853 research outputs found

    Die Entwicklung der Preis- und Lohnrelationen in Frankreich (Le redressement de l'economie Française - Prix et niveaux de vie)

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    The impact of teacher credibility and student motivation on teaching evaluations

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    The evaluation of teaching performance is a challenge and a necessity for the university community, which confers importance to it as it reflects the quality of the teaching-learning process. Different factors influence the out­comes of the teacher-student relationship, such as teacher credibility or academic motiva­tion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to predict the results of the evaluation on uni­versity teachers based on student perceptions of teacher credibility, mediated by the motiva­tion of university students. 674 students from the University of Seville participated in the study, aged between 18 and 42 years (78.2% women and 21.8% men). The Credibility Scale, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Ques­tionnaire and the Evaluation of University Teaching Questionnaire were all applied. The data obtained were analyzed from a structur­al equation modeling approach using partial least squares (PLS-SEM) to predict teaching evaluation. The results highlight the direct effect of teacher credibility and motivation on teaching evaluation, as well as the mediating effect of motivation between teacher credi­bility and teaching evaluation. Through the predictive validity of the model, it is concluded that teaching credibility and the motivation of the university students predict the evalu­ation of university instructors. The findings relate to prior literature, and future research is proposed to analyse other possible methods for teachers to improve the teaching-learning process. Strategies are provided for teachers to manage their credibility in the teaching context, thus increasing the motivation of their students and improving the evaluations of their teaching.La evaluación del desempeño docente es un reto y una necesidad para la comunidad universitaria, que le atribuye importancia en tanto que refleja la calidad del proceso de en­señanza-aprendizaje. Diferentes factores influ­yen en los resultados de la relación profesora­do-alumnado, como la credibilidad docente o la motivación académica. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue predecir el resultado de la eva­luación de los docentes universitarios a partir de las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la credibilidad docente, mediada por la motivación del estudiantado universitario. En el estudio participaron 674 estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 42 años (78.2 % mujeres y 21.8 % hombres). Se administraron la Escala de Credibilidad, el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Motivación y el Cuestionario de Evaluación de la Docencia Universitaria. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron desde un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales empleando el método de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) para predecir la evaluación de la docencia. Los resultados desta­can el efecto directo de la credibilidad docente y la motivación sobre la evaluación de la docencia, así como el efecto de mediación de la motivación entre la credibilidad docente y la evaluación de la docencia. Mediante la validez predictiva del modelo, se concluye que la credibilidad docente y la motivación del estudiantado universitario predicen la evaluación de los docentes univer­sitarios. Se relacionan los hallazgos con la lite­ratura previa y se proponen futuras investiga­ciones que indaguen en otras tácticas posibles de los docentes para mejorar el proceso de ense­ñanza-aprendizaje. Se proporcionan estrategias para que el profesorado gestione su credibilidad en el contexto docente, aumentando así la moti­vación de sus estudiantes y mejorando las eva­luaciones acerca de su docencia

    Применение уравнений Френеля в статистическом анализе эллипсометрических данных - определение оптических показателей анодно полученных плёнок из TiO2

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    Оптические показатели TI02 плёнок , определены эллилсометрически при стандартных ех-ситовых условиях в видимой спектральной области. Плёнки , изготовленные из Ti02, получены анодным окислением электрополирован:ной титановой поверхности в области потенциала от О до 100 V. Путём вычисления:, с помощью измеренных эллипсометрических параметров L1 и Р и Френеловых уравнений, показано , что численное значение оптических показателей уменьшае11ся: с изменением т олщины плёнки, и что у тол·стых плёнок они получают постоянные значения:. Исползован и ем различных спос обо в выч исления: пок.азано, каким образом можно получить наиболее точные рез у ль таты, т. е. самая: маленькая: погрешность при статистической обработке эллипсометрических д анных

    Development of Kinetic and Process Models for the Oxidative Desulfurization of Light Fuel, Using Experiments and the Parameter Estimation Technique

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    YesThe oxidative desulphurization (ODS) of light gas oil (LGO) is investigated with an in-house designed cobalt 11 oxide loaded on alumina (γ-Al2O3) catalyst in the presence of air as oxidizing agent under moderate operating 12 conditions (temperature from 403 to 473 K, LHSV from 1 to 3 hr-1, initial concentration from 500 to 1000 13 ppm). Incipient Wetness Impregnation method (IWI) of cobalt oxide over gamma alumina (2% Co3O4/γ-14 Al2O3) is used for the preparation of the catalyst. The optimal design of experiments is studied to evaluate the 15 effects of a number of process variables namely temperature, liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) and 16 concentration of dibenzothiophene and their optimal values were found to be 473 K, 1hr-1 and 1000 ppm 17 respectively. For conversion dibenzothiophene to sulphone and sulphoxide, the results indicates that the 18 Incipient Wetness Impregnation (IWI) is suitable to prepare this type of the catalyst. Based on the 19 experiments, mathematical models that represent a three phase reactor for describing the behavior of the ODS 20 process are developed. 21 In order to develop a useful model for simulation, control, design and scale-up of the oxidation process, 22 accurate evaluation of important process parameters such as reaction rate parameters is absolutely essential. 23 For this purpose, the parameter estimation technique available in gPROMS (general Process Modelling 24 System) software is employed in this work. With the estimated process parameters further simulations of the 25 process is carried out and the concentration profiles of dibenzothiophene within the reactor are generated

    Effects of natural selection and gene conversion on the evolution of human glycophorins coding for MNS blood polymorphisms in malaria-endemic African populations

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    Malaria has been a very strong selection pressure in recent human evolution, particularly in Africa. Of the one million deaths per year due to malaria, more than 90% are in sub-Saharan Africa, a region with high levels of genetic variation and population substructure. However, there have been few studies of nucleotide variation at genetic loci that are relevant to malaria susceptibility across geographically and genetically diverse ethnic groups in Africa. Invasion of erythrocytes by Plasmodium falciparum parasites is central to the pathology of malaria. Glycophorin A (GYPA) and B (GYPB), which determine MN and Ss blood types, are two major receptors that are expressed on erythrocyte surfaces and interact with parasite ligands. We analyzed nucleotide diversity of the glycophorin gene family in 15 African populations with different levels of malaria exposure. High levels of nucleotide diversity and gene conversion were found at these genes. We observed divergent patterns of genetic variation between these duplicated genes and between different extracellular domains of GYPA. Specifically, we identified fixed adaptive changes at exons 3-4 of GYPA. By contrast, we observed an allele frequency spectrum skewed toward a significant excess of intermediate-frequency alleles at GYPA exon 2 in many populations; the degree of spectrum distortion is correlated with malaria exposure, possibly because of the joint effects of gene conversion and balancing selection. We also identified a haplotype causing three amino acid changes in the extracellular domain of glycophorin B. This haplotype might have evolved adaptively in five populations with high exposure to malaria