43 research outputs found

    Semento-osseöz Displazi: Vaka Serisi

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    Semento-osseöz displazi, trabeküler kemik yapısının fibröz doku ile yer değiştirmesi sonucu oluşur. Bu çalışmada, semento-osseöz displazisi olan hastaların yaş, cinsiyet dağılımlarını değerlendirmeyi, lezyonu tipleri ve evrelerine göre incelemeyi amaçladık. Bu olgu serisinde farklı nedenlerle kliniğimize başvuran 17 hasta ile semento-osseöz displazi bulunan bölgede ağrı şikayetiyle başvuran 5 hasta değerlendirildi. Semento-osseöz displazi lezyonları asemptomatikse ve sekonder enfeksiyon yoksa müdahale edilmemelidir. Kanlanması az olan sklerotik ve asemptomatik sementoosseöz displazi vakalarında sekonder enfeksiyona neden olabileceğinden biyopsiden kaçınılmalıdır.</p

    Prevalence, classification and dental treatment requirements of dens invaginatus by cone-beam computed tomography

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    Background. This study aimed the evaluation of the prevalence, characteristics, types of dens invaginatus (DI) and co-observed dental anomalies to understand dental treatment requirements in anterior teeth that are susceptible to developmental anomalies by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods. In this retrospective study, the anterior teeth of 958 patients were evaluated by using CBCT for the presence of DI. The demographic features, types of DI and treatment requirements were also recorded. The association between sex and the presence of DI was evaluated using chi-squared test. Results. Seventy-three DI anomalies were detected in the anterior teeth of 49 patients (18 females, 31 males). The frequency of DI was 5.11% and the most frequently involved teeth were lateral (57.53%). Forty-six teeth were classified as Type I (63.01%), 24 as Type II (32.87%), and three as Type III (4.10%). Apical pathosis was found to be 20.54% in all DIs detected and accounted for all Type III and one-third of Type II. Conclusions. CBCT imaging can be effective in the detection of dental anomalies such as DI and planning for root canal therapy and surgical treatments. Prophylactic interventions might be possible to prevent apical pathosis with the data obtained from CBCT images

    Oral Radyoloji Akıl Notları

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    A CBCT Study for Anatomic Variations of Osteomeatal complex in Patients With Cleft Lip and Palate

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    Objective: To evaluate the anatomy and variations of osteomeatal complex (OMC) by comparing patients with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate (CLP) and control group. Design: This case-control study was retrospectively analyzed using cone-beam computed tomography data. Setting: Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. Patients: The study was conducted with 100 patients (44 females, 56 males) with CLP and 100 patients in the control group, which matched gender and age (with a maximum difference of 3 years). Variables: OMC variations are grouped as follows: ethmoidal, conchal, uncinate process, and septal variations. Then, we evaluated the presence of these OMC variations and compared them between the two groups. Statistical analysis: The McNemar’s test was used to determine any significant differences between the groups for all indices at the 95% confidence level. Results: The most common anatomic variation in this study was Agger nasi cell (97%) and concha bullosa (97%) in the patients with CLP, while Agger nasi cell was the most common variation (99%) in the controls. Moreover, the atelectatic uncinate process was the least observed variation in both groups (1%). The incidences of paradoxical concha (58%;42%), bifid concha (29%;11%), deviated nasal septum (92%;80%) were significantly higher in the CLP group (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: The statistically significant results found when comparing OMC anatomy between the two groups reveal the importance of three-dimensional evaluation before functional endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with CLP