78 research outputs found

    Влияние гепсидина на регуляцию гомеостаза железа при миелодиспластическом синдроме

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    Continuous red blood cell (RBC) transfusions are the main factor of hemosiderosis development, but many Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients develop iron overload at an early stage of the disease before the red blood cell (RBC) transfusions begin. Hepsidin is a hormone, produced by hepatocytes. It plays a leading role in iron hemostasis. MDS patients demonstrate elevated serum ferritin and hepcidin concentrations even before the RBC transfusions initiating. After 6 months of follow-up, serum ferritin concentration was increased up to 1278 µg/L without significant hepcidin concentration elevation. After 12 months, serum ferritin continued increasing up to 1898 µg/L with a significant hepcidin level decrease to 92±17 pg/ml. The patients group with a ferritin level above average after 12 months of treatment demonstrated significantly lower 5-year overall survival (OS) compared to the group with ferritin level after 12 months of treatment below 1598 µg/L: 5-year OS 9,1±8,7%; median OS – 1,7 years, median observation time 2,9 years (1,2–5,8) in the first group versus 5-year OS 44,4±17,0%; median OS – 4,5 years, median observation time 4,5 years (2,6–6) in the second one. This study findings demonstrating invert correlation of ferritin/hepcidin serum concentration may give evidence to the fact of functional hepatocytes reserves depletion and increased iron deposition in the liver. Altered hepcidin production may be a reason for the hemosiderosis over-progression that is negative for the patients’ quality of life. Serum hepcidin and ferritin concentrations must be assessed every 3 months for the iron helators could be administrated on time.Длительная терапия трансфузией эритроцитов является основным фактором развития посттрансфузионного гемосидероза, но у многих пациентов развивается перегрузка железа на ранней стадии заболевания до начала переливания эритроцитарной массы. Гепсидин – гормон, продуцируемый гепатоцитами, играет одну из ключевых ролей в гемостазе железа. У многих пациентов с МДС еще до начала гемотрансфузионной терапии отмечается повышенное содержание ферритина и гепсидина в сыворотке крови. При этом через 6 месяцев наблюдения отмечено увеличение уровня сывороточного ферритина до 1278±47 мкг/л без значимого повышения уровня гепсидина. Через 12 месяцев продолжен рост уровня ферритина до 1598±62 мкг/л при достоверно значимом снижении уровня гепсидина 92±17 пг\мл. Группа пациентов с уровнем ферритина через 12 месяцев лечения выше среднего значения показала значительно меньшую 5-летнюю общую выживаемость (5-летняя ОВ 9,1±8,7%; медиана ОВ 1,7 года; медиана наблюдения 2,9 (разброс 1,2–5,8) года) по сравнению с группой, имеющей ферритин через 12 месяцев менее среднего значения (5-летняя ОВ 44,4±17,0%; медиана ОВ 4,5 года; медиана наблюдения 4,5 (разброс 2,6–6,0) года)

    Effect of Bacteriophages and Gentamycine on Morphology and Vesicle Formation of Bacteria Yersinia pestis EV

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    Objective was to assess the effect of specific bacteriophages and gentamycine on the morphological-functional properties of bacteria in the vaccine strain Yersinia pestis EV.Materials and methods. The vaccine strain Y. pestis EV, Pokrovskaya bacteriophage and the pseudotuberculous diagnostic bacteriophage were used for the study. The microbial culture was grown on solid and in liquid growth media at 27 °C for 20–24 h. The co-incubation of bacteria and bacteriophage or gentamycine was carried out at 27 °C for 20 minutes or at 37 °C for 2 hours, respectively. Culture preparations were examined by transmission electron microscopy.Results and discussion. The influence of cultivation conditions and various stress factors on the vesicle production by the vaccine strain Y. pestis EV cells was evaluated. The nature and intensity of morphological-functional changes in Y. pestis EV cells in response to the effect of bacteriophages (plague Pokrovskaya and pseudotuberculous bacteriophages) or an antibiotic (gentamycine) were determined. It was established that co-incubation of Y. pestis EV with Pokrovskaya bacteriophage or gentamycine for 20 min leads to the increase in the production of extracellular vesicles and is accompanied by the development of degenerative changes in bacterial cells


