11 research outputs found

    Breaking serialization in lock-free multicore synchronization

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    In multicores, performance-critical synchronization is increasingly performed in a lock-free manner using atomic instructions such as CAS or LL/SC. However, when many processors synchronize on the same variable, performance can still degrade significantly. Contending writes get serialized, creating a non-scalable condition. Past proposals that build hardware queues of synchronizing processors do not fundamentally solve this problem. At best, they help to efficiently serialize the contending writes. We propose a novel architecture that breaks the serialization of hardware queues and enables the queued processors to perform lock-free synchronization in parallel. The architecture, called Caspar, is able to (1) execute the CASes in the queued-up processors in parallel through eager forwarding of expected values, and (2) validate the CASes in parallel and dequeue groups of processors at a time. The result is highly scalable synchronization. We evaluate Caspar with simulations of a 64-core chip. Compared to existing proposals with hardware queues, Caspar improves the throughput of kernels by 32% on average and reduces the execution time of the sections considered in lock-free versions of applications by 47% on average. This makes these sections 2.5x faster than in the original applications

    Reinforcement learning with supervision beyond environmental rewards

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an elegant approach to tackle sequential decision-making problems. In the standard setting, the task designer curates a reward function and the RL agent's objective is to take actions in the environment such that the long-term cumulative reward is maximized. Deep RL algorithms---that combine RL principles with deep neural networks---have been successfully used to learn behaviors in complex environments but are generally quite sensitive to the nature of the reward function. For a given RL problem, the environmental rewards could be sparse, delayed, misspecified, or unavailable (i.e., impossible to define mathematically for the required behavior). These scenarios exacerbate the challenge of training a stable deep-RL agent in a sample-efficient manner. In this thesis, we study methods that go beyond a direct reliance on the environmental rewards by generating additional information signals that the RL agent could incorporate for learning the desired skills. We start by investigating the performance bottlenecks in delayed reward environments and propose to address these by learning surrogate rewards. We include two methods to compute the surrogate rewards using the agent-environment interaction data. Then, we consider the imitation-learning (IL) setting where we don't have access to any rewards, but instead, are provided with a dataset of expert demonstrations that the RL agent must learn to reliably reproduce. We propose IL algorithms for partially observable environments and situations with discrepancies between the transition dynamics of the expert and the imitator. Next, we consider the benefits of learning an ensemble of RL agents with explicit diversity pressure. We show that diversity encourages exploration and facilitates the discovery of sparse environmental rewards. Finally, we analyze the concept of sharing knowledge between RL agents operating in different but related environments and show that the information transfer can accelerate learning

    Multi-Objective Optimization via Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao Gradient Flow

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    Multi-objective optimization (MOO) aims to optimize multiple, possibly conflicting objectives with widespread applications. We introduce a novel interacting particle method for MOO inspired by molecular dynamics simulations. Our approach combines overdamped Langevin and birth-death dynamics, incorporating a "dominance potential" to steer particles toward global Pareto optimality. In contrast to previous methods, our method is able to relocate dominated particles, making it particularly adept at managing Pareto fronts of complicated geometries. Our method is also theoretically grounded as a Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao gradient flow with convergence guarantees. Extensive experiments confirm that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on challenging synthetic and real-world datasets