121 research outputs found

    The effect of botulinum toxin type A injection in the viability of dorsal flap in rats

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    Purpose: Botulinum toxin A (BoNTA) increased the viability of skin flap in healthy rats. Most of the studies injected this substance some days (7-15) before the flap surgery. This treatment is used only for elective surgery, there was no data about the efficacy of BontA when injected in the surgical period. This study aimed to analyze the effect of BontA on the viability of Random flap in a intra surgical injection. Methods: Twenty male Wistar rats (250–300 g) were randomly divided into four groups: saline injection 15 days prior the surgery (G1), BoNTA injection 15 days prior the surgery (G2), saline injection intraoperative period (G3), BoNTA injection intraoperative (G4). A dorsal cutaneous flap (3×10cm) was performed. Survival area and total area of the flaps were measured. Lumen diameter, external arterial diameter and lumen/wall thickness ratio were recorded. Results: Viable area increased in Bonta 15days group when compared to saline-15days (1080.7 ± 307.5 mm2 vs. 1594.5 ± 419.7mm2, p= 0.01) and in the Bonta –intraoperative injection when compared to saline intraoperative injection (1133.3 ± 462.0 mm2 vs. 1389.9 ± 320.4 mm2, p=0.014). The ratio viable area/total area showed similar results (G1 versus G2, 0.43 vs. 0.74; p<0.001, respectively) and G3 versus G4 (0.44 vs. 0.61 p= 0,04). We did not find any difference in the microscopic analysis (lumen diameter, external arterial diameter and lumen/wall thickness ratio). Conclusion: BoNTA injected fifteen days before the surgery increased skin flap viability. However, BontA injected intraoperatory time did not increased the flap viability

    Learning methodology in surgical training

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    This manuscript aimed to review the literature data related to the surgical training program. This review showed some of the requirements to perform effective surgical training were direct supervision, predetermined repetitions according to surgical skill complexity, valid simulator models, number of students per model. This manuscript discussed how the surgical program could achieve competence using a critical thinking framework, integrated curriculum based on the rationale behind simulation training program.Esse manuscrito tem como objetivo revisar dados da literatura relacionados ao treinamento cirúrgico para  alunos de graduação me medicina.  Essa revisão demostrou que  alguns  pré requesitos são necessários para se realizar treinamento cirúrgico de maneira eficaz: supervisão direta, repetições  pré-determinadas de acordo com a complexidade  da atividade a ser ensinada, modelos de simuladores válidos, número de alunos por modelo. Esse manuscrito também  discutiu como o programa cirúrgico pode levar a competência  pelo desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e pela integração curricular baseado no racional da  utilização de um programa de treinamento por  simuladores

    New paradigms in the teaching of surgery for medical students

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    Medical education assessment

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    Um dos aspectos mais críticos na educação em medicina é a avaliação de novos conhecimentos e habilidades. Essa avaliação deve testar memórias curta, longa e de recuperação. Quando o aluno obtiver todas essa etapas, a memória perdurará por anos permitindo a realização de atividades cirúrgicas eficientes e seguras a longo prazo. A maioria das avaliações são subjetivas, embora difícil de se realizar a avaliação objetiva é modalidade de ensino ideal.  Esse artigo descreveu algumas opções de avaliações objetiva como OSAST, destreza e escala de taxa global. Além disso, foi abordado os valores da avaliação somativa e formativa no processo de aprendizado do estudante de medicina.One of the most critical steps for medical education is the assessment. The assessment can be divided into short-term memory, long-term memory, and retrieval memory. If the student acquires all these memories steps, the surgical skill will be mind incorporate for years. As a healthcare provider, the medical community needs to transform training and learning to a valid and reliable activity. Most of the medical evaluations are subjective; an objective assessment is difficult but most desirable. The authors described some objective surgical skill assessment based on OSAST, dexterity and global rating scale. Moreover, we discussed the formative and summative assessment roles to the medical learning process

