6 research outputs found

    Backbone resonance assignment of the BCL6-BTB/POZ domain

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    BCL6 is a transcriptional repressor. Two domains of the protein, the N-terminal BTB-POZ domain and the RD2 domain are responsible for recruitment of co-repressor molecules and histone deacetylases. The BTB-POZ domain is found in a large and diverse range of proteins that play important roles in development, homeostasis and neoplasia. Crystal structures of several BTB-POZ domains, including BCL6 have been determined. The BTB-POZ domain of BCL6 not only mediates dimerisation but is also responsible for recruitment of co-repressors such as SMRT, NCOR and BCOR. Interestingly both SMRT and BCOR bind to the same site within the BCL6 BTB-POZ domain despite having very different primary sequences. Since both peptides and small molecules have been shown to bind to the co-repressor binding site it would suggest that the BTB_POZ domain is a suitable target for drug discovery. Here we report near complete backbone 15N, 13C and 1H assignments for the BTB-POZ domain of BCL6 to assist in the analysis of binding modes for small molecules

    Calmodulin regulates human ether à go-go 1 (hEAG1) potassium channels through interactions of the eag-domain with the cyclic nucleotide binding homology domain

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    The ether à go-go family of voltage-gated potassium channels is structurally distinct. The N-terminus contains an eag domain (eagD) that contains a Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain that is preceded by a conserved sequence of 25-27 amino acids known as the PAS-cap. The C-terminus contains a region with homology to cyclic nucleotide binding domains (cNBHD), which is directly linked to the channel pore. The human EAG1 (hEAG1) channel is remarkably sensitive to inhibition by intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺ᵢ) through binding of Ca²⁺-calmodulin to three sites adjacent to the eagD and cNBHD. Here, we show that the eagD and cNBHD interact to modulate Ca²⁺-calmodulin as well as voltage-dependent gating. Sustained elevation of Ca²⁺ᵢ resulted in an initial profound inhibition of hEAG1 currents, which was followed by a phase when current amplitudes partially recovered, but activation gating was slowed and shifted to depolarized potentials. Deletion of either the eagD or cNBHD abolished the inhibition by Ca²⁺ᵢ. However, deletion of just the PAS-cap resulted in a >15-fold potentiation in response to elevated Ca²⁺ᵢ. Mutations of residues at the interface between the eagD and cNBHD have been linked to human cancer. E600 on the cNBHD, when substituted with residues with a larger volume, resulted in hEAG1 currents that were profoundly potentiated by Ca²⁺ᵢ in a manner similar to the ΔPAS-cap mutant. These findings provide the first evidence that eagD and cNBHD interactions are regulating Ca²⁺-dependent gating and indicate that the binding of the PAS-cap with the cNBHD is required for the closure of the channels upon CaM binding

    Interaction of the transactivation domain of B-Myb with the TAZ2 domain of the coactivator p300: molecular features and properties of the complex.

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    The transcription factor B-Myb is a key regulator of the cell cycle in vertebrates, with activation of transcription involving the recognition of specific DNA target sites and the recruitment of functional partner proteins, including the coactivators p300 and CBP. Here we report the results of detailed studies of the interaction between the transactivation domain of B-Myb (B-Myb TAD) and the TAZ2 domain of p300. The B-Myb TAD was characterized using circular dichroism, fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy, which revealed that the isolated domain exists as a random coil polypeptide. Pull-down and spectroscopic experiments clearly showed that the B-Myb TAD binds to p300 TAZ2 to form a moderately tight (K(d) ~1.0-10 µM) complex, which results in at least partial folding of the B-Myb TAD. Significant changes in NMR spectra of p300 TAZ2 suggest that the B-Myb TAD binds to a relatively large patch on the surface of the domain (~1200 Å(2)). The apparent B-Myb TAD binding site on p300 TAZ2 shows striking similarity to the surface of CBP TAZ2 involved in binding to the transactivation domain of the transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1), which suggests that the structure of the B-Myb TAD-p300 TAZ2 complex may share many features with that reported for STAT1 TAD-p300 TAZ2

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA Polymerase-binding Protein A (RbpA) and Its Interactions with Sigma Factors

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    RNA polymerase-binding protein A (RbpA), encoded by Rv2050, is specific to the actinomycetes, where it is highly conserved. In the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, RbpA is essential for growth and survival. RbpA binds to the β subunit of the RNA polymerase where it activates transcription by unknown mechanisms, and it may also influence the response of M. tuberculosis to the current frontline anti-tuberculosis drug rifampicin. Here we report the solution structure of RbpA and identify the principle sigma factor σ[superscript A] and the stress-induced σ[superscript B] as interaction partners. The protein has a central ordered domain with a conserved hydrophobic surface that may be a potential protein interaction site. The N and C termini are highly dynamic and are involved in the interaction with the sigma factors. RbpA forms a tight complex with the N-terminal domain of σB via its N- and C-terminal regions. The interaction with sigma factors may explain how RbpA stabilizes sigma subunit binding to the core RNA polymerase and thereby promotes initiation complex formation. RbpA could therefore influence the competition between principal and alternative sigma factors and hence the transcription profile of the cell

    Structural and functional characterisation of a cell cycle associated HDAC1/2 complex reveals the structural basis for complex assembly and nucleosome targeting.

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    Recent proteomic studies have identified a novel histone deacetylase complex that is upregulated during mitosis and is associated with cyclin A. This complex is conserved from nematodes to man and contains histone deacetylases 1 and 2, the MIDEAS corepressor protein and a protein called DNTTIP1 whose function was hitherto poorly understood. Here we report the structures of two domains from DNTTIP1. The aminoterminal region forms a tight dimerisation domain with a novel structural fold that interacts with and mediates assembly of the HDAC1:MIDEAS complex. The carboxyterminal domain of DNTTIP1 has a structure related to the SKI/SNO/DAC domain, despite lacking obvious sequence homology. We show that this domain in DNTTIP1 mediates interaction with both DNA and nucleosomes. Thus DNTTIP1 acts as a dimeric chromatin binding module in the HDAC1:MIDEAS corepressor complex

    Presentation1_2′-19F labelling of ribose in RNAs: a tool to analyse RNA/protein interactions by NMR in physiological conditions.pdf

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    Protein-RNA interactions are central to numerous cellular processes. In this work, we present an easy and straightforward NMR-based approach to determine the RNA binding site of RNA binding proteins and to evaluate the binding of pairs of proteins to a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) under physiological conditions, in this case in nuclear extracts. By incorporation of a 19F atom on the ribose of different nucleotides along the ssRNA sequence, we show that, upon addition of an RNA binding protein, the intensity of the 19F NMR signal changes when the 19F atom is located near the protein binding site. Furthermore, we show that the addition of pairs of proteins to a ssRNA containing two 19F atoms at two different locations informs on their concurrent binding or competition. We demonstrate that such studies can be done in a nuclear extract that mimics the physiological environment in which these protein-ssRNA interactions occur. Finally, we demonstrate that a trifluoromethoxy group (-OCF3) incorporated in the 2′ribose position of ssRNA sequences increases the sensitivity of the NMR signal, leading to decreased measurement times, and reduces the issue of RNA degradation in cellular extracts.</p