178 research outputs found

    Access and Usage of E-Journals by Research Scholars in National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, Odisha: A Case Study

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate different aspects such as awareness, access and usage of e-journals among the research scholars at Biju Patnaik Central Library (BPCL) of National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, Odisha. The scope of this paper limits to: (i) E-Resources: Only e-Journal is considered among the various types of e-resources subscribed by library; (ii) Respondents: Only Research scholars are taken into consideration; and (iii) Questionnaires: 150 questionnaires collected from 700 research scholars. This paper also reveals the problems and suggests some solutions. The study shows that User Education Programmes (UEP), stable high-speed internet supply and an adequate number of computers should be provided to ensure constant access that can effectively enhance the usage of e-journals

    Access and Usage of E-Journals by Research Scholars in National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, Odisha: A Case Study

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate different aspects such as awareness, access and usage of e-journals among the research scholars at Biju Patnaik Central Library (BPCL) of National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, Odisha. The scope of this paper limits to: (i) E-Resources: Only e-Journal is considered among the various types of e-resources subscribed by library; (ii) Respondents: Only Research scholars are taken into consideration; and (iii) Questionnaires: 150 questionnaires collected from 700 research scholars. This paper also reveals the problems and suggests some solutions. The study shows that User Education Programmes (UEP), stable high-speed internet supply and an adequate number of computers should be provided to ensure constant access that can effectively enhance the usage of e-journals

    Image Encryption using Gingerbreadman Map And RC4A Stream Cipher

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    Day to day increasing flow of sensitive or confidential information, such as images, audio, video, etc., over unsecured medium (like Internet) has motivated more concentration for concrete crypto algorithms. In this paper, an image encryption algorithm based on a permutation and substitution cipher has been proposed. In permutation stage, image pixels are shuffled using gingerbreadman map while in substitution stage, pixels are bit-wise XOR-ed with the keystream generated using RC4A (Rivest Cipher 4A) stream cipher algorithm. For the proposed scheme, statistical analyses, like histogram, adjacent pixels correlation coefficient, and information entropy are given. Security analyses, like key sensitivity, occlusion analysis are also given in this paper. The occlusion analysis shows that the proposed method is resistant to the occlusion attack. These statistical and security analyses support the concreteness of the proposed method

    Analisis Stabilitas Hasil dengan Model Eberhart-russel\u27s dan Biplot pada Uml Jagung Qpm

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    Sta bility is one of the statist ical model for desirable properties to released a variety under wide cul tivat ion. The m odel of Eberhart -Russel\u27s and Biplot ha s been applied t o ana lyze of QPM as candidate new ICERI (Indonesian Cereals Research Institute) variety, there are 14 genotypes F1 (single cross) fr om in bred lines S3-S4 of populat ion MSQ.K1C0 x tester MR14Q an d 2 opv. (open pol linat ed var iety) were conducted in seven environment un der central maize production in Indonesi a i.e. Sout h Sul awesi (Mar os e1, Bajeng-Gowa, e2), Central Sulawesi (Donggala, e3), East Java (Muneng-Probol ingg, o, e4), South Ka liman tan (Ba njarba ru, e5, and Pala ihari, e6), and Riau (Pakanbaru, e7). QPM is high lysine and tryptophane in endosperm maize. The exper iment in each environment wer e con ducted by r cbd (r andomi zed complete block design) with four replication in rainy sea son 2007, t he sta bilit y to studied by Eberha rt-Russel\u27s with mode l Y ij =μ+βiIj+δij, ij(Y: yiel d,μ:mean,β:regression coeffi cien t, I: envir onmen tal index and : δ0,=ΣIj deviation from regression), and sta bilit y par ameter j2jii/IIY=b,df of pool eddeviation and pooled err or computed by g(e-2)=80 and eg(r-1)=336, g: 16 of candidate QPM, e:7 environments. The result source of variation by rcbd that ther e are signi ficant of genotypes in all environm ents a nd in pool ed an alysi s by E berha rt-Russel\u27s were founded in teraction of gxe as significant. In bi plot x, y shown that single cr oss MSQ.K1C0.61-1-1xMR14Q was stable genotypes in seven environm ent an d could be recom mended as new candi date hybrids with aver age yi eld 6.673 t/ha. Positive inter action effect was founded on three candidate hybrids MSQK1C0.8-1-1xMR14,MSQ.K1C0.22-1-1xMR14Q, and MSQ.K1C0.61-1-1x MR14Q in Muneng-Pr obolin ggo, Donggala, and Banjarbaru. with yielded 5.384-6.988 t/ha

    Radiative and magnetohydrodynamics flow of third grade viscoelastic fluid past an isothermal inverted cone in the presence of heat generation/absorption

