68 research outputs found

    Zerasca sheep: environment, characteristics and production

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    The Zeri ewe is an indigenous Italian breed that is spread throughout the homonymous area located in northwest Tuscany. This article presents the history and evolution of Zerasca sheep, describes the breed’s characteristics in terms of somatic and productive traits, managerial and health practices, meat quality; moreover it underlines its contribution to the preservation of the rural land and population of the Zeri district. First documentation on this breed dates back to the 19th Century (Antonelli, 1845). Zerasca breed has a medium-large size with white fleece. Males present horns while in females can be absent. Currently Zerasca ovine population totals more than 2,000 heads. Sheep husbandry is currently predominant in Zeri area thanks to the great availability of woody vegetation (oak, chestnut, hazel, alder and beech trees), meadows and pastures. Animals’ nutrition depends mostly on grazing pastures, infact flocks are generally supported only with a little nutritional supplementation. The first typical production is the heavy lamb that is gaining more and more relevance thanks to its excellent meat quality, unique in taste; infact, Zeri lamb is included in the list of Slow Food Presidia, reflecting the recognized quality of this product in the world.Most of shepherds jointed in a consortium for the valorization and safeguarding of Zerasca sheep and lambs, whose regulation points towards the implementation of extensive farming systems with an optimal exploitation of local pasture resources. One of the most important problem that Zerasca sheep farmers often complain is represented by gastrointestinal parasitism, almost endemic in sheep husbandry and particularly in sheep raised under extensive systems. Today, “Zeri lamb” has a considerable economic impact on its territory, ensuring increasing profits for shepherds. The aim of this review is to collect information about a native breed in endangered status that it is gaining importance thanks to the high-quality of products

    Effects of pasture on carcass composition in Cinta Senese pig

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    The trial was performed to investigate on the effects of different periods of grass pasture in fattening Cinta Senese pigs; growth performances, carcass characteristics and meat quality were studied. Control group was reared in paddock and fed concentrate, while experimental group grazed on grass pasture with an integration of 1.4 kg/pig/d of concentrate. Initial live weight was not different between the two groups and individual weights were periodically recorded. Animals were slaughtered from 36 to 160 days from the trial beginning. Carcass weight, body measures, backfat thickness, pH45 and pH24 were recorded. After 24 hours of refrigeration, each carcass was dissected into lean, fat and bone cuts. Results didn't show differences between the two groups, revealing that Cinta Senese pigs can profitably utilize pasture on grass even in fattening period


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    : The effect of supplementary vitamin E levels on the performance of broiler breeder flocks was studied. A completely randomized design with four treatments (100, 500, 1000, or 1500 IU vitamin E/kg) and three replicates per treatment was used. Each replicate included seven females and one male broiler breeder. Rearing conditions, lighting, temperature, humidity, amount of feed, and the amount of other nutrients in the diet were equal for all treatment groups and according to specifications of the management guide for broiler production. Eggs from each replicate were collected up to six times daily for nine weeks. Every three days, eggs were transferred to a hatchery and their characteristics were determined. The results showed 5- to 15-fold Vitamin E levels over the recommended daily dose had significant negative effects on hatchability and related parameters as well as on herd economic index (P<0.05)

    Buckwheat bran (Fagopyrum esculentum) as partial replacement of corn and soybean meal in the laying hen diet

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    The effect of partial substitution of corn (-20%) and soybean meal (-10%) with buckwheat bran (+30%) (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in the diet of ISA-Brown hens was investigated in sixteen 74-week old hens, housed in couple wire cages and submitted to a 16 h light:8 h dark photoperiod. The following traits were measured: body weight, egg production, egg mass, egg quality, feed intake, feed conversion, comparative palatability of ingredients and digestibility of diet. χ2 and non-parametric tests were used for production rate and yolk color score, respectively. ANOVA was used for all other parameters. Comparative choice of buckwheat, corn and soy was checked under different forms in 3 free choice tests. Results show that egg production rate (43.3% vs 50.5%; P<0.05) and feed intake (78.3±0.68 eggs/hen d vs 87.8±0.68 eggs/hen d; P<0.05) increased with the partial introduction of buckwheat bran in the diet. There was no difference in feed conversion between treatments. Nutrient balance confirmed that AMEn of diet was deeply lowered by the buckwheat bran use (6.5 MJ/kg vs 10.1 MJ/kg ), due to the high fibre content of buckwheat bran (263 g/kg). Maize was always the most preferred ingredient, buckwheat bran was consumed more than expected in absence of any preference, and soybean was the food least chosen. Buckwheat bran can be used as an ingredient feed for low-producing laying hens; it induces a feed-intake increase, partially balanced by improved egg-production rates and a tendency to better albumen Haugh units

