131 research outputs found

    Formation control of a group of micro aerial vehicles (MAVs)

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    Coordinated motion of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has been a growing research interest in the last decade. In this paper we propose a coordination model that makes use of virtual springs and dampers to generate reference trajectories for a group of quadrotors. Virtual forces exerted on each vehicle are produced by using projected distances between the quadrotors. Several coordinated task scenarios are presented and the performance of the proposed method is verified by simulations

    Doğal Yağış ları n Laboratuvar Tipi Yapay Yağışlar ile Karşılaştırılması

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    Bu çal ışmada, A.Ü.Z.F. Toprak Bölümü Ara şt ı rma Laboratuvarı nda kurulan yapay ya'ğmurlama aleti ya'ğışları n ı n, Ankara Bölgesi doğal yağışlar ı ile karşı laşt ı r ı lmas ı yap ı lm ışt ı r. Yağışları n erozyon olu şturma gücünü belirlemede en önemli yağış karakteristikleri olan damla büyüklü ğü ve damla düşme h ı zları ndan yararlan ı lm ışt ı r. Karşı laşt ı rma parametreleri olarak kinetik enerji 0.5 mV2 , momentum mV , birim damla vuru ş alan ı ndaki kinetik enerji 0.5 mV2 / A ve birim damla vuru ş alan ı ndaki momentum mV / A incelenmi ştir. Her bir parametre için, yapay ya ğış erozyon olu şturma gücünün doğal yağışı nkine oran ı n! gösteren "oransal erozyon oluşturma gücü" hesaplanm ışt ı r. Elde edilen yüzde değerler, dört parametreden s ı ras ı yla momentum ve kinetik enerjinin, yapay yağışları n doğal yağ' ışlan betimlemesinde kullan ı lacak en uyumlu parametreler olduğunu ve çoğunlukla % 70'in üzerinde betimledi ğ ini göstermi ştir. Fakat, birim damla vuru ş alan ı ndaki kinetik enerji ve momentum kullan ı larak hesaplanan oransal erozyon oluşturma gücü yüzdesi çoğunlukla % 100'ün üzerinde olmu ş ve dolay ı s ı yla bu parametreler için, yapay ve doğal yağış arası nda uyum görülmemi ştir. Bu uyumsuzluk, yapay ya ğmurlama aleti bir boyutlu ortalama damla büyüklüklerinin, benzer intensiteli do ğal yağışlar damla çap ı orta değerlerinden çok büyük olmas ı na bağlanm ışt ı r

    A modular software architecture for UAVs

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    There have been several attempts to create scalable and hardware independent software architectures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this work, we propose an onboard architecture for UAVs where hardware abstraction, data storage and communication between modules are efficiently maintained. All processing and software development is done on the UAV while state and mission status of the UAV is monitored from a ground station. The architecture also allows rapid development of mission-specific third party applications on the vehicle with the help of the core module

    Orosanga japonica (Melichar, 1898) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)’nın nimf ve erginlerine karşı Cuscuta campestris Yunck. (Solanales: Convolvulaceae) ve Lupinus albus L. (Fabales: Fabaceae) bitki ham özütlerinin laboratuvar koşulları altında toksik etkinliği

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    The planthopper, Orosanga japonica (Melichar, 1898) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae), is an important agricultural pest of grapevine, kiwifruit and tea in Asia and in some countries of Eastern Europe. The efficacy of the crude extracts of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. (Solanales: Convolvulaceae) and Lupinus albus L. (Fabales: Fabaceae) plants was evaluated under laboratory conditions for control of O. japonica nymphs and adults collected in 2019 from Rize (Turkey). Their toxic efficacies were investigated by two different methods. Fixed-dose death rates were used for LT50 calculation and dosage test results were used for LC50 calculation. Also, the phenolic constituents of active plant extracts were examined using HPLC-DAD. Generally, the LT50 values obtained using ethyl acetate extracts were lower than those with methanol extracts. LT50 values of adults were found lower than in nymphs. The test plants crude extracts had high activity at and below 2 g/L (LC90) for two different plants. HPLC-DAD results showed that the high concentration of kaempferol and quercetin for each extract. Extracts of both plants gave promising results for use in O. japonica control, but more detailed studies on the active constituents of these candidate plants need to be undertaken


