36 research outputs found

    Investigating the Factor Structure of iSkills™

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    This article was added to the Knowledge Bank in December, 2023.This paper investigates the issue of internal validity in the context of complex assessments and constructs, focusing on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy as measured by the iSkills assessment. Utilizing exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the paper aims to explore the internal structure of the iSkills assessment vis-à-vis unidimensional and multidimensional views of ICT literacy. The results indicate that ICT literacy, as measured by iSkills, emerges more as an integrated skill set rather than as distinct domains. The paper contributes to the broader conversation on the internal structure of assessments designed for complex constructs

    A Cluster-Randomised Trial Evaluating an Intervention for Patients with Stress-Related Mental Disorders and Sick Leave in Primary Care

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    Objective: Mental health problems often affect functioning to such an extent that they result in sick leave. The worldwide reported prevalence of mental health problems in the working population is 10%–18%. In developed countries, mental health problems are one of the main grounds for receiving disability benefits. In up to 90% of cases the cause is stress-related, and health-care utilisation is mainly restricted to primary care. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of our Minimal Intervention for Stress-related mental disorders with Sick leave (MISS) in primary care, which is intended to reduce sick leave and prevent chronicity of symptoms. Design: Cluster-randomised controlled educational trial. Setting: Primary health-care practices in the Amsterