115 research outputs found

    Diversification of sources of external financing the real economy in terms of institutional transformation

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    In the context of institutional transformation of the Russian economy, accompanied by the fragility of economic development, depreciation of fixed assets of most enterprises, the high risks in the real and financial sectors, sharply delineated the need to find effective mechanisms to mobilize investment resources to finance the restructuring of the national economy. Particularly important problem of diversification of sources of financing the real sector gains on the background to show signs of stabilization, which are yet unstable. The article describes the features of the stock market in Russia. The analysis of the sources of financing of the economy during the economic boom, the recession and normal growth.The evaluation of the degree of use of loan funds by Russian enterprises.the authors determined the trend of reducing the number of issuers whose shares are traded on the domestic stock market. The analysis results allow to draw conclusions about the economic slowdown of the Russian enterprises and the economy as a whole

    Technological modernization of industry

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.Technical and technological modernization of the industrial structure and infrastructure is an important condition for the development of the Russian economy. This review includes an analysis of the problems and the development of modern industrial production in the Russian economy. Data are provided on the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions with high production, economic, and innovative potential. Thus, reviewing the experience of innovative system implementation through industrial development in Russia is of interest

    Acerca de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en el escenario de salud de LAC

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    Reunión: Consulta Regional del Programa Pan Américas / IDRC, Montevideo, 29-30 de noviembre de 2005Versión en inglés disponible en la Biblioteca Digital del IDRC: Information and communication technology in the health field in the LAC regio

    Desenvolvimento de design sustentável: direções e problemas

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    This paper discusses various methods for creating a sustainable product design and discusses successfully implemented projects. Design sustainability is based on three major components: social, economic and environmental. Over the past few years, the concept of "sustainable design" has become very relevant and has been recognized by the largest cities and industrial enterprises in order to minimize environmental pollution. Attention is drawn to some alternative energy sources and their applications in environmental design and green design. The most effective systems that meet the requirements of environmental design are proposed. The new concept of sustainable design is a multifaceted concept that includes such levels as "harmonious design", "saving natural resources" (wood, water, and energy), "taking care of health" and "people's safety". In other words, it is an optimization of all components of the arrangement of a home, office, and any other object. The authors conclude that focusing on the goal of environmental design, where success is measured by improving the health and well-being of people, other living beings and ecosystems, can contribute to a more sustainable environment that could better adapt to mining, climate change and economic change.Este documento discute varios métodos para crear un diseño de producto sostenible y analiza proyectos implementados con éxito. La sostenibilidad del diseño se basa en tres componentes principales: social, económico y ambiental. En los últimos años, el concepto de "diseño sostenible" se ha vuelto muy relevante y ha sido reconocido por las ciudades más grandes y las empresas industriales con el fin de minimizar la contaminación ambiental. Se llama la atención sobre algunas fuentes de energía alternativas y sus aplicaciones en diseño ambiental y diseño ecológico. Se proponen los sistemas más efectivos que cumplen con los requisitos del diseño ambiental. El nuevo concepto de diseño sostenible es un concepto multifacético que incluye niveles tales como "diseño armonioso", "ahorro de recursos naturales" (madera, agua y energía), "cuidado de la salud" y "seguridad de las personas". En otras palabras, es una optimización de todos los componentes de la disposición de un hogar, oficina y cualquier otro objeto. Los autores concluyen que enfocarse en el objetivo del diseño ambiental, donde el éxito se mide mejorando la salud y el bienestar de las personas, otros seres vivos y ecosistemas, puede contribuir a un ambiente más sostenible que se adapte mejor a la minería, el cambio climático y cambio económico.Este artigo discute vários métodos para projetar um design de produto sustentável e discute projetos implementados com sucesso. A sustentabilidade do design é baseada em três componentes principais: social, econômico e ambiental. Nos últimos anos, o conceito de "design sustentável" tornou-se muito relevante e foi reconhecido pelas maiores cidades e empresas industriais com o objetivo de minimizar a poluição ambiental. Chama-se a atenção para algumas fontes de energia alternativas e suas aplicações em design ambiental e design verde. Os sistemas mais eficazes que atendem aos requisitos de design ambiental são propostos. O novo conceito de design sustentável é um conceito multifacetado que inclui níveis como "design harmonioso", "economia de recursos naturais" (madeira, água e energia), "cuidar da saúde" e "segurança das pessoas". Em outras palavras, é uma otimização de todos os componentes do arranjo de uma casa, escritório e qualquer outro objeto. Os autores concluem que o foco no objetivo do design ambiental, onde o sucesso é medido pela melhoria da saúde e bem-estar das pessoas, outros seres vivos e ecossistemas, pode contribuir para um ambiente mais sustentável que possa se adaptar melhor à mineração, mudanças climáticas e mudança econômica

