79 research outputs found

    Right-sided infective endocarditis as a potentially fatal complication in patients with long-term refractory severe bradyarrhythmia after cervical spinal cord injury: A case report

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    AbstractBradyarrhythmia is usually a spontaneously subsiding complication of cervical spinal cord injury. However, in severe cases, it can lead to cardiac arrest. We report a case of cervical spinal cord injury, complicated by right-sided infective endocarditis after the placement of a temporary pacing catheter in the right ventricle for severe bradyarrhythmia that led to cardiac arrest. Although the patient׳s condition was successfully treated by pacing catheter removal and pharmacological therapy, right-sided infective endocarditis would be a fatal complication in cases of cervical spinal cord injury where cardiac pacing is required for long-term refractory severe bradyarrhythmia

    The genotype-dependent phenotypic landscape of quinoa in salt tolerance and key growth traits

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    スーパー作物キヌアの多様性を解明 --高い環境適応性と優れた栄養特性をもつキヌアの品種改良に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-10-15.Cultivation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), an annual pseudocereal crop that originated in the Andes, is spreading globally. Because quinoa is highly nutritious and resistant to multiple abiotic stresses, it is emerging as a valuable crop to provide food and nutrition security worldwide. However, molecular analyses have been hindered by the genetic heterogeneity resulting from partial outcrossing. In this study, we generated 136 inbred quinoa lines as a basis for the molecular identification and characterization of gene functions in quinoa through genotyping and phenotyping. Following genotyping-by-sequencing analysis of the inbred lines, we selected 5, 753 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the quinoa genome. Based on these SNPs, we show that our quinoa inbred lines fall into three genetic sub-populations. Moreover, we measured phenotypes, such as salt tolerance and key growth traits in the inbred quinoa lines and generated a heatmap that provides a succinct overview of the genotype–phenotype relationship between inbred quinoa lines. We also demonstrate that, in contrast to northern highland lines, most lowland and southern highland lines can germinate even under high salinity conditions. These findings provide a basis for the molecular elucidation and genetic improvement of quinoa and improve our understanding of the evolutionary process underlying quinoa domestication

    Further expansion of distributional range of an introduced spider Badumna insignis in the eastern part of Tottori Prefecture (Results of the surveys in 2017).

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    2017 年の夏から秋にかけて鳥取県の東部を中心として外来種のクロガケジグモ(クモ目ウシオグモ科)の分布範囲を調査した。これまで本種が未確認の鳥取県西部でも数地点(境港市,米子市,大山町,日南町)調べたが,今回も生息は確認できなかった。鳥取県東部では,既知生息範囲から遠く離れた若桜町内や岩美町内でもそれぞれ1 地点で生息を確認した。離れているこれら2 地点を除いたほぼ連続的と考えられる鳥取市周辺の本種の今回の生息確認範囲は2014 年における生息確認範囲よりも広く,西は国道9 号線沿いの白兎海岸,南は国道53 号沿いに河原町布袋,国道29 号線沿いに八頭町下坂まで伸びていた(西へは約2.5 km,南には約6 km 拡大)。いっぽう,交通量の少ない鳥取市南西側の県道沿いには新規の拡大はみられず,本種の分布域の拡大に人の移動や物流が関係していることを示唆した。本種が生息する地点では在来種のクモの個体数が減少していた。クロガケジグモの個体数の多さが目立つのは,早くから本種の生息域となっている湖山町周辺が含まれる千代川以西・国体道路以北の鳥取市街地であった。 We surveyed distribution of an introduced spider Badumna insignis (Araneae: Desidae) in Tottori Prefecture in 2017. There were no sites where B. insignis was found in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, as reported in the former surveys. On the other hand, we found the species in Iwami-cho and Wakasa-cho, where B. insignis had not been found. Continuous range of distribution of the species in Tottori City expanded ca. 2.5 km toward west along the national route 9, and ca. 6 km toward south, along major national routes (Routes 29 and 53). On the other hand, there was no expansion of the species toward southwestern part of the city where only prefectural roads with a few traffic extend. These facts suggest that human movements and logistics help expansion of the spider. The individual number of native spiders at sites where B. insignis inhabits was much fewer than that at sites without B. insignis

