129 research outputs found


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    Salah satu penyimpangan dalam mengungkapkan eksistensi remaja, adalah perilaku seks bebas yang berakibat pada kehamilan dan penikahan usia dini. Tujuan dari program pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan, memotivasi remaja  ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap sesama (peergroup) dalam mencegah perilaku perkawinan usia remaja  melalui Personal Social Responsibility atau PSR. Metode kegiatan adalah sosialisasi tentang peran PSR dalam bentuk peer gorup bagi remaja melalui webinar secara online.   PSR membantu remaja untuk fokus pada pengembangan karakter, konsep diri, kemampuan, bakat dan minatnya yang sesuai dengan usia mereka. PSR akan lebih efektif jika dilakukan secara peer group. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah siswa/i SMKN 49 Jakarta Utara. Hasil dari program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah terciptanya pengetahuan peserta terhadap PSR, keinginan dalam melaksanakan PSR, dan bentuk rencana tindakan PSR yang ingin dilakukan. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan pergaulan remaja. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini juga dapat mendukung program pemerintah dalam menekan angka perkawinan pada anak dan remaja untuk mencetak generasi unggul dan berkualita

    Corporate Social Responsibility sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Bisnis Perusahaan

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    This study aims to determine the understanding of the mine repellent group PT.ABC communication strategy through the CSR program. Research using qualitative descriptive approach with the constructivist paradigm. Data collection technique used the techniques of interview and literature study. The study design is done with the design of the case study. The results showed PT.ABC has been running various CSR programs that include four areas of activity: community development, education, health and infrastructure improvements. Nevertheless, the rejection of a repellent group remain. Some of the factors, the program is limited to a certain group, employment is still very limited, and the tendency of corporations to be closed to some sensitive issues like IUP, illegal miners and environmental damage. Constraints faced by the corporation less communicate openly with repellent group, the CSR program is also still limited to a few groups, the limited competence of communicating CSR employee-related mines, as well as the personal interests of the group repellent utilizing the mine issue

    Leader’s Motivation Language – A Study on Internal Communication at National Library of Indonesia

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    This article presents the result of the study on understanding the Leader Motivating Language in daily internal communication in the work environment of Indonesian National Library. It uses MLT as a model and framework. The methodology is conducting deep interviews of senior staffs in the organization that have significant roles in the organization strategic vision goals. Result shows that MLT’s used by the leader in birocratic organization  confine the interaction using MLT of leader for all staffs. The use of MLT language in this organization tend to direction giving language, followed by empathetic language and meaning making language. The study suggest of  develop MLT competence for leader especially in meaning making language to increase the organization vision of escalating the reading habit in Indonesia.

    Outcomes of Tuberculous Meningitis Patients with or without Hydrocephalus from a Tertiary Hospital in West Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is a severe form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. One of the most common complications of TBM is hydrocephalus, with a higher risk of mortality. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome among TBM patients with or without hydrocephalus.Methods: This study was a retrospective cross-sectional comparative analytical study. A total sampling was employed based on the number of traceable resumes of TBM patients treated at the Department of Neurology Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia in 2018. Results: Of the 127 data of TBM patients, 55 (43.3%) had hydrocephalus, and 72 (56.7%) did not. The median age of TBM patients with and without hydrocephalus was 34 years (IQR 26–45) and 35 years (IQR 24–44), respectively. Decreased consciousness dominated the clinical symptoms for 94.5% in the hydrocephalus group and 84.7% in the non-hydrocephalus group. Hospital-acquired pneumonia occurred mainly in the hydrocephalus group (29.1%), whereas urinary tract infections mainly occurred in without hydrocephalus group (18%). There was a significant difference between the outcome of hydrocephalus and non-hydrocephalus (p=0.005). Mortality was higher in patients with hydrocephalus compared to those without hydrocephalus.Conclusions: The outcome of TBM patients with hydrocephalus is worse than those without hydrocephalus, as reflected by a higher grade of TBM, higher mortality rate, and lower good recovery upon treatment administration. Therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment are needed to improve the outcome and survival among TBM patients with hydrocephalus

    Pencapaian Brand Corporate Melalui Brand Activation Pendekatan Experiential Marketing (Studi Kasus Laboratorium Klinik)

