1,817 research outputs found

    Água, um insumo de alto custo.

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    A agricultura em conjunto com as indústrias são os grandes responsáveis por esse desarranjo ambiental. A exploração agrícola, iniciada com a derrubada da floresta nativa até as margens dos cursos d?água, aliada ao uso intensivo do solo e promovendo seu revolvimento, acelera o processo de contaminação e assoreamento dos rios e lagos. Com o advento da irrigação, esses problemas se agravam ainda mais.bitstream/item/29503/1/acog.pd

    Topological mass generation to antisymmetric tensor matter field

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    We propose a mechanism to give mass to tensor matter field which preserve the U(1) symmetry. We introduce a complex vector field that couples with the tensor in a topological term. We also analyze the influence of the kinetic terms of the complex vector in our mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    NGC 1068: No change in the mid-IR torus structure despite X-ray variability

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    Context. Recent NuSTAR observations revealed a somewhat unexpected increase in the X-ray flux of the nucleus of NGC 1068. We expect the infrared emission of the dusty torus to react on the intrinsic changes of the accretion disk. Aims. We aim to investigate the origin of the X-ray variation by investigating the response of the mid-infrared environment. Methods. We obtained single-aperture and interferometric mid-infrared measurements and directly compared the measurements observed before and immediately after the X-ray variations. The average correlated and single-aperture fluxes as well as the differential phases were directly compared to detect a possible change in the structure of the nuclear emission on scales of \sim 2 pc. Results. The flux densities and differential phases of the observations before and during the X-ray variation show no significant change over a period of ten years. Possible minor variations in the infrared emission are \lesssim 8 %. Conclusions. Our results suggest that the mid-infrared environment of NGC 1068 has remained unchanged for a decade. The recent transient change in the X-rays did not cause a significant variation in the infrared emission. This independent study supports previous conclusions that stated that the X-ray variation detected by NuSTAR observations is due to X-ray emission piercing through a patchy section of the dusty region.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication on A&

    Informações técnicas para o cultivo do feijoeiro-comum na Região Central-Brasileira: 2012-2014.

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    Socioeconomia; Exigências climáticas e épocas de semeadura; Manejo do solo; Correção e fertilização do solo; Fixação biológica de nitrogênio - FBN; Cultivares; Implantação da lavoura; Manejo de plantas daninhas; Manejo da irrigação; Manejo integrado de doenças; Manejo integrado de pragas; Colheita; Beneficiamento e armazenamento; Recomendações técnicas para a produção de sementes do feijoeiro-comum.bitstream/item/61388/1/seriedocumentos-272.pd

    Superficial technique for tear trough filling with cohesive polydensified matrix hyaluronic acid

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    Introduction: Deep tear troughs create unaesthetic hollows that often worsen the color alteration and aspect of dark undereye circles, thus giving an aged and tired appearance to the eyes, even in younger individuals. The use of dermal fillers for the restoration of volume loss in the area, with a wide variety of products and techniques, has been the most suitable treatment. Aim: Description and evaluation of the superficial intradermal injection technique for tear trough filling using cohesive polydensified matrix hyaluronic acid. Materials and Methods: 120 patients from Faculdade de Medicina do ABC’s Cosmetic Dermatology Sector and a private practice treated between the years 2011 and 2016. Results: All the patients rated the treatment result as good or very good. No important or long-lasting adverse effects were reported; the Tyndall effect was not observed either. Conclusion: The superficial technique is an easy and safe method to treat the tear trough deformity, with high rates of good aesthetic results. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.427243

    Treatment of facial aging with calcium hydroxyapatite - filling and lifting concept

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    The face is organized in five different layers (skin, muscles, supportive ligaments, fat pads and bones), which are continuous and interconnected with each other from the scalp to the neck. As a result of aging, changes occur in all its tissues and structures, triggering a cascade of effects in the adjacent areas. Actually, the more it is known about the loss of volume, the better it is to establish the target spots for volume replacement, with consequent more natural- and harmonious-looking outcomes. However, the skin is the outer envelope of the face, which, in the natural process of aging, has a lower capacity to completely accommodate any underlying volume loss or displacement. The result is the formation of creases and folds due to skin sagging. To describe the effects of the injection of calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) targeting two objectives at the same time: the restoration of volume loss to compensate the changes in the tridimensional structure and the improvement in skin texture caused by the stimulus to collagen synthesis, thus reducing the sagging of soft tissues envelope. Owing to the mechanism of action of CaHA, its application can be done in two differentiated and little invasive ways so that these objectives can be reached simultaneously. This technique can provide safe, natural and long-lasting rejuvenating effects. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.356983

    [Changing] Communities

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    Designing with and for communities is a broad and multifaceted topic. In this introductory paper to the track Changing Communities, we discuss a series of studies that employed collaborative processes to tackle urgent public interest issues while empowering communities at the same time. A variety of themes emerged: one main transversal area is about cocreation and co-design methodologies that have demonstrated to have a transformative potential in addressing complex societal challenges. Another theme is about social innovation, considered both as the process of change of social practices and as the outcomes in terms of new products, services and policies. In particular healthcare arose as one of the main application fields of numerous papers, being discussed in different contexts such as medical device design, healthcare service design, health information systems and others. In addition, there was an area addressed by some papers that was about how to take care of the commons, tackling issues related to public space, placemaking and collective heritage, to mention a few. The studies of this track have illuminated the way forward, emphasising collaboration, empathy, and community empowerment as cornerstones of design practices that shape a more inclusive, sustainable, and innovative future

    Avaliação do uso de agrotóxicos em áreas cultivadas com feijão comum sob os sistemas de produção integrada (PI) e convencional (PC), em Cristalina, GO.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar a racionalização do uso de agrotóxicos e seu reflexo econômico na produção do feijoeiro comum produzido no sistema de Produção Integrada (PI) em comparação ao sistema de Produção Convencional (PC), em Cristalina-GO.CONAFE

    Public Perception on Corporate Social Responsibilities of Various Agricultural Industries in Claveria, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

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    Recent influx of multinational agri-companies (PMFT, Del Monte, Dole) has changed the socio-economic and agro-ecosystems dynamics of the municipality of Claveria, Misamis Oriental. Conventional cropping systems, such as vegetable and corn production, have been replaced by corporate-dictated commodities, namely, tobacco, pineapple, and banana. These firms operate with the corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the company’s commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community, and society at large to improve their quality of life. However, to have a real impact among locals, CSR must be thoroughly understood and local perception must be gauged. A series of focus group discussions involving key stakeholders and local officials and a survey involving more than 200 respondents within the study site were conducted. Survey questionnaires were translated to local dialect, pretested, and administered. Responses were collated and analyzed using central tendencies (mean, median, mode) and revalidated. Results show that the companies’ existence made a positive impression with the local government, but low to very low awareness on the issue of CSR within the general public was shown. Perceived awareness of any initiatives at improving social or environmental conditions in the community was indeed very low and most respondents claimed to have no idea at all. The community has not fully appreciated the efforts of these companies and failed to fully understand that the scope of corporate responsibility may operate beyond the companies’ normal commercial environment or traditional business operations and can thus benefit the community