7 research outputs found

    Genetic variability of anther donor versus spontaneous doubled haploid descendents and colchicine induced doubled haploid sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) lines

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    Haploid (n) and doubled haploid (DH) plants were developed in anther culture of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Regenerants were analyzed by flow cytometry for haploid (n = 12) and spontaneous doubled haploid (2n = 24) genomes. Haploid plants were forwarded to colchicine-treatment for induced doubled haploid (2n·) plant production. Molecular polymorphism of anther donor plants (2n), the haploid regenerants (n), the spontaneous (2n) and induced (2n·)-DH plants were analysed by RAPD-, SSR- and ISSR-PCR. The analysis of anther-donor plants compared to DH-descendents showed an unexpectedly wide range of molecular polymorphism. Our results suggest that genetic changes occurring during meiotic recombination is higher than those of occurring during colchicine-induced genomic duplication

    Androgenesis induction in microspore culture of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Isolated microspore culture experiments were carried out in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) F1 hybrid genotypes. In the first experiment, four culture media (W14, B5, MS and NLN) were compared to test their effectiveness in inducing the formation of microsporederived structures in two genotypes. The experiments revealed the superiority of B5 medium. In the second experiment, the effects of different ratios of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1) and kinetin (0, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1) were also investigated in B5 medium with two genotypes. The effect of growth regulators were investigated on the production of microsporederived calli and embryo-like structures (ELSs), the ratio of the two and plant regeneration (number of regenerated plantlets) in microspore culture. The histological experiments revealed the differences between the microsporederived ELSs and calli. The most promising results were obtained on the investigated parameters in the presence of 0.1 mg l-1 2,4-D and 0.2 mg l-1 kinetin producing the highest number of plantlets in both genotypes tested. In the response of 11 genotypes, the androgenesis induction was successful in each sweet pepper genotypes tested using the best basic medium and growth regulators combination. In case of 11 genotypes, the number of ELSs ranged from 20 to 100/Petri dish (an average of 48.1 ELS/Petri dish), while the number of green plantlets varied from 0 to 8 plantlets/Petri dish (an average of 1.5 plantlets/Petri dish) depending on the genotype. The spontaneous rediploidization rate obtained was 25% in isolated microspore


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    A magyarországi fűszerpaprika-ágazatban az elmúlt két évtizedben több lépcsŐben bekövetkezett számottevő visszaesés miatt az ország elvesztette az őrlemény világpiacán korábban betöltött pozícióját, sőt exportunk mára mennyiségben, értékben is alulmarad az importtal szemben. Fejlesztésünk lényege az volt, hogy a szegedi tájkörzetben jelenleg üresen álló fóliaházakat minimális ráfordítással üzembe állítva, a gazdák hideghajtatásos körülmények között termesszenek fűszerpaprikát. Ehhez meg kellett teremteni a megfelelő genotípus hátteret, mégpedig hibrid fűszerpaprika-fajták előállításával. Így lényegesen nagyobb termésbiztonság mellett, a szabadföldinél jobb minőségben lehet anyagilag is versenyképes őrlemény alapanyagot termelni. Reményeink szerint az új kínálat a jövőben egyre nagyobb arányban válthatja ki az import félterméket. A mintegy egy évtizedes nemesítői munka eredményeként ma három szegedi nemesítésű fűszerpaprika-hibrid áll a termelők rendelkezésére: ’Sláger F1’, Bolero F1’ és Délibáb F1’