1,599 research outputs found

    Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements

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    The Earth has cooled since its formation, yet the decay of radiogenic isotopes, and in particular uranium, thorium and potassium, in the planet’s interior provides a continuing heat source. The current total heat flux from the Earth to space is 44:2±1.0 TW, but the relative contributions from residual primordial heat and radiogenic decay remain uncertain. However, radiogenic decay can be estimated from the flux of geoneutrinos, electrically neutral particles that are emitted during radioactive decay and can pass through the Earth virtually unaffected. Here we combine precise measurements of the geoneutrino flux from the Kamioka Liquid-Scintillator Antineutrino Detector, Japan, with existing measurements from the Borexino detector, Italy.We find that decay of uranium-238 and thorium-232 together contribute 20.0^(+8.8)_(-8.6)TW to Earth’s heat flux. The neutrinos emitted from the decay of potassium-40 are below the limits of detection in our experiments, but are known to contribute 4TW. Taken together, our observations indicate that heat from radioactive decay contributes about half of Earth’s total heat flux. We therefore conclude that Earth’s primordial heat supply has not yet been exhausted

    ASME RC Baja Car Drivetrain

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    The purpose of the RC Baja Car is to compete in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) competition, a series of events to prove the functionality of the vehicle. This series of events includes the Slalom, Drag, and Baja race. The Slalom is a test in the steering capability of the car. The Drag is a test in the acceleration of the car in a straight line. Lastly, the Baja puts all factors together in a race to test every component of the car. This project is about building an RC car that can function under these conditions and hit maximum performance capabilities. This report describes the analysis, design, construction, and testing evaluation of the drivetrain and steering systems of the car. Chesna Kern was responsible for the chassis and suspension portion; together, this makes a complete system. The drivetrain was built with two different gear ratio systems for the idea of being able to get high speed and get high torque. The steering was constructed with a high ratio servo and Lego pieces for easy change and adjustability. Using lightweight material was one of the most critical aspects of building, so most car parts used ABS and acrylic plastic to keep the weight low. The resulting car reached speeds of 25 mph, an acceleration of 10 ft/s2, a turning radius of 35 degrees, and all weight under 5 pounds. These were the critical factors that the car needed so that the event runs could be successful


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    Berdasarkan PERMENDIKBUD No.81A tentang Impementasi Kurikulum 2013, proses pembelajaran langsung mewadahi siswa untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan siswa adalah mengamati menanya mengumpulkan informasi, mengasosiasi, dan mengkomunikasikan. Pada penelitian ini kegiatan tersebut dinamakan ‘OSEAN’. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan, dengan metode ceramah kegiatan OSEAN siswa berurutan 76%, 17%, 29%, 26%, dan 30% dari jumlah siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran, selain itu hanya 11% siswa yang mencapai KKM. Telah dilakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan ‘OSEAN’ dan pemahaman konsep siswa melalui optimalisasi perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model inquiry lab. Untuk melihat kegiatan ‘OSEAN’ digunakan lembar observasi dan open guided inquiry worksheet, sedangkan pemahaman konsep dilihat dari hasil tes pemahaman konsep setiap pertemuan. Indikator keberhasilan PTK adalah (1) untuk kegiatan OSEAN siswa berturut-turut 85%,50%,50%,50%,50% dan 50% siswa tuntas dalam menyelesaikan masalah menggunakan metode ilmiah (2) untuk pemahaman konsep 80% siswa mencapai KKM. Setelah melakukan refleksi dan evaluasi pada siklus I dan II, pada siklus III, peneliti menekankan pada pendekatan ilmiah dan memberi penguatan konsep yang lebih mendalam pada akhir pembelajaran. Hasil yang diperoleh 100% siswa mencapai nilai di atas KKM. Kegiatan ‘OSEAN’ siswa dari hasil observasi selama proses pembelajaran yaitu 100%, 73%, 100%, 100%, 60% pada tahap verifikasi, sedangkan dari hasil open guided inquiry worksheet 100% siswa melakukan kegiatan ‘OSEAN’ dan 93,3% siswa tuntas menyelesaikan masalah menggunakan metode ilmiah. Pada siklus III semua indikator keberhasilan tercapai. Kata kunci : Kurikulum 2013, OSEAN, Pemahaman konsep, Inquiry Lab Based on Permendikbud No.81A about Implementation of Curriculum 2013, directly facilitate the students learning process to develop their knowledge and skills. In the implementation, learning activities of students is observing, asking, collecting information, associating, and communicating. In this study these activities are called 'OSEAN'. The results of a preliminary study suggests that OSEAN activities of student using lecture method is 76%, 17%, 29%, 26%, and 30% from all students who take the lessons, but only 11% of students who has achievement over the minimal passing criteria. A Classroom Action Research (CAR) has been done to increase the 'OSEAN' activities and students' concepts comprehension through optimization of learning tools using an inquiry lab model. Observation sheets and guided inquiry worksheets are used to observe the OSEAN activities. Concepts comprehension are seen from the results of concept comprehension tests of each meeting. Successful indicators of this CAR are (1) OSEAN activities of each student respectively are 85%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 50% and 50% of students are completed in solving problems using the scientific method (2) 80% of students have achievement over the minimal passing criteria. After some reflection and evaluation of first and second lesson, in the third lesson, the researcher emphasized the learning on the scientific approach and give a more deep concepts strengthening at the end of lesson. The results are 100% of students have achievement over the minimal passing criteria. From the observation, 'OSEAN' activities are 100%, 73%, 100%, 100%, 60% at the verification stage. From the open guided inquiry, 100% of students do 'OSEAN' and 93.3% students completely solve problems using the scientific method. In the third cycle all indicators are achieved. Keywords: Curriculum 2013, OSEAN, Concepts Comprehension, Inquiry La