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    Brand activation is a corporation's endeavor to look deeper into what's in the brand, strategy and position of the brand. A new approach to brand activation by maximizing the range of relevant assets through product and service, employees, identity and communication combined with experiential marketing through sense, feel, think, act, relate, is considered highly effective in achieving corporate brand because it emphasizes the differentiation of competitors. This study aimed to find out how the achievement of corporate brand through brand activation experiential marketing conducted by Clinical Laboratory with the object of PT. Prodia Widyahusada Tbk. This descriptive case study study obtained data through interviews and observations. This research finds the fact that companies do brand activation to achieve corporate brand is holistic to maximize brand in competitive competition, but to create experiential marketing, company can emphasize certain points in accordance with objectives desired by company. At the same time, denial of Schmitt's theory of surprise is the most important, in contrast to that done in the research object that sense and feel are the strongest according to the needs or goals of the company's customers. Utilization of brand activation experiential marketing can create trust, engagement, loyalty, acquisition, share, differentiator with competitors and lead to the achievement of a corporate brand of reputation.berbagai hal yang ada di dalam brand, strategi dan posisi dari brand tersebut. Pendekatan baru terhadap brand activation dengan memaksimalkan berbagai asset yang relevan melalui product and service, employees, identity dan communication dipadu dengan experiential marketing melalui sense, feel, think, act, relate, dinilai sangat efektif untuk mencapai brand corporate karena lebih menekankan differensiasi terhadap kompetitor. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencapaian brand corporate melalui brand activation experiential marketing yang dilakukan oleh Laboratorium Klinik dengan objek PT. Prodia Widyahusada Tbk. Penelitian dengan metode studi kasus deskriptif ini memperoleh data melalui wawancara dan pengamatan. Penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa Perusahaan melakukan brand activation untuk mencapai brand corporate dilakukan secara holistic untuk memaksimalkan brand di persaingan kompetitif, namun untuk menciptakan experiential marketing, Perusahaan dapat menekankan poin-poin tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh Perusahaan. Sekaligus bantahan terhadap teori Schmitt yang menyatakan kejutan (think) adalah yang paling penting, berbeda dengan yang dilakukan di objek penelitian bahwa sense dan feel adalah yang paling kuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau sasaran pelanggan Perusahaan. Pemanfaatan brand activation experiential marketing dapat menciptakan kepercayaan, engagement, loyalitas, akuisisi, share, pembeda dengan kompetitor dan bermuara pada pencapaian brand corporate berupa reputasi

    Visualization of Carotid Doppler in Patients with Ischemic Stroke at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Year 2016-2019

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    Background: Various pathological changes in both the intra and extracranial arteries that supply the brain can cause disturbance of cerebral blood flow and perfusion leading to cerebral dysfunction. Doppler ultrasound is able to assess these changes. This study was performed to evaluate the anatomical and physiological changes found in the carotid arteries of patients with ischemic stroke using Doppler ultrasound.Methods: The cross-sectional descriptive study design with total sampling method was conducted on the medical records of ischemic stroke patients who had carotid Doppler ultrasound at the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2016 to 2019. Demographic data, such as stroke diagnoses and plaque characteristics recorded in the Doppler reports were collected.Results: There were 38 data sets collected. The distribution and characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques were similar between the two carotid systems, with the same percentage of plaque being found in the right (31.6%) and left (36.8%) carotid system. The most common type of plaque found was type III and was located in the common carotid artery. Thrombus was absent in all patients. Intimal media thickening was found in 13.2% right system and 15.8% left system. Stenosis was present in 34.2% of patients, and most had 125 cm/s) in 5.3% of the right system and 7.9% of the left system of the internal carotid artery.Conclusions: Most of the atherothrombotic and thromboembolic type of ischemic stroke patients in this study have normal carotid Doppler ultrasound features. Further study on the presence of plaque in ischemic stroke patients in Indonesia is needed

    Glasgow Outcome Scale Assessment in Patients with Cerebral Toxoplasmosis

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    Background: Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a Toxoplasma gondii infection affecting the brain. Assessment of the functional outcome after treatment is needed as an evaluation for therapeutic management. One of the instruments used is the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). This study aimed to assess the functional outcome of cerebral toxoplasmosis patients using GOS.Methods: A Cross-sectional descriptive study with total sampling method was conducted. Medical records were retrieved from patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis registered at the Department of Neurology, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung during year 2017–2019. Inclusion criteria were patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis aged >18 years and had a positive HIV serological test. The GOS was assessed and presented in frequency, using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software ver. 25.0.Results: Of 87 patients, 68% had somnolent on admission to the hospital, 51% had hemiparesis/hemiplegia, and 76% had GOS 3, indicating severe disability. Almost one third (28%) of patients died during hospitalization with non-neurological complications as the most common cause of death (63%). On discharge from the hospital, 82% of the survivors were fully alert, 40% had hemiparesis/hemiplegia, and 33% had GOS 4 (mild disability).Conclusions: Most of the cerebral toxoplasmosis patients come to the hospital with severe disability. During the treatment, one third of patients died, and those who survived had mild disability. GOS has improved after hospitalization, suggesting that GOS is useful for assessment of therapeutic management.

