6 research outputs found

    Optimasi Fase Gerak Pada Analisis Campuran Ciprofloxacin Hcl Dan Metronidazol Menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi

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    Penggunaan ciprofloxacin (CIP) untuk terapi penyakit infeksi saat ini sering dikombinasi dengan obat anti bakteri lain karena keterbatasannya melawan bakteri anaerob, salah satunya dengan metronidazol (MDZ). CIP berada dalam bentuk kationik pada kondisi asam (pH kurang dari 4,68) sehingga akan berikatan dengan residu silanol yang bermuatan negatif pada pH di atas 3,0, akibatnya dapat menyebabkan tailing. Hal ini dapat dicegah dengan penambahan reagen pasangan ion yang akan berikatan dengan residu silanol. Reagen pasangan ion yang sering digunakan dalam analisis senyawa kationik adalah amin tersier, seperti trietilamin (Anonim, 2010). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimasi fase gerak pada analisis campuran CIP.HCl dan MDZ menggunakan KCKT dengan penambahan trietilamin sebagai reagen pasangan ion. Fase diam yang digunakan adalah C18 dan fase gerak berupa campuran dapar fosfat 0,05 M dan asetonitril dengan perbandingan sesuai dengan hasil optimasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemisahan optimum diperoleh pada fase gerak berupa campuran dapar fosfat 0,05 M pH 3,5 dan asetonitril (80: 20, v/v) dengan kecepatan laju alir 1,2 mL/menit dan kadar trietilamin 0,05 Molar

    Structure identification of potential compound as selective renal anticancer isolated from Nerium indicum Mill. Leaves

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    Oleandrin is one of cardenolida compound isolated from an active fraction of Nerium indicum Mill leaves. (fam. Apocynaceae), which have cytotoxic effect on several human cancer cells, and also to normal cells in vitro. Another compound which was potential as renal anticancer has also been isolated from N. indicum. However, its chemical structure has not been discovered. The aim of this study was to identify the potential compound as selective to renal cancer present in the leaves of N. indicum.The potential compound was isolated from the active fraction using Preparative TLC and structure elucidation was done by using spectroscopic methods (UV, IR, MS and NMR).Base on this spectra and by comparison with oleandrin data, it was indicated that the potential compound as Renal anticancer was as 16,17-dehydrodeacetyl-5a-oleandrin.Key word: N.indicum, oleandrin, cytotoxic, renal anticancer, spectroscopi

    Assay method validation of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) to support the investigation of TA-loaded nanoparticles

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    Theaim of this study was to develop the valid analytical method which used for the assay of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) in the investigation of TA loaded nanoparticle formulations. High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) method was applied in  his study by using an Econosil column,C1810 m, 250x 4.6mm (Alltech Associates Inc, PA,USA )as the stationary phase. Themobile phase consisted of a composition of acetonitrile (ACN) and 20mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 4.2) in the proportion of 50:50 v/v. The HPLCassay of TA was validated for selectivity, linearity, precision, ecovery (accuracy),sensitivity and stability of TA during the assay. Results showed that the concentration of TA in the sample scan be determined against the standard in the concentration range of calibration curve. The system precision and level of recovery were considered to be acceptable, and the method was selective and sensitive.Key words:triamcinoloneacetonide,assay,validatio

    Cytotoxicity of oleandrin isolated from the leaves of Nerium indicum Mill. on several human cancer cell lines

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    Finding anticancer drugs from natural resources still proceeds. Oleandrin isolated from Nerium indicum Mill. inhibited the growth of mieloma cell line in vitro better than that of vincristine sulphate. This study was aimed to determine the cytotoxic effect of oleandrin on various human cancer cell lines. Cytotoxic test of oleandrin on seven human cancer cell lines was done by SRB-method. The analysis was conducted by comparing the ID50 of oleandrin with that of doxorubicin and cisplatin as positive controls. This result indicated that oleandrin possessed the best cytotoxic effect on breast cancer (MCF7) with ID50 at 8.85 nM. Keywords : Oleandrin, cytotoxicity, human cancer cells, ID5

    Phalerin, a new benzophenoic glucoside isolated from the methanolic extract of Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (scheff). Boerl.] leaves

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    Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff). Boerl.] is used traditionally to treat cancers in Indonesia. Extract methanol of the leaves displayed a small LC50 value (63.16 μg/ml) on BST (Brine Shrimp Lethality test) assay; therefore a phytochemical study of this extract was undertaken. A new benzophenoic glucoside was isolated from the methanol extract and identified as 4,5-dihydroxy,4’-methoxybenzophenone-3-0-β-D-glucoside (Phalerin) based on its spectroscopic data. Phalerin was cytotoxic to myeloma cell line (NS-1) (in vitro) having IC50 of 83 μg/ml or 1.9 x 10-1 mM.Key words: Phaleria macrocarpa, Phalerin, myelom

    Deteksi mekanisme apoptosis sel kanker ginjal pada pemberian senyawa 16,17-dehidrode-asetil-5alpha-oleandrin hasil isolasi daun Nerium indicum Mill

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    16,17-dehidrodeasetil-Sa-oleandrin nierupakan senyawa golongan kardenolida yang diisolasi dari fraksi aktif daun Nerium indicum Mill (fam. Apocynaceae). Senyawa ini bersifat sitotoksik terhadap berbagai sel kanker dan selektif terhadap sel A498 (kanker ginjal) in-vitro, namun mekanisme apoptosisnya belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi mekanisme apoptosis sel kanker ginjal pad a pemberian senyawa 16,17dehidrodeasetil-Sa-oleandrin menggunakan metode fluorescein isothiocyanate-annexin V dan immunositokimia. Deteksi mekanisme apoptosis terhadap sel A498, dilakukan dengan metode FITC terlabel Annexin V menggunakan Flow Cytometry (FCM). Sedangkan ekspresi protein pS3 sel A498 dilakukan dengan metode immunositokimia . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian senyawa 16,17dehidrodeasetil-Sa-oleandrin dosis 3,88x10-4 mM dengan menggunakan metode FITC-annexin V dapat menaikkan persentase jumlah kematian sel antara inkubasi 24 dan 48 jam. Senyawa 16,17-dehidrodeasetil-Sa-oleandrin dosis 1,94x10-4 mM dan 3,88x10-4 mM, dapat menaikkan ekspresi protein pS3 secara bermakna (