27 research outputs found

    Aspectos da comercialização do caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus): estudo preliminar realizado no município de Parnaíba-PI.

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    Neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo preliminar da comercialização do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus, no município de Parnaíba-PI (2°54'50"S e 41°46'02"), visando determinar o perfil dos vendedores e caracterizar os espécimes capturados

    Estudo preliminar da comercialização do caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) no município de Parnaíba-PI.

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    O caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) é um recurso pesqueiro de relevante valor sócio-econômico para o Estado do Piauí. Representa cerca de 50% do total de pescado desembarcado, sendo que os principais centros consumidores são os municípios de Pamaíba e Luís Correia

    Neuroanatomy and cadaver dissection in Italy: History, medicolegal issues, and neurosurgical perspectives.

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    Despite the significant Italian tradition of important anatomical studies, an outdated law historically influenced by the Catholic church restricts the use of cadavers for teaching and scientific purposes. The object of the present paper was to trace the historical evolution of the Italian anatomical tradition, particularly neuroanatomical studies, in relation to the juridical regulations on the use of cadavers today. Special attention was paid to the opportunities offered to neurosurgery by using cadavers and to the scientific and social issues in neurosurgical training in the twenty-first century. Considering the new Common European Constitution, the authors advocate a political solution from the European community to improve the quality of training in the disciplines with a social impact such as neurosurgery

    Mild cognitive impairment is associated with poor physical function but not bone structure or density in late adulthood:Findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study

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    Mini Abstract This study investigated the association between mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and physical function and bone health in older adults. MCI was associated with poor physical performance but not bone mineral density or bone microarchitecture. Abstract Purpose: Cross-sectional study to investigate the association between mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and physical performance, and bone health, in a community-dwelling cohort of older adults. Methods: Cognitive function of 222 men and 221 women (mean age 75.5 and 75.8 years in men and women, respectively) was assessed by the Strawbridge questionnaire and Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE). Participants underwent dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), peripheral-quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) and high-resolution peripheral-quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) scans to assess their bone density, strength and microarchitecture. Their physical function was assessed and a physical performance (PP) score was recorded. Results: 11.8% of women and 8.1% of men in the study were cognitive impaired on the MMSE (score<24). 24% of women were deemed cognitively impaired on the Strawbridge questionnaire, compared to 22.3% of men. Cognitive impairment on the Strawbridge questionnaire was associated with poorer physical performance score in men but not women in the unadjusted analysis. MMSE <24 was strongly associated with the risk of low physical performance in men (OR 12.9, 95% CI 1.67, 99.8, p=0.01) Higher MMSE score was associated with better physical performance in both sexes. Poorer cognitive function, whether assessed by the Strawbridge questionnaire, or by MMSE score, was not associated with bone density, shape or microarchitecture, in either sex. Conclusion: MCI in older adults was associated with poor physical performance, but not bone density, shape or microarchitecture

    Eugenia punicifolia leaf extract has a hypotensive effect and inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in both in vitro and in vivo models.

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    Chronic high blood pressure has for many years been considered a public health problem. Eugenia punicifolia is a plant used to treat diabetes by the local population, however its hypotensive effect has never been investigated

    Calcium binding promotes Prion Protein fragment 90-231 conformational change toward a membrane destabilizing and cytotoxic structure

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    The pathological form of prion protein (PrPSc), as other amyloidogenic proteins, causes a marked increase of membrane permeability. PrPSc extracted from infected Syrian hamster brains induces a considerable change in membrane ionic conductance, although the contribution of this interaction to the molecular mechanism of neurodegeneration process is still controversial. We previously showed that the human PrP fragment 90–231 (hPrP90–231) increases ionic conductance across artificial lipid bilayer, in a calcium-dependent manner, producing an alteration similar to that observed for PrPSc. In the present study we demonstrate that hPrP90–231, pre-incubated with 10 mM Ca++ and then re-suspended in physiological external solution increases not only membrane conductance but neurotoxicity as well. Furthermore we show the existence of a direct link between these two effects as demonstrated by a highly statistically significant correlation in several experimental conditions. A similar correlation between increased membrane conductance and cell degeneration has been observed assaying hPrP90–231 bearing pathogenic mutations (D202N and E200K). We also report that Ca++ binding to hPrP90–231 induces a conformational change based on an alteration of secondary structure characterized by loss of alpha-helix content causing hydrophobic amino acid exposure and proteinase K resistance. These features, either acquired after controlled thermal denaturation or induced by D202N and E200K mutations were previously identified as responsible for hPrP90–231 cytotoxicity. Finally, by in silico structural analysis, we propose that Ca++ binding to hPrP90–231 modifies amino acid orientation, in the same way induced by E200K mutation, thus suggesting a pathway for the structural alterations responsible of PrP neurotoxicity