    Recent Advances in Ultrasound Imaging of Breast Lesions

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    Helminth parasites are known to elicit the immune response towards T helper 2 (Th2)-type, characterized by Th2 related cytokines, that typically include interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5 and IL-13. In this review we will describe the mechanisms involved in helminth induced Th2 immune response. Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) produce thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), which is both necessary and sufficient for the initiation of Th2 cytokine-driven inflammation. IL-33 mRNA is expressed early during parasite infection and IL-33 binds ST2 receptor, both of which are associated with optimal CD4+ Th2 polarization. Following innate immune cell recognition, basophils and mast cell can secrete Th2 type cytokines that are thought to contribute to CD4+ Th2 differentiation. Additionaly, dendritic cell conditioned with some helminth products can promote CD4+ Th2 differentiation. Alternatively activated macrophages, activated by the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 in parasitic infections, contribute to the host protective response: control of Th1-type inflammation, wound healing and worm expulsion. Experimentally, helminths have been associated with protection against a number of autoimmune disorders, including inflammatory bowel diseases and type 1 diabetes. It may be a novel strategy to ameliorate autoimmune inflammation by expanding and activating the Th2 response originated from parasites

    Role of cyclooxygenase-2-mediated prostaglandin E2-prostaglandin E receptor 4 signaling in cardiac reprogramming

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    Direct cardiac reprogramming from fibroblasts can be a promising approach for disease modeling, drug screening, and cardiac regeneration in pediatric and adult patients. However, postnatal and adult fibroblasts are less efficient for reprogramming compared with embryonic fibroblasts, and barriers to cardiac reprogramming associated with aging remain undetermined. In this study, we screened 8400 chemical compounds and found that diclofenac sodium (diclofenac), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, greatly enhanced cardiac reprogramming in combination with Gata4, Mef2c, and Tbx5 (GMT) or GMT plus Hand2. Intriguingly, diclofenac promoted cardiac reprogramming in mouse postnatal and adult tail-tip fibroblasts (TTFs), but not in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Mechanistically, diclofenac enhanced cardiac reprogramming by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2, prostaglandin E2/prostaglandin E receptor 4, cyclic AMP/protein kinase A, and interleukin 1β signaling and by silencing inflammatory and fibroblast programs, which were activated in postnatal and adult TTFs. Thus, anti-inflammation represents a new target for cardiac reprogramming associated with aging

    Prevention of hypoglycemia by intermittent-scanning continuous glucose monitoring device combined with structured education in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus : A randomized, crossover trial

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    Aims: We conducted a randomized, crossover trial to compare intermittent-scanning continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM) device with structured education (Intervention) to self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) (Control) in the reduction of time below range. Methods: This crossover trial involved 104 adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) using multiple daily injections. Participants were randomly allocated to either sequence Intervention/Control or sequence Control/Intervention. During the Intervention period which lasted 84 days, participants used the first-generation FreeStyle Libre (Abbott Diabetes Care, Alameda, CA, USA) and received structured education on how to prevent hypoglycemia based on the trend arrow and by frequent sensor scanning (≥10 times a day). Confirmatory SMBG was conducted before dosing insulin. The Control period lasted 84 days. The primary endpoint was the decrease in the time below range (TBR; <70 mg/dL). Results: The time below range was significantly reduced in the Intervention arm compared to the Control arm (2.42 ± 1.68 h/day [10.1 %±7.0 %] vs 3.10 ± 2.28 h/day [12.9 %±9.5 %], P = 0.012). The ratio of high-risk participants with low blood glucose index >5 was significantly reduced (8.6 % vs 23.7 %, P < 0.001). Conclusions: The use of isCGM combined with structured education significantly reduced the time below range in patients with T1DM

    Identification of muscle synergies associated with gait transition in humans

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    There is no theoretical or empirical evidence to suggest how the central nervous system (CNS) controls a variety of muscles associated with gait transition between walking and running. Here, we examined the motor control during a gait transition based on muscle synergies, which modularly organize functionally similar muscles. To this end, the subjects walked or ran on a treadmill and performed a gait transition spontaneously as the treadmill speed increased or decreased (a changing speed condition) or voluntarily following an experimenter's instruction at constant treadmill speed (a constant speed condition). Surface electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from 11 lower limb muscles bilaterally. We then extracted the muscle weightings of synergies and their activation coefficients from the EMG data using non-negative matrix factorization. As a result, the gait transition was controlled by approximately 9 muscle synergies, which were common during a walking and running, and their activation profiles were changed before and after a gait transition. Near a gait transition, the peak activation phases of the synergies, which were composed of plantar flexor muscles, were shifted to an earlier phase at the walk-to- run transition, and vice versa. The shifts were gradual in the changing speed condition, but an abrupt change was observed in the constant speed condition. These results suggest that the CNS low-dimensionally regulate the activation profiles of the specific synergies based on afferent information (spontaneous gait transition) or by changing only the descending neural input to the muscle synergies (voluntary gait transition) to achieve a gait transition

    Practical approach to strain echocardiography

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