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    Bu çalışmada, bilişsel radyo (BR) tabanlı dikgen olmayan çoklu erişim tekniği (NOMA) kullanılarak, yakın kullanıcıya ait toplam ergodik kapasite değerinin, önerilen ileri beslemeli geri yayılımlı yapay sinir ağı (YSA) ve doğrusal olmayan dışsal girdili otoregresif ağ (Nonlinear Autoregressive Network with Exogenous Inputs, NARX) modeli ile farklı eğitim algoritmaları yoluyla yüksek doğruluk oranında ve hızlı eğitim sürelerinde tahmin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sinir ağında kullanılan veri seti, üstel sönümleme kanalı karakteristiği ile modellenen BR-NOMA sistem modelinden elde edilmiştir. Denetimli öğrenme yöntemi kullanılarak tasarlanan YSA’ya girdi ve çıktı verileri öğretilerek yakın kullanıcıya ait ergodik kapasite tahmini yapılmıştır. YSA ve NARX sinir ağları başarımı değerlendirilirken eğitim süresi, iterasyon sayısı, ağın doygunluğa ulaşmaması durumları göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Yakın kullanıcıya ait gerçek ergodik kapasite değeri ile ileri beslemeli geri yayılımlı YSA ve NARX ağlarının tahmin etmiş olduğu değerler karşılaştırılmıştır. Önerilen sinir ağlarının Levenberg-Marquardt, Bayesian ve Scaled-Conjugate eğitim algoritmaları altındaki performans analizi, hatanın minimuma ulaştığı epok değer grafiği, hata histogram analizi ve eğitim durum analizi açılarından incelenmiştir

    Türk kolon ve rektum cerrahisi derneği (TKRCD) terminoloji komisyonu çalışma raporu

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    This study aimed to explain the working order of the Terminology Commission, which was established at the workshop of the Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery (TKRCD) on February 22, 2020, the criteria and results in the preparation of the terminology report. The commission prepared a work plan to complete in three main steps. The working process continued in a way that the members expressed their opinions with equal rights and the decisions were taken by consensus or by majority vote. The main purpose of the commission study was determined as “determining the terms that need to be explained and agreed in colorectal surgery, and to define them in a way that is compatible with the literature and contributes to daily practice”. The first meeting of the commission was held on February 22, 2020, and the report was accepted by the TKRCD Board of Directors on May 25, 2021. A total of 20 meetings were held during this period. In the first step, five headings were determined for writing the terms: Anatomy, symptoms and diagnostic tools, diseases, treatments and complications. There was a consensus that the terms met the following three conditions: 1) the need for explanation and consensus in colorectal surgery, 2) literature support, and 3) use in daily practice. The terms were written in the following format: Terms and synonyms, English equivalents, definition, explanation and bibliography. In the second step, each commissioner wrote an average of 10.8±4.3 terms. The distribution of 89 terms in the final report was as follows: Anatomy (n=26, 29.2%), symptoms and diagnostic tools (n=8, 8.9%), diseases (n=20, 22.4%), treatments (n=28, 31.4%), and complications (n=7, 7.8%). Figures (n=7), all from the archives of the commission members, and figures drawn by a new commission member (n=53) were also added to the report. In the third step, the report was submitted to the TKRCD Management with the approval of the TKRCD President. The preparation process of the Terminology Commission report of TKRCD was presented. The final report is open to changes and expansions with future studies.Bu çalışma Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği’nin (TKRCD) 22 Şubat 2020 tarihinde yaptığı çalıştayda kurulan Terminoloji Komisyonu’nun çalışma düzenini, terminoloji raporunun hazırlanmasındaki kriterleri ve sonuçlarını açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Komisyon üç ana basamakta tamamlayacak iş planı hazırlamıştır. Çalışma süreci üyelerin eşit haklarla görüş belirttiği ve kararların uzlaşı veya oy çokluğuyla alındığı bir şekilde sürdürülmüştür. Komisyon çalışmasının temel amacı “kolorektal cerrahide açıklanması ve uzlaşı sağlanması gerekli terimlerin belirlenmesi, literatüre uygun ve günlük pratiğe katkı sağlayacak bir şekilde tanımlanması” olarak saptanmıştır. Komisyon ilk toplantısı 22 Şubat 2020’de yapılmış, rapor ise TKRCD Yönetim Kurulu’nda 25 Mayıs 2021’de kabul edilmiştir. Bu dönemde toplam 20 toplantı yapılmıştır. İlk basamakta terimlerin yazılması için beş adet üst başlık belirlenmiştir: anatomi, semptomlar ve tanı gereçleri, hastalıklar, tedaviler ve komplikasyonlar. Terimlerin şu üç şartı sağlaması konusunda karar birliği oluşmuştur: 1) kolorektal cerrahide açıklanması ve uzlaşı sağlanması gerekliliği, 2) literatür desteği ve 3) günlük pratikte kullanılması. Terimler şu formatta yazılmıştır: terim ve eş anlamlıları, İngilizce karşılıkları, tanım, açıklama ve kaynakça. İkinci basamakta her bir komisyon üyesi ortalama 10,8±4,3 terim yazmıştır. Sonuç raporunda yer alan 89 terimin üst başlıklara dağılımı şu şekildedir: anatomi (n=26, %29,2), semptomlar ve tanı gereçleri (n=8, %8,9), hastalıklar (n=20, %22,4), tedaviler (n=28, %31,4) ve komplikasyonlar (n=7, %7,8). Tamamı komisyon üyelerinin arşivlerinden gelen resimler (n=7) ve yeni bir komisyon üyesi tarafından çizilen şekiller de (n=53) rapora eklenmiştir. Üçüncü basamakta rapor TKRCD Başkanının onayıyla TKRCD Yönetimi’ne sunulmuştur. TKRCD’nin Terminoloji Komisyonu raporunun hazırlık süreci sunulmuştur. Sonuç raporu ileride yapılacak çalışmalarla değişiklik ve genişletmelere açıktır

