31 research outputs found

    The „stability“ of the system of the eart thermal energy utilization

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    In relation to the geothermal resources and, especially, to the geothermal energy utilization, stability means the ability of an applied production system to sustain the production level over long times. Often, the resources are taken into production, mainly to meet economic goals like a quick pay-back of investments for an exploration and anequipment, in such a way that the reservoir depletion is the result. In contrast, the sustainability production of the geothermal energy secures a longevity of these resource, at a lower production level

    New possibilities and perspectives of building hotwater line from geothermal wells heat exchanger to TEKO Košice

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    Thank to favourable geological conditions, Slovakia is a country abundant in the occurrence of low-enthalpy sources. The government of the state sponsors new renewable of the sources ecological energy,including the geothermal energy. Geothermal water is utilized for recreation (swimming pools, spas), agriculture (heating of greenhouses, fishing) and heating of houses. The effectivity of utilisation is about 30 % due to its seasonal use. That is why the annual house-heating and the hot water supply from geothermal sources are supported. Recently, the company Slovgeoterm has initiated heating of greenhouses in Podhajska and hospital and 1231 flats in the town Galanta. Nowadays, a research for the biggest geothermal project in the Middle Europe – construction in Košice basin has started

    Sand control systems used in completing wells

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    Expandable Tubular Technology is transforming the face of well completion and construction. This technology provides: a substantially higher hydrocarbon production rates from the reservoir, a reduced well drilling and construction costs, new possibilities for previously unreachable or uneconomic reservoirs, and step a change towards the single diameter well. ESS (Expandable Sand Screen) has an unrivalled performance worldwide for delivering a reliable sand control in a wide range of applications. Well costs typically cut by over 20 %, and the productivity increases up to 70 %

    3D and 4D Seismic Technics Today

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    Years ago, exploration was done through surface observations and divining rods now, it is done by satellites, microprocessors, remote sensing, and supercomputers. In the 1970´ s, the exploration success rate was 14 percent, today, it is nearly 29 percent. Not so long ago, three dimension (3D) seismic diagnostic techniques helped recover 25-50 percent of the oil in place now, 4D seismic helps recover up to 70 percent of the oil in place. 3D and 4D seismic and earth imaging systems also help in understanding the subsurface flow of other fluids, such as groundwater and pollutants.Seismic surveys a technique in which sound waves are bounced off underground rock struktures to reveal possible oil and gas bearing formation are now standard fare for the modern petroleum industry. But todays seismic methods are best at locating structural traps where faults or folds in the underground rock have created zones where oil can become trapped

    Clean Coal and Gasification Technology: How it Works?

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    Gasification of coal is the oldest method for the production of hydrogen. Coal gasification is a process that converts coal from a solid to a gaseous state. The gas that is created is very similar to natural gas and can be used to produce chemicals, fertilizers, and/or the electric power [1]. Cleanest of all coal-based electric power technologies, gasification has significantly lower levels of air emissions (including volatile mercury), solid wastes, and wastewater.Due to its high efficiencies, gasification also uses less coal to produce the same amount of energy, resulting in lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Some scientists believe that CO2 in the atmosphere contributes to a "greenhouse effect" that will lead to the global warming. Coal gasification has a proven technology for capturing CO2 at a fraction of the cost required for coal combustion technologies

    Energetic dependency on the oil reserve- resources of crude oil in the world

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    Crude oil belongs to the most important energy resources nowadays., However its reserves are the smallest in comparison with other energy resources as coal, gas or uranium. The world oil consumption continuously increases and within 20-year period there could be about one third. So, the consumption of combustibles will probably increase and the reserves will decrease. Promising are new resources or a better utilization of primary sources. It´s a question of a short time when world scientists should think about this indisputably worldwide problem and would provide an equivalent substitution with an available ecological solution

    Protection of hotwater line of geothermal water from wells GTD-1,2,3 in Ďurkov

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    The geothermal energy nowadays belongs to the most interesting, renewable, progressive and ecologically pure energies. Its utilization began long ago, but because the development and exploration show that fossil fuels are depletable in 40 – 50 years, it is needed to pay a greater attention to perspective and economically advantageous energies, among which the geothermal energy indisputably belongs. Since the development continually advances also in the drilling technique and technology, it is necessary to conform to this trend and to develop such technologies, procedures and devices, which would, unlike to those currently used, save time, machinery, environment and would be economically more acceptable.On the basis of results of injection pump tests and physical -chemical analyses it was found out that geothermal water is strongly mineralized. Depending on the manipulation method and exploitation water tends to form incrusts and also is significantly corrosive. To prevent this undesirable formation of the corrosion and incrustation, some geothermal water inhibitors were tested

    The Synergy Model of Quality Tools and Methods and Its Influence on Process Performance and Improvement

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    Implementing quality tools and methods creates a basic foundation for innovations, sustainability, optimization, and competitiveness in the era of Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0. This paper aimed to investigate the use of quality tools and methods in the 24 divisions of a mother manufacturing company without the influence of external factors such as geographical location (America, Africa, Asia, and Europe). It was important for the mother manufacturing company to implement a uniform process standard for innovation and performance. Research methods focused on using the Kanban card, Ishikawa diagram, affinity diagram, Flowchart, 5S, OPL, layout, and Pareto analysis. It was determined in this research that the synergy (combination) of quality tools and methods in divisions improves the process performance. This hypothesis was confirmed by the results of implementing quality tools in processes within divisions. A top result was the new innovative model of synergy of the quality tools and methods for divisions of the parent company thus filling a gap in the scientific field. This model created the basis for the uniform process standard in all divisions. The results brought improvements in the processes such as material input inspection, spare parts production, production process, and product packaging. This model could be a proactive instrument for process innovation

    New evolution at drilling geothermals wells

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    Geothermal energy nowadays belongs to the most interesting, renewable, progressive and ecologically pure energies. Its utilization began long ago, but because development and exploration show that fossil fuels are depletable in outlook of 40 50 years, it is needed to pay greater attention to perspective and economically advantageous energies, among which geothermal energy indisputably belongs. Since development continually advances also in drilling technique and technology, it is necessary to conform to this trend and to develop such technologies, procedures and devices, which would, unlike to those currently used, save time, machinery, environment and would be economically more acceptable. This article deals with several possible new methods of drilling such as slimhole drilling, improved control of drilling rinse, using of new modern and better quality drilling instruments drilling bits etc. The combination of these new methods and materials brings considerable saving by drilling and thereby lowers financial expense of the whole project. Since Slovakia possesses considerable geothermal sources, which are needed to be drilled and utilized, the following of new trends and methods is of good significance for us, too