1,541 research outputs found

    The Secured Transactions Article of the Commercial Code

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    Antalet personer som skadas bland golvlĂ€ggare Ă€r ca 1.5 % per Ă„r och de skador som uppkommer Ă€r hand och knĂ€skador. Det Ă€r inte den grupp inom byggindustrin som har störst skadefrekvens men endast en lĂ„g andel klarar av att arbeta Ă€nda till pensionen.  Detta examensarbete har haft till syfte att ge en objektiv bild av arbetsmiljön för golvlĂ€ggare, och ta fram brister och förslag pĂ„ förbĂ€ttringar. Det har gjorts efter önskemĂ„l frĂ„n Golvbranschen Öst och Lars Johnsson som under lĂ„ng tid sett problem i branschen.  Jag har gjort intervjuer med golvlĂ€ggare och leverantörer (se sidan 34) och observationer pĂ„ arbetsplatser, tagit fram statistiskt underlag frĂ„n arbetsmiljöverket över skador och gjort litteraturstudier pĂ„ forskning inom omrĂ„det. Jag kom fram till att arbetsskador framför allt orsakas av dĂ„ligt anpassad skyddsutrustning och Ă€ven golvmaterial levererade i för stora förpackningar. Golv levereras i lĂ€ngder som Ă€r svĂ„ra att hantera manuellt och vĂ€ger ofta hundratals kilo. DĂ€rför blir hjĂ€lpmedel som bygghissar mycket viktigt för att förebygga arbetsskador, trots att dessa ofta plockas bort i förtid. Det finns mycket som kan förbĂ€ttras pĂ„ omrĂ„det, bland annat bĂ€ttre anpassad utrustning och golv/mattbelĂ€ggning som levereras i mindre storlekar och vikter.Yearly injuries among flooring contractors caused from work are 1.5 %. And the most common body part to be injured is hand and knee. This group is not the most injured in the building industry but a very low percent manage to work until retirement. The purpose of this essay has been to give a view of the working environment in this industry, with deficiencies and improvement possibilities. The method has been interviews and observation studies at construction places, processing of statistics from Swedish work environment authority and literature studies of research in the area. The findings made was that injuries mostly are caused by badly adapted safety equipment and extremely heavy building material with very high weight. Limitations in working environment when building elevators is taken away too early also causes problems. Work is often done with piecework pay and this induce higher speed and increase risk of injuries. Today many areas can be improved, for example safety equipment and size/weight of building material

    Book Review: The Bramble Bush

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    That Karl Llewellyn has for thirty years chosen to be a professor of law should encourage the rest of us who labor in that tangled vineyard. It has beensaid that teaching law is better than working for a living: Llewellyn has madeit an arduous, varied, exciting business


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    The Assignee of Contract Rights and His Precarious Security

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    Uniform Commercial Code: A Reply to Professor Beutel

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    Chattel Security: II

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    The trust receipt or something very like it first appeared in our reportsin a case decided before 1850 and another of the earliest casesinvolved a grain shipment on the Great Lakes. Nevertheless the devicedid not come into prominence until the end of the century andwas then used exclusively in transactions originating in overseas shipmentsto this country. Its invention and development furnishes in ourlegal history a unique example of response to a rapidly changing industrialpattern

    The International Court of Justice

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    The International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ ofthe United Nations, has replaced the League of Nations\u27 PermanentCourt of International Justice with little change in the Court\u27s constitution,in its relationship to the parent international organization,in the extent of its jurisdiction, or in the procedure prescribed underits Statute. The new Court has a new name, a technically new Statute,some new judges and, perhaps most important of all, some new members.In matters of substance, however, the new Court is a continuationof the old. It need not be expected, nor has it intended, to addanything new to the structure of international order

    For Wesley Sturges: On the Teaching and Study of Law

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    During the academic year 1941-1942, toward the end of the fall term, severalsecond and third year students, of whom I was one, conceived the odd ideathat our legal education would not be complete without a course in the commonlaw forms of action. This antiquarian project afforded us, no doubt, a pleasantdistraction from the great and terrible events which threatened to overwhelmus. But the official schedule of courses and seminars was of no help to us. Then,as now, the common law forms of action did not make the grade in the forward-looking Yale curriculum
