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    In this article, we look back on the studentʼs exhibition “Kanazawa Universityʼs Former Schools seen in the photos, Part II : Tracing the origins of modern medicine,” at Kanazawa University (9/11/2020-20/01/2021) and it will be evaluated by the students who actuary participated in this exhibition program. Kawai and Matsunaga introduce this article, presenting the background of the special exhibition by the students at Kanazawa University as a part of the class “Museum Training” and the overview of the class schedule. Furuta discusses Chapter 2, 4, 5, 6, while Ooki discusses Chapter 3. In Chapter 2, Furuta explains the idea of this exhibition, and provides selection and research of the materials in Chapter 3, focuses on the display of the exhibition in Chapter 4, describes on the exhibition devices in Chapter 5, discuses related events in Chapter 6. Finally, Matsunaga, who is another instructor of the class and a curator of Kanazawa University Museum, considers this significance of the special exhibition conducted by the students in the University Museum

    マーク ミス ノ ハッセイ リツ ガ タカイ シケン モンダイ トワ

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    マークミスが生じやすい試験問題を明らかにするために,同一受験生を対象に,問題の種類や解答肢数の違いといった質的な変化あるいは問題数の変化がマークミスの発生頻度におよぼす影響を検討した.医学部6年生が4パターンの試験(530問,複択問題6.8 %;1130問,複択問題2.0 %;530問,複択問題11.8%;530問,複択問題57.2%)を受験し,それぞれにおけるマークミスの発生頻度を調査した.問題数が約2倍になっても,複択問題のしめる割合が低下するとともに,1人当たりのマークミス発生率は有意に低下した.問題形式および問題数が同じ場合,複択問題のしめる割合が4.8倍に増加すると,1人あたりのマークミス発生率は2倍に増加した.問題数を増加させるより,複択問題のしめる割合を増加させた方が,マークミスを誘発しやすいことがわかった.したがって,今後は複択問題のしめる割合を増加させた試験問題を利用して,マークミスの予防対策を講じることが有効と考える.We analyze inadvertent errors on the multiple-choicequestion\u27s answer-sheets of the 6th grade students. Theyhave taken four different trial examinations for the NationalExamination for physicians. We study the incidence of inadvertenterrors on the four different answer-sheets by thecomparative method. Inadvertent errors have been morefrequently observed in examination with higher rate ofmultiple-choice questions, having two or more correct answers.Consequently, to prevent the inadvertent errors onthe answer-sheets, students have to get used to taking theexaminations with two or more-correct answers contained.This result is useful for the medical education to enhancethe examination pass rate

    モギ シケン セイセキ ト ヒューマン エラー ハッセイ スウ トノ カンケイ ニ ツイテ

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    試験におけるエラーの発生予防策を立案して実践する上では,エラーを頻回におかす学生を早期に発見して,重点的に介入する必要がある.そこで,学生の試験成績とヒューマンエラー発生との関係を明らかにした.対象は医学部6 年生102 人が受験した医師国家試験模擬試験結果である.自己採点結果と,マークシートによる機械的採点結果をもとに予期せぬ失点の原因を調べた.また,試験成績とエラー発生頻度との関係を調べた.ヒューマンエラー発生の有無によって,試験成績に有意な差はなかった.しかし,400 問あたり3 問以上のエラーをおかす受験生の得点率は61.4±6.1%であり,2 問以下のエラーをおかす受験生の得点率(65.6±5.3%)に比べて有意に低かった.成績上位者を含めた全ての受験生にエラーが生じ得るため,全学年を対象とした注意喚起が必要と思われる.また,成績下位者には多数のエラーをおかす学生が多くみられることから,これらの学生を対象とした重点的な教育介入が求められる.To examine the relationship between the occurrence ofinadvertent human errors and examination scores, the resultsof the trial examination were analyzed. The 102 of 6thgrade medical students took the trial examination for theNational Examination for Physicians\u27 which consist of 500multiple-choice questions. More than half of the students(52.9 %) made inadvertent errors during the examination.Two-third of errors were either selecting the wrong numberof answer options( i.e. when a two choice selection wasrequired, only one choice was selected).There was no significant relationship between the occurrenceof inadvertent human errors and their scores. However,the mean score of the students who made more thantwo errors in 400 questions was 61.4±6.1%, significantlylower than those of other students( 65.6±5.3%). Attentionto avoid the inadvertent human errors during the examinationmight be emphasized for all students. Furthermore, theintervention to reduce the inadvertent human errors is especiallyneeded for the students with low scores