    Implantação de um sistema de telecardiologia em Minas Gerais: projeto Minas Telecardio Implantación de un sistema de telecardiología en Minas Gerais: proyecto Minas Telecardio Implementation of a telecardiology system in the state of Minas Gerais: the Minas Telecardio Project

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    FUNDAMENTO: Embora as doenças cardiovasculares sejam a maior causa de morbimortalidade em todo Brasil, o acesso das populações de cidades pequenas à eletrocardiografia e à avaliação cardiológica é limitado. O uso da telecardiologia para facilitar o acesso da população de municípios remotos à eletrocardiografia e à segunda opinião em cardiologia é promissora, entretanto não foi formalmente testada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade de se implantar o sistema público de telecardiologia de baixo custo em pequenas cidades brasileiras. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 82 cidades do Estado de Minas Gerais, com população < 10.500 habitantes, > 70% de cobertura pelo Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), com interesse do gestor e acesso pela internet. Em cada município foi instalado um aparelho de eletrocardiógrafo (ECG) digital, com subsequente treinamento da equipe. A implantação foi coordenada pelo HC/UFMG, em conjunto com outros quatro hospitais universitários mineiros (UFU, UFTM, UFJF e UNIMONTES). Os ECGs foram realizados nos municípios e enviados pela internet para análise imediata em plantão de telecardiologia. Realizaram-se discussões de casos médicos on-line e off-line e cursos de atualização via web. RESULTADOS: No período de implantação, foram treinados 253 profissionais de saúde. De julho de 2006 a novembro de 2008, o projeto atendeu 42.664 pacientes, realizando 62.865 ECGs. Foram efetuados 2.148 atendimentos de urgência e 420 teleconsultorias. A avaliação intermediária apontou boa aceitação da tecnologia implantada e uma diminuição de 70% de encaminhamentos de pacientes para outros centros de referência. CONCLUSÃO: É factível a utilização de recursos habituais de informática para facilitar o acesso de populações de cidades pequenas à eletrocardiografia e avaliação cardiológica especializada.<br>FUNDAMENTO: Aunque las enfermedades cardiovasculares sean la mayor causa de morbimortalidade en todo Brasil, el acceso de las poblaciones de ciudades pequeñas a la electrocardiografía y a la evaluación cardiológica es limitado. El uso de la telecardiología para facilitar el acceso de la población de municipios remotos a la electrocardiografía y a la segunda opinión en cardiología es promisoria, sin embargo no fue formalmente testado. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la viabilidad de implantar el sistema público de telecardiología de bajo costo en pequeñas ciudades brasileñas. MÉTODOS: Fueron seleccionadas 82 ciudades del Estado de Minas Gerais, con población < 10.500 habitantes, > 70% de cobertura por el Programa Salud de la Familia (PSF), con interés del gestor y acceso por internet. En cada municipio fue instalado un aparato de electrocardiógrafo (ECG) digital, con subsecuente entrenamiento del equipo. La implantación fue coordinada por el HC/UFMG, en conjunto con otros cuatro hospitales universitarios mineros (UFU, UFTM, UFJF y UNIMONTES). Los ECGs fueron realizados en los municipios y enviados por internet para análisis inmediato en guardia de telecardiología. Se realizaron discusiones de casos médicos on-line y off-line y cursos de actualización vía web. RESULTADOS: En el período de implantación, fueron entrenados 253 profesionales de la salud. De julio de 2006 a noviembre de 2008, el proyecto atendió 42.664 pacientes, realizando 62.865 ECGs. Fueron efectuadas 2.148 atenciones de urgencia y 420 teleconsultorías. La evaluación intermediaria señaló buena aceptación de la tecnología implantada es una disminución de 70% de encaminamientos de pacientes para otros centros de referencia. CONCLUSIÓN: Es factible la utilización de recursos habituales de informática para facilitar el acceso de poblaciones de ciudades pequeñas a la electrocardiografía y evaluación cardiológica especializada.<br>BACKGROUND: Although cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of morbimortality in Brazil, the access of small-town populations to electrocardiography and cardiology assessment is limited. The use of telecardiology to assist the access of distant towns to electrocardiography and a second opinion in cardiology is promising; however, it has not been formally assessed. OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of implementing a low-cost public telecardiology system in small Brazilian towns. METHODS: A total of 82 towns in the state of Minas Gerais, with a population < 10,500 inhabitants, presenting > 70% coverage by the Family Health Program (Programa Saude da Familia - PSF), local government compliance and internet access, were selected. Each town was supplied with digital electrocardiography (ECG) device and a team was trained. The implementation was coordinated by HC/UFMG, together with four university hospitals in the state of Minas Gerais (UFU, UFTM, UFJF and UNIMONTES). The ECG assessments were carried out in the towns and sent through the Internet for prompt analysis by an on-duty telecardiology team. Online and offline discussions on the medical cases were carried out through the Internet, as well as refreshment courses. RESULTS: During the implementation period, a total of 253 health professionals were trained. From July 2006 to November 2008, the project assisted 42,664 patients, with a total of 62,865 ECG assessments being performed. A total of 2,148 emergency cases were treated, as well as 420 teleconsultations. The intermediate evaluation showed good acceptance of the implemented technology and a 70% decrease in patient referrals to other reference centers. CONCLUSION: The use of the customary resources in informatics to assist the access of small-town populations to electrocardiography and specialized cardiology assessment is feasible

