7 research outputs found

    Relation between education and income between the geographic regions of Argentina

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    Como propone la Teoría del Capital Humano, la educación es uno de los principales determinantes de los ingresos de los individuos. Además, es importante controlar por las características socioeconómicas y demográficas, porque la calidad de vida y los hábitos afectan el modo de inserción en el mercado laboral y, en consecuencia, los ingresos. En este trabajo se indaga en la relación empírica entre el ingreso y la educación recibida, para los trabajadores de las seis regiones de Argentina para el año 2006, empleando los datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares. Se emplea la conocida especificación de la Ecuación de Mincer, incorporando dos refinamientos: la corrección de Heckman por sesgo de selección, y la introducción de una serie de variables socioeconómicas y demográficas mutuamente correlacionadas en el modeloAccording to the Human Capital Theory, education is one of the main determinants of individual income. It is also important to control for socio-economic and demographic individual characteristics, because life quality and habits affect people’s position in labor market and, consequently, their income. This work explores the empirical relationship between workers’ income and their formal education in the six Argentinean regions in 2010. Data used for this analysis come from the Permanent Household Survey. We apply the Mincer Equation, but incorporating two additional refi nements: Heckman correction for selection bias, and the introduction in the model of a set of socio-economic and demographic variables mutually correlatedFil: Galassi, Gabriela Liliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Andrada, Marcos Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio Sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Factores de vulnerabilidad de la clase media: evidencias para Argentina y México luego de las crisis de los años noventa

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    This paper explores the profile of the Argentinean and Mexican middle classes during the most recent crisis in both countries. It combines the perspectives of social vulnerability and class analysis theoretically underlying a “matrix of vulnerability and social classes.” The analysis used household surveys in Argentina for 1998 and 2003 and those in Mexico for 1994 and 1996. The results show that whereas the Mexican middle class was primarily affected during the “Tequila crisis” through its physical assets (housing conditions), in Argentina, education and the labor market were the main mechanisms affected by the 2001 crisis.Este trabajo explora el perfil de la clase media argentina y la mexicana durante las últimas crisis en ambos países. Se combinan las miradas de vulnerabilidad social y análisis de clase, subyaciendo teóricamente una “matriz vulnerabilidad-clases sociales”. El análisis emplea las encuestas de hogares de Argentina para 1998 y 2003 y México, 1994 y 1996. Se observa que mientras la clase media mexicana se vio principalmente afectada durante la crisis llamada “efecto tequila” vía sus activos físicos (condiciones habitacionales), en Argentina la educación y el mercado laboral fueron los principales mecanismos afectados por la crisis de 2001.Fil: Galassi, Gabriela Liliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Leandro Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Essays in labor economics and public policy

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    Defence date: 13 June 2018Examining Board : Prof. Juan Dolado, EUI, Supervisor ; Prof. Árpád Ábrahám, EUI ; Prof. Jan Stuhler, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ; Prof. Ana Rute Cardoso, Institute for Economic AnalysisThis thesis contains three chapters around two related questions: (1) what are the determinants of the decision to work?, and (2) what are the (unintended) effects of policies stimulating labor market participation? The first two chapters tackle the second question in the empirical setting of the Mini-Job reform in Germany, which expanded substantially the in-work benefits, or tax advantages for low-earning workers. The third chapter, dealing with the first question, focuses on the transmission of employment behavior and preferences for work across generations. The first chapter analyzes how firms respond to changes in tax benefits for low-earning workers and how, through equilibrium effects, such policies also affect non-targeted, high-earning workers. Combining theoretical and empirical analysis, I document the presence of both job creation and substitution underlying firm responses induced by the Mini-Job Reform. In particular, I find that firms with a high pre-reform use of low-earning workers increase the demand for workers with better earnings, an important result. The second essay provides an empirical analysis of the effects of the same reform on earnings and employment prospects of targeted workers. The findings question the role of in-work benefits as an antipoverty policy since they do not improve earnings of targeted workers. However, they also show that these benefits provide opportunities for jobless individuals to smoothly transit to better paid employment. Finally, in the third chapter, joint with Lukas Mayr and David Koll, we analyze how employment status and attitudes towards work are related across generations. Using data for the US, we find a significant positive correlation between the employment status of mothers and children, after controlling for productivity and other observable factors. We interpret this finding as evidence of transmission of preferences for work. We show that the correlation i is unlikely to be driven by networks, transmission of specific human capital or local labor markets' conditions, and we provide suggestive evidence for a role model channel.--1. Labor demand responses to labor supply incentives: Evidence from the German Mini-Job reform --2. The German Mini-Job reform: Intended and unintended consequences for low-earning workers --3. Intergenerational correlation of employment: Is there a role for work cul- ture

    Relación entre educación e ingresos en las regiones geográficas de Argentina

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    Como propone la teoría del capital humano, la educación es uno de los principales determinantes de los ingresos de los individuos. Además, es importante controlar las características socioeconómicas y demográfi cas, porque la calidad de vida y los hábitos afectan el modo de inserción en el mercado laboral y, en consecuencia, los ingresos. En este trabajo se indaga la relación empírica entre el ingreso y la educación recibida, para los trabajadores de las seis regiones de Argentina para el año 2010, empleando los datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares. Se emplea la conocida especifi cación de la Ecuación de Mincer, incorporando dos refi namientos: la corrección de Heckman por sesgo de selección, y la introducción de una serie de variables socioeconómicas y demográfi cas mutuamente correlacionadas en el modelo

    Vulnerability Factors in the Middle Class: Evidence for Argentina and Mexico after the Crisis of the 1990s

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    This paper explores the profile of the Argentinean and Mexican middle classes during the most recent crisis in both countries. It combines the perspectives of social vulnerability and class analysis theoretically underlying a matrix of vulnerability and social classes. The analysis used household surveys in Argentina for 1998 and 2003 and those in Mexico for 1994 and 1996. The results show that whereas the Mexican middle class was primarily affected during the Tequila crisis through its physical assets (housing conditions), in Argentina, education and the labor market were the main mechanisms affected by the 2001 crisis

    Public funding for startups in Argentina : an impact evaluation

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    A broad literature has found that the misallocation of entrepreneurial talent has strong effects on productivity. To investigate whether the government can improve entrepreneurial activity, we analyze a policy aimed at promoting innovative startups through the provision of funding and technical assistance to potential entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We conduct a survey and use regression discontinuity methods to identify the effects of the policy. We find significant effects on enterprise creation and survival as well as on employment. Overall, we show that small-scale public policy can help entrepreneurs overcome a wide variety of barriers to firm entry and improve the allocation of their entrepreneurial talent.CAF"Fondo para la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica" (FONCyT) [PICT/2588-2010