52 research outputs found

    Perceived Quality as Assessment Tool for the Test Case Amore e Psiche Domus in Ostia Antica

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    Recent years have seen the development of many new ways for cultural heritage visualization; with the growing use of “Information and Communications Technology” (ICT) many 3D reconstructions, virtual tours and “Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality” (AR/VR) application has been developed to enrich the contents of museums, archeological sites and historical places. However, today only few cultural assets have an accurate 3D model with a detailed informative content. In fact, the costs due to the creation of virtual content are still high and they can be addressed only for the most iconic or important monuments. Inside this frame the project RECIPE (REsilience in art CIties: Planning for Emergencies) founded by ESA/ESTEC1 use a crowdsourcing approach, involving tourists and interested people, to acquire cheaply the photos necessary to create photogrammetric models. Such a models to be correctly used inside different level of recording and monitoring tasks, require developing procedure to evaluate their quality. This work discusses, with reference to a study case, only how to validate models by proposing a methodology based on dimensional and color error calculation together with structural indices, such as SSIM and PIQE. Besides to avoid influence generate by different cameras, focus and positioning in photos taken by tourists, the used photo data base has been produced with a professional device following the state of art rules in SfM. At least, it is also discussed the possibility to implement the 3D models in a virtual reality environment to increase their diffusion on new multimedia and interactive plat-forms

    CFD Analysis of Urban Canopy Flows Employing the V2F Model: Impact of Different Aspect Ratios and Relative Heights

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is currently used in the environmental field to simulate flow and dispersion of pollutants around buildings. However, the closure assumptions of the turbulence usually employed in CFD codes are not always physically based and adequate for all the flow regimes relating to practical applications. The starting point of this work is the performance assessment of the V2F (i.e., v2¯ − f) model implemented in Ansys Fluent for simulating the flow field in an idealized array of two-dimensional canyons. The V2F model has been used in the past to predict low-speed and wall-bounded flows, but it has never been used to simulate airflows in urban street canyons. The numerical results are validated against experimental data collected in the water channel and compared with other turbulence models incorporated in Ansys Fluent (i.e., variations of both k-ε and k-ω models and the Reynolds stress model). The results show that the V2F model provides the best prediction of the flow field for two flow regimes commonly found in urban canopies. The V2F model is also employed to quantify the air-exchange rate (ACH) for a series of two-dimensional building arrangements, such as step-up and step-down configurations, having different aspect ratios and relative heights of the buildings. The results show a clear dependence of the ACH on the latter two parameters and highlight the role played by the turbulence in the exchange of air mass, particularly important for the step-down configurations, when the ventilation associated with the mean flow is generally poor

    New millennium construction sites: an integrated methodology for the sustainability assessment

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    According to the Global Status report for Buildings and Construction, the building and construction sector accounts for 36% of global energy consumption and 39% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Specifically, the construction site represents one of the most significant sources of environmental impact, making it a pivotal element in achieving sustainability within the construction industry. The construction process and maintenance activities on buildings are, therefore, critical phases in which the construction industry is tasked with finding a balance between economic development, social well-being, and environmental protection to ensure a sustainable future for both current and future generations. To promote a construction model focused on environmental, economic, and social sustainability, this paper introduces a Performance Protocol. This protocol serves as an operational tool that allows both the construction company and the contracting authority to manage these aspects throughout the entire construction process. Digital technologies such as BIM and Digital Twin can take advantage of such model to integrate and develop sustainability analysis and simulation during the entire life cycle of a building. The use of digital tools is one of the challenges for the future of the built environment that needs to address not only the issues related to costs and management but also considering the social and environmental aspects of sustainable development

    I dati Sentinel per un Framework GIS-based per la Gestione Integrata Costiera : una sperimentazione nel settore veneto della fascia costiera alto adriatica.

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    Il grande valore delle zone costiere e la loro potenzialit\ue0 hanno imposto di trovare soluzione ai problemi che le affliggono, quali la distruzione degli habitat, la contaminazione delle acque, l\u2019erosione costiera e l'impoverimento delle risorse (UE Commission: ICZM a strategy for Europe COM 2000, Agenda 21). L\u2019Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) sfrutta l\u2019analisi di vulnerabilit\ue0, di pericolosit\ue0 e di rischio, naturale e antropico, quali imprescindibili fondamenta conoscitive, specialmente per quelle risorse che hanno il carattere di beni comuni. Gli ambienti costieri sono sottoposti alla continua pressione esercitata da grandi masse d'acqua in continuo movimento e apporti sedimentari dei fiumi alla foce. Questi fattori, soprattutto nell\u2019alta fascia adriatica costiera, insieme ad eustatismo e subsidenza, determinano la notevole dinamicit\ue0 che pu\uf2 manifestarsi in differenti forme e in significativa rapidit\ue0 di cambiamento. Gli approcci tradizionali, nel ricorrere a delimitazioni cartografiche che non sono capaci di restituire i veloci cambiamenti che intervengono, evidenziano forti incongruenze con la realt\ue0 osservata. Quindi KPI, indici ed indicatori per le predette analisi \u2013 implementate mediante tecniche e strumenti di analisi geospaziale - necessitano di dati ad aggiornamento frequente che possono essere ottenuti dal telerilevamento satellitare impiegato come piattaforma informativa generalizzata. Nel paper viene presentata una sperimentazione che sfrutta i dati delle costellazioni Sentinel 1 e 2 del programma Copernicus dell\u2019ESA nel settore veneto della fascia costiera adriatica. Tale sperimentazione \u2013 mirata alla produzione di carte delle serie di vegetazione e all\u2019aggiornamento rapido della perimetrazione delle aree ambientali protette - costituisce un primo stato di avanzamento per la definizione di un framework ICZM generalizzabile per applicazioni sulle coste europee ed africane