    Assessment of blood and productive parameters in mid-lactation dairy cows fed different diets: replacement of corn silage with triticale silage

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    Corn crops require large amounts of resources that affect the environmental sustainability of dairy cow farming systems. The aim of the study was thus to investigate the effects of the replacement of corn silage (CS) with triticale silage (TS) by evaluating blood and productive parameters. The study lasted 7&nbsp;weeks and involved two groups of 20 Italian Holstein Friesian dairy cows that were homogeneous in terms of parity ( 3±1.5 ), days in milk (DIM) ( 150±85.0 ), and daily milk production ( 26±4.6  kg). Chemical analysis of feeds was carried out weekly. Dry-matter intake was estimated daily. At the beginning and end of the trial, haematological, metabolic, and immunological parameters were analysed. At the same, time body weight and body condition score were measured. Milk characteristics were also analysed weekly. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA on data of the second sampling, and a non-parametric test was performed to analyse BCS. Regarding the haematological parameters in the two groups, only lymphocyte values were not in the normal range (2.86 and 2.50×109  L for CS and TS, respectively). Metabolic parameters were in the normal range except for blood ureic nitrogen (BUN; 13.65 and 14.04  mgdL-1 ), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs; 21.40 and 31.93  µmolL-1 ), and Cl (91.99 and 93.50  mmolL-1 ). Hair cortisol was low (0.94 and 0.91  pgmg-1 ), indicating the absence of stress signs, as confirmed by the results of other immunological parameters (serum lysozyme (SL), bactericidal activity (SBA), haptoglobin (HP), and oxygen free radicals (OFRs)). Statistical differences were not found either for haematological or biochemical parameters. The total replacement of CS with TS did not affect milk yield and composition. In conclusion, the replacement of CS by TS did not give rise to significant modifications in the parameters investigated and did not alter the health status of the animals, thus suggesting the feasibility of its introduction into the diet of mid-lactation dairy cows

    Gastrointestinal strongyles burden monitoring in a flock of Zerasca sheep treated with homeopathy

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    Introdution The widespread use of conventional drugs in farm animals has resulted in anthelmintic resistance as well as the contamination of deleterious molecules in animal products and in the environment. Researchers are thus focusing on production systems that rely less on chemicals. The aim of this study was to monitor the gastrointestinal strongyle burden, blood count, body condition scores (BCS), and FAffa MAlan CHArt (FAMACHA) in a local Italian breed of sheep reared in natural conditions. Methods The study was carried out in a farm where homeopathy was utilised. Over a one-year period, faeces were sampled six times from ten Zerasca ewes to evaluate the fecal eggs count using a modified McMaster technique. At the same time, blood samples were collected to evaluate white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and red cell distribution width. BCS and FAMACHA were also recorded. Results Results showed low parasite levels in most of the samples with the highest value in the spring. Blood parameters were within the normal range, with significant fluctuations during the sampling period. BCS values corresponded to an adequate nutritional condition of the animals and FAMACHA scores did not suggest a worrying state of anemia. Conclusions In this farm, a thorough monitoring of the gastrointestinal parasite burden together with a BCS and FAMACHA evaluation allowed the amount of chemical treatments to be limited, normally administered twice a year without laboratory tests


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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin produced as a secondary metabolite by various Aspergillus and Penicillium species with nephrotoxic, carcinogenic, immunotoxic and teratogenic potential effects (1). OTA has been found in several food commodities, including cereals, coffee, beer, wine and spices. OTA can also be present in food of farm animals as a result of carryover from animal contaminated feed (2); consequently, a permitted level of 1 μg/kg OTA in pig meat or pig-derived products was set in Italy, as in other countries. Conventional methods for the determination of OTA in animal tissues are performed by extraction with chloroform and followed by cleaning up with immunoaffinity columns or liquid-liquid partitioning (3). These procedures need a large amount of organic solvents which are environmentally harmful and hazardous to humans. The aim of the present study was to develop a new enzymatic digestion method coupled with molecularly imprinted solid phase purification (MISPE) for quantitative determination of OTA in pig tissues (muscle, liver, or kidney). Five grams of sample aliquot were homogenized with 5 ml of a phosphate buffer using an Ultra Turrax. A 2.5 g aliquot of the homogenate was transferred into a tube, incubated for 1 hour at 37°C with 10 ml solution of 1% pancreatin in a phosphate buffer, ultrasonicated at 75 Hz, purified with MISPE columns (pre-conditioned with 3 ml acetonitrile and 3 ml water). OTA elution was performed with methanol/acetic acid 98:2 (v/v). Final eluate was evaporated to dryness and redissolved into 1 ml of HPLC mobile phase and injected into HPLC-FLD. The method was validated according to EU criteria for the confirmatory methods for organic residues and contaminants (4). For all analyzed matrices mean recovery was &gt; 89 %, intra and inter-day repeatability expressed as RSD &lt; 5 % and LOD and LOQ were 0.0018 and 0.0054 μg/kg, respectively. The method can be applied as alternative routine procedure to detect OTA presence in pigs meat products. (1) Malir et al. Ochratoxin A: 50 Years of Research. Toxins, 8:191, 2016. (2) Duarte et al. Ochratoxin A in feed and foodproducing animals: an undesirable mycotoxin with health and performance effects. Vet. Microbiol. 154:1-13, 2011. (3) Monaci et al. Determination of ochratoxin A in pig tissues by liquid-liquid extraction and clean-up and highperformance liquid chromatography. Anal Bioanal Chem 378:1777-1782, 2004. (4) EC (2002) Commission Decision 657/2001 of 12 August 2002 Implementing Council Directive 96/23/EC concerning the performance of analytical methods and the interpretation of results. pp. 8-36

