193 research outputs found

    Extremism within the family

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    This paper considers an economic analysis of intergenerational transition of ethnic and social trait. We consider the level of social traits chosen by parents and its effect on their children's choice of ethnic and social traits when reaching adulthood. We develop a theory that suggests that parents will chose extreme ethnic and social traits in order to increase the cost that their children will pay if they wish to deviate from their parent's "ideal". The extreme choice of the ethnic social traits of parents has an effect on the segregation of minorities and migrants

    Illegal migration, enforcement and minimum wage

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    This paper examines the connection between illegal migration, minimum wages and enforcement policy. We first explore the employers’ decision regarding the employment of illegal migrants in the presence of an effective minimum wage. We show that the employers’ decision depends on the wage gap between those of the legal and illegal workers and on the penalty for employing illegal workers. We consider the effects a change in the minimum wage has on the employment of illegal immigrants and local workers. We conclude by considering the optimal migration policy taking into consideration social welfare issues

    Polarization-Correlated Photon Pairs from a Single Quantum Dot

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    Polarization correlation in a linear basis, but not entanglement, is observed between the biexciton and single-exciton photons emitted by a single InAs quantum dot in a two-photon cascade. The results are well described quantitatively by a probabilistic model that includes two decay paths for a biexciton through a non-degenerate pair of one-exciton states, with the polarization of the emitted photons depending on the decay path. The results show that spin non-degeneracy due to quantum-dot asymmetry is a significant obstacle to the realization of an entangled-photon generation device.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised discussio

    Stability of the lattice formed in first-order phase transitions to matter containing strangeness in protoneutron stars

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    Well into the deleptonization phase of a core collapse supernova, a first-order phase transition to matter with macroscopic strangeness content is assumed to occur and lead to a structured lattice defined by negatively charged strange droplets. The lattice is shown to crystallize for expected droplet charges and separations at temperatures typically obtained during the protoneutronstar evolution. The melting curve of the lattice for small spherical droplets is presented. The one-component plasma model proves to be an adequate description for the lattice in its solid phase with deformation modes freezing out around the melting temperature. The mechanical stability against shear stresses is such that velocities predicted for convective phenomena and differential rotation during the Kelvin-Helmholtz cooling phase might prevent the crystallization of the phase transition lattice. A solid lattice might be fractured by transient convection, which could result in anisotropic neutrino transport. The melting curve of the lattice is relevant for the mechanical evolution of the protoneutronstar and therefore should be included in future hydrodynamics simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Quantum gauge models without classical Higgs mechanism

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    We examine the status of massive gauge theories, such as those usually obtained by spontaneous symmetry breakdown, from the viewpoint of causal (Epstein-Glaser) renormalization. The BRS formulation of gauge invariance in this framework, starting from canonical quantization of massive (as well as massless) vector bosons as fundamental entities, and proceeding perturbatively, allows one to rederive the reductive group symmetry of interactions, the need for scalar fields in gauge theory, and the covariant derivative. Thus the presence of higgs particles is explained without recourse to a Higgs(-Englert-Brout-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble) mechanism. Along the way, we dispel doubts about the compatibility of causal gauge invariance with grand unified theories.Comment: 20 pages in two-column EPJC format, shortened version accepted for publication. For more details, consult version
