515 research outputs found

    Wintertime thermal performance of green façades in a mediterranean climate

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    The increasing environmental issues have afforded opportunities for a widespread application of green systems in urban areas. Greening the building with green roofs and vertical green systems can be a design and retrofitting strategy to improve building energy performance in summer and in winter. Research efforts have been mainly concentrated on their energy saving function during warm periods. Green façades have a great application potential thanks to the space available in urban environment. The effect of green façades on building energy performance has been studied mainly for warm periods. In order to evaluate the effect during cold periods, an experiment was conducted in Bari, Italy, for two years. Pandorea jasminoides variegated and Rhyncospermum jasminoides were tested as evergreen climbing plants on walls; a third wall was used as control. The night-time temperature of the covered wall was higher than the uncovered wall temperature by up to 3.5°C, thanks to the presence of plants. The thermal barrier function performed by the vegetation layer was analysed. The influence of outdoor air temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity on the façades thermal effect during night-time was investigated. The experimental test demonstrated that both Pandorea jasminoides variegated and Rhyncospermum jasminoides are suitable for green façades in the Mediterranean climatic area during winter. The use of the green façades allowed increasing the thermal performance of the walls during night-time. They also reduced the surface temperature changes throughout the day

    Greenhouse localized heating powered by a polygeneration system

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    Energy consumption in greenhouse heating could reach up to 90% of the total energy requirement depending on the type of greenhouse, environmental control equipment and location of the greenhouse. The use of climate conditioning technologies that exploit renewable energy and the application of passive systems to improve the energy efficiency and the sustainability of the greenhouse sector are recommended. During winter 2020-2021, an experimental test was carried out at the University of Bari in a Mediterranean greenhouse heated by a polygeneration system, composed of a solar system and an air-water heat pump. Three localized heating systems were tested to transfer thermal energy close to plants of Roman lettuce. Heating pipes were placed inside the cultivation substrate in the underground pipe system and on the cultivation substrate in the laid pipe system. The third system consists of metal plates heated by steel tubes and placed in the aerial area of plants. A weather climatic station and a sensor system interfaced with a data logger for continuous data acquisition and storage were used. The plate system was the best for air temperature rising, as it allowed an increase of 3.6% compared to the set-up without any localised heating system. The underground pipe system was the best for the soil heating, as it achieved a temperature increase of 92%. Localized soil heating systems contributed significantly to an earlier harvest by almost 2 weeks

    Inflammatory Related Reactions in Humans and in Canine Breast Cancers, A Spontaneous Animal Model of Disease

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    Inflammatory cells are emerging markers in various cancers in human trials. The relationship between the inflammatory cells response, cancer grade, and progression has been investigated experimentally in a spontaneous canine model of breast cancer and in the unselected population (18–64 years.o.) under anti-HER2 treatments that represent the most prevalent population in this cancer type. The canine data (N samples = 101) were collected retrospectively for diagnosis in our regional area and evaluated by immunohistochemistry and haemato-chemistry. The inflammatory and immune-related adverse reactions (ADR) in humans were evaluated using EudraVigilance. The “Proportional Reporting Ratio” (PRR) of the mabs was calculated for each ADR with values >2 indicative of high risk. In dogs, we found elevated immunostaining of CD68-macrophages in the lymph node of the aggressive cancer G3 and infiltrating CD20+-lymphocyte. A high density of CD20 + lymphocytes was observed in G1 and a decrease in the density was observed with the histological degree of the tumors. The animals with the sample in G1 showed reduced serum platelet and neutrophil count and elevated lymphocytes and the opposite in severely affected animals. Inflammatory reactions with edema, skin reactions, extravasation, loss of effectiveness, and platelet count decrease (PRR > 13) were found with trastuzumab emtansine in humans, in the absence of immune system reactions. Trastuzumab i.v.-s.c. showed immune system reactions, loss of effectiveness, intolerances with drug withdrawal, technological issues (PRR > 7), and neutrophil count decrease reports. These reactions were less frequently reported for pertuzumab i.v. Case reports of platelet and neutrophil count decrease were not associated with disease progression with a better outcome in humans as in canine breast cancer. Therefore, infiltrating CD68-macrophages are associated with G3, while infiltrating CD20+ and elevated serum lymphocytes in parallel with reduced platelet and neutrophil count play a favorable role in human and canine breast cancer

    The genetic background and vitamin D supplementation can affect irisin levels in Prader–Willi syndrome

