16 research outputs found

    Educational applications of augmented reality: A bibliometric study

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    [EN] Augmented Reality (AR) has been used successfully in several industries; one of these is education. A systematic understanding of how AR contributes to education still lacks studies about the content type and its effects on learning outcomes. This article systematically analyzes the AR state-of-the-art in education, determines productivity and publication indicators in this field, and identifies research works that have studied how content type affects the learning outcomes. The methodology was performed through a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database, focusing on AR's educational uses. Engineering education is the primary research trend, followed by simulation, tracking, and virtual reality. Education and e-learning also have leading roles within this analysis, along with gamification and human-computer interaction, whose impacts are further explored. There is no preferred design methodology for creating AR content. In its absence, most of the works suggest a design based on the developers' and researchers' experience.The authors thank the editors and two anonymous reviewers for their highly constructive feedback. The authors also would like to acknowledge the technical support of Writing Lab, Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, in the production of this workHincapié, M.; Díaz, C.; Valencia, A.; Contero, M.; Güemes-Castorena, D. (2021). Educational applications of augmented reality: A bibliometric study. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 93:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.1072891119

    Reconfiguration model using knowledge based engineering systems

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    Globalization has forced enterprises to adapt their products and services to remain competitive in the free market. Manufacture plays an important role in the competitive aspect; it is where an innovation in the production system could lead to business advantage. These innovations usually involve the key elements in manufacturing systems: machines, tools and resources administration. A reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) is one designed for rapid change in its structure and components, to quickly adjust its production capacity and functionality in response to sudden market or intrinsic system changes. However, reconfiguration alone is not enough since it will provide information to produce a certain item but it won t provide the components that will automate the machine tool for mass production. The process of automation of machine tools is known as retrofit, process being developed and researched in emergent economies. The current retrofit kits are expensive and are not tailor made, thus, they are not attractive for small and medium enterprises. This article describes a solution for fast reconfiguration of machine tools using the Knowledge Based-Engineering System methodology (KBES) that allows to obtain, structure and manage the knowledge generated in a determined engineering process, in this case, the reconfiguration processHincapié Montoya, M.; Güemes-Castorena, D.; Contero, M.; Ramírez-Cadena, M.; Diaz, C. (2015). Reconfiguration model using knowledge based engineering systems. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research. 6(1):63-81. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77893S63816

    A State-Level Analysis of Mexican Education and Its Impact on Regional, Economic, and Social Development: Two-Stage Network DEA Approach

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    Education has been considered a cornerstone for human and economic development. Although there is a national educational strategy in most countries, various implementations are at the state level. This paper studies academic efficiency at the primary and secondary levels and the human development dimensions –long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, and enjoying a decent standard of life– at the state level. For this purpose, a network data envelopment analysis (NDEA) with two stages was proposed. The first stage studies the educational process efficiency, while the second evaluates its impact in the form of the human development index. The study found significant differences between the evaluated states in the education stage, where the lowest efficiencies are mainly in the southwest of Mexico. The results also indicate that better education quality leads to greater regional, economic, and social development at the state level. This study contributes to the NDEA applications on the understanding of the impact that education has in improving the development of the regions holistically

    Selección del portafolio de proyectos tecnológicos en la etapa temprana de la innovación. Desarrollo de una herramienta de evaluación

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    Una de las decisiones más críticas en la etapa temprana de los proyectos tecnológicos de investigación es la de seleccionar aquellos proyectos que deberían recibir fondos y recursos para su desarrollo. Bajo este contexto surgen las siguientes interrogantes: ¿cuáles son las variables claves o los determinantes del éxito comercial en las etapas tempranas de la tecnología? ¿Cuáles de las variables tienen mayor importancia? Y en base a esto, ¿cómo proponer una herramienta de evaluación de proyectos que ayude a tomar decisiones más acertadas? Para contestar estas preguntas se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a fin de identificar las variables que influencian el éxito comercial así como una investigación de los métodos y las herramientas actualmente utilizadas con el objetivo de desarrollar e implementar una herramienta de evaluación sencilla y práctica. Como resultado se presentan las variables encontradas, agrupadas en cinco categorías y sus respectivas preguntas a evaluar. Además se expone la ponderación de cada categoría basado en un ejercicio de comparación pareada. Dicha herramienta se ha puesto en práctica y ha ayudado a tomar mejores decisiones para identificar las características que ayudan a tener éxito comercial de los proyectos tecnológicos, y por ende, seleccionar los proyectos con mayor probabilidad de éxito de innovación