    Pemberdayaan Perempuan Miskin Kota melalui Pendidikan

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    This study examines how an empowerment of urban poor women has been done through non-formal education by utilizing existing social forces in society. The study wants to explore underlying reasons of individuals or volunteer as a part of women’s empowerment. The study uses qualitative approach by conducting observation, interviews and collecting secondary data. The result shows that the empowerment has positive impact because it is relevant to the needs of local communities and optimizes the resources owned by local community. Right curriculum that fits with the conditions of society needs is an important issue. The reasons of altruism of the volunteers involved in empowerment are 1) social conditions of the parties empowered, 2) personal value (compassion), 3) having an obligation to help others, 4) Motivation of enrichment and increase self-understanding of social life

    Outcomes of Tuberculous Meningitis Patients with Hydrocephalus with or without Cerebrospinal Fluid Diversion

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    Background: Hydrocephalus is a common complication in tuberculous meningitis patients and is a poor predictor with high mortality and morbidity rates. Therefore, early diagnosis, detection, and treatment of hydrocephalus are important. Cerebrospinal fluid diversion is the process used to drain accumulated fluid in the brain and spinal cord. This study aimed to explore the outcome of tuberculous meningitis patients with hydrocephalus who underwent cerebrospinal fluid diversion and who did not.Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study, including tuberculosis meningitis patients with hydrocephalus, admitted at the Department of Neurology Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung General Hospital during the period 2018. Functional outcomes were grouped based on the Glasgow Outcome Scale.Results: Of the 55 patients, only 14 (25.5%) underwent cerebrospinal fluid diversion. The outcome of patients with cerebrospinal fluid diversion was 8 of 14 good, 1 of 14 poor, and 5 of 14 died. The outcome of patients without cerebrospinal fluid diversion was 13 of 41 good, 2 of 41 poor, and 26 of 41 died. Most tuberculous meningitis patients with hydrocephalus, with or without the cerebrospinal fluid diversion procedure were at an advanced stage with a high mortality rate. Conclusion: The proportion of good functional outcomes in patients with cerebrospinal fluid diversion is higher than in patients without the cerebrospinal fluid diversion.

    Prevalence of Opportunistic Infection in Central Nervous System among Patients with HIV/AIDS at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia

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    Background: The low coverage of diagnosis and treatment in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Indonesia increases the risk of opportunistic infections that affects various organs, including the central nervous system (CNS). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of opportunistic infections in the CNS among hospitalized patients with HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia.Methods: In this cross-sectional study with a total sampling method, data were collected from HIV/AIDS patients who were diagnosed with CNS opportunistic infection and hospitalized in the neurology ward during the period 2015–2019. Data were presented as median (interquartile range) and percentage frequency.Results: Among the 2,606 HIV/AIDS patients registered, 219 (8.4%) were accompanied by CNS opportunistic infections. The highest number was cerebral toxoplasmosis (58.9%; n=129) followed by tuberculous meningitis (33.3%; n=73) and cryptococcal meningitis (7.8%; n=17). Most of the patients admitted for unconsciousness (64.4%; n=141), with unknown HIV-infection status (61.2%; n=134). Among patients with positive HIV-infection status, only 50.6% (43/85) patients were taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) and 24.7% (21/85) patients dropped out ART before being diagnosed with CNS opportunistic infections. The CD4+’s median value was 21 cells/mm3 (IQR 9-61.25), with mortality during hospitalization was 36.5% (80/219). Conclusions: The prevalence of CNS opportunistic infections among HIV-infected patients is 8.4%, dominated by cerebral toxoplasmosis, and laboratory result showed very low CD4+ levels. The diagnosis of HIV infection is shortly made before hospitalization, and those who has been diagnosed have low compliance with ART. The mortality rate during hospitalization is high
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