770 research outputs found

    Implification of ephippium analysis (Cladocera, branchiopoda, crustacea) for reconstruction of past environmental changes in central yakutia, Russia

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    © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. The aim of our investigation is to reconstruct the local and regional palaeoenvironmental conditions and to highlight the rapid evolution of the thermokarst lake during the Holocene climate optimum. The investigated lake was located in Central Yakutia, Siberia, Russia. The investigated core was collected in a small pingo within a large Central Yakutian thermokarst Khara Bulgunnyakh basin (alas). According to ephippium analysis the formation of the lake coincided with the Holocene climatic optimum. Using cluster analysis we identified three statistically significant ecological zones that reflected changes in the species composition of sub-fossil cladoceran communities and sharp increase in concentrations of ephippia per sample. The period of optimal conditions for Cladocera that took place between 6500 and 6350 cal. yrs. BP is characterized by complex community structures and numerous resisting eggs of cladoceran remains deposited in sediments. Development of the lake ecosystem was rapid and it disappeared quite quickly


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    This work was supported by the Integrated Program of Ural Branch of RAS (project № 18-3-3-17)

    Bioacustic Correction application in the psychologist’s practice

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    © 2016 Komarova.The relevance of the topic is justified by usage of the cutting edge technologies (instrumental approaches to correction) in the psychologist’s practice that requires high qualified professional level of psychological and pedagogical competence as well as the other skills for effective correction of psycho-emotional, speech, and cognitive functions of the patient with cerebrovascular disturbance. The objective of the paper is to develop methodical approaches and arrange the psychologist’s work employing the state-of –the-art technologies. The leading approach to the research of the topic is the modeling method that allows studying the topic as a direct and organized process of honing the professional skills. The paper structure includes the target, content, organizational and procedural, and effective components. The enhancement of the differentiated approach to speech and psychological recovery of patients with cerebrovascular disturbance by means of “Sinhro-S” bio-acoustic correction (BAC) allows rehabilitating the lost functions efficiently and boosting the experts ‘professional skills

    Climate and environmental reconstructions of bolshezemelskaya tundra based on subfossil cladocera remains from kotovo lake (Kharbey system)

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    © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. The aim of the study was the analysis of subfossil Cladocera community of the Kotovo lake (Kharbey lakes' system, Bolshezemelskaya tundra) and the qualitative rating of the changes in it and in the region of study. The relevance of the work is associated with the increasing interest to the study of the climate change on the example of the North intact territories, along with the insufficient knowledge of the biota of the area being studied. The predominance of some species, zoogeography and biotopic attachments of identified taxa, shifts in qualitative consist of subfossil Cladocera taxocenoses, which took place during the lake evolution, were revealed in frames of the investigation. In the consist of Kotovo lake 17 taxa of subfossil Cladocera community were registered. The greatest number of the identified taxa refers to the Chydoridae family, while the representatives of the Daphniidae and Bosminidae families are found in smaller quantities. The lack of the obvious dominants in Cladocera community was established by using Lubarsky scale, subdominants are represented by Chydorus cf. sphaericus, Alona affinis and Bosmina (Eubosmina) sp. In the column of lake bottom sediments the change of the predominant species was registered: previously prevalent representatives of the genus Alona were replaced by Chydorus cf. sphaericus. The reconstruction of the climatic and environmental conditions of the geological past of the region being studied were produced according to the received results; and the changes in environmental conditions were matched with a particular period of geological time. Subfossil Cladocera taxonomic diversity of the lakes Kotovo and Bolshoy Kharbey (largest lake of Kharbey system) was compared. The comparative analysis of the modern structure of the Cladocera from the lakes of the Kharbey system with remains of Cladocera from bental sediments was carried out. The analysis of the received results indicates the eutrophication of the lake, the expansion of the littoral zone and reflects the climate warming

    Identification of indicator species of zooplankton organisms by COI gene fragment for estimation of ecological state of a water body