    Identification of key factors of academia in the process of linking in the triple helix of innovation model in Mexico, a state of the art matrix

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    Introducción: La innovación es reconocida como una actividad esencial para aumentar la competitividad de un país Etzkowitz define el modelo de la triple hélice para el proceso de innovación en el cual se describe la relación entre la interacción industria-academia-gobierno en una institución, región o país. En las últimas dos décadas México ha adoptado gradualmente un enfoque tecnológico, mediante el cambio y la implementación de políticas tecnológicas, que incluyen la transformación del a industria, el gobierno y la academia. Una de las mayores dificultades ha sido la implementación de esas políticas dentro de las instituciones académicas debido a su organización y estructura. Método: Se usó la metodología de matrix del estado del arte (SAM) con el objetivo de colectar, compilar y analizar la literatura disponible sobre el tema de innovación y triple hélice en México. La selección de la literatura se realizó buscando artículos de revistar científicas, libros, conferencias relacionadas con el modelo de la triple hélice, en bases de datos digitales y libros impresos en México. Posteriormente se codificaron los artículos encontrados y usando diagramas de afinidad (matrices) y se clasificaron en tres tipos de factores: internos, estructurales y ambientales. Resultados: El principal objetivo de la academia en México es la educación, la cual carece de una visión innovadora. Esto tiene como consecuencia que a pesar de los esfuerzos para lograr la vinculación, el número de proyectos de vinculación entre la academia y la industria sea mínimo. Conclusión: En los últimos 20 años ha habido un incremento en el número de investigaciones sobre el modelo de la triple hélice de la innovación en México, debido a la desarticulación de los actores en México. Los investigadores han estudiado la situación y descrito las áreas de oportunidad, experiencias y mejores prácticas, con la finalidad de compartir, trasmitir y promover los cambios para cada actor del modelo. Es necesario determinar los factores clave que retrasan y/o promueven el involucramiento de la academia en el modelo de la triple hélice de innovación en México, con la finalidad de generar y promover ideas, acciones y políticas que tengan un impacto positivo en el desarrollo tecnológico

    Identification of key factors of academia in the process of linking in the triple helix of innovation model in Mexico, a state of the art matrix

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    Introduction: Innovation is recognized as an essential activity for increasing competitiveness in a country. Etzkowitz defines a triple helix model for innovation process that describes the relationship between industry-academia-government interaction and innovation in an institution, region or country. In the last two decades Mexico has adopted gradually a technological approach, by changing and implementing technological policies which include industry, government and academia transformation. One of the main difficulties has been the implementation of these polices within academic institutions due to their organization and structure. Method: Fot the methodology, it was use a state of the art matrix (SAM) in order to colect, compile and analyze the available literature about innovation and triple helix in Mexico. The selection of the literature was made by finding journal papers, books and conferences related to triple helix model in digital database and in books printed in Mexico; Afterwards, the articles were codified using affinity diagrams (matrices) and were classified in three types of factors: internal, structural and environmental. Results: The main objective of the academy in Mexico is education, which lacks of an innovative vision. This has the consequence that despite efforts to achieve linkage, the number of projects linking academia - industry is minimal. Conclusion: In the last 20 years there has been a growth in the research of triple helix model of innovation in Mexico, due the disarticulation of the actors in Mexico. Researchers have studied the situation and described the opportunity areas, experiences and best practices, in order to share, transmit, and promote changes in each actor in to the model. It is necessary to determine the key factors that delay and/or encourage the involvement of academia in the triple helix model of innovation in Mexico, in order to generate and promote ideas, actions and policies that have a positive impact in technological development.Introducción: La innovación es reconocida como una actividad esencial para aumentar la competitividad de un país Etzkowitz define el modelo de la triple hélice para el proceso de innovación en el cual se describe la relación entre la interacción industria-academia-gobierno en una institución, región o país. En las últimas dos décadas México ha adoptado gradualmente un enfoque tecnológico, mediante el cambio y la implementación de políticas tecnológicas, que incluyen la transformación del a industria, el gobierno y la academia. Una de las mayores dificultades ha sido la implementación de esas políticas dentro de las instituciones académicas debido a su organización y estructura. Método: Se usó la metodología de matrix del estado del arte (SAM) con el objetivo de colectar, compilar y analizar la literatura disponible sobre el tema de innovación y triple hélice en México. La selección de la literatura se realizó buscando artículos de revistar científicas, libros, conferencias relacionadas con el modelo de la triple hélice, en bases de datos digitales y libros impresos en México. Posteriormente se codificaron los artículos encontrados y usando diagramas de afinidad (matrices) y se clasificaron en tres tipos de factores: internos, estructurales y ambientales. Resultados: El principal objetivo de la academia en México es la educación, la cual carece de una visión innovadora. Esto tiene como consecuencia que a pesar de los esfuerzos para lograr la vinculación, el número de proyectos de vinculación entre la academia y la industria sea mínimo. Conclusión: En los últimos 20 años ha habido un incremento en el número de investigaciones sobre el modelo de la triple hélice de la innovación en México, debido a la desarticulación de los actores en México. Los investigadores han estudiado la situación y descrito las áreas de oportunidad, experiencias y mejores prácticas, con la finalidad de compartir, trasmitir y promover los cambios para cada actor del modelo. Es necesario determinar los factores clave que retrasan y/o promueven el involucramiento de la academia en el modelo de la triple hélice de innovación en México, con la finalidad de generar y promover ideas, acciones y políticas que tengan un impacto positivo en el desarrollo tecnológico