    Pensamento do projeto como base da competência profissional do designe

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    Education of our time has shifted from the process of translating knowledge to the formation of the necessary skills and competencies in demand in a modern, everchanging and uncertain world. Increasingly, we are talking about the need to build teamwork skills, to develop emotional intelligence, to develop critical and creative thinking. The term "project thinking" has attracted attention during the last decade of many researchers. The main idea of project thinking is to solve the tasks set by companies, by researching, prototyping and testing the product. In this article, the authors consider the origins of “Project thinking" in the study of the design environment and its implementation in the teaching process by teachers. Transversal skills such as the ability to think creatively, critical thinking, explore and work in a team are necessary to guarantee a skilled workforce for adaptation in the face of technological progress. This article shows that it is possible to improve the skills of project-oriented thinking of university design students through carefully designed didactic models and tools, pass on the methodology and train the design-thinking process for application in real business projects, including the practice of empathy, in-depth user research, service design, prototyping new solutions and ideas, as well as their testing.La educación de nuestro tiempo ha cambiado del proceso de traducción del conocimiento a la formación de las habilidades y competencias necesarias en demanda en un mundo moderno, siempre cambiante e incierto. Cada vez más, estamos hablando de la necesidad de desarrollar habilidades de trabajo en equipo, desarrollar inteligencia emocional y desarrollar un pensamiento crítico y creativo. El término "pensamiento de proyecto" ha atraído la atención durante la última década de muchos investigadores. La idea principal del pensamiento del proyecto es resolver las tareas establecidas por las empresas, investigando, creando prototipos y probando el producto. En este artículo, los autores consideran los orígenes del "pensamiento del proyecto" en el estudio del entorno de diseño y su implementación en el proceso de enseñanza por parte de los docentes. Las habilidades transversales, como la capacidad de pensar de manera creativa, pensar críticamente, explorar y trabajar en equipo, son necesarias para garantizar una fuerza laboral capacitada para la adaptación frente al progreso tecnológico. Este artículo muestra que es posible mejorar las habilidades del pensamiento orientado a proyectos de estudiantes universitarios de diseño a través de modelos y herramientas didácticas cuidadosamente diseñadas, transmitir la metodología y entrenar el proceso de pensamiento de diseño para su aplicación en proyectos comerciales reales, incluida la práctica de empatía, investigación profunda del usuario, diseño de servicios, creación de prototipos de nuevas soluciones e ideas, así como sus pruebas.Educação do nosso tempo mudou o processo de traduzir o conhecimento para a formação das habilidades e competências necessárias na demanda em um mundo moderno, em constante mudança e incerto. Cada vez mais, estamos falando sobre a necessidade de desenvolver habilidades de trabalho em equipe, desenvolver a inteligência emocional e desenvolver o pensamento crítico e criativo. O termo "pensamento de projeto" tem atraído atenção durante a última década de muitos pesquisadores. A idéia principal do projeto é pensado para resolver as tarefas definidas pelas empresas, pesquisar, criar protótipos e testar o produto. Neste artigo, os autores consideram as origens do "pensamento projeto" no ambiente de desenho do estudo e implementação no processo de ensino pelos professores. competências transversais, tais como a capacidade de pensar de forma criativa, pensar criticamente, explorar e trabalho em equipe são necessárias para garantir uma força de trabalho qualificada para a adaptação contra o progresso tecnológico. Este artigo mostra que é possível melhorar as habilidades de design de estudantes universitários orientados para o projeto através de modelos e ferramentas de ensino pensar cuidadosamente concebidos, transmitir a metodologia e treinar o design processo de pensamento para aplicação em projetos comerciais reais, incluindo praticar a empatia, a pesquisa do usuário profundidade, serviços de design, prototipagem de novas soluções e idéias, e seus testes

    Инвестиции в экономику совместного потребления и их влияние на структурные сдвиги в сфере занятости