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Nowadays various methods are used for estimation of ecological state of water bodies; the method of bioindication is one of them. Identification of indicator species of aquatic organisms via the visual method with the aid of a microscope may be performed with a high degree of certainty only by highly experienced zoologists. This method requires deep knowledge of morphological description of every organism, which includes approximately from 15 to 25 characteristics, thus the method greatly depends on subjectiveness of an investigator. At the same time the known methods of molecular genetics are used for determination of the taxonomy of organisms but have not been still used in ecological investigations of water bodies. The method of DNA barcoding which was used by us for identification of indicator species of zooplankton in freshwater bodies in the city of Kazan is one of such molecular methods. The experiment resulted in sequence analysis of the four base sequences of COI gene fragments which were added to the GenBank international database under the following unique numbers: Scapholeberismucronata - HQ336794 (658 bp), Moinamicrura - HQ336797 (658 bp), Mesocyclopsleuckarti - HQ336795 (658 bp), Brachionuscalyciflorus - HQ336793 (660 bp). The estimation of three lakes in Kazan city is based on identification of indicator species of zooplankton by COI gene

    A valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population

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    © 2016 Murtazina.The urgency of the investigated problem is caused by the fact that in Russian society family values are gradually being replaced by values of individualism, rationalism and hedonism. The intensity of the taking place changes leads to essential changes in marriage and family relations, sexual practices of the provincial cities population. With changing values and normative foundation of the family, marriage, children it leads to transformation of reproductive behavior, the crisis of the family as a social institution. The purpose of the article is to subject to sociological analysis the changes of valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population. The leading method of the research is the method of triangulation, which is reflected in the use of quantitative and qualitative collection methods. The sociological analysis of changes of valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population allowed to reveal the social consequences of cross-conflict marriage values, family and children in the structure of value orientations, which have led to valuable shift in the reproductive behavior of the provincial population and changes (at the level of values) practices of everyday relations of individuals in the matrimonial and sexual spheres. The results of research can be used by public authorities in the development of projects and programs for the development of population and family planning. The practical value of the results related with the possibility of their use in the teaching of the humanities, such as the courses on sociology, demography, as well as special courses on the family sociology of the family, mass communication, literature; gender, economic sociology

    Готовность педагогов организаций общего образования к оказанию первой помощи в случаях остановки сердца

