784 research outputs found

    Enabling Future Sustainability Transitions: An Urban Metabolism Approach to Los Angeles Pincetl et al. Enabling Future Sustainability Transitions

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    Summary: This synthesis article presents an overview of an urban metabolism (UM) approach using mixed methods and multiple sources of data for Los Angeles, California. We examine electric energy use in buildings and greenhouse gas emissions from electricity, and calculate embedded infrastructure life cycle effects, water use and solid waste streams in an attempt to better understand the urban flows and sinks in the Los Angeles region (city and county). This quantification is being conducted to help policy-makers better target energy conservation and efficiency programs, pinpoint best locations for distributed solar generation, and support the development of policies for greater environmental sustainability. It provides a framework to which many more UM flows can be added to create greater understanding of the study area's resource dependencies. Going forward, together with policy analysis, UM can help untangle the complex intertwined resource dependencies that cities must address as they attempt to increase their environmental sustainability

    Information and Communication Technologies(ICT), Activity Decisions,and Travel Choices: 20 years into the Second Millennium and where do we go next?

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    CENTENNIAL PAPERSStanding Committee on Effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Travel Choices (ADB20)Giovanni Circella, ChairInformation and Communication Technologies(ICT), Activity Decisions,and Travel Choices: 20 years into the Second Millennium and where do we go next?JACEKPAWLAK,Imperial College LondonGIOVANNICIRCELLA, University of California, Davis andGeorgia Institute of TechnologyHANIS.MAHMASSANI, Northwestern UniversityPATRICIAL.MOKHTARIAN, Georgia Institute of TechnologyABSTRACTInformation and Communication Technologies, or ICT,have rapidly emerged asan integral element of everyday life, interactingin an essential manner with mobility and the activity patterns that engender it. The current paper reflects uponthistrendandthe opportunities and challenges itrepresents.Givenmore than three decades of research in the domain of interactions between ICT, activity decisions and travel choices, we acknowledgethe elaborate, disruptiveand oftenunexpected waysalong which ICT interact with society.Tosupport the objective of theADB20 Committee, namely tosupportand promote theemerging research questions, we identifya number of technological, societal and behavioral trends related to ICT and mobility that are likelyto be major driving forces for activity-travel behavior considerations in the next 15 years. Those include democratization of technology; personalization; shared and commoditized mobility; automation;data as the new currency; next generation connectivity, including 5G; evolving social media and socialization; new forms of shopping; digital twins;activity fragmentation; andmultitasking.We also observe that inevitably, theincreasingly interlocking relationshipbetween ICT and mobility will bring challengesrelated to balancing efficiency vs. redundancy and resilience, ensuring transparency, susceptibility to malicious activitiesandtackling the digital divide. We argue that those should not be seen as barriers to realization of the ultimate benefits for society, providing that thetransportation research agenda maintains focus on the evolution of ICTand rigorously explores the related impacts on activity decisions, travel choices and, more broadly, on transportationsystems

    Minimal inhibitory and Mutant prevention concentrations of enrofloxacin for Pasteurella multocida from rabbits affected by pasteurellosis

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    Pasteurella multocida is the agent of one of the most significant diseases in rabbits and it is associated with a heterogeneous clinical picture. Drugs belonging to the fluoroquinolones class are useful to control pasteurellosis. Among them, enrofloxacin is one of the most used molecules in rabbit industry and it is the only one fluoroquinolone registered for this species in Italy. Enrofloxacin adopted dosages are currently based on Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Nevertheless, MIC is not effective against possible pathogen sub-populations with lower susceptibility that may be selectively amplified, leading to possible problems of antibiotic resistance. Mutant Prevention Concentration (MPC) could represent an approach to minimize the risk of resistance selection in pathogens. The aim of this work was to test the sensitivity to enrofloxacin of P. multocida strains isolated from rabbits affected by pasteurellosis to evaluate if MPC-based dosages can represent a valid option. The study was performed on ten strains of P. multocida isolated from rabbits from two industrial farms of Puglia, South Italy. The sensitivity to enrofloxacin has been evaluated by MIC tests by microdilution method and MPC tests performed according to Marcusson et al. (2005) with minor modifications. The results of MIC and MPC tests have revealed that MPC dosages are on average 8,4 times higher than MIC dosages. This data highlight that, although MPC-based dosages are useful to prevent the selection of potential mutant, they could be higher than MIC-based ones, leading to possible issues related to their application in field, for example the potential risk of possible toxicity for animals and residues in meat

    Occurrence of pathogenic and faecal Escherichia coli in layer hens

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    A total of 117 Escherichia coli from colibacillosis affected (APEC) and clinically healthy birds (AFEC) were serotyped and tested for the presence of virulence genes: iss, tsh, cva. A total of 54.5% E. Coli were typeable and 15 different serogroups were identified. The most common serogroups among APEC strains were O78, O2 and O128, whereas O139 was predominant in faecal strains from healthy birds. Iss, tsh e cva were more frequently detected among the septicaemic E. coli strains. The association of virulence genes was observed. Particularly, the pathotype iss-tsh-cva was present in 46.5% of APEC strains. Referring to serogroups, E. coli O78 and O2 originating from colibacillosis affected birds were always isstsh- cva positive but did not share virulence genes when they came from healthy birds

    Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Audouin gulls (Larus audouinii) Could they affect the surviving of the bird colonies