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    Background Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is associated to distinctive clinical symptoms, including obesity, cognitive and behavioral disorders, and bone impairment. Irisin is a myokine that acts on several target organs including brain adipose tissue and bone. The present study was finalized to explore circulating levels of irisin in children and adult PWS patients. Methods Seventy-eight subjects with PWS, 26 children (15 females, mean age 9.48 ± 3.6 years) and 52 adults (30 females, mean age 30.6 ± 10.7) were enrolled. Irisin serum levels were measured in patients and controls. Its levels were related with anthropometric and metabolic parameters, cognitive performance and bone mineral density either in pediatric or adult PWS. Multiple regression analysis was also performed. Results Irisin serum levels in PWS patients did not show different compared with controls. A more in-depth analysis showed that both pediatric and adult PWS with DEL15 displayed significantly reduced irisin levels compared to controls. Otherwise, no differences in irisin concentration were found in UPD15 patients with respect to controls. Our study revealed that in pediatric PWS the 25(OH) vitamin-D levels affected irisin serum concentration. Indeed, patients who were not supplemented with vitamin D showed lower irisin levels than controls and patients performing the supplementation. Multiple regression analysis showed that irisin levels in pediatric and adult PWS were predicted by the genetic background and 25(OH)-vitamin D levels, whereas in a group of 29 adult PWS also by intelligent Quotient. Conclusion We demonstrated the possible role of genetic background and vitamin-D supplementation on irisin serum levels in PWS patients

    Evidence for Increased Beta-Adrenoreceptor Responsiveness Induced by 14 Days of Simulated Microgravity in Humans

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    We studied hemodynamic responses to alpha and beta receptor agonists in 8 healthy men ( 38+- 2 yrs) before and after 14 days of 6 degree head-down tilt (HDT) to test the hypothesis that increased adrenergic responsiveness is induced by prolonged exposure to microgravity. Immediately following a 30-min baseline period, a steady-state infusion of isoproterenol (ISO) was used to assess beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic responsiveness. ISO was infused at three graded constant rates of 0.005, 0.01 and 0.02 ug/kg/min. After heart rate and blood pressure had been allowed to return to baseline levels following ISO infusion graded infusion of phenylephrine (PE) was used to assess responsiveness of alpha I-vascular receptors. PE was infused at three graded constant rates of 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 ug/kg/min. Each infusion interval for both drugs was 9 min. During the infusions, constant monitoring of beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate was performed and leg blood flow was measured with occlusion plethysmography at each infusion level. The slopes calculated from linear regressions between ISO and PE doses and changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and leg vascular resistance for each subject were used to represent alpha- and beta- adrenoreceptor responsiveness. Fourteen days HDT increased the slopes of heart rate (1056 +- 107 to 1553 +- 83 beats/ug/kg/min; P= 0.014) and vasodilation (-469ft +- 111 to -l446 +- 309 PRU/ug/kg/min; P =0.0224) to ISO infusion. There was no alteration in blood pressure or vascular resistance responses to PE infusion after HDT. Our results provide evidence that microgravity causes selective increases in beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic responsiveness without affecting alpha 1-vascular responses

    Physical and chemical mechanisms involved in adhesion of orthodontic bonding composites: in vitro evaluations

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    BackgroundBond strength of orthodontic composite is strongly influenced by molecular and structural mechanisms. Aim of this in vitro study was to compare bond strength of light-cure orthodontic composites by measuring debonding forces and evaluating locations of bond failure. Investigations on chemical compositions clarified adhesive behaviors and abilities, exploring effects of ageing processes in this junction materials.MethodsTwelve enamel discs, from human premolars, were randomly coupled to one orthodontic adhesive system (Transbond XT (TM) 3 M UNITEK, USA, Light-Cure Orthodontic Paste, LEONE, Italy and Bisco Ortho Bracket Paste LC, BISCO, Illinois) and underwent to Shear Bond Strength test. Metallic brackets were bonded to twenty-seven human premolar, with one of the adhesive systems, to quantify, at FE-SEM magnifications, after debonding, the residual material on enamel and bracket base surfaces. Raman Spectroscopy analysis was performed on eight discs of each composites to investigate on chemical compositions, before and after accelerated aging procedures in human saliva and sugary drink.ResultsOrthodontic adhesive systems showed similar strength of adhesion to enamel. The breakage of adhesive-adherent bond occurs in TXT at enamel-adhesive interface while in Bisco and Leone at adhesive-bracket interface. Accelerated in vitro aging demonstrated good physical-chemical stability for all composites, Bisco only, was weakly contaminated with respect to the other materials.ConclusionA similar, clinically adequate and acceptable bond strength to enamel for debonding maneuvers was recorded in all orthodontic adhesive systems under examination. No significant chemical alterations are recorded, even in highly critical situations, not altering the initial mechanical properties of materials

    Graphene promotes axon elongation through local stall of Nerve Growth Factor signaling endosomes

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    Several works reported increased differentiation of neuronal cells grown on graphene; however, the molecular mechanism driving axon elongation on this material has remained elusive. Here, we study the axonal transport of nerve growth factor (NGF), the neurotrophin supporting development of peripheral neurons, as a key player in the time course of axonal elongation of dorsal root ganglion neurons on graphene. We find that graphene drastically reduces the number of retrogradely transported NGF vesicles in favor of a stalled population in the first two days of culture, in which the boost of axon elongation is observed. This correlates with a mutual charge redistribution, observed via Raman spectroscopy and electrophysiological recordings. Furthermore, ultrastructural analysis indicates a reduced microtubule distance and an elongated axonal topology. Thus, both electrophysiological and structural effects can account for graphene action on neuron development. Unraveling the molecular players underneath this interplay may open new avenues for axon regeneration applications
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