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    A mathematical analysis is presented to investigate the nonlinear, isothermal, steady-state, free convection boundary layer flow of an incompressible third grade viscoelastic fluid past an isothermal inverted cone in the presence of magnetohydrodynamic, thermal radiation and heat generation/absorption. The transformed conservation equations for linear momentum, heat and mass are solved numerically subject to the realistic boundary conditions using the second-order accurate implicit finite-difference Keller Box Method. The numerical code is validated with previous studies. Detailed interpretation of the computations is included. The present simulations are of interest in chemical engineering systems and solvent and low-density polymer materials processing

    Effects of ramped wall temperature and concentration on viscoelastic Jeffrey’s fluid flows from a vertical permeable cone

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    In thermo-fluid dynamics, free convection flows external to different geometries such as cylinders, ellipses, spheres, curved walls, wavy plates, cones etc. play major role in various industrial and process engineering systems. The thermal buoyancy force associated with natural convection flows can exert a critical role in determining skin friction and heat transfer rates at the boundary. In thermal engineering, natural convection flows from cones has gained exceptional interest. A theoretical analysis is developed to investigate the nonlinear, steady-state, laminar, non-isothermal convection boundary layer flows of viscoelastic fluid from a vertical permeable cone with a power-law variation in both temperature and concentration. The Jeffery’s viscoelastic model simulates the non-Newtonian characteristics of polymers, which constitutes the novelty of the present work. The transformed conservation equations for linear momentum, energy and concentration are solved numerically under physically viable boundary conditions using the finite-differences Keller-Box scheme. The impact of Deborah number (De), ratio of relaxation to retardation time (λ), surface suction/injection parameter (fw), power-law exponent (n), buoyancy ratio parameter (N) and dimensionless tangential coordinate (Ѯ) on velocity, surface temperature, concentration, local skin friction, heat transfer rate and mass transfer rate in the boundary layer regime are presented graphically. It is observed that increasing values of De reduces velocity whereas the temperature and concentration are increased slightly. Increasing λ enhance velocity however reduces temperature and concentration slightly. The heat and mass transfer rate are found to decrease with increasing De and increase with increasing values of λ. The skin friction is found to decrease with a rise in De whereas it is elevated with increasing values of λ. Increasing values of fw and n, decelerates the flow and also cools the boundary layer i.e. reduces temperature and also concentration. The study is relevant to chemical engineering systems, solvent and polymeric processes

    Effect of Methyl-B-Cyclodextrin (MBCD) on In Vitro Capacitation of Buffalo Frozen/Thawed Sperm

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Methyl-B-Cyclodextrin (MBCD) on capacitation of buffalo sperm. Frozen/thawed semen was incubated in the absence of capacitating agents (negative control), in the presence of 10 µg/ml heparin (positive control) and of 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml MBCD for 2 and 4h. At each incubation time, sperm motility was evaluated by phase contrast microscopy. Capacitation was assessed by the sperm ability to undergo acrosome reaction after lysophosphatidylcholine treatment, evaluated with viability by Trypan blue-Giemsa. After 2 h capacitation increased (P<0.01) in MBCD groups (39.2±1.4, 44.5±3.3, 56.7±1.5 and 62.5±3.8, with 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml MBCD, respectively) compared to the negative and positive controls (27.5±1.0 and 28.0±0.8, respectively). Likewise, after 4 h the percentage of live capacitated sperm was higher at increasing concentration of MBCD (31.0±0.7, 34.5±1.7, 42.0±1.9, 49.2±2.8, 62.3±1.5 and 70.8±1.7 in negative control, positive control and with 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml MBCD, respectively; P<0.01). After 2 h sperm motility was lower (P<0.01) in 4 and 8 mg/ml MBCD groups (43.3±2.1 and 25.0±3.2, respectively) than in negative control, positive control, 1 and 2 mg/ml MBCD groups (55.0±1.8, 48.3±2.8, 61.7±2.8, 56.7±1.1, respectively). After 4 h the lowest sperm motility was observed with higher MBCD concentrations (40.0±0.0, 46.7±4.2, 51.7±4.6, 50.0±0.0, 40.0±3.7 and 6.7±1.1, in negative control, positive control, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml MBCD, respectively; P<0.01). In conclusion, MBCD improved sperm capacitation in a dose-dependent manner while decreasing the sperm motility at higher concentrations

    Women's economic empowerment, participation in decision-making and exposure to violence as risk indicators for early childhood caries

