34 research outputs found

    Implicit feature detection for sentiment analysis

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    Implicit feature detection is a promising research direction that has not seen much research yet. Based on previous work, where co-occurrences between notional words and ex- plicit features are used to find implicit features, this research critically reviews its underlying assumptions and proposes a revised algorithm, that directly uses the co-occurrences be- Tween implicit features and notional words. The revision is shown to perform better than the original method, but both methods are shown to fail in a more realistic scenario

    A Temporal Web Ontology Language

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    The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is the most expressive standard language for modeling ontologies on the Semantic Web. In this paper, we present a temporal extension of the very expressive fragment SHIN(D) of the OWL-DL language resulting in the tOWL language. Through a layered approach we introduce 3 extensions: i) Concrete Domains, that allows the representation of restrictions using concrete domain binary predicates, ii) Temporal Representation, that introduces timepoints, relations between timepoints, intervals, and Allen’s 13 interval relations into the language, and iii) TimeSlices/Fluents, that implements a perdurantist view on individuals and allows for the representation of complex temporal aspects, such as process state transitions. We illustrate the expressiveness of the newly introduced language by providing a TBox representation of Leveraged Buy Out (LBO) processes in financial applications and an ABox representation of one specific LBO

    Automatically Building Financial Sentiment Lexicons While Accounting for Negation

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    Financial investors make trades based on available information. Previous research has proved that microblogs are a useful source for supporting stock market decisions. However, the financial domain lacks specific sentiment lexicons that could be utilized to extract the sentiment from these microblogs. In this research, we investigate automatic approaches that can be used to build financial sentiment lexicons. We introduce weighted versions of the Pointwise Mutual Information approaches to build sentiment lexicons automatically. Furthermore, existing sentiment lexicons often neglect negation while building the sentiment lexicons. In this research, we also propose two methods (Negated Word and Flip Sentiment) to extend the sentiment building approaches to take into account negation when constructing a sentiment lexicon. We build the financial sentiment lexicons by leveraging 200,000 messages from StockTwits. We evaluate the constructed financial sentiment lexicons in two different sentiment classification tasks (unsupervised and supervised). In addition, the created financial sentiment lexicons are compared with each other and with other existing sentiment lexicons. The best performing financial sentiment lexicon is built by combining our Weighted Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information approach with the Negated Word appro

    A lexical approach for taxonomy mapping

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    Obtaining a useful complete overview of Web-based product information has become difficult nowadays due to the ever-growing amount of information available on online shops. Findings from previous studies suggest that better search capabilities, such as the exploitation of annotated data, are needed to keep online shopping transparent for the user. Annotations can, for example, help present information from multiple sources in a uniform manner. In order to support the product data integration process, we propose an algorithm that can autonomously map heterogeneous product taxonomies from different online shops. The proposed approach uses word sense disambiguation techniques, approximate lexical matching, and a mechanism that deals with composite categories. Our algorithm’s performance compared favorably against two other state-of-the-art taxonomy mapping algorithms on three real-life datasets. The results show that the F1-measure for our algorithm is on average 60% higher than a state-of-the-art product taxonomy mapping algorithm

    Using linguistic graph similarity to search for sentences in news articles

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    With the volume of daily news growing to sizes too big to handle for any individual human, there is a clear need for effective search algorithms. Since traditional bag-of-words approaches are inherently limited since they ignore much of the information that is embedded in the structure of the text, we propose a linguistic approach to search called Destiny in this paper. With Destiny, sentences, both from news items and the user queries, are represented as graphs where the nodes represent the words in the sentence and the edges represent the grammatical relations between the words. The proposed algorithm is evaluated against a TF-IDF baseline using a custom corpus of user-rated sentences. Destiny significantly outperforms TF-IDF in terms of Mean Average Precision, normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain, and Spearman's Rho

    Ontology population from web product information

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    With the vast amount of information available on the Web, there is an increasing need to structure Web data in order to make it accessible to both users and machines. E-commerce is one of the areas in which growing data congestion on the Web has serious consequences. This paper proposes a frame- work that is capable of populating a product ontology us- ing tabular product information from Web shops. By for- malizing product information in this way, better product comparison or recommendation applications could be built. Our approach employs both lexical and syntactic matching for mapping properties and instantiating values. The per- formed evaluation shows that instantiating consumer elec- Tronics from Best Buy and Newegg.com results in an F1 score of approximately 77%

    News recommendation with CF-IDF+

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    Traditionally, content-based recommendation is performed using term occurrences, which are leveraged in the TF-IDF method. This method is the defacto s

    Review-aggregated aspect-based sentiment analysis with ontology features

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    With all the information that is available on the World Wide Web, there is great demand for data mining techniques and sentiment analysis is a particularly popular domain, both in business and research. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the sentiment value, often on a positive–negative scale, for a given product or service based on a set of textual reviews. As fine-grained information is more useful than just a single overall score, modern aspect-based sentiment analysis techniques break down the sentiment and assign sentiment scores to various aspects of the product or service mentioned in the review. In this work, we focus on aspect-based sentim

    Sentiment analysis of multiple implicit features per sentence in consumer review data

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    With the rise of e-commerce, online consumer reviews have become crucial for consumers' purchasing decisions. Most of the existing research focuses on the detection of explicit features and sentiments in such reviews, thereby ignoring all that is reviewed implicitly. This study builds, in extension of an existing implicit feature algorithm that can only assign one implicit feature to each sentence, a classifier that predicts the presence of multiple implicit features in sentences. The classifier makes its prediction based on a custom score function and a trained threshold. Only if this score exceeds the threshold, we allow for the detection of multiple implicit feature. In this way, we increase the recall while limiting the decrease in precision. In the more realistic scenario, the classifier-based approach improves the F1-score from 62.9% to 64.5% on a restaurant review data set. The precision of the computed sentiment associated with the detected features is 63.9%

    Semantics-based information extraction for detecting economic events

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    As today's financial markets are sensitive to breaking news on economic events, accurate and timely automatic identification of events in news items is crucial. Unstructured news items originating from many heterogeneous sources have to be mined in order to extract knowledge useful for guiding decision making processes. Hence, we propose the Semantics-Based Pipeline for Economic Event Detection (SPEED), focusing on extracting financial events from news articles and annotating these with meta-data at a speed that enables real-time use. In our implementation, we use some components of an existing framework as well as new components, e.g., a high-performance Ontology Gazetteer, a Word Group Look-Up component, a Word Sense Disambiguator, and components for detecting economic events. Through their interaction with a domain-specific ontology, our novel, semantically enabled components constitute a feedback loop which fosters future reuse of acquired knowledge in the event detection process