    Histopathologic Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Hypothyroidism-Induced Rats

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    It is speculated that thyroid hormones may be involved in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathogenesis. A literature scan, however, demonstrated conflicting results from studies investigating the relationship between hypothyroidism and NAFLD. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate NAFLD, from the histopathologic perspective, in hypothyroidism-induced rats. Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group consumed water containing methimazole 0.025% (MMI, Sigma, USA) for 12 weeks and the control group consumed tap water. At the end of week 12, serum glucose, ALT, AST, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, TSH, fT4, fT3, visfatin, and insulin assays were performed. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and "Oil Red-O" for histopathologic examination of the livers. In our study, we detected mild hepatosteatosis in all hypothyroidism-induced rats. There was statistically significant difference with respect to obesity between the two groups ( < 0.001). The mean fasting blood glucose was 126.25 ± 23.4 mg/dL in hypothyroidism-induced group and 102.63 ± 15.51 mg/dL in the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups ( = 0.032). The two groups did not differ statistically significantly with respect to visfatin levels ( > 0.05). In conclusion, we found that hypothyroidism-induced rats had mild hepatosteatosis as opposed to the control group histopathologically. Our study indicates that hypothyroidism can cause NAFLD

    Histopathologic Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Hypothyroidism-Induced Rats

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    It is speculated that thyroid hormones may be involved in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathogenesis. A literature scan, however, demonstrated conflicting results from studies investigating the relationship between hypothyroidism and NAFLD. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate NAFLD, from the histopathologic perspective, in hypothyroidism-induced rats. Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group consumed water containing methimazole 0.025% (MMI, Sigma, USA) for 12 weeks and the control group consumed tap water. At the end of week 12, serum glucose, ALT, AST, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, TSH, fT4, fT3, visfatin, and insulin assays were performed. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and “Oil Red-O” for histopathologic examination of the livers. In our study, we detected mild hepatosteatosis in all hypothyroidism-induced rats. There was statistically significant difference with respect to obesity between the two groups (p<0.001). The mean fasting blood glucose was 126.25 ± 23.4 mg/dL in hypothyroidism-induced group and 102.63 ± 15.51 mg/dL in the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.032). The two groups did not differ statistically significantly with respect to visfatin levels (p>0.05). In conclusion, we found that hypothyroidism-induced rats had mild hepatosteatosis as opposed to the control group histopathologically. Our study indicates that hypothyroidism can cause NAFLD

    Classical Simulation of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics in Periodic Optical Structures

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    Spatial and/or temporal propagation of light waves in periodic optical structures offers a rather unique possibility to realize in a purely classical setting the optical analogues of a wide variety of quantum phenomena rooted in relativistic wave equations. In this work a brief overview of a few optical analogues of relativistic quantum phenomena, based on either spatial light transport in engineered photonic lattices or on temporal pulse propagation in Bragg grating structures, is presented. Examples include spatial and temporal photonic analogues of the Zitterbewegung of a relativistic electron, Klein tunneling, vacuum decay and pair-production, the Dirac oscillator, the relativistic Kronig-Penney model, and optical realizations of non-Hermitian extensions of relativistic wave equations.Comment: review article (invited), 14 pages, 7 figures, 105 reference