5 research outputs found

    Sudden death of a baby

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    Bir yaş altındaki bebeklerin beklenmedik ve açıklanamayan ani ölümü olarak tanımlanan "Ani Bebek Ölümü", postmortem araştırma, ölüm yerinin araştırılması ve öykünün gözden geçirilmesi ile bir dışlanma tanısıdır. Kesin nedeni bilinmemektedir. Ölüme katkıda bulunabilecek bazı durumlar risk olarak tanımlanmıştır. İncinebilir gelişim döneminde olma, genetik yatkınlık ve aşırı immün yanıt ölümcül üçgeni oluşturur. Kritik periyotta bulunan bebeğin çevresel risk faktörlerinin etkisine maruz kalması sonucunda gelişir. Bu nedenle koruyucu önlemler risklerin ortadan kaldırılmasına dayanırUnexpected and unexplained death of an infant less than one year of age is defined as the Sudden Infant Death, is a diagnosis of exclusion with postmortem research, revising the story, and to investigate the place of death. The certain reason is unknown, however some conditions which may contribute to death is defined as a risk. Vulnerable developmental period, genetic predisposition and excessive immune response creates lethal triangle. Therefore, protective measures are based on the elimination of ris

    Case of Pierre-Robin Syndrome Improvement of Feeding and Respiration with a Palatine Plate in a Case of Pierre-Robin Syndrome

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    Pierre Robin Sendromu (PRS) 1902 yılında tanımlanmış olup damak yarığı, mandibuler retrognati ve/veya mikrognati ve glossopitozis şeklinde üç komponentten oluşmaktadır. Asfiksiye bağlı mortalite oranının % 30 olarak belirlendiği sendromda bir diğer problem de beslenme bozukluğudur. Bu nedenle hayatın ilk günlerinde beslenmenin ve solunumun rahat bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesini sağlamak amacıyla müdahale gerekebilir. PRS'lu olgularda, hava yolu açıklığını sağlamak için literatürde bildirilmiş olan pozisyon verme, nazofarengeal tüp kullanımı, entübasyon ve cerrahi tedavi gibi yaklaşımlar mevcuttur. Hayatın ilk günlerinde uygulanan bu yaklaşımlar bebek ve aile için travmatik olabilmektedir. Bu yazıda 1 günlük iken beslenememe ve solunum problemleri ile başvuran ve ortodontik aparey kullanımı ile sorunsuz olarak taburcu edilen PRS'lu bir olgu sunulmuştur.The Pierre-Robin Syndrome (PRS) has been defined in 1902 and consists of three components: cleft palate, mandibular retrognathia and/or micrognathia, and glossoptosis. The mortality rate due to asphyxia is 30% in the syndrome. Another common problem is malnutrition. Intervention may therefore be required to provide a comfortable route for feeding and breathing in the first days of life. Some previously reported approaches are positioning, nasopharyngeal tube usage, intubation and surgical treatment to provide airway patency. However these approaches may be traumatic for the baby and family in the early days of life. In this paper, a 1-day-old PRS case who presented with nutritional and respiratory problems and was later discharged without any problems by the use of an orthodontic palate plaque is presented

    Mean platelet volume/count and mortality in extremely low birth weight infants of preeclamptic mothers

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    Purpose: To compare complete blood count (CBC) parameters in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants born to mothers with and without preeclampsia and to evaluate whether these parameters could be used to determine the prognosis of infants born to mothers with preeclampsia. Method: Thirty-eight infants of preeclamptic mothers (IPM) and 77 infants of non-preeclamptic mothers (INPM) were included in the study. The CBC parameters of ELBW infants were evaluated at the sixth hour of life. Results: The mean hemoglobin level of the IPM group was higher than the INPM group (16.4±2.4 vs 15.3±2.4; p=0.02). The mean platelet count of the IPM Group was significantly lower than the INPM group (168±65 vs 206±78; p=0.008). Overall and 7th day of life survival of infants were not different between the groups, but there was a correlation between platelet count of the IPM group and mortality in the first 7 days of life and overall mortality (r=-0.38, p=0.023 and r=-0.36, p=0.029). A cut-off point of 0.4 had significant predictive value for mortality (sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 66%). Conclusion: Hemoglobin and platelet counts were statistically different in ELBW infants born to preeclamptic mothers compared with non-preeclamptic mothers. Although the survival was not different between the two groups, platelet count and MPV/platelet count ratio were significantly correlated with overall mortality and mortality in the first 7 days of life in infants of preeclamptic mothers

    The association of early postnatal weight loss with outcome in extremely low birth weight infants

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    Background: To compare outcomes of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants having different weight losses in the first 3 days of life. Methods: One hundred and twenty six ELBW infants were evaluated retrospectively for weight loss percentages on the third day of life compared to their birth weight. We examined the weight loss on the third day of life compared to the birth weight for the ELBW infants and tested its association with mortality and morbidities. The mortality was subgrouped as overall mortality and mortality in the first 7 days of life. The morbidities were patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). BPD was defined as need for supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks’ postconceptional age. We grouped the infants into four quartiles according to weight loss percentage on the third day of life: Group 1 (Quartile 1), infants with weight loss of 0–3% of birth weight; Group 2 (Quartile 2); infants with weight loss of 3.1–7.5%, Group 3 (Quartile 3), infants with weight loss of 7.51–12%; and Group 4 (Quartile 4), infants with weight loss of more than 12%. The mortality and morbidities were analyzed according to these groups and other risk factors. Results: Overall mortality and mortality in the first 7 days of life were significantly higher in Groups 1 (36% and 27%) and 4 (43% and 24%), compared to Groups 2 (10% and 10%) and 3 (18% and 9%), respectively. Conclusion: Weight loss less than 3% and more than 12% was significantly associated with an increase in mortality. There was a positive correlation between weight loss on the third day of life and IVH. Conclusion: Inappropriate weight loss in ELBW infants is associated with increased mortality and IVH. Appropriate weight loss can improve outcomes in this population. Key Words: ELBW, weight loss, premature, neonat