    Risk Categorization in On-Farm Welfare in Different-Sized Dairy Sheep Flocks

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    : The objective of the present work was to categorize the risks in the on-farm welfare of dairy sheep in semi-extensive systems in order to highlight if risks in welfare vary according to the farm size. To the best of our knowledge, this study constitutes one of the few categorizations of the risks in the welfare of dairy sheep reared semi-extensively. The survey was conducted on 12 semi-extensive dairy sheep farms in Tuscany (Central Italy), which were classified according to flock size: &lt;500, from 500 to 1000, and &gt;1000. The results showed an adequate rating for all the farms included in the study. The most critical issues concerned the ratio between the number of stockpersons and the number of animals within the farms, the small decubitus areas, the lack of udder cleaning procedures during milking operations, and, in terms of biosecurity, the lack of prevention, control, and eradication plans for the most important infectious ovine diseases. The results show that different items in the five areas evaluated, including the assessments of management of the flock, the number of daily inspections, and the hygiene of the water supplies are associated with the farm size. In large farms, the assessment of management of the flock was better, but the number of daily inspections and the hygiene of the water supplies were worse

    Massese, Sarda and Lacaune Dairy Sheep Breeds: An Environmental Impact Comparison

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    The dairy sheep sector is an important sector in semiarid and arid areas. So far, the environmental impact of sheep milk production in these areas is scarcely known. This study aimed to assess the environmental impact of milk production on three farms that differ in the breed reared, namely Sarda (S), Lacaune (L) and Massese (M), in Tuscany (a Mediterranean region in central Italy). The Life Cycle Assessment methodology was applied to calculate the environmental performance of the farms, and the following impact categories were studied: climate change, freshwater, marine and terrestrial eutrophication, acidification, water use and land use. The L farm showed the lowest values for most impact categories and the M farm the highest. These results can be attributed to the greater productivity and efficiency of the L breed compared to the other two. Only for water use did the M farm cause a lower impact, underscoring the importance of applying characterization factors at the sub-watershed level

    Influenza della parziale introduzione di fonti proteiche alternative alla soia su alcuni parametri metabolici e immunologici in suini all'ingrasso

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    È stato effettuato uno studio sugli effetti della parziale sostituzione della soia nella dieta di suini pesanti nella fase di ingrasso su alcuni parametri metabolici e immunologici. La prova è stata condotta su 30 femmine omogenee per età e peso, divise in tre gruppi sperimentali: in un gruppo la fonte proteica era rappresentata dalla soia mentre negli altri due questa è stata par- zialmente sostituita con il 20% di pisello (Pisum sativum L.) e il 18% di favino (Vicia faba L. var. minor). Durante la prova, che ha avuto la durata di sei mesi, sono stati effettuati tre prelievi ematici: all’inizio (T0), in una fase intermedia (T1) e prima del- la macellazione (T2). I parametri analizzati sono stati: ALP, ALT, AST, bilirubina totale, colesterolo, glucosio, NEFA, proteine totali, trigliceridi, GGT, albumina, attività battericida del siero, complemento, lisozima. I risultati hanno evidenziato differenze significative imputabili alla dieta solo per i NEFA (p&lt;0,05), mentre più numerosi sono risultati i parametri influenzati dal periodo di campionamento: colesterolo, trigliceridi, battericidia (p&lt;0,05), ALP, glucosio, lisozima (p&lt;0,01). Alcuni dei parametri esaminati risultano fuori dal range di normalità indipendentemente dalla dieta e dal momento di campionamento. Dai risultati ottenuti si può osservare che le diete utilizzate non hanno comportato variazioni nel profilo metabolico e immunologico e dei suini nella fase di ingrasso