41 research outputs found

    The European Union's Transatlantic Relationship. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 2/2006, December 2006

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    Since its inception post-World War II, the European unification process has been embedded within a strong transatlantic dimension [Marshall-Plan, Truman/Eisenhower, Monnet, Kennedy/Hallstein]. Today, the EU-US relationship is still the most powerful, the most comprehensive and the strategically most important relationship in the world: most powerful because the EU and the US combine some 60% of the world's GDP, with the EU having overtaken the US numbers of around US $10 trillion recently. They represent around 40% of world trade in goods and even more in services. They hold 80% of the global capital markets. They are each other's main trading partner and source, as much as recipient, of foreign direct investment. Most comprehensive because there is scarcely an issue that does not involve the transatlantic relationship – from Afghanistan to biotech, from WTO negotiations to counter-terrorism, from data privacy to aircraft – the EU and US are involved bilaterally, regionally or globally. Strategically most important because Europe matters to America, and America matters to Europe, because of major converging concerns, largely compatible values and over-lapping interests. The EU and the US share common objectives with regard to coherent strategies for the promotion of peace, stability and economic development around the globe. There is – in the short and medium term – no alternative to the EU-US relationship

    Report on the 8th International Peat Congress, August, 14 – 21, 1988 at Leningrad, USSR

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    Der 8 . Internationale Torfkongreß fand vom 14. - 21. August 1988 in Leningrad statt. Es war eine "Jubiläumstagung", denn bereits vor 25 Jahren entzückte die berühmte und ehemalige Metropole Peter des Großen zahlreiche Torffachleute aus aller Welt. Wenn nicht alle Veranstaltungen und Vorträge der Tagung immer gut besucht waren, so ist das unter anderem auch auf das Bedürfnis vieler Teilnehmer zurückzuführen, die zahllosen Schönheiten dieser Stadt kennenzulernen. Alle Stadtrundfahrten, Besichtigungen und Damentouren waren ausgebucht!conferenceDFG, SUB Göttinge

    Terahertz performance of quasioptical front-ends with a hot-electron bolometer

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    We present terahertz performance of quasioptical front-ends consisting of a hot-electron bolometer imbedded in a planar feed antenna and integrated with an immersion lens. The impedance and radiation pattern of the log-spiral and double-slot planar feeds are evaluated using the method of moments; the collimating action of the lens is modelled using the physical optics. The total efficiency of the front-ends is computed taking into account frequency dependent impedance of the bolometer. Measured performance of the front-ends qualifies the simulation technique as a reliable tool for the design of terahertz receivers

    Integrated Planar Antennas at Terahertz Waves

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    We present the terahertz performance of integrated lens antennas consisting of a double-slot or a log-spiral planar feed and a synthesized elliptical lens. The radiation pattern and the impedance of the planar feeds are computed using the method of moments; the collimating action of the lens is modeled using the physical-optics approach based on the Huygens principle. In the frequency range from 1.5 to 3 THz (double-slot feed) and 0.6 to 5 THz (log-spiral feed) the measured antenna efficiency and radiation pattern correspond fairly well with the results of simulations approving this simulation technique as a reliable tool for the antenna design

    Integrated planar log-spiral antenna at terahertz waves

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    We present terahertz performance of integrated lens antennas consisting of a complementary log-spiral planar feed and a synthesized elliptical lens. The radiation pattern and the impedance of the planar feed are computed using the method of moments; the action of the lens is evaluated using the physical-optics approach based on the Huygens principle. In the frequency range from 0.6 to 5 THz measured antenna efficiency and radiation pattern correspond fairly well with the results of simulations approving this simulation technique as a reliable tool for the antenna design