    Clinical score scale for outcomes of aesthetic surgery of the abdomen

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A padronização da avaliação de resultados após cirurgia estética é uma dificuldade em Cirurgia Plástica, por ser baseada em critérios geralmente subjetivos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma escala de uso clínico simples, de fácil reprodução e que forneça critérios objetivos para a avaliação de resultados estéticos de cirurgias plásticas no abdome. MÉTODO: A escala foi desenvolvida pela Disciplina de Cirurgia Plástica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. O avaliador dá uma nota (0 = insatisfatório, 1 = regular, 2 = bom e/ou cicatriz inexistente) para cada um de cinco parâmetros: volume do abdome, contorno lateral, excesso de pele, aspecto do umbigo e qualidade da cicatriz em parede abdominal. Um quadro orienta a pontuação para cada parâmetro. DISCUSSÃO: A escala é sensível na identificação de diferentes alterações anatômicas no abdome, pode ser utilizada no pré e pós-operatório para comparação de variadas técnicas cirúrgicas, seja abdominoplastia, lipoaspiração e suas variações, ou mesmo para padronizar resultados a serem apresentados em Congressos Médicos ou publicações. A avaliação pode ser feita por fotografias ou pela própria paciente, nas consultas de pré e pós-operatório, documentando de forma objetiva em prontuário a melhora proporcionada pelo procedimento cirúrgico, ferramenta útil como defesa em processos médico-legais.INTRODUCTION: The standardization of evaluation of outcomes after aesthetic surgery is still a challenge in Plastic Surgery, being mostly of the times based on subjective criteria. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to present a clinical score scale for evaluation of aesthetic results of plastic surgery in the abdomen that is simple, easily reproducible and provides objective criteria. METHODS: The scale was developed in the Division of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. The evaluator gives a score (0 = unsatisfactory, 1 = fair, 2 = good and / or scar absent) for each of five parameters: volume of the abdomen, lateral contour, excess of skin, aspect of navel and quality of the scar. A table helps to choose the score on each parameter. DISCUSSION: The scale is sensitive in identifying different anatomical abnormalities in the abdomen, may be used to compare pre and postoperative results in various surgical techniques, like abdominoplasty, liposuction and its variations, and may help to standardize results presented in meetings or publications. The evaluation can be done using photos or directly with the patient, both before and after surgery appointments, documenting objectively in medical records the improvement provided by the surgical procedures

    Degloving injuries of lower extremity: proposal of a treatment protocol

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentação e avaliação de protocolo para atendimento de pacientes com ferimentos descolantes dos membros inferiores através da retirada de enxerto de pele do tecido avulsionado e cobertura do leito cruento na fase aguda do trauma. MÉTODOS: Este estudo avaliou retrospectivamente os pacientes com ferimentos descolantes em membros inferiores, em que o tratamento realizado baseou-se em protocolo de atendimento para ferimentos descolantes utilizado em nosso serviço,com pacientes atendidos na Unidade de Emergência. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 21 pacientes. A etiologia do trauma foi atropelamento em 11 pacientes (52,4%) e acidente de motocicleta em 10 (47,6%). Os pacientes foram tratados conforme o protocolo apresentado a seguir: Os pacientes são inicialmente separados em instáveis e estáveis, conforme a condição hemodinâmica. Nos pacientes considerados instáveis (dois pacientes nesta casuística) realiza-se a retirada da pele e acondicionamento em banco de tecidos para enxertia posterior. Nospacientes considerados estáveis (19 pacientes) avalia-se a viabilidade do retalho através de parâmetros clínicos e do uso da fluoresceína. Se considerado viável, faz-se a sutura do retalho à posição original, e, se considerado inviável (todos os 19 pacientes), faz-se a ressecção e emagrecimento do tecido e realiza-se a enxertia da pele em malha com aplicação de curativo a vácuo sobre o enxerto. CONCLUSÃO: Os ferimentos descolantes devem ter seu atendimento padronizado a fim de se obter melhores resultados no tratamento e prevenir necrose da porção desenluvada e assim evitar nova área doadora para enxerto de pele.OBJECTIVE: Degloving injuries on the lowerextremities are often serious injuries. It is difficult to decide on the most appropriate treatment, whether flap repositioning and suturing or converting the avulsed flap tosplit-thickness skingrafting. METHODS: This study assessed patients with degloving injuries in lower extremities, reviewing the epidemiological profile and treatment performed. It is proposed a treatment protocol for management of those lower extremity avulsion injuries. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were evaluated. The cause of trauma was running over in 11 patients (52,4%) and motorcycle accident in 10 (47,6%). All twenty-one patients had treatment with washing, debridement, resection of avulsed flap and converting the flap to split-thickness graft, in according with the following treatment protocol for management of those lower extremity avulsion injuries that came to our Emergency Unit: Patients were initially classified as unstable or stable (hemodynamically). In the unstable group (two patients),due to the patient condition, flap resection was performed and the skin kept in the tissue bank for later grafting. In the stable group (19 patients), flap viability was assessed using clinical parameters and fluorescein. If deemed viable the flap was sutured to its original position. If deemed unviable (all 19 patients), it was resected and converted to split-thickness skin and mesh grafting with vacuum-assisted device over the graft. CONCLUSION: In order to avoid flap necrosis and to add a new skin donor area is important to recognize the problem in the Emergency Room and to manage properly those injuries

