22 research outputs found

    On the nature of spatiotemporal light bullets in bulk Kerr media

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    We present a detailed experimental investigation, which uncovers the nature of light bullets generated from self-focusing in a bulk dielectric medium with Kerr nonlinearity in the anomalous group velocity dispersion regime. By high dynamic range measurements of three-dimensional intensity profiles, we demonstrate that the light bullets consist of a sharply localized high-intensity core, which carries the self-compressed pulse and contains approximately 25% of the total energy, and a ring-shaped spatiotemporal periphery. Sub-diffractive propagation along with dispersive broadening of the light bullets in free space after they exit the nonlinear medium indicate a strong space-time coupling within the bullet. This finding is confirmed by measurements of spatiotemporal energy density flux that exhibits the same features as stationary, polychromatic Bessel beam, thus highlighting the physical nature of the light bullets

    Filamentation and Pulse Self-compression in the Anomalous Dispersion Region of Glasses

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    International audienceThe propagation of near-infrared ultra-short laser pulses in the regime of anomalous dispersion of transparent solids is associated with a host of self-induced effects including a significant spectral broadening extending from the ultraviolet into the infrared region, pulse self-compression down to few-cycle pulse durations, free and driven third harmonic generation, conical emission and the formation of stable filaments over several cm showing the emergence of conical light bullets. We review measurements performed in different experimental conditions and results of numerical simulations of unidirectional propagation models showing that the interpretation of all these phenomena proceed from the formation of non-spreading conical light bullets during filamentation

    Photon coincidences in spontaneous parametric down-converted radiation excited by a blue LED in bulk LiIO3 crystal.

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    We report on experimental and numerical investigation of two-photon coincidence properties of the parametric spontaneous down-converted field excited by a high brightness blue LED in bulk lithium iodate crystal. Ratio of up to 11.5% of coincidence, which cannot be attributed to classical coincidences, to single photon counts was recorded at the outputs of multimode fibers, demonstrating well-preserved biphoton property. This result, combined with practically useful power of the source, suggests its possible application for a class of quantum experiments

    Ultrafast supercontinuum generation in bulk condensed media

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    International audienceNonlinear propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulses in bulk transparent media leads to a specific propagation regime, termed femtosecond filamentation, which in turn produces dramatic spectral broadening, or super-broadening, termed supercontinuum generation. Femtosecond supercontinuum generation in transparent solids represents a compact, efficient and alignment-insensitive technique for generation of coherent broadband radiation at various parts of the optical spectrum, which finds numerous applications in diverse fields of modern ultrafast science. During recent years, this research field has reached a high level of maturity, both in understanding of the underlying physics and in achievement of exciting practical results. In this paper we overview the state-of-the-art femto-second supercontinuum generation in various transparent solid-state media, ranging from wide-bandgap dielectrics to semiconductor materials and in various parts of the optical spectrum, from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared spectral range. A particular emphasis is given to the most recent experimental developments: multioctave supercon-tinuum generation with pumping in the mid-infrared spectral range, spectral control, power and energy scaling of broadband radiation and the development of simple, flexible and robust pulse compression techniques, which deliver few optical cycle pulses and which could be readily implemented in a variety of modern ultrafast laser systems

    Quantum-noise-initiated symmetry breaking of spatial solitons

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    The spectra of ?(2) spatial solitons are measured close to the soliton-formation threshold and show the presence of sidebands, shifted by 39 THz from the laser line. By comparing with the predictions of a quantum optical field model, solved numerically in the full (3+1)-dimensional space, it is claimed that the observed temporal instability of the spatial soliton is seeded by vacuum state fluctuations of the electromagnetic fiel

    Spatio-temporal characterization of self-formed hollow light pulses in the pump depletion regime of second harmonic generation

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    Depletion of the pump pulse in second harmonic generation (SHG) and its back-regeneration from the second harmonic pulse is a well known process in nonlinear optics. Nevertheless how the pump pulse reshapes as a three-dimensional object in space and time has never been investigated. In this work we apply a three-dimensional mapping technique to record this transformation and we experimentally show the formation of a hollow as well as more complex layered spatiotemporal structures of the fundamental pump pulse in different regimes. The results are compared with numerical simulations

    Generation of tunable infrared femtosecond pulses via parametric visible-to-infrared frequency conversion

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    We propose two methods for ultrashort pulse parametric visible-to-infrared frequency conversion, that are directly applied to extend the tuning range of a commercial Ti:sapphire laser-noncollinear optical parametric amplifier system. The first method is based on broadband noncollinear four-wave optical parametric amplification in fused silica, and the second is based on cascaded three-wave parametric interaction in a single BBO crystal. The proof-of-principle experiments demonstrate generation of sub- 30-fs, ~20 μJ pulses, broadly tunable across the infrared (1-3 μm) spectral rang