1,593 research outputs found

    Increased flexibility in lab-on-chip design with a polymer patchwork approach

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    Nanofluidic structures are often the key element of many lab-on-chips for biomedical and environmental applications. The demand for these devices to be able to perform increasingly complex tasks triggers a request for increasing the performance of the fabrication methods. Soft lithography and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) have since long been the basic ingredients for producing low-cost, biocompatible and flexible devices, replicating nanostructured masters. However, when the desired functionalities require the fabrication of shallow channels, the \u201croof collapse\u201d phenomenon, that can occur when sealing the replica, can impair the device functionalities. In this study, we demonstrate that a \u201cfocused drop-casting\u201d of h-PDMS (hard PDMS) on nanostructured regions, provides the necessary stiffness to avoid roof collapse, without increasing the probability of deep cracks formation, a drawback that shows up in the peel-off step, when h-PDMS is used all over the device area. With this new approach, we efficiently fabricate working devices with reproducible sub-100 nm structures. We verify the absence of roof collapse and deep cracks by optical microscopy and, in order to assess the advantages that are introduced by the proposed technique, the acquired images are compared with those of cracked devices, whose top layer, of h-PDMS, and with those of collapsed devices, made of standard PDMS. The geometry of the critical regions is studied by atomic force microscopy of their resin casts. The electrical resistance of the nanochannels is measured and shown to be compatible with the estimates that can be obtained from the geometry. The simplicity of the method and its reliability make it suitable for increasing the fabrication yield and reducing the costs of nanofluidic polymeric lab-on-chips

    An off-shell I.R. regularization strategy in the analysis of collinear divergences

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    We present a method for the analysis of singularities of Feynman amplitudes based on the Speer sector decomposition of the Schwinger parametric integrals combined with the Mellin-Barnes transform. The sector decomposition method is described in some details. We suggest the idea of applying the method to the analysis of collinear singularities in inclusive QCD cross sections in the mass-less limit regularizing the forward amplitudes by an off-shell choice of the initial particle momenta. It is shown how the suggested strategy works in the well known case of the one loop corrections to Deep Inelastic Scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    An architecture to manage security services for cloud applications

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    The uptake of virtualization and cloud technologies has pushed novel development and operation models for the software, bringing more agility and automation. Unfortunately, cyber-security paradigms have not evolved at the same pace and are not yet able to effectively tackle the progressive disappearing of a sharp security perimeter. In this paper, we describe a novel cyber-security architecture for cloud-based distributed applications and network services. We propose a security orchestrator that controls pervasive, lightweight, and programmable security hooks embedded in the virtual functions that compose the cloud application, pursuing better visibility and more automation in this domain. Our approach improves existing management practice for service orchestration, by decoupling the management of the business logic from that of security. We also describe the current implementation stage for a programmable monitoring, inspection, and enforcement framework, which represents the ground technology for the realization of the whole architecture

    The annual rate of independent events - A key interpretation for traditional extreme value distributions of wind velocity

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    The extreme value theory has been object of engineering studies for more than a century. The analysis of extreme winds plays a key role for complex civil structures and a driving role in different stages of wind turbines lifetime. Most of extremes probability models depend on the annual rate of independent events (ARIE) which has been traditionally considered a constant value. The authors have embraced a recent belief considering the ARIE as a function of the wind velocity. Even though a certain agreement has been achieved across the researches, some issues are still pending. In this regard, the paper shows that the annual, seasonal and daily fluctuations embedded in time series of the mean wind speeds, constrain its probability distribution and time correlation to be physically consistent. Besides, a new physical interpretation of the ARIE is presented, expressing how the independence across wind observations increases with the wind speed, up to the point that all yearly observations are independent if larger than a suitable speed value. Such a tendency is not revealed if the annual, seasonal and daily fluctuations are excluded by the analysis, leading to a deceitful shape of the ARIE. Finally, the paper shows how the velocity-dependent ARIE model is consistent with the conventional asymptotic extreme value theory, if a sufficiently large left-censorship applies to the dataset. The study of the ARIE presented in this paper is based on long-term Monte Carlo simulation of the mean wind speed

    High homogeneity solenoidal magnet for cesium frequency standard

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    In Cs frequency standards a zone of highly uniform magnetic flux density, lower in value of 0.1 T, is required. The magnetic homogeneity value is tied to the overall accuracy of the standard and, for an accuracy of 10-14, a design value 1 p.p.m. is required. For this purpose a resistive solenoid 700 mm long with a bore radius of 32.5 mm has been designed and built. This paper reports the design process, the measurements on the manufactured magnet and the shimming strategy used to reach the homogeneity target

    Possible Clinical Failure of Artemether-Lumefantrine in an Italian Traveler with Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria.

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    Artemisinin-combination therapies (ACTs) are recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in endemic areas with multidrug resistant Plasmodium falciparum. We report a case of possible artemether-lumefantrine clinical failure in an Italian traveler with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria imported from Democratic Republic of Congo

    The ePetri dish, an on-chip cell imaging platform based on subpixel perspective sweeping microscopy (SPSM)

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    We report a chip-scale lensless wide-field-of-view microscopy imaging technique, subpixel perspective sweeping microscopy, which can render microscopy images of growing or confluent cell cultures autonomously. We demonstrate that this technology can be used to build smart Petri dish platforms, termed ePetri, for cell culture experiments. This technique leverages the recent broad and cheap availability of high performance image sensor chips to provide a low-cost and automated microscopy solution. Unlike the two major classes of lensless microscopy methods, optofluidic microscopy and digital in-line holography microscopy, this new approach is fully capable of working with cell cultures or any samples in which cells may be contiguously connected. With our prototype, we demonstrate the ability to image samples of area 6 mm × 4 mm at 660-nm resolution. As a further demonstration, we showed that the method can be applied to image color stained cell culture sample and to image and track cell culture growth directly within an incubator. Finally, we showed that this method can track embryonic stem cell differentiations over the entire sensor surface. Smart Petri dish based on this technology can significantly streamline and improve cell culture experiments by cutting down on human labor and contamination risks

    Second harmonic generation on self-assembled GaAs/Au nanowires with thickness gradient

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    Here we investigated the SH generation at the wavelength of 400 nm (pump laser at 800 nm, 120 fs pulses) of a "metasurface" composed by an alternation of GaAs nano-grooves and Au nanowires capping portions of flat GaAs. The nano-grooves depth and the Au nanowires thickness gradually vary across the sample. The samples are obtained by ion bombardment at glancing angle on a 150 nm Au mask evaporated on a GaAs plane wafer. The irradiation process erodes anisotropically the surface, creating Au nanowires and, at high ion dose, grooves in the underlying GaAs substrate (pattern transfer). The SHG measurements are performed for different pump linear polarization angle at different positions on the "metasurface" in order to explore the regions with optimal conditions for SHG efficiency. The pump polarization angle is scanned by rotating a half-wave retarder plate. While the output SH signal in reflection is analyzed by setting the polarizer in s or p configuration in front of the detector. The best polarization condition for SHG is obtained in the configuration where the pump and second harmonic fields are both p polarized, and the experiments show a SH polarization dependence of the same symmetry of bulk GaAs. Thus, the presence of gold contributes only as field localization effect, but do not contributes directly as SH generator