39 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and commercial diesel fuel blend characteristics using modified CFR engine

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    ArticlePerformance parameters of different commercial diesel fuels is a subject of interest for fuel consumers. Fuel retailer Neste recently introduced a new brand of WWFC 5th grade diesel fuel in Baltic market, consisting of diesel fuel and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) blend. Fuel samples have been recently tested on chassis dynamometer, measuring wheel power and torque and in road conditions, measuring fuel consumption. Evaluation of fuel consumption and performance parameters in road or laboratory conditions may yield uncertain results due to complexity of modern automobile engine management and emission reduction systems. To better evaluate the combustion, fuel samples have been tested in modified CFR engine at various intake air pressure, temperature and compression ratio settings. Engine indicated performance parameters and combustion phasing of regular diesel fuel and diesel fuel-HVO blend are presented. Comparing to regular diesel fuel, fuel blend with HVO showed reduced apparent heat release rate (AHRR) during premixed combustion phase at low inlet air temperature and low compression ratio conditions, comparing to regular diesel fuel. Premixed combustion phase AHRR of diesel-HVO blend increased above AHRR of regular diesel fuel at higher inlet air temperature and higher compression ratio conditions. Diffusion controlled combustion phase AHRR of diesel-HVO blend increased above AHRR of regular diesel fuel at higher inlet air temperature, higher compression ratio conditions and supercharged air supply

    Research on energy efficiency of pneumatic cylinder for pneumatic vehicle motor

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    Compressed gas is relatively expensive source of energy. When compressed gas is used for propelling of pneumatically driven vehicle, efficient gas utilization is favoured. Design and control strategy of pneumatic cylinder, with the emphasis on effective energy conversion is being discussed in this paper. Mathematical model, results of computer simulation and experimental work are provided and discussed. Experimental research is performed on the competition vehicle, equipped with pneumatically driven piston motor and instrumented. Relative significance of various geometric and control parameters of pneumatic cylinder on efficiency of energy conversion is presented

    Short Wavelength Analysis of the Evolution of Perturbations in a Two-component Cosmological Fluid

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    The equations describing a two-component cosmological fluid with linearized density perturbations are investigated in the small wavelength or large kk limit. The equations are formulated to include a baryonic component, as well as either a hot dark matter (HDM) or cold dark matter (CDM) component. Previous work done on such a system in static spacetime is extended to reveal some interesting physical properties, such as the Jeans wavenumber of the mixture, and resonant mode amplitudes. A WKB technique is then developed to study the expanding universe equations in detail, and to see whether such physical properties are also of relevance in this more realistic scenario. The Jeans wavenumber of the mixture is re-interpreted for the case of an expanding background spacetime. The various modes are obtained to leading order, and the amplitudes of the modes are examined in detail to compare to the resonances observed in the static spacetime results. It is found that some conclusions made in the literature about static spacetime results cannot be carried over to an expanding cosmology.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figure

    Magnetohydrodynamics in the Inflationary Universe

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    Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are analysed in the early Universe, in the inflationary era, assuming the Universe to be filled with a nonviscous fluid of the Zel'dovich type (p=ρp=\rho) in a metric of the de Sitter form. A spatially uniform, time dependent, magnetic field B0{\bf B_0} is assumed to be present. The Einstein equations are first solved to give the time dependence of the scale factor, assuming that the matter density, but not the magnetic field, contribute as source terms. The various modes are thereafter analysed; they turn out to be essentially of the same kind as those encountered in conventional nongravitational MHD, although the longitudinal magnetosonic wave is not interpretable as a physical energy-transporting wave as the group velocity becomes superluminal. We determine the phase speed of the various modes; they turn out to be scale factor independent. The Alfv\'{e}n velocity of the transverse magnetohydrodynamic wave becomes extremely small in the inflationary era, showing that the wave is in practice 'frozen in'.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Minor additions to the Summary section and Acknowledgments section. Two new references. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic Knots as The origin of Spikes in the Gravitational Waves Backgrounds