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    The article examines topical issues related to structural changes in employment in the Russian economy, due to the intensive development of the sharing economy. The aim of the study is to systematize disparate knowledge in assessing the impact of investments in the sharing economy on the employment structure, providing an understanding of the labor market, which is influenced by transformation processes in consumption patterns and factors of digitalization of the economy, as well as to develop recommendations for improving state policy in the field of employment. Based on the methods of theoretical research (analysis and synthesis, generalization), the authors reviewed scientific literature and information from various sources, identified the main elements characterizing the model of collaborative consumption, considered by various researchers and online platforms. The study highlights the scientific concepts and approaches to the definition of the sharing economy, including the concept of a shared economy; collaborative economy as well as access-based consumption (to resources); network interaction; commercial exchange systems. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors show how investments in the further development of the infrastructure of the sharing economy, including the development of digital online platforms, lead to an increase in the number of employers and workers by removing barriers and reducing transaction costs. The authors propose recommendations for solving employment issues: to form a system for measuring the sharing economy and accounting for it in official statistics; provide a regulatory framework for the functioning of digital platforms; ensure the privacy of personal data and the safety of citizens participating in the sharing economy. It was concluded that the implementation of the proposed measures will have a positive impact on the Russian labor market and increase the investment attractiveness of the most important sectors of the sharing economyВ статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы, связанные со структурными сдвигами в сфере занятости в экономике России, обусловленные интенсивным развитием экономики совместного потребления. Цель состоит в систематизации разрозненных знаний в области оценки влияния инвестиций в экономику совместного потребления на структуру занятости, что позволит сформировать представление о состоянии рынка труда под воздействием трансформационных процессов в моделях потребления и факторов цифровизации экономики, а также разработать рекомендации по совершенствованию государственной политики в сфере занятости. В работе на основе методов теоретического исследования (анализ и синтез, обобщение) проведен обзор научной литературы и информации из разных источников, определены основные элементы, характеризующие модель совместного потребления, выделенные как различными исследователями, так и позиционируемые онлайн-платформами. Рассмотрены научные концепции и подходы к определению экономики совместного потребления, в том числе концепция долевой экономики; экономики совместного потребления, а также потребления на основе доступа (к ресурсам); сетевого взаимодействия; системы коммерческого обмена. Новизной исследования является то, что авторами показано, как инвестиции в дальнейшее развитие инфраструктуры экономики совместного потребления, в том числе в развитие цифровых онлайн-платформ, приведут к увеличению количества работодателей и работников путем устранения барьеров и сокращения транзакционных издержек. Авторы предлагают рекомендации по решению проблем занятости: сформировать систему измерения экономики совместного потребления и ее учета в официальной статистике; обеспечить нормативно-правовое поле функционирования цифровых платформ; обеспечить конфиденциальность персональных данных и безопасность граждан, участвующих в экономике совместного потребления. Сделан вывод, что реализация предложенных мероприятий окажет положительное влияние на российский рынок труда и повысит инвестиционную привлекательность наиболее важных секторов экономики совместного потребления

    Development of the corporate management system in the modern context

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    The present article analyzes the differential characteristics of various types of corporate management and determines the indicators of necessity to re-project the processes during the corporate management implementation on variances. The author suggests the economy-statistical model of industrial and business operations of corporations and develops the set of statistically valuable measures of the cost-effectiveness evaluation for production facility. In the conclusion to the present article the author suggests the model of the market capitalization of production facility from a viewpoint of effectiveness of obvious and hidden costs, the shares of the semi-constant expenses in bulk and profits margin. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    The innovative development of the industrial economy of Russia

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    Building an efficient management system by innovative development of the industrial economy is a priority for many countries. At that the importance of innovative processes for improving the stability of dynamics and the balance of proportions of the reproduction process in the economy increases. The paper contains an analysis of the key indicators of innovative development of the industrial economy of the key areas in which the essential part of Russian industrial assets is centered. The analysis is based on the data of the Russian Statistics Service and includes the indicators of the following sectors: production, economy and innovations. The author proposes to use the indicators of the strategic positioning of Russian companies in assessing innovative development, to take account of the programs of cooperation in the sphere of innovations. The potential and prospects of innovative development will largely be determined by the resource potential and the level of development of human capital in Russian companies

    Challenges of sustainable development of regional economy in the conditions of WTO market

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.The challenges of sustainable development of the regional economy in the conditions of the WTO market are identified and investigated in this article. The concept and the conditions for sustainable development of regional economy are defined and its regional features are disclosed. The tools of cross-sectoral analysis and management of sustainable development of the regional economy are also proposed in the article

    Investment attractiveness of the region as the factor in the formation of competitive advantages

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All right reserved. A lot of research is devoted to the improvement of investment attractiveness and competitiveness of regional economy. Investments are considered not only as a source for economic growth, but also as a factor of competitiveness of regional economy. The article highlights the main problems and prospects of development to raise the investment attractiveness of regional economy. The authors have reviewed the impact of investment attractiveness on the formation of con-competitive advantages of a territory