    シケン ニオケル ヒューマン エラー ノ ヨボウ タイサク ニ ツイテ

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    試験におけるヒューマンエラーの実態を明らかにし,予防教育の効果を検証するために,医師国家試験模擬試験を利用して受験生がおかすヒューマンエラーを包括的に調査解析した.医学部6年生が2回の医師国家試験模擬試験を受験し,自己採点結果と,マークシートによる機械的採点結果を対比した.2回の試験を通じて,受験生1人が1回の試験で平均1.4個のエラーをおかしていた.エラーの分類別頻度では,2肢選択すべきところを1肢しか選択しなかったエラーが49.1%,1肢選択すべきところを2肢以上選択したエラーが31.6%,選択したものと異なる記号をマークしたエラーが10.5%と続いた.全ての受験者(全受験者)と,2回の試験に参加した受験者(2回受験者)に大別してエラーの発生頻度,エラーの内容について比較した.2 回受験者は,1人当たりがおかすエラー数および2問以上のエラーをおかす人の割合ともに2回目の試験で有意に減少していた. これは,受験者自らがエラーの実態に気付き,そして適切な助言のもとに注意を払って試験に臨んだ結果と思われる.試験におけるヒューマンエラーの実態を明らかにし,それを最小限にくい止める対策は,単に医師国家試験における失点防止だけでなく,ミスをおかしてもそれに気付き,問題解決ができるようなerror tolerantの考え方を養う上でも重要と思われる.We analyzed inadvertent human errors made by 6thgrade medical students during two trial examinations madeup of 500 multiple-choice questions where either one or twocorrect answers were required. Forty and 39 students, respectively,took the two examinations. Students averaged1.4 errors each during the examinations. Most errors( 80.7%) involved selecting the wrong number among the answeroptions( i.e. when a two option selection was required,only one option was selected). The students who had takenboth examinations made significantly less errors in the latterexamination than the former. Furthermore, the prevalenceof students who had made more than one inadvertenterror was significantly lower among students who tookboth examinations. We showed the effectiveness of interventionregarding inadvertent errors during 500 multiplechoicequestion examinations and of educating the studentsabout preventive measures. These results might have auseful application to improved safety promotions based onerror-tolerant theories

    イシ コッカ シケン モギ シケン ニオケル マーク ミス ニツイテノ カイセキ

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    医学部6年生を対象に,試験におけるマークミスの実態調査を行い,有用な予防対策を検討した. 36人の学生が530問の医師国家試験用模擬試験を解答し,自己採点結果と実際の採点結果を照合した.半数以上の受験生が1問以上のマークミスをおかしていた.ミスの具体的内容では,自己採点が正しいものの,マークは誤っていた場合が45.7~54.8%と最も多く,選択数を誤っていた場合が30.4%~35.7%と続いた.また, 5肢複択問題のしめる割合が増えるにしたがって,マークミスの頻度も有意に増加する傾向であった.受験者の正味試験時間を調べると,規定時間の約10%は見直し時間として利用できることがわかった.受験者は,自ら選択した解答肢が正確にマークシートに記入されているかを見直すことで,不本意な失点が防げると思われる.マークミス予防の指導は, fail-safeの対策としても重要であり,医師となった後にも十分役立つと考えられる.Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) which have been used in the National Examination for Physician\u27s, are considered the best objective way to test examinees\u27 acquired knowledge. In recent examinations, the MCQs consist of two types of questions, such as choosing either one correct answer or two correct answers. Although some medical students found out the correct answers of the examinations, they failed to pass the examinations due to inadvertent errors on their answer-sheets. To prevent these careless errors, we analyzed the occurrence of inadvertent errors of the trial examinations for the National Examination for Physician\u27s, Thirty-six medical students (sixth-year) had twice taken trial examinations. Each examination consisted of 530 MCQs. The differences of the marking between self-grading and auto-grading with the scanner were investigated with each student. More than half of the students made inadvertent mistakes when marking the answer-sheets. The more examinees solve the two-correct answers questions, the more the occurrence of inadvertent errors go on increasing. Furthermore, the students spent 74.7 to 93.1% of regulated time to solve the questions. Because the students have enough time to solve the questions, they have to look at the answer-sheets again to prevent the inadvertent errors of the answers. Our results might be useful for improving points on the recent National Examination for Physician\u27s

    ヨビコウ モギ シケン オ モチイタ ガクセイ ノ フトクイ モンダイ チュウシュツ ノ ココロミ

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    予備校の医師国家試験模擬試験を利用して,本学学生の不得意問題抽出を行った. 2004および2005年度に行われ,全国で6,800人以上が受験した計4回の模擬試験を対象とした.各試験に出題されている全問題それぞれに対して,全国受験者および本学受験者別に平均得点率を算出した.各回とも得点率差が±10%以内に75%以上の問題が含まれた.得点率が全国平均より10%以上低い問題を不得意問題と考え,出題基準にしたがって内容を調査した.その結果,必修問題では臨床実習で学ぶべき内容が,医学総論および各論では基礎医学系の学習事項,産婦人科,小児科領域などが全受験生に比べて不得手な分野とわかった.本検討結果を教育担当者にフィードバックし,善後策を講じることで,学生に対してより平均的な実力を身につけることができるであろう.To pass the National Examination for Physician\u27s, medical students have to gain high scores in absolute and relative evaluations of the examination. We analyzed the results of four trial examinations conducted by a preparatory school for medical students. In each question the average score of our medical students were compared to that of all medical students preparing for the examinations. We found the questions in which our students had low score with the differences of more than ten percent. According to the examination guideline, we categoried the difficult questions, and weak points of our medical students could be clarified. To gain higher scores in the relative evaluation of the examination, we have to emphasize the education for these weak categories