    A state-level analysis of the water system management efficiency in Mexico: Two-stage DEA approach

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    The public water system management in Mexico has recently been criticized due to severe problems with the availability of drinkable water. Significant differences exist between Mexican regions regarding the availability of renewable water and water system distribution. Moreover, water governance in the country is inefficient due to the lack of transparency in the water policies. Therefore, the article aims to investigate whether there is a direct relationship between water system management efficiency and water system improvement efficiency and how the efficiency reflects the size of the population and the availability of renewable water in each state. For this, a two-stage DEA model is constructed to evaluate the water system management efficiency in Mexico. The results indicate high average water management efficiency but very low efficiency in the water system improvements. Furthermore, immense differences in the water system efficiency can be observed with respect to the characteristics and adopted policies

    Comparative Analysis of Innovation Districts to Set Up Performance Goals for Tec Innovation District

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    Purpose: Innovation districts represent a way to create, foster, and manage innovation. Different regions apply their strategy according to the dominant stakeholder in the region, such as academia, industry, government, or entrepreneurs. This research aims to evaluate different innovation districts from a production system point of view to determine the output goals for a Tec Innovation District. Methodology/Approach: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was determined to be the best tool for this study; the variable returns to scale output-oriented model was used to determine the goals for the new district; also, the bootstrap method was employed to analyse the efficiency sensitivity in the sample of districts. Findings: The average technical efficiency of the analysed innovation districts was 0.659, with the highest technical efficiency observed in the case of the Entrepreneurial type (0.831) and Industry Cluster (0.820) districts, whereas the Local government type registered the lowest technical efficiency (0.468). Research Limitation/Implication: The projections for the Tec Innovation District’s output variables were obtained using a set of U.S. innovation districts due to the similarity of the studied region to the available group. The research allowed us to determine realistic outputs for the studied innovation district. Originality/Value of paper: The study employs an original DEA for comparing innovation districts and performs a bootstrap to study the system’s robustness; within this research, the performance level of a new district was calculated to be within a specific efficiency level, according to their peers

    Understanding Organizations’ Experiences with “green” Certification: the Case of the U.S. EPA Safer Choice Standard

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    Organizations often encounter a series of barriers when attempting to obtain a certification. Then, having a comprehensive view of the guidelines helps organizations to overcome those challenges on time while increasing the probability to become a certified organization. This study focuses on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Safer Choice standard, a certification program that validates specific cleaning products. All Safer Choice products can carry its label, which means the certified product is safe for human use and environmentally friendly (EPA, 2021). Overall, the Safer Choice certification helps companies to reduce and prevent pollution by integrating the standard in the manufacturing and supply chain process. One of the expectations of this research is to fill the gaps identified in the literature review by combining a theoretical road-mapping approach while implementing a green certification. Our results suggest that a road-mapping approach can be useful for stakeholders to understand the Safer Choice certification and provide insight to pursue any other green certification