    Kidnapping: A Threat to the Survival and Stability of the Church in Nigeria

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    The Church whose prophetic vocation is the extension and implementation of the mission of God in the world (Nigeria) is currently being challenged by incessant kidnappings which cut across all institutions and all classes of people including students some of which are tortured, killed or left with serious traumatic experiences. The primary purpose of this paper is to address the menace of kidnapping as a prevailing security challenge and how the church can continue to be relevant in this kind of environment. This paper adopted the use of primary sources which highlighted available relevant literature including current media report through which Nigeria’s horrific situation is laid bare. Engaging the functionalist perspective of deviant approach and the Marxist view on crime, this paper argues that unequal opportunities for the citizenry to realize their potentials brings about what Merton calls innovation which sums up the reason for resorting to other means (kidnapping). This paper further argues that, the fact that critical institutions including the church are languishing under the very watch of the Government whose primary responsibility is to protect lives and properties of the citizens clearly demonstrates that the nation (Nigeria) is at war with itself. Many have written on insecurity (kidnapping) bedeviling our Nation but have however, paid little attention on how the church is somewhat affected. The research reveals among others that kidnapping affects the church in the aspect of reaching out (evangelism), and because some of the leaders and members of the church are held hostage or killed, the Christian populace are like sheep without a shepherd/shepherd without the sheep. This paper therefore recommends among others that the church should remain true/faithful to its calling, unite and not be divided against itself and Government should employ and equip more security personnel to be stationed permanently in churches and schools

    Constraints on θ_(13) from a three-flavor oscillation analysis of reactor antineutrinos at KamLAND

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    We present new constraints on the neutrino oscillation parameters Δm^2_(21), θ_(12), and θ_(13) from a three flavor analysis of solar and KamLAND data. The KamLAND data set includes data acquired following a radiopurity upgrade and amounts to a total exposure of 3.49 x 10^(32) target-proton-year. Under the assumption of CPT invariance, a two-flavor analysis (θ_(13) = 0) of the KamLAND and solar data yields the best-fit values tan^2θ_(12) = 0.444^(+0.036)_(-0.030) and Δm^2_(21) = 7.50^(+0.19)_(-0.20) x 10^(-5) eV^2; a three-flavor analysis with θ13 as a free parameter yields the best-fit values tan^2θ_(12) = 0.452^(+0.035)_(-0.033), Δm^2_(21) = 7.50^(+0.19)_(-0.20) x 10^(-5) eV^2, and sin^2θ_(13) = 0.020^(+0.016)_(-0.016). This θ_(13) interval is consistent with other recent work combining the CHOOZ, atmospheric and long-baseline accelerator experiments. We also present a new global θ_(13) analysis, incorporating the CHOOZ, atmospheric, and accelerator data, which indicates sin^2θ_(13) = 0.009^(+0.013)-_(0.007). A nonzero value is suggested, but only at the 79% C.L

    A search for electron antineutrinos associated with gravitational wave events GW150914 and GW151226 using KamLAND

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    We present a search, using KamLAND, a kiloton-scale anti-neutrino detector, for low-energy anti-neutrino events that were coincident with the gravitational-wave (GW) events GW150914 and GW151226, and the candidate event LVT151012. We find no inverse beta-decay neutrino events within ±500 s of either GW signal. This non-detection is used to constrain the electron anti-neutrino fluence and the total integrated luminosity of the astrophysical sources