    イシ コッカ シケン ニオケル ヒンシュツ ジコウ ニ ツイテノ カイセキ

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    第95~100回の医師国家試験問題を分析し,繰り返し出題されている重要事項を具体的かつ客観的に明らかにした.それぞれの問題を平成17年度版医師国家資格試験出題基準(ガイドライン)項目と照合し,それぞれの項目別に出題割合を計算した.また,ガイドライン別の出題回数について,過去6年間(95~100回)の医師国家試験で何回出題されていたかを調べた.必修の基本的事項では,主要疾患・外傷・症候群で,医学総論領域では,症候・検査・治療で,医師国家試験設計表の出題割合を上回って出題されていた.すなわち,臨床実習で学んだ内容についての出題が増えている傾向であった.さらに,ガイドラインであげられている事項の55.2%以上は,過去6年間に一度も出題されておらず,限られた項目の内容が頻回に出題されていた.本検討結果は,医学教育者にとって重要な点を再認識し,教育のウエイトを検討するための良い材料になったと思われる.医学教育に携わる者は,医学生が欠いてはならない最重要点を正確に把握することが重要である.The National Examination for Physician\u27s is based on its guideline which consists of various kinds of items. To focus on frequently asked items, we analyzed the questions found in the National Examination for Physician\u27s administered from 2001 through 2006. Each question was examined in accordance with the items of the guideline. More than half of the items in the guideline have not been asked, otherwise less than 1.4% of the items were frequently (more than 5 times) asked in the examinations administered during the past six years. Furthermore, since questions concerning clinical signs, symptoms and examinations are asked more frequently than expected, the items in which usually are learned from bed-side visits have been emphasized recently. As we clarified the important items frequently asked in the recent National Examination for Physician\u27s, this information might be useful for medical educators to stress for the minimal essential points in the medical education

    Temperature-Dependent Left- and Right-Twisted Conformational Changes in 1:1 Host-Guest Systems: Theoretical Modeling and Chiroptical Simulations

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    An efficient strategy for applying to chiral materials is to design and synthesize host molecules with left- and right-twisted conformations and to control their twisted conformations. For this, a quantitative analysis is required to describe the chiroptical inversion, chiral transfer, and chiral recognition in the host-guest systems, which is generally performed using circular dichroism (CD) and/or proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopies. However, the mass-balance model that considers the left- and right-twisted conformations has not yet been established so far. In this study, we derived novel equations based on the mass-balance model for the 1:1 host-guest systems. Then, we further applied them to analyze the 1:1 host-guest systems for the achiral calixarene-based capsule molecule, achiral dimeric zinc porphyrin tweezer molecule, and chiral pillar[5]arene with the chiral and/or achiral guest molecules by using the data obtained from the CD titration, variant temperature CD (VT-CD), and 1H-NMR experiments. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH and ΔS), equilibrium constants (K), and molar CD (Δε) in the 1:1 host-guest systems could be successfully determined by the theoretical analyses using the derived equations

    Risk Factors for Perioperative Hemodynamic Instability in Pheochromocytoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the risk factors of perioperative hemodynamic instability in pheochromocytoma, we conducted a systematic search of the literature using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis. Methods: In April 2021, we systematically searched PubMed, the Cochrane library, and Scopus for relevant studies on the risk factors of perioperative hemodynamic instability of adrenalectomy in patients with pheochromocytoma, and we subjected the findings from those studies to formal meta-analysis. Results: Our systematic review identified 14 studies involving 1725 patients, of which nine studies with 967 patients were eligible for meta-analysis. The results of meta-analysis showed that tumor size (odds ratio (OR): 1.14 for each increased cm, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03–1.26, z = 2.57) and urinary norepinephrine (OR, 1.51: 95% CI 1.26–1.81; z = 4.50) were most closely associated with the occurrence of perioperative hemodynamic instability. Conclusion: These findings suggest that tumor size and urinary norepinephrine are important predictors and risk factors for perioperative hemodynamic instability in adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma. Such findings may be of value to surgeons and anesthesiologists when considering or preparing for this procedure