    Intralesional treatment of lymphatic malformations with emphasis on Picibanil (OK-432) sclerotherapy: a systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: We performed a retrospective systematic review of studies reporting the use of Picibanil for treatment of lymphatic malformations (LMs). METHODS: We searched the PubMed database for available studies, including those published between January 1990 and April 14, 2013. The search strategy involved the use of the keywords "OK-432" or "Picibanil" and "lymphatic malformation." Information was compiled regarding the reported mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, efficacy, administration, side effects, complications, and advantages and disadvantages compared to those of other modalities. RESULTS: Forty-four studies were found, of which 27 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Picibanil is a lyophilized preparation of a low-virulence strain of Streptococcus pyogenes inactivated with penicillin G. Its mechanism of action is unclear, but it has been speculated that it causes a controlled inflammatory response with adhesion of cyst walls. Picibanil is almost unanimously indicated for the treatment of macrocystic LMs, which show a greater effectiveness response compared to that shown by microcystic or mixed LMs. Picibanil is usually administered by puncturing, either with direct visualization or guided by ultrasound, with the patient under general anesthesia. The most widely used preparation comprises 0.1 mg of Picibanil in 10 mL of saline. Side effects are mostly mild, with pain, swelling, and fever being the most frequently reported. CONCLUSION: The studies had low scientific evidence. A systematic review found that Picibanil is useful against any LM, with better results in macrocystic lesions. Efficacy was comparable to that of other therapies. No specific contraindication was presented. Although the mechanism of action has not been established, the inclusion of Picibanil as a treatment option is warranted

    Face transplants

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    The influence of adipocyte-derived stem cells (ASCs) on the ischemic epigastric flap survival in diabetic rats

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    PURPOSE: To assess the effects of adipocyte-derived stem cell (ASC)-injection on the survival of surgical flaps under ischemia in diabetic rats. METHODS: Diabetes was induced in 30 male Wistar rats using streptozotocin (55 mg/kg). After eight weeks, epigastric flap (EF) surgery was performed. The animals were divided into control (CG), medium-solution (MG), and ASC groups. The outcomes were: the survival area (SA), the survival/total area rate (S/TR), and expression levels (EL) of genes: C5ar1, Icam1, Nos2, Vegf-a. RESULTS: In the ASC group, compared to CG, we observed improved flap SA (CG-420 mm(2) vs. ASC-720 mm(2); p=0.003) was observed. The S/TR analysis was larger in the ASC group (78%) than the CG (45%). This study showed an increase in the Vegf-a EL in the ASC group (2.3) vs. CG (0.93, p=0.0008). The Nos2 EL increased four-fold in the ASC group compared to CG, and C5ar1 EL decreased almost two-fold in the ASC group vs. the CG (p=0.02). There was no difference among the groups regarding Icam1 EL. Compared to the MG, the ASC group had a bigger flap SA (720 mm(2) vs. 301 mm(2), respectively), a bigger S/TR (78% vs. 32%, p=0.06, respectively) and increased EL of Vegf-a (2.3 vs. 1.3, respectively). No difference between ASC-group and MG was seen regarding Nos2 (p=0.08) and C5ar1 (p=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that ASCs increase the survival of EF under IR in diabetic rats