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    Goal of study: to consider and analyze the indices of survival of newborns with low weight at birth in the conditions of implementation of perinatal care regionalization in Ukraine.  Materials and methods. Statistical and bibliosemantic methods were used in the course of research. The data of State Committee of Statistics and perinatal audit for the years 2011–2015 were taken as material for study.   Results. The indices of survival of the newborns with extremely low weight in the first 168 hours of life equal to 81.3%–81.9%, including the babies with the weight 500–999 grams at birth (64.2%–63.0%) and newborns with the weight 1000 – 1499 grams at birth (90.1%–91.3%). Positive trend of perinatal mortality – 8.6 per 1000 of births dead and alive in 2014 and 8.5 in 2015, and neonatal mortality 3.4 per 1000 of births dead and alive and 3.1 respectively is set.Conclusions. The effectiveness of the implementation of perinatal care regionalization in the country is demonstrated in the article.Мета: вивчити та проаналізувати показники виживання новонароджених із низькою масою тіла при народженні в умовах впровадження регіоналізації перинатальної допомоги в Україні.Матеріали і методи. У ході виконання дослідження використано статистичний та бібліосемантичний методи. Матеріалами дослідження стали дані Держкомстату України  та перинатального аудиту за 2011–2015 роки.Результати. Показники виживання новонароджених з дуже малою масою тіла у перші 168 годин життя склали 81,3%–81,9%, у т. ч. з масою тіла при народженні 500–999 г – 64,2%–63,0%, з масою тіла при народженні 1000–1499 г – 90,1%–91,3%. Встановлена позитивна тенденція щодо перинатальної смертності – 8,6 на 1000 народжених живими і мертвими у 2014 р. і 8,5 у 2015 р. та неонатальної – 3,4 і 3,1 на 1000 народжених живими відповідно.Висновки. Показана ефективність впровадження регіоналізації перинатальної допомоги в країні.

    Electron-Microscopic Investigation of Interactions between <I>Yersinia pseudotuberculosis</I>, <I>Yersinia pestis</I> Cells and Specific Bacteriophages

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    Carried out has been electron-microscopic investigation of dynamics of interactions between Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Yersinia pestis cells and specific bacteriophages in vitro. Identified have been peculiarities in morphological manifestation of the interactions. Determined are morphometric characteristics of the bacteriophages utilized in the experiment. It is demonstrated that after 40 minutes of co-incubation of Y. pseudotuberculosis with specific bacteriophage emergence of persisting forms of microbial cells is observed, while in case of EV strain infecting with Pokrovskaya bacteriophage, this phenomenon is not detected


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    Purpose: to study and analyze the indices of disability among infant population in Ukraine.Materials and Methods. The data of State statistical reporting for the years 2013–2017 were used as materials of research. Statistical method was applied in the course of research.Results. The total index of infants’ disability is decreasing alongside with increasing index of the prevalence of disability among infants that is caused by endocrine diseases, nutrition and metabolism disorders, diseases of the skin and fatty tissue, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases of blood circulation. The leading positions in the structure of infants’ disability belong to congenital defects of development, deformations and chromosome anomalies, diseases of the nervous system, mental and behavioral disorders.Conclusions. High indices of total and primary disability of infants require the development of State program for their rehabilitation.Мета: вивчити та проаналізувати показники інвалідності дитячого населення в Україні.Матеріали і методи. Матеріалами дослідження слугували дані державної статистичної звітності за період 2013–2017 рр. У ході дослідження використано статистичний метод дослідження.Результати. При зниженні загального показника інвалідності дітей підвищується показник поширеності інвалідності, яка зумовлена ендокринними хворобами, розладами харчування та порушеннями обміну речовин; хворобами шкіри та підшкірної клітковини; розладами психіки та поведінки; хворобами системи кровообігу. У структурі інвалідності у дітей лідирують природжені вади розвитку, деформації та хромосомні аномалії, хвороби нервової системи, розлади психіки і поведінки.Висновки. Високі показники загальної та первинної інвалідності дітей потребують прийняття державної програми їх реабілітації


