5 research outputs found

    Comparison of secretory acid proteinase, phospholipase activity, and slime production in candida parapsilosis complex strains isolated from blood cultures and other clinical samples

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    Amaç: Yüksek mortalite ve morbidite nedeni olan hastane kaynaklı kan akımı enfeksiyonlarında Candida türleri en sık dört etkenden biridir. Candida parapsilosis, Candida albicans'tan daha az virülan olarak kabul edilmesine rağmen, son yirmi yılda insidansında en fazla artış görülen Candida türü olmuştur. Çalışmamızda kan ve diğer klinik örneklerden izole edilen C. parapsilosis suşlarının salgısal asit proteinaz (Sap), fosfolipaz enzim aktivitelerinin ve slime üretiminin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: On sekiz aylık süreçte kan kültürleri ve diğer klinik örneklerden izole edilen 28 C. parapsilosis suşunun asit proteinaz aktivitesi süt tozu agaroz yöntemiyle, fosfolipaz aktivitesi yumurta sarılı agar yöntemiyle, slime üretimi ise glukozlu sıvı sabouraud besiyeri ve glukozlu triptik soy broth kullanılarak tüp adezyon yöntemi ile belirlendi.Bulgular: Çalışma izolatlarının tümünde Sap aktivitesi belirlenemedi. Ancak kan ve kan dışı klinik izolatların Sap aktiviteleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı. İzolatların hiçbirinde fosfolipaz aktivitesi belirlenemedi. İzolatların 23'ünde her iki besiyeriyle de slime üretimi görüldü. Yalnızca bir izolat her iki besiyeri ile de slime negatifti. Dört izolatta ise iki farklı besiyeri ile slime üretimi açısından farklı sonuçlar elde edildi. Kan izolatları ile diğer klinik izolatların slime üretimleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark görülmedi.Sonuç: C. parapsilosis izolatlarında Sap aktivitesi ve slime üretimi virülans faktörü olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Fosfolipaz aktivitesinin belirlenmesinde başka yöntemlerin kullanılmasının yararlı olabileceği düşünülmektedirObjective: Candida species comprise one of the four most common agents in hospital-acquired bloodstream infections with high mortality and morbidity. Although C. parapsilosis is accepted as less virulent than C. albicans, it has been the Candida species with the highest increase in incidence within the last two decades. In our study, a comparison is made between the secretory acid proteinase (Sap), phospholipase enzyme activity and the slime production of C. parapsilosis strains isolated from blood with those isolated from other clinical samples. Material and Methods: Sap activity was determined by the milk powder agarose method, phospholipase activity by the egg-yolk agar method and slime production by the tube adhesion method using a liquid Sabouraud medium with glucose and tryptic soy broth with glucose of 28 C. parapsilosis strains isolated from blood cultures and other clinical samples during a period of eighteen months. Results: Sap activity was detected in all the study isolates; however, there was no statistically significant difference in Sap activity between the blood and non-blood clinical isolates. Phospholipase activity was not detected in any of the isolates. In 23 of the isolates, slime production was observed in both media, while only one isolate was slime negative in both culture media. In the remaining four isolates slime production results were different for the two different media. There was no statistically significant difference in slime production between the blood and other clinical isolates

    The identification of Meyerozyma guilliermondii from blood cultures and surveillance samples in a university hospital in Northeast Turkey: A ten-year survey

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    WOS: 000424857000010PubMed: 28843335Meyerozyma (Pichia) guilliermondii exists in human skin and mucosal surface microflora. It can cause severe fungal infections like candidemia, which is an opportunistic pathogen. One hundred and forty-one M. Guilliermondii isolates, consisting of 122 blood culture isolates, belonging to 126 patients; 13 total parenteral nutrition solution isolates; and two rectal swab isolates were identified according to carbohydrate assimilation reactions in a university hospital in Turkey between January 2006 and December 2015. Following Candida albicans (34.0%) and C. Parapsilosis (21.2%), the third yeast species most commonly isolated from blood cultures in the Farabi Hospital was M. guilliermondii (20.6%). The patients were hospitalised in 27 different departments. A total of 50% of the patients were in pediatric departments, 49.2% were in intensive care units, and 17.2% were in haematology-oncology departments. Molecular identification of the isolates was performed using DNA sequence analysis of ribosomal ITS gene regions and IGS amplification-Alul fingerprinting (IGSAF). With molecular identification, 140 isolates were identified as M. guilliermondii and one isolate was identified as Candida membranifaciens. It was observed that the ITS1 region specifically helps in identifying these species. It was demonstrated that biochemical and molecular methods were 99.3% consistent in identifying M. guilliermondii. The Wild-Type (WT) Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) distribution of fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, and flucytosine were determined using the Sensititre YeastOne YO2V system after 24 h of incubation. One M. guilliermondii strain was determined to be non-WT for fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole and flucytosine. In total, three M. guilliermondii strains, for fluconazole, were determined to be non-WT in this study. (C) 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Giresun University Scientific Research Projects Coordination UnitGiresun University [SAG-BAP-A-140316-96]This study was partially supported by Giresun University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit, with the project no. SAG-BAP-A-140316-96

    The investigation of the presence of mites in some served dry foodstuffs

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    PubMed: 28695832OBJECTIVE: Mites are microscopic organisms that lower the quality of life of people who are sensitive to them by causing conditions such as atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma. These organisms are found in every habitat where humans live. This study was conducted to determine the presence of storage mites in dry food items.METHODS: Various food items were procured 10 times each in 300-gram samples. Mites were extracted with a Berlese funnel apparatus over Erlenmeyer flasks containing 70% alcohol placed at the end of the funnel stems for over 48 h.RESULTS: Of 25 food items examined in the study, only six were contaminated by mites. Species of the mites found were Acarus siro (34.6%), Glycyphagus domesticus (22.8%), Tyrophagus putrescentiae (16.8%), Tyrophagus spp. (7.9%), Rhizoglyphus spp. (1%), Lepidoglyphus destructor (7.9%), Cheylettus malacensis (4%), and Cheylettus spp. (2%).CONCLUSION: Although the results of the study show that the presence of mites in food items sold in open containers at open-air markets or stores was low, we suppose that they can cause important health problems for sensitive people