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    Objectives In view of the association between early childhood caries (ECC])and maternal social risk factors, this study tried to determine if there were associations between indicators of processes, outputs and outcomes of women's empowerment, and the prevalence of ECC. Methods In this ecological study, indicators measuring the explanatory variables - economic empowerment, decision-making and violence against women - were selected from the Integrated Results and Resources Framework of the UN-Women Strategic Plan 2018-2021 and WHO database. Indicators measuring the outcome variables - the prevalence of ECC for children aged 0 to 2 years, and 3 to 5 years - were extracted from a published literature. The general linear models used to determine the association between the outcome and explanatory variables were adjusted for economic level of countries. Regression estimates (B), 95% confidence intervals and partial eta squared (eta(2)) were calculated. Results Countries with more females living under 50% of median income had higher prevalence of ECC for 3 to 5-year olds (B = 1.82, 95% CI = 0.12, 3.52). Countries with higher percentage of women participating in their own health care decisions had higher prevalence of ECC for 0 to 2-year-olds (B = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.03, 1.67). Countries with higher percentage of women participating in decisions related to visiting family, relatives and friends had higher prevalence of ECC for 3 to 5-year-olds (B = 0.67, 95% CI = 0.03, 1.32). None of the indicators for violence against women was significantly associated with the prevalence of ECC. Conclusion Empowerment of women is a welcome social development that may have some negative impact on children's oral health. Changes in policies and norms are needed to protect children's oral health while empowering women

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Penginduksi Metanol Serta"sumber Karbon Sorbitol Dan Monitol Terhadap Produksi A-amilase Saccharomycopsis Fibuligera R64 Dalam Pichia Pastoris

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    Pichia pastoris has been widely used as host for heterologous protein expression for commercial purposes. The advantages of P. pastoris as protein expression host is its ability to grow with high cell density and the presence of a gene promoter that canbe induced tightly, named AOXI encoding alcohol oxidase. Improvement of recombinant protein production under control of AOXI promoter in P. pastoris expression system is still a major concern. Optimization of methanol concentration as inducerand addition of carbon sources, is one of the strategies to improve the expression level. This research aims to study the effect of methanol as inducer as well as sorbitol and mannitol as additional carbon source to the expression level of recombinantSaccharomycopsis fibuligera a-amylase (Sfamy) by P. pastoris (Mut). Sorbitol and manuot known as non-repressive carbon source, to increase the growth ofP. past oris, but not inhibit the AOX1 promoter and foreign proteins expression. Sfamy was expressed in P. pastoris GS115 (His-, Mut) with addition ofcarbon source, sorbitol and mannitol saparately to the expression medium. The result showed that, the optimum concentration" of methanol inducer for Sfamy production is 0.75%. The addition of sorbitol or mannitol increased Sfamy production. Concentrations of sorbitol and mannitol 2% with0.75% methanol inducer increase the secretion level of recombinant Sfamy 2.13 times and 1.94 times respectively, compared with no additional carbon source. This result indicated that addition of carbon source can improved recombinant protein production by P. pastoris, and the used of sorbitol as additionalcarbon source is more effective compared to mannitol

    Assessment of Oral Health Status and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Women in Saudi Arabia

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    Ghena Abdullah AlHumaid,1 Turki Alshehri,1 Razan Mohammed Alwalmani,1 Reema Mohammed Alsubaie,2 Abdulsalam Dhafer Alshehri,3 Eman Aljoghaiman,4 Balgis Gaffar4 1College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 2College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 3College of Dentistry, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia; 4Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCorrespondence: Balgis Gaffar, Preventive Dental Sciences, Division of Dental Public Health, College of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, B.O Box 1982, Dammam Costal Street, Dammam, 31441, Saudi Arabia, Tel +966542269941 ; +966133331439, Email [email protected]: Pregnant women witness many changes in the body as well as in the oral cavity with many factors influencing these changes. This study evaluated the relationship between oral health status, perceptions, and pregnancy outcomes.Methods: A cross sectional study design was implemented to recruit a convenience sample of women attending Obstetrics and gynecology department in public hospitals in East and capital city of Saudi Arabia. To collect data, a validated self-administered questionnaire in English and Arabic was used. The questionnaire covered background information, perceived oral health status, and dental visits.Results: About 64.4% of the 481 women recruited had dental problems, 49.7% reported deterioration in their oral health during pregnancy, and 17.5% reported adverse pregnancy outcomes. Only 40.7% of pregnant women rated their oral health as good, and only 22% visited a dentist during their pregnancy. Dentists were the most common source of oral health information (44.1%), followed by social media (38.9%). Dental problems during pregnancy were significantly associated with adverse outcomes (P=0.007). Oral health perceptions of pregnant women, not visiting the dentist during pregnancy, and gingival problems were also significantly associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes (P=0.001). Those with fair to poor oral health were twice as likely to experience adverse pregnancy outcome. Those who intended to visit the dentist during their pregnancy but did not do so, as well as those who did not visit the dentist at all were 12 and 9 times more likely to experience adverse pregnancy outcomes respectively.Conclusion: Dental complaints during pregnancy, oral health perceptions, and a lack of dental visits were all linked to increased likelihood of adverse pregnancy outcomes. There is a need for interprofessional collaboration to dispel myths and encourage oral health care and regular dental visits during pregnancy.Keywords: oral health, pregnant women, adverse pregnancy outcomes, preterm, low birth weigh
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