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    Purpose: To study and analyze the regionalization of perinatal care condition in Ukraine.Materials and methods. Data of the Center for Health Statistics Ministry of Health of Ukraine during 2011-2014  were studied; monitoring results of regionalization of perinatal care in Ukraine, which carries out by Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches  Ministry of Health of Ukraine.Results. From the total number of births in perinatal care institutions of first level was deliveries 36.5% of women, the second level – 46.8%, the third level – 16.7%. Sufficient concentration in perinatal centers of third level of deliveries pregnant women with congenital heart diseases (63.4%), diseases of the circulatory system (50.5%) and newborns weighing 500,0-999,0 g (59.0%) and 1000.0–1499.0 g (52.9%) has been established, increasing their survival rate at first 168 hours of life from 57.6% in 2011 up to 64.2% in 2014 and from 87.3% up to 89.9% accordingly. It is revealed considerably best survival rates of these categories of newborns in perinatal care institutions of third level compared with institutions of first level.Conclusions. Regionalization of perinatal care positively influences on its efficiency.Мета: вивчити та проаналізувати стан регіоналізації перинатальної допомоги в Україні.Матеріали і методи. Вивчалися дані Центру медичної статистики МОЗ України та період 2011–2014 рр.; результати моніторингу регіоналізації перинатальної допомоги в Україні, який проводить Український інститут стратегічних досліджень МОЗ України.Результати. Із загальної кількості пологів у закладах перинатальної допомоги І рівня було розроджено 36,5% жінок, ІІ рівня – 46,8%, ІІІ рівня –16,7%. Встановлена достатня концентрація у перинатальних центрах ІІІ рівня розроджень вагітних з природженими вадами серця (63,4%), хворобами системи кровообігу (50,5%) та новонароджених із масою тіла 500,0–999,0 г (59,0%) і 1000,0 – 1499,0 г (52,9%), при збільшенні їх виживаності у перші 168 годин життя з 57,6% у 2011 р. до 64,2% у 2014 р. та з 87,3% до 89,9% відповідно. Виявлено значно кращі показники виживаності цих категорій новонароджених у закладах перинатальної допомоги ІІІ рівня порівняно із закладами І рівня.Висновки. Регіоналізація перинатальної допомоги позитивно впливає на її ефективність

    Changes in the T and B lymphocyte subset profiles upon treatment of patients with Graves’ disease with radioactive iodine

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the subpopulation profile of T and B lymphocytes, and their relationships during therapy of the patients with Graves’ disease (GD) treated by means of radioactive iodine. We have examined 36 women with verified diagnosis of GD. The contents of thyroid hormones were determined by immunoradiometric analysis. The levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor autoantibodies (rTSH) were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. On the basis of comprehensive pre-therapeutic examination, all patients were exposed to the fixed-activity therapy with radioactive iodine-131 at a dose of 400 to 700 MBq administered orally in isotonic aqueous solution of sodium iodide. 56 practically healthy women were examined as a control group. The phenotype of T and B cells in whole blood was studied by flow cytometry using direct immunofluorescence. It was shown that the patients, prior to treatment with radioactive iodine, had high levels of cellular functional activity, as determined by expression of CD25 antigen on T cells and CD23-antigen on B lymphocytes. Higher functional activity of the cells responsive for adaptive immunity in the patients with GD manifests in the presence of increased levels of autoantibodies to rTSH. By means of correlation analysis, we found that the patients with GD examined before the therapy had the thyroid status may determine the functional stimulation of T and B cells, thus increasing the levels of autoimmune processes. One month after radioiodine therapy (RIT), the GD patients, along with transient hyperthyroidism with increased concentration of autoantibodies to rTSH, showed a reduction of activated T lymphocyte contents (including T helpers and cytotoxic T cells) to control values. However, the level of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the blood remained low, and the content of Treg cells was significantly increased in the patients. Decreased contents of B cells activated memory B cell to the control levels were found in patients with GD over 1 month after RIT when studying the phenotype of blood B lymphocytes. In this case, increased levels of naive B lymphocytes and B2 cells were detected, as well as decreased numbers of activated B1 lymphocytes. The observed changes in the subpopulation composition of T and B cells, and in their phenotype developed against the background of complete absence of relationships between the studied parameters, thus suggesting loss of thyroid control of immune processes and cooperative cell interaction during the development of the immune response. Generally, the phenotypic changes of T and B lymphocyte subsets in the blood of patients with GD through 1 month after treatment with radioactive iodine may reflect a trend for decreased functional activity of adaptive cellular immunity which may also account for inhibition of autoimmune processes

