575 research outputs found

    New broad 8Be nuclear resonances

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    Energies, total and partial widths, and reduced width amplitudes of 8Be resonances up to an excitation energy of 26 MeV are extracted from a coupled channel analysis of experimental data. The presence of an extremely broad J^pi = 2^+ ``intruder'' resonance is confirmed, while a new 1^+ and very broad 4^+ resonance are discovered. A previously known 22 MeV 2^+ resonance is likely resolved into two resonances. The experimental J^pi T = 3^(+)? resonance at 22 MeV is determined to be 3^-0, and the experimental 1^-? (at 19 MeV) and 4^-? resonances to be isospin 0.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Chaotic Phenomenon in Nonlinear Gyrotropic Medium

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    Nonlinear gyrotropic medium is a medium, whose natural optical activity depends on the intensity of the incident light wave. The Kuhn's model is used to study nonlinear gyrotropic medium with great success. The Kuhn's model presents itself a model of nonlinear coupled oscillators. This article is devoted to the study of the Kuhn's nonlinear model. In the first paragraph of the paper we study classical dynamics in case of weak as well as strong nonlinearity. In case of week nonlinearity we have obtained the analytical solutions, which are in good agreement with the numerical solutions. In case of strong nonlinearity we have determined the values of those parameters for which chaos is formed in the system under study. The second paragraph of the paper refers to the question of the Kuhn's model integrability. It is shown, that at the certain values of the interaction potential this model is exactly integrable and under certain conditions it is reduced to so-called universal Hamiltonian. The third paragraph of the paper is devoted to quantum-mechanical consideration. It shows the possibility of stochastic absorption of external field energy by nonlinear gyrotropic medium. The last forth paragraph of the paper is devoted to generalization of the Kuhn's model for infinite chain of interacting oscillators

    Threshold Effects in Multi-channel Coupling and Spectroscopic Factors in Exotic Nuclei

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    In the threshold region, the cross section and the associated overlap integral obey the Wigner threshold law that results in the Wigner-cusp phenomenon. Due to flux conservation, a cusp anomaly in one channel manifests itself in other open channels, even if their respective thresholds appear at a different energy. The shape of a threshold cusp depends on the orbital angular momentum of a scattered particle; hence, studies of Wigner anomalies in weakly bound nuclei with several low-lying thresholds can provide valuable spectroscopic information. In this work, we investigate the threshold behavior of spectroscopic factors in neutron-rich drip-line nuclei using the Gamow Shell Model, which takes into account many-body correlations and the continuum effects. The presence of threshold anomalies is demonstrated and the implications for spectroscopic factors are discussed.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review C Figure correcte

    Besov priors for Bayesian inverse problems

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    We consider the inverse problem of estimating a function uu from noisy, possibly nonlinear, observations. We adopt a Bayesian approach to the problem. This approach has a long history for inversion, dating back to 1970, and has, over the last decade, gained importance as a practical tool. However most of the existing theory has been developed for Gaussian prior measures. Recently Lassas, Saksman and Siltanen (Inv. Prob. Imag. 2009) showed how to construct Besov prior measures, based on wavelet expansions with random coefficients, and used these prior measures to study linear inverse problems. In this paper we build on this development of Besov priors to include the case of nonlinear measurements. In doing so a key technical tool, established here, is a Fernique-like theorem for Besov measures. This theorem enables us to identify appropriate conditions on the forward solution operator which, when matched to properties of the prior Besov measure, imply the well-definedness and well-posedness of the posterior measure. We then consider the application of these results to the inverse problem of finding the diffusion coefficient of an elliptic partial differential equation, given noisy measurements of its solution.Comment: 18 page

    Verdier specialization via weak factorization

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    Let X in V be a closed embedding, with V - X nonsingular. We define a constructible function on X, agreeing with Verdier's specialization of the constant function 1 when X is the zero-locus of a function on V. Our definition is given in terms of an embedded resolution of X; the independence on the choice of resolution is obtained as a consequence of the weak factorization theorem of Abramovich et al. The main property of the specialization function is a compatibility with the specialization of the Chern class of the complement V-X. With the definition adopted here, this is an easy consequence of standard intersection theory. It recovers Verdier's result when X is the zero-locus of a function on V. Our definition has a straightforward counterpart in a motivic group. The specialization function and the corresponding Chern class and motivic aspect all have natural `monodromy' decompositions, for for any X in V as above. The definition also yields an expression for Kai Behrend's constructible function when applied to (the singularity subscheme of) the zero-locus of a function on V.Comment: Minor revision. To appear in Arkiv f\"or Matemati

    Enumerative aspects of the Gross-Siebert program

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    We present enumerative aspects of the Gross-Siebert program in this introductory survey. After sketching the program's main themes and goals, we review the basic definitions and results of logarithmic and tropical geometry. We give examples and a proof for counting algebraic curves via tropical curves. To illustrate an application of tropical geometry and the Gross-Siebert program to mirror symmetry, we discuss the mirror symmetry of the projective plane.Comment: A version of these notes will appear as a chapter in an upcoming Fields Institute volume. 81 page

    Candidate Genes for Expansion and Transformation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells by NUP98-HOX Fusion Genes

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    BACKGROUND: Hox genes are implicated in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) regulation as well as in leukemia development through translocation with the nucleoporin gene NUP98. Interestingly, an engineered NUP98-HOXA10 (NA10) fusion can induce a several hundred-fold expansion of HSCs in vitro and NA10 and the AML-associated fusion gene NUP98-HOXD13 (ND13) have a virtually indistinguishable ability to transform myeloid progenitor cells in vitro and to induce leukemia in collaboration with MEIS1 in vivo. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: These findings provided a potentially powerful approach to identify key pathways mediating Hox-induced expansion and transformation of HSCs by identifying gene expression changes commonly induced by ND13 and NA10 but not by a NUP98-Hox fusion with a non-DNA binding homedomain mutation (N51S). The gene expression repertoire of purified murine bone marrow Sca-1+Lin- cells transduced with retroviral vectors encoding for these genes was established using the Affymetrix GeneChip MOE430A. Approximately seventy genes were differentially expressed in ND13 and NA10 cells that were significantly changed by both compared to the ND13(N51S) mutant. Intriguingly, several of these potential Hox target genes have been implicated in HSC expansion and self-renewal, including the tyrosine kinase receptor Flt3, the prion protein, Prnp, hepatic leukemia factor, Hlf and Jagged-2, Jag2. Consistent with these results, FLT3, HLF and JAG2 expression correlated with HOX A cluster gene expression in human leukemia samples. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion this study has identified several novel Hox downstream target genes and provides important new leads to key regulators of the expansion and transformation of hematopoietic stem cells by Hox

    Poincare polynomial of moduli spaces of framed sheaves on (stacky) Hirzebruch surfaces

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    We perform a study of the moduli space of framed torsion-free sheaves on Hirzebruch surfaces by using localization techniques. We discuss some general properties of this moduli space by studying it in the framework of Huybrechts-Lehn theory of framed modules. We classify the fixed points under a toric action on the moduli space, and use this to compute the Poincare polynomial of the latter. This will imply that the moduli spaces we are considering are irreducible. We also consider fractional first Chern classes, which means that we are extending our computation to a stacky deformation of a Hirzebruch surface. From the physical viewpoint, our results provide the partition function of N=4 Vafa-Witten theory on total spaces of line bundles on P1, which is relevant in black hole entropy counting problems according to a conjecture due to Ooguri, Strominger and Vafa.Comment: 17 pages. This submission supersedes arXiv:0809.0155 [math.AG
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