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    RELEVANCE The problem of sudden cardiac arrest and sudden death among the students of educational institutions is highly relevant for the Russian Federation. In order to plan interventions aimed at improving effectiveness of management and reducing mortality from cardiac arrest in educational institutions, a clear understanding of level of readiness and motivation of teachers to provide help to a cardiac arrest victim is necessary.  AIM OF STUDY To evaluate willingness of teachers of general education institutions to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in cases of cardiac arrest, and to investigate factors and relationships that determine readiness of teachers to give help.  MATERIAL AND METHODS In February–March 2021, an online questionnaire survey of teaching staff of general education institutions was conducted in the Republic of Crimea. As part of the survey, respondents were asked to evaluate their willingness to attempt CPR on a loved one, a stranger or a pupil on a five-point Likert scale, and to indicate potential barriers for performing CPR. The survey was voluntary and anonymous.  RESULTS The questionnaire was completed by 5,921 teachers. Of all respondents, 9.2% were males, 31.6% — aged over 50 years, 32.3% — work in urban areas. The proportion of teachers who expressed absolute willingness to perform CPR on a loved one, a stranger or a pupil was 63.6% (n=3,766), 34.8% (2,058) and 41.0% (2,427), respectively. At the same time, 13.6% (804), 31.0% (1,836) and 30.6% (1,809), respectively, indicated that they would probably not or definitely not attempt CPR. A high readiness to perform resuscitation (4–5 points) was confirmed to be associated with previous CPR training (p<0.001) and with higher level of CPR knowledge (p≤0.006). The main barriers to providing resuscitation were “lack of CPR knowledge and skills” (indicated by 31.4–36.3% of the respondents depending on the type of presumed cardiac arrest victim) and “fear of causing harm to a victim” (49.2–51.4%).  CONCLUSION Considerable portion of teachers of general education institutions demonstrate low level of readiness to provide life-saving help in case of cardiac arrest. Lack of CPR knowledge and skills constitute the main barrier to attempting resuscitation. In order to improve survival from cardiac arrest in educational institutions, comprehensive organisational interventions are required, which should primarily focus on ensuring full coverage of teachers with high-quality training and retraining in resuscitation. АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Проблема внезапной остановки сердца и смерти учащихся и воспитанников образовательных учреждений Российской Федерации сохраняет высокую актуальность. Для планирования мер, направленных на повышение эффективности оказания помощи и снижение летальности при остановке сердца в учреждениях образования, требуется ясное представление об уровне готовности и мотивации педагогических работников к оказанию первой помощи.  ЦЕЛЬ Оценить готовность педагогических работников организаций общего образования к оказанию первой помощи в случаях остановки сердца, изучить факторы и зависимости, определяющие готовность педагогов к оказанию помощи.  МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ В феврале–марте 2021 года проведено онлайн-анкетирование педагогических работников организаций общего образования Республики Крым. В рамках опроса респонденты оценивали по пятибалльной шкале Likert собственную готовность к проведению сердечно-легочной реанимации (СЛР) при остановке сердца у близкого человека, незнакомого человека и обучающегося и указывали потенциальные препятствия для проведения СЛР. Участие в анкетировании было анонимным и добровольным.  РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Онлайн-анкету заполнил 5921 респондент. Из них мужчин — 9,2%, лиц старше 50 лет — 31,6%, работающих в городе — 32,3%. Доля педагогов, выразивших абсолютную готовность к проведению СЛР при остановке сердца у близкого человека, незнакомого человека или обучающегося, составила соответственно 63,6% (n=3766), 34,8% (2058) и 41,0% (2427). При этом соответственно 13,6% (804), 31,0% (1836) и 30,6% (1809) указали, что скорее не будут или точно не будут проводить реанимацию. Подтверждена связь высокой готовности (4–5 баллов) к проведению СЛР с предшествующим обучением реанимации (p<0,001) и более высоким уровнем соответствующих знаний (p≤0,006). Основными препятствиями для оказания помощи при остановке сердца определены «недостаток знаний и навыков реанимации» (указали 31,4–36,3% опрошенных в зависимости от того, кем являлся предполагаемый пострадавший) и «боязнь причинить вред пострадавшему» (49,2–51,4%).  ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Значительная доля педагогов организаций общего образования имеет низкий уровень готовности к оказанию первой помощи в случае остановки сердца. Недостаток знаний и навыков сердечно-легочной реанимации выступает одним из ключевых препятствий для оказания помощи. Для повышения эффективности оказания помощи в случаях остановки сердца в образовательных учреждениях требуются комплексные организационные преобразования в системе первой помощи, приоритетом которых является обеспечение полного охвата педагогов качественным и регулярным обучением теоретическим основам и навыкам базовой сердечно-легочной реанимации.

    Environmental and climatic factors influencing the distribution of sub-fossil cladocerans in thermokarst lakes in northeastern Siberia, Russia

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    Surface sediments of thermokarst lakes along the temperature gradient were sampled in northwestern Siberia. The lakes were distributed through three environmental zones: typical tundra, southern tundra and forest-tundra, which were all situated within the continuous permafrost zone. Our investigation showed that the cladoceran communities in the lakes of the region are represented by diverse, abundant communities as reflected by the taxonomic richness and high diversity indices. The differences in the cladoceran assemblages were related to the limnological and geographical position, vegetation type, climate and water chemistry. The constrained redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that the TJuly, water depth and both sulphate (SOf ~) and silicium (Si4*) concentrations statistically significant (p < 0.05) explained the variance in the cladoceran assemblage