    The Investigation of the Prevalance and Epidemiology of House Dust Mites in Giresun

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma Giresun’da ev tozu akarlarının yaygınlığını, bulunan türleri ve epidemiyolojisini belirlemek amacıylayürütülmüştür.Yöntemler: Bir yıl süreyle aylık olarak ziyaret edilen 15 evden alınan toz örnekleri laktik asit yöntemiyle incelenmiş ve bulunantürlerin teşhisleri ışık mikroskobu ile yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Araştırmada 2251 akar saptanmış, bunların 846’sı (%37,6) ev zeminlerinden, 757’si (%33,6) yetişkin yataklarından,648’i (%28,8) ise çocuk yataklarından elde edilmiştir. Akarların %81,8’i Dermatophagaides pteronyssinus, %0,5’i Dermatophagaidesfarinae (D. farinae), %0,04’ü Euroglypus maynei (E. maynei), %4,2’si Dermatophagoides spp. nimfi, %0,06’sı Acourus siro, %2,4’üGlycphagus domesticus, %0,9 Lepidoglyphus destructor, %4,5’i Campunatus arcuatus, %1,4’si Tyrophagus putrescentiae, %1,3 Cheyletusspp. olarak belirlenmiştir. Pyroglyphid türler evlerin tamamında (%100) tespit edilmiş olup, D. pteronyssinus evlerin %100’ünde,Dermatophagoides farinae %5’inde, E. maynei %4’ünde saptanmıştır.Sonuç: Giresun’da akarlar yıl boyunca bütün evlerde saptanmış olup örneklerin tamamında tespit edilmiştir. Bahar ve yazaylarından itibaren daha fazla miktarda tespit edilmiş olmasına karşın sadece sıcaklık ile orta derecede bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Genelolarak Ağustos-Ekim ayları döneminde akar varlığı Ocak-Mart dönemine göre anlamlı şekilde fazla tespit edilmiştir (p0,05). D.pteronyssinus Mayıs-Ağustos ayları arasında ara katlarda, Eylül-Ekim aylarında ise zemin katlarda fazla tespit edilmiştir (p0,05).Giresun’un iklim özelliklerinin ev tozu akarlarının gelişip çoğalmasına uygun olduğu ve bu durumun duyarlı kişiler açısından birrisk oluşturabileceği düşünülmektedir.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the species of house dust mites and their prevalence in Giresun.Methods: Dust samples taken from 15 houses which were visited monthly for one year were examined by the lactic acid method.Results: A total of 2251 mites were detected in the study. The distribution of mites was as follows: 81.8% Dermatophagoidespteronyssinus, 0.5% Dermatophagoides farinae, 0.04% Euroglypus maynei (E. maynei), 4.2% Dermatophagoides spp. 0.06% A. siro, 2.4%Glycphagus domesticus, 0.9 % Lepidoglyphus destructor, 1.4% Tyrophagus putrescentiae, 4.5% Campunatus arcuatus, 1.3% Cheyletusspp. Pyroglyphid species were detected in all houses (100%). Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus was found in 100%, D. farinae 5% andE. maynei 4% of the houses.Conclusion: The mites in Giresun were found in all houses throughout the year and were detected in all of the samples. Althoughthey were detected in greater amounts in the spring and summer, only a moderate relationship could be detected with temperature.In August-October period, mite existence was significantly higher than the January-March period (p0,05). D.pteronyssinus wasfound in higher numbers on the mezzanine floors between May and August and on the ground floors in September and October(p0,05). We think that the climate characteristics of Giresun are suitable for the development and proliferation of house dustmites and this can pose a risk for sensitive people

    Distribution, Virulence Attributes and Antifungal Susceptibility Patterns of Candida Parapsilosis Complex Strains Isolated From Clinical Samples

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    It was recently proposed that Candida parapsilosis represents a complex composed of three closely related species, i.e., C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, C. orthopsilosis, and C. metapsilosis. The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of C. parapsilosis complex isolates among clinical samples. We also evaluated antifungal susceptibility profiles, in vitro presence of lipase and secreted aspartyl proteinase, as well as their ability to grow in total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solution, and biofilm production. A total of 413 non-C. albicans Candida isolates were obtained from various clinical samples between 2010 and 2011 in a Turkish Tertiary Care Hospital. Of them, 42 were identified as members of the C. parapsilosis complex. Among these, 38 (90.5%) were C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, 3 (7.1%) C. metapsilosis, and 1 (2.4%) C. orthopsilosis. All isolates recovered from blood were found to be C. parapsilosis sensu stricto and C. metapsilosis. In phenotypic tests, all 42 isolates grew in TPN solution and, although 26.2% of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto-isolates were capable of forming biofilms in vitro, neither C. orthopsilosis nor C. metapsilosis isolates were able to do so. Acid proteinase activity was detected in 31% of isolates and lipase activity in 33%. All isolates were sensitive to voriconazole, caspofungin, and anidulafungin, with only a single C. parapsilosis sensu stricto isolate showing dose-dependent susceptible to fluconazole. While the number of C. metapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis isolates remained low, there were no significant differences in antifungal MIC as compared to C. parapsilosis sensu stricto.WoSScopu