18 research outputs found

    Apprendre une langue quand on en parle déjà une

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    Apprendre une langue prend du temps et participe à la formation de la personne. Dès l’école primaire, il convient donc de répondre au besoin de communiquer, très important chez l’enfant, grâce à des enseignants généralistes capables de développer les fonctions communicative, imaginaire et ludique, dans une langue étrangère

    Lactose intolerance in children and adolescents in the Republic of Moldova: a translational study

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    Introducere. Copilăria și adolescenţa sunt perioade importante pentru sănătatea oaselor. Interesul pentru consumul produselor lactate și aportul de vitamină D (25-OH D3) se datorează acţiunii lor reparatorii și protective asupra masei și densităţii osoase. Existenţa variaţiilor genetice asociate hipolactaziei ([-13910 bp] a genei de lactază, LCT), ar putea influenţa consumul de lapte, precum și mineralizarea osoasă. Material și metode. Un lot de 297 de adolescenţi și copii (34 de fete și 37 de băieţi din Chișinău, 97 de fete și 129 de băieţi din Orhei), a fost studiat referitor la intoleranţa la lactoză. ADN-ul lor a fost extras din sânge și analizat la polimorfisme în genele lactazice (LCT), klotho (proteină membranară tip I, asociată cu β-glucuronidaza) și VDR (receptorul pentru vitamina D). A fost dozată vitamina D (25-OH D3 ) din ser. Analiza statistică: χ2 , testul Mann-Whitney U și analiza de variaţie (ANOVA). Rezultate. Polimorfismul genetic (în special, varianta CC a genei lactazei), care stă la baza intoleranţei la lactoză a copiilor și adolescenţilor din Republica Moldova este similar cu cel din Franţa. Există o interrelaţie strânsă dintre fenotip, aportul de calciu și nivelul de vitamină D3 în sânge, care sunt și determinanţii de bază ai simptomatologiei și consecinţelor intoleranţei la lactoză. Concluzii. (1) La copii, flatulenţa, voma și episoadele de diaree în urma consumului de lapte sunt cele mai frecvente simptome care ar putea reflecta intoleranţa la lactoză. (2) Frecvenţa polimorfismului nucleotidelor unice, asociate cu gena lactazei, gena klotho și cea a receptorului pentru vitamina D este similar la copiii și adolescenţii din Republica Moldova și cei din Franţa. (3) Fenotipul lactaz-nonpersistent, pe fundalul unui aport insuficient de calciu cu alimentele (în special, lapte și produse lactate), este dependent, în mare măsură, de vitamina D pentru menţinerea în limite fiziologice a calcemiei.Introduction. Childhood and adolescence are critical periods in bone health. The interest for dairy products and vitamin D (25-OH D3) status is due to their restorative and protective action on the bone mass and density. The existence of genetic variations associated with hypolactasia ([-13 910 bp] of the lactase gene, LCT) could influence the consumption of milk and, in turn, bone mineralization. Material and methods. A cohort of 297 young adolescents and children (34 girls and 37 boys from Chisinau, 97 girls and 129 boys from Orhei) was studied. DNA was extracted from blood and analyzed for polymorphisms in the lactase (LCT), klotho (a transmembranar protein associated with ß-glucuronidase) and VDR genes. Vitamin D3 (25-OH D3 ) was assayed from serum. Statistical analysis: χ2 , Mann-Whitney U test and variation analysis (ANOVA). Results. The genetic polymorphism (especially type CC of the lactase gene), which underlies at the base of lactose intolerance in children and teenagers from the Republic of Moldova is similar to the polymorphism attested in France. There is a strong interrelation between phenotype, calcium intake and the level of vitamin D3 in the blood, factors that determine the symptoms and consequences of lactose intolerance. Conclusions. (1) In children, flatulence, vomits and episodes of diarrhea after milk consumption are the most frequent symptoms that could suggest lactose intolerance. (2) The frequency of unique nucleotides polymorphism, associated with lactase gene, klotho gene and VDR gene is similar for children and teenagers both in the Republic of Moldova and France. (3) Lactase-nonpersistant phenotype, with the background of insufficient intake of calcium (especially with milk and dairy products), mainly depends on vitamin D for maintaining physiological levels of calcium in the blood

    European cystic fibrosis bone mineralisation guidelines

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    Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) are at risk of developing low bone mineral density (BMD) and fragility fractures. This paper presents consensus statements that summarise current knowledge of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of CF-related skeletal deficits and provides guidance on its assessment, prevention and treatment. The statements were validated using a modified Delphi methodology

    La vitamine D, une nouvelle panacée ?

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    Besides its well known anti-rachitic properties, vitamin D has numerous in vitro and in vivo actions on the proliferation-differentiation of epidermal and cancer cells, as well as on the recruitment, differentiation and activities of the immune cells. Even though numerous association studies have suggested a possible link between a low vitamin D status and the risk of developing tumoral, auto-immune, neurologic or cardiovascular diseases, further data have proven to be more discordant and at best modest. In addition, the range of vitamin D doses or status active on these extra-skeletal pathologies remains poorly defined, between insufficiency and overload. Looking forward to clearly needed randomized intervention studies, optimal vitamin D status and intakes remain best defined on the basis of the vitamin D indisputable effects on calcium homeostasis and skeletal mineralization

    Circulating vitamin D metabolite concentrations in children with nutritional rickets

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    Serum calcidiol, calcitriol, and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations were measured in 20 children with vitamin D-deficiency rickets. Vitamin D metabolite concentrations were measured in 17 of 20 patients before treatment and in 14 of 20 patients after vitamin D administration. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Before treatment, serum calcidiol seems to be the best criterion of D deficiency, as it was low (<8 ng/ml) in 15 of 17 studied children, whereas calcitriol and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations ranged from undetectable to high values (350 pg/ml and 5.9 ng/ml, respectively). (2) Low calcidiol concentrations may occur despite recent vitamin D intake: low serum values were found in children given vitamin D2 up to two months after the onset of therapy (50 μg/day). (3) Elevated calcitriol serum concentrations were observed in all children after initiation of vitamin D therapy; these high concentrations persisted for four weeks or more, even after normalization of serum calcium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone values. (4) Healing of biochemical abnormalities can occur even in children with low circulating concentrations of calcidiol and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. © 1983 The C. V. Mosby Company.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Maximizing bone mineral mass gain during growth for the prevention of fractures in the adolescents and the elderly

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    Bone mass is a key determinant of fracture risk. Maximizing bone mineral mass during childhood and adolescence may contribute to fracture risk reduction during adolescence and possibly in the elderly. Although more than 60% of the variance of peak bone mass (PBM), the amount of bone present in the skeleton at the end of its maturation process, is genetically determined, the remainder is likely influenced by factors amenable to positive intervention, such as adequate dietary intake of dairy products as a natural source of calcium and proteins, vitamin D, and regular weight-bearing physical activity. Low calcium and vitamin D intakes are associated with negative effects on bone, including suboptimal PBM acquisition. As suggested by intervention studies, regular intake of dairy products may have positive and possibly sustained effects on bone mineral mass gain, contributing thereby to fracture risk reduction. Further evidence from intervention studies suggests that weight-bearing physical activities, such as jumping, may contribute to bone mineral mass gain in children. Optimizing PBM acquisition through dietary and physical exercise measures may represent a valuable primary method for the prevention of fractures