    Arginase Inhibitor in the Pharmacological Correction of Endothelial Dysfunction

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    This paper is about a way of correction of endothelial dysfunction with the inhibitor of arginase: L-norvaline. There is an imbalance between vasoconstriction and vasodilatation factors of endothelium on the basis of endothelial dysfunction. Among vasodilatation agents, nitrogen oxide plays the basic role. Amino acid L-arginine serves as a source of molecules of nitrogen oxide in an organism. Because of the high activity of arginase enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of L-arginine into ornithine and urea, the bioavailability of nitrogen oxide decreases. The inhibitors of arginase suppress the activity of the given enzyme, raising and production of nitrogen oxide, preventing the development of endothelial dysfunction

    ВИЧ-ассоциированные лимфомы

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    A steady worldwide increase in the number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and diagnostic methods requires a separate review of patient-specific nosologies, including lymphoproliferative diseases, some of which are directly associated with the virus due to its oncogenic effect and those that do not relate directly to HIV but introduce nuances to diagnostic and therapeutic approaches when a patient is HIV-positive. Towards this, the paper generally reviews lymphomas in PLHIV, presents the WHO classification of HIV-associated lymphomas, describes a contemporary view of the known mechanisms of pathogenesis, including the role of opportunistic infections, and general principles of diagnostic and therapeutic tactics, provides recommendations on modifying the doses of chemotherapy correlated with the immune status and on preventing CNS involvement. Specific types of lymphoma (Burkitt’s lymphoma, diff use large B-cell lymphoma) are considered separately, including those most frequently associated with patients living with HIV (primary effusion lymphoma, plasmablastic lymphoma, primary central nervous system lymphoma), but rare in the uninfected population.Стабильный рост в мире числа людей, живущих с вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ЛЖВИЧ), и методов диагностики требует отдельного разбора специфических для указанной категории пациентов нозологий, в том числе лимфопролиферативных заболеваний, развитие части которых непосредственно ассоциировано с вирусом в связи с его онкогенным действием, и тех, что не относятся к непосредственно к ВИЧ-связанным, но вносящих нюансы в диагностические и терапевтические подходы при наличии у пациента ВИЧ-положительного статуса. С этой целью в статье рассмотрены лимфомы у ЛЖВИЧ, приведена классификация ВИЧ-ассоциированных лимфом Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), описаны современные представления об известных механизмах патогенеза, в том числе о роли оппортунистических инфекций, и общие принципы диагностической и терапевтической тактики, приведены рекомендации по модификации доз химиопрепаратов в зависимости от иммунного статуса и по профилактике поражения центральной нервной системы. Отдельно рассмотрены конкретные типы лимфом (лимфома Беркитта, диффузная В-крупноклеточная лимфома), в том числе наиболее часто сопровождающие пациентов, живущих с ВИЧ (первичная выпотная лимфома, плазмобластная лимфома, первичная лимфома центральной нервной системы), но редкие в неинфицированной популяции