEI/FEDER-UE under the grant number RTI2018-097579-B-I00

    TOUS, S.A. Una empresa familiar centenaria preparada para el futuro digital y sostenible

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    TOUS es uno de los diez mayores grupos españoles del sector de la moda y uno de los principales en el sector de la joyería. Con sede en Manresa (Barcelona), TOUS tiene sus orígenes en un taller de reparación de relojes fundado en 1920. A lo largo de sus cien años de trayectoria, la compañía ha sabido adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos, modas y técnicas aún sin dejar de lado la artesanía, la tradición y su esencia. Tres generaciones, justo en proceso de incorporación de la cuarta, de oficio, perseverancia y conocimiento de negocio avalan la trayectoria de la marca joyer

    JOYERIA TOUS, S.A.: "2020, Celebrando el centenario de una empresa familiar"

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    El caso trata la problemática de la empresa Tous desde un punto de vista de dirección y gestión de la empresa familiar

    JOYERIA TOUS, S.A.: "2020, Celebrando el centenario de una empresa familiar"

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    El caso trata la problemática de la empresa Tous desde un punto de vista de dirección y gestión de la empresa familiar