    Implantação de um sistema de telecardiologia em Minas Gerais: Projeto Minas Telecardio

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    Background: Although cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of morbimortality in Brazil, the access of small-town populations to electrocardiography and cardiology assessment is limited. The use of telecardiology to assist the access of distant towns to electrocardiography and a second opinion in cardiology is promising; however, it has not been formally assessed. Objective: To assess the feasibility of implementing a low-cost public telecardiology system in small Brazilian towns. Methods: A total of 82 towns in the state of Minas Gerais, with a population 70% coverage by the Family Health Program (Programa Saúde da Familia - PSF), local government compliance and internet access, were selected. Each town was supplied with digital electrocardiography (ECG) device and a team was trained. The implementation was coordinated by HC/UFMG, together with four university hospitals in the state of Minas Gerais (UFU, UFTM, UFJF and UNIMONTES). The ECG assessments were carried out in the towns and sent through the Internet for prompt analysis by an on-duty telecardiology team. Online and offline discussions on the medical cases were carried out through the Internet, as well as refreshment courses. Results: During the implementation period, a total of 253 health professionals were trained. From July 2006 to November 2008, the project assisted 42,664 patients, with a total of 62,865 ECG assessments being performed. A total of 2,148 emergency cases were treated, as well as 420 teleconsultations. The intermediate evaluation showed good acceptance of the implemented technology and a 70% decrease in patient referrals to other reference centers. Conclusion: The use of the customary resources in informatics to assist the access of small-town populations to electrocardiography and specialized cardiology assessment is feasible. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010; [online]. ahead print, PP.0-0)FUNDAMENTO: Embora as doenças cardiovasculares sejam a maior causa de morbimortalidade em todo Brasil, o acesso das populações de cidades pequenas à eletrocardiografia e à avaliação cardiológica é limitado. O uso da telecardiologia para facilitar o acesso da população de municípios remotos à eletrocardiografia e à segunda opinião em cardiologia é promissora, entretanto não foi formalmente testada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade de se implantar o sistema público de telecardiologia de baixo custo em pequenas cidades brasileiras. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 82 cidades do Estado de Minas Gerais, com população 70% de cobertura pelo Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), com interesse do gestor e acesso pela internet. Em cada município foi instalado um aparelho de eletrocardiógrafo (ECG) digital, com subsequente treinamento da equipe. A implantação foi coordenada pelo HC/UFMG, em conjunto com outros quatro hospitais universitários mineiros (UFU, UFTM, UFJF e UNIMONTES). Os ECGs foram realizados nos municípios e enviados pela internet para análise imediata em plantão de telecardiologia. Realizaram-se discussões de casos médicos on-line e off-line e cursos de atualização via web. RESULTADOS: No período de implantação, foram treinados 253 profissionais de saúde. De julho de 2006 a novembro de 2008, o projeto atendeu 42.664 pacientes, realizando 62.865 ECGs. Foram efetuados 2.148 atendimentos de urgência e 420 teleconsultorias. A avaliação intermediária apontou boa aceitação da tecnologia implantada e uma diminuição de 70% de encaminhamentos de pacientes para outros centros de referência. CONCLUSÃO: É factível a utilização de recursos habituais de informática para facilitar o acesso de populações de cidades pequenas à eletrocardiografia e avaliação cardiológica especializada