    Buone pratiche per la tutela della qualità dell’aria indoor. L’esperienza del Treno Verde 2017

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    La qualità dell’aria ed in particolare la qualità dell’aria all’interno degli edifici, nell’ambito dei temi relativi a salute e benessere della popolazione, assume oggi, importanza sempre più rilevante. I principali problemi legati alla qualità dell'aria Indoor - IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) - sono strettamente correlati alla concentrazione e definizione dei principali composti inquinanti presenti negli ambienti confinati. L’irrinunciabile tema del risparmio energetico ha prodotto precauzioni che hanno condotto, oltre a un maggior isolamento degli edifici ed a una diminuzione dei tassi di ventilazione, anche all’utilizzo di nuovi materiali e di nuove apparecchiature, cioè a misure che aumentano le concentrazioni di agenti inquinanti che si formano nei locali. Nel corso degli ultimi decenni si è difatti assistito a un progressivo deterioramento della qualità dell’aria negli ambienti confinati. Numerosi studi scientifici hanno dimostrato la presenza, nell’aria degli ambienti di vita, di agenti inquinanti a bassa concentrazione di difficile misurazione che possono determinare effetti sulla salute non ancora completamente noti. Gli inquinanti indoor, che possono agire singolarmente o combinati con altri fattori, determinano una diminuzione del comfort ambientale e un rischio per la salute; sono agenti di tipo chimico (composti organici e inorganici), fisico (radiazioni ionizzanti e non ionizzanti) e biologico (microrganismi, muffe, acari). Considerato che gran parte della popolazione trascorre il proprio tempo in ambienti confinati, l’esposizione all’inquinamento indoor è dominante rispetto a quella outdoor. Vengono considerati come sintomi specifici, non gravi, che possono impattare sulla salute e quindi, sui costi sociali del paese: malattie respiratorie trasmissibili, allergie e asma, sintomi della sindrome dell’edificio malato (SBS, dall’inglese Sick Building Syndrome)

    Occupational Exposure to Solar UV Radiation of a Group of Fishermen Working in the Italian North Adriatic Sea

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    Occupational solar radiation exposure is a relevant heath risk in the fishing sector. Our aim was to provide a detailed evaluation of individual UV exposure in three different fishing activities in Italy, with personal UV dosimeters and a simple formula to calculate the fraction of ambient erythemal UV dose received by the workers. The potential individual UV exposure of the fishermen was between 65 and 542 Joules/m2. The percentages of the ambient exposure were estimated between 2.5% and 65.3%. Workers\u2019 UV exposure was mainly influenced by the characteristics of the work activity, the postures adopted, and the type of boats. Overall, our data showed that 43% of the daily measurements could result largely above the occupational limits of 1\u20131.3 standard erythemal dose (i.e., 100 Joules/m2) per day, in case of exposure of uncovered skin areas. Measurements of individual UV exposure are important not only to assess the risk but also to increase workers\u2019 perception and stimulate the adoption of preventive measures to reduce solar UV risk. Furthermore, the simple method proposed, linking ambient erythemal UV dose to the workers\u2019 exposure, can be a promising tool for a reliable assessment of the UV risk, as time series of environmental UV dose are widely availabl

    Designing greenhouse subsystems for a lunar mission: the LOOPS - M Project

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    The 2020s is a very important decade in the space sector, where international cooperation is moving towards the exploration of the Moon and will lead to stable lunar settlements, which will require new, innovative, and efficient technologies. In this context, the project LOOPS–M (Lunar Operative Outpost for the Production and Storage of Microgreens) was created by students from Sapienza University of Rome with the objective of designing some of the main features of a lunar greenhouse. The project was developed for the IGLUNA 2021 campaign, an interdisciplinary platform coordinated by Space Innovation as part of the ESA Lab@ initiative. The LOOPS-M mission was successfully concluded during the Virtual Field Campaign that took place in July 2021. This project is a follow-up of the V-GELM Project, which took part in IGLUNA 2020 with the realization in Virtual Reality of a Lunar Greenhouse: a simulation of the main operations connected to the cultivation module, the HORT3 , which was already developed by ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) during the AMADEE-18 mission inside the HORTSPACE project. This paper will briefly describe the main features designed and developed for the lunar greenhouse and their simulation in a VR environment: an autonomous cultivation system able to handle the main cultivation tasks of the previous cultivation system, a bioconversion system that can recycle into new resources the cultivation waste with the use of insects as a biodegradation system, and a shield able of withstanding hypervelocity impacts and the harsh lunar environment. A wide overview of the main challenges faced, and lessons learned by the team to obtain these results, will be given. The first challenge was the initial inexperience that characterized all the team members, being for most the first experience with an activity structured as a space mission, starting with little to no know-how regarding the software and hardware needed for the project, and how to structure documentation and tasks, which was acquired throughout the year. An added difficulty was the nature of LOOPS-M, which included very different objectives that required different fields of expertise, ranging from various engineering sectors to biology and entomology. During the year, the team managed to learn how to handle all these hurdles and the organizational standpoint, working as a group, even if remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through careful planning, hard work and the help of supervisors, the activity was carried out through reviews, up to the prototyping phase and the test campaign with a successful outcome in each aspect of the project. By the end of the year everyone involved had acquired new knowledge, both practical and theoretical, and learned how to reach out and present their work to sponsors and to the scientific community

    Il ciclo economico del dredging

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