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    The dynamical symmetries of hot and electrically neutral plasmas in a highly conducting medium suggest that, after the epoch of the electron-positron annihilation, magnetohydrodynamical configurations carrying a net magnetic helicity can be present. The simultaneous conservation of the magnetic flux and helicity implies that the (divergence free) field lines will possess inhomogeneous knot structures acting as source seeds in the evolution equations of the scalar, vector and tensor fluctuations of the background geometry. We give explicit examples of magnetic knot configurations with finite energy and we compute the induced metric fluctuations. Since magnetic knots are (conformally) coupled to gravity via the vertex dictated by the equivalence principle, they can imprint spikes in the gravitational wave spectrum for frequencies compatible with the typical scale of the knot corresponding, in our examples, to a present frequency range of 10−1110^{-11}--10−1210^{-12} Hertz. At lower frequencies the spectrum is power-suppressed and well below the COBE limit. For smaller length scales (i.e. for larger frequencies) the spectrum is exponentially suppressed and then irrelevant for the pulsar bounds. Depending upon the number of knots of the configuration, the typical amplitude of the gravitational wave logarithmic energy spectrum (in critical units) can be even four orders of magnitude larger than the usual flat (inflationary) energy spectrum generated thanks to the parametric amplification of the vacuum fluctuations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review D, 20 pages in RevTex style, 4 Encapsulated figure

    Primordial Hypermagnetic Fields and Triangle Anomaly

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    The high-temperature plasma above the electroweak scale ∌100\sim 100 GeV may have contained a primordial hypercharge magnetic field whose anomalous coupling to the fermions induces a transformation of the hypermagnetic energy density into fermionic number. In order to describe this process, we generalize the ordinary magnetohydrodynamical equations to the anomalous case. We show that a not completely homogeneous hypermagnetic background induces fermion number fluctuations, which can be expressed in terms of a generic hypermagnetic field configuration. We argue that, depending upon the various particle physics parameters involved in our estimate (electron Yukawa coupling, strength of the electroweak phase transition) and upon the hypermagnetic energy spectrum, sizeable matter-antimatter fluctuations can be generated in the plasma. These fluctuations may modify the predictions of the standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). We derive constraints on the magnetic fields from the requirement that the homogeneous BBN is not changed. We analyse the influence of primordial magnetic fields on the electroweak phase transition and show that some specific configurations of the magnetic field may be converted into net baryon number at the electroweak scale.Comment: Latex, 53 pages, 8 eps figure

    Hypermagnetic Knots, Chern-Simons Waves and the Baryon Asymmetry

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    At finite hyperconductivity and finite fermionic density the flux lines of long range hypermagnetic fields may not have a topologically trivial structure. The combined evolution of the chemical potentials and of pseudoscalar fields (like the axial Higgs), possibly present for temperatures in the TeV range, can twist the hypercharge flux lines, producing, ultimately, hypermagnetic knots (HK). The dynamical features of the HK depend upon the various particle physics parameters of the model (pseudoscalar masses and couplings, strength of the electroweak phase transition, hyperconductivity of the plasma) and upon the magnitude of the primordial flux sitting in topologically trivial configurations of the hypermagnetic field. We study different cosmological scenarios where HK can be generated. We argue that the fermionic number sitting in HK can be released producing a seed for the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) provided the typical scale of the knot is larger than the diffusivity length scale. We derive constraints on the primordial hypermagnetic flux required by our mechanism and we provide a measure of the parity breaking by connecting the degree of knottedness of the flux lines to the BAU. We rule out the ordinary axion as a possible candidate for production (around temperatures of the order of the GeV) of {\em magnetic} knots since the produced {\em electromagnetic} helicity is negligible (for cosmological standard) if the initial amplitude of the axion oscillations is of the order of the Peccei-Quinn breaking scale.Comment: 30 pages in Revtex style, 8 figure

    The Magnetized Universe

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    Cosmology, high-energy physics and astrophysics are converging on the study of large-scale magnetic fields. While the experimental evidence for the existence of large-scale magnetization in galaxies, clusters and superclusters is rather compelling, the origin of the phenomenon remains puzzling especially in light of the most recent observations. The purpose of the present review is to describe the physical motivations and some of the open theoretical problems related to the existence of large-scale magnetic fields.Comment: 147 pages, 10 included figures. Few corrected typos and added reference

    Large-scale magnetic fields from hydromagnetic turbulence in the very early universe

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    We investigate hydromagnetic turbulence of primordial magnetic fields using magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in an expanding universe. We present the basic, covariant MHD equations, find solutions for MHD waves in the early universe, and investigate the equations numerically for random magnetic fields in two spatial dimensions. We find the formation of magnetic structures at larger and larger scales as time goes on. In three dimensions we use a cascade (shell) model, that has been rather successful in the study of certain aspects of hydrodynamic turbulence. Using such a model we find that after O(109){\cal O}(10^9) times the initial time the scale of the magnetic field fluctuation (in the comoving frame) has increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude as a consequence of an inverse cascade effect (i.e. transfer of energy from smaller to larger scales). Thus {\it at large scales} primordial magnetic fields are considerably stronger than expected from considerations which do not take into account the effects of MHD turbulence.Comment: 10 pages uuencoded LATeX, 4 figures include