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    A total of 39 E. coli strains isolated from cloacal swabs and unhatched eggs of Audouin's gulls (Larus audouinii) living the Salento coast (Italy) were serotyped and molecular characterized for the presence of irp2, fyuA, tsh, papC, fimC, iucD, and eae genes described for Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC). Eight different serogroups (O1, 06, 08, 015, 075, 0139, 0146, 0147) were distinguished: we recorded a very high rate of untypeable strains. Genotyping by PCR achieved to detect fimC and irp2, described for APEC strains, as most predominant genes circulating in the gulls population, accounting for 94.87% and 97.43% respectively. Nevertheless, a significant co-existance of virulence genes was demonstrated to belong to E.coli of eggs origin. Particularly, fimC/tsh/iucD pathotype, recognized as most responsible of illness in poultry, emerged in 8.69% of E. coli of eggs origin

    A Review on the Marek’s Disease Outbreak and Its Virulence-Related meq Genovariation in Asia between 2011 and 2021

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    Marek’s disease is an infectious disease in poultry that usually appears in neural and visceral tumors. This disease is caused by Gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 infection in lymphocytes, and its meq gene is commonly used in virulent studies for coding the key protein functional in oncogenic transformation of the lymphocytes. Although vaccines have been introduced in many countries to control its spread and are proven to be efficient, recent records show a decline of such efficiency due to viral evolution. In this study, we reviewed the outbreak of Marek’s disease in Asia for the last 10 years, together with associated meq sequences, finding a total of 36 studies recording outbreaks with 132 viral strains in 12 countries. The visceral type is the most common (13 in 16 studies) form of Marek’s disease, but additional unobserved neural changes may exist. MD induces liver lymphoma most frequently (11 in 14 studies), and tumors were also found in spleen, kidney, heart, gizzard, skin, intestine, lung, and sciatic nerve. Twelve viral strains distributed in China have been reported to escape the CVI988 vaccine, reaching a mortality rate of more than 30%. Phylogenetic analyses show the internal connection between the Middle East (Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia), South Asia (India, Indonesia), and East Asia (China and Japan), while external viral communications might occasionally occur. In 18 strains with both sequential and mortality data, amino acid alignment showed several point substitutions that may be related to its virulence. We suggest more behavioral monitoring in Marek’s disease-endemic regions and further studies on strain virulence, together with its Meq protein structural changes

    Efficacy of λ-cyhalothrin, amitraz, and phoxim against the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae De Geer, 1778 (Mesostigmata: Dermanyssidae): an eight-year survey

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    Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778) is a major problem for the poultry industry worldwide, as it negatively affects virtually all kinds of rearing systems. Therefore, the control of infestation has become a routine process, and its economic cost is constantly increasing. Until now, most of the control strategies have relied on the use of synthetic chemical drugs, but their efficacy is often questioned by the emergence and diffusion of resistant mite populations. With this in mind, the efficacy of λ-cyhalothrin, amitraz, and phoxim has been verified by testing them against 86 mite populations collected from the same number of poultry farms in Italy from 2008 to 2015. Assays were performed according to the filter paper method using the recommended, half, quarter, double and quadruple doses. The results showed that phoxim and amitraz were the most effective acaricides (median efficacies 80.35% and 80.83%, respectively), but amitraz exhibited a sharp fall in its efficacy during 2011 and 2012, while phoxim maintained its high effectiveness up to 2015, when it dropped. The overall median efficacy of λ-cyhalothrin was 58.33%. The data also highlighted the importance of the use of the right concentration, as an increase in dosage was not always useful against resistant populations, while its reduction also diminished efficacy, simultaneously increasing the risk for the development of resistance

    Infezioni da Circovirus nei volatili d'affezione: approccio diagnostico clinico e molecolare

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    In questo lavoro, vengono riportate le esperienze cliniche e di diagnostica di laboratorio relative alle infezioni da Circovirus nei volatili d’affezione. Nella maggior parte dei casi di infezione osservati, mancavano le tipiche lesioni alle penne classicamente descritte in caso di infezione da Circovirus ed il piumaggio risultava inalterato. Non sono state mai riscontrate inoltre lesioni a carico del becco. Al contrario, in volatili privi di alterazioni del piumaggio ed in cui Circovirus veniva ricercato per uno stato di sospetta immunodepressione, in quanto si evidenziavano sintomi aspecifici come debolezza e abbattimento ed una maggiore suscettibilità ad infezioni secondarie di natura batterica o parassitaria, la percentuale di positività all’infezione risultava elevata. La diagnosi di laboratorio è stata ottenuta mediante PCR, a partire da penne, feci o, nei soggetti deceduti, campioni d’organo. Tra i campioni analizzati, le penne si sono rivelate particolarmente utili ed attendibili a fini diagnostici permettendo agevolmente la diagnosi in vivo, anche nei casi in cui le lesioni del piumaggio erano completamente assenti. Attualmente, vista la mancata disponibilità di un vaccino commerciale, il controllo dell’infezione è affidato al monitoraggio dei volatili prima di ogni spostamento ed introduzione in un nuovo gruppo. Allo scopo, il test in PCR a partire dalle penne rappresenta un metodo non invasivo per l’animale ma soprattutto efficace ed affidabile anche in assenza di alterazioni esteriori a carico del piumaggio e del becco che inducano a sospettare l’infezione

    Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECR) Observation Capabilities of an "Airwatch from Space'' Mission

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    The longitudinal development and other characteristics of the EECR induced atmospheric showers can be studied from space by detecting the fluorescence light induced in the atmospheric nitrogen. According to the Airwatch concept a single fast detector can be used for measuring both intensity and time development of the streak of fluorescence light produced by the atmospheric shower induced by an EECR. In the present communication the detection capabilities for the EECR observation from space are discussed.Comment: 3 pages (LaTeX). To appear in the Proceedings of TAUP'9
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