3 research outputs found

    Der Salvinia-Effekt: Lufthaltung an biologischen und biomimetischen OberflÀchen

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    Unter Wasser lufthaltende OberflĂ€chen haben großes Anwendungspotential - vorausgesetzt, die Luftschicht ist stabil. WĂ€hrend hierbei bisher alle kĂŒnstlichen OberflĂ€chen versagten, war dies von den BlĂ€ttern von Salvinia molesta bekannt. Die Mechanismen hinter diesem "Salvinia-Effekt" wurden entschlĂŒsselt, um in einem biomimetischen Ansatz kĂŒnstliche, stabil lufthaltenden Salvinia-Effekt-OberflĂ€chen zur Reibungsreduktion unter Wasser zu entwickeln und zu untersuchen

    Air Retention under Water by the Floating Fern Salvinia: The Crucial Role of a Trapped Air Layer as a Pneumatic Spring

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    The ability of floating ferns Salvinia to keep a permanent layer of air under water is of great interest, e.g., for drag‐reducing ship coatings. The air‐retaining hairs are superhydrophobic, but have hydrophilic tips at their ends, pinning the air–water interface. Here, experimental and theoretical approaches are used to examine the contribution of this pinning effect for air‐layer stability under pressure changes. By applying the capillary adhesion technique, the adhesion forces of individual hairs to the water surface is determined to be about 20 ”N per hair. Using confocal microscopy and fluorescence labeling, it is found that the leaves maintain a stable air layer up to an underpressure of 65 mbar. Combining both results, overall pinning forces are obtained, which account for only about 1% of the total air‐retaining force. It is suggested that the restoring force of the entrapped air layer is responsible for the remaining 99%. This model of the entrapped air acting is verified as a pneumatic spring (“air‐spring”) by an experiment shortcircuiting the air layer, which results in immediate air loss. Thus, the plant enhances its air‐layer stability against pressure fluctuations by a factor of 100 by utilizing the entrapped air volume as an elastic spring

    The capillary adhesion technique: a versatile method for determining the liquid adhesion force and sample stiffness

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    We report a novel, practical technique for the concerted, simultaneous determination of both the adhesion force of a small structure or structural unit (e.g., an individual filament, hair, micromechanical component or microsensor) to a liquid and its elastic properties. The method involves the creation and development of a liquid meniscus upon touching a liquid surface with the structure, and the subsequent disruption of this liquid meniscus upon removal. The evaluation of the meniscus shape immediately before snap-off of the meniscus allows the quantitative determination of the liquid adhesion force. Concurrently, by measuring and evaluating the deformation of the structure under investigation, its elastic properties can be determined. The sensitivity of the method is remarkably high, practically limited by the resolution of the camera capturing the process. Adhesion forces down to 10 ”N and spring constants up to 2 N/m were measured. Three exemplary applications of this method are demonstrated: (1) determination of the water adhesion force and the elasticity of individual hairs (trichomes) of the floating fern Salvinia molesta. (2) The investigation of human head hairs both with and without functional surface coatings (a topic of high relevance in the field of hair cosmetics) was performed. The method also resulted in the measurement of an elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) for individual hairs of 3.0 × 105 N/cm2, which is within the typical range known for human hair. (3) Finally, the accuracy and validity of the capillary adhesion technique was proven by examining calibrated atomic force microscopy cantilevers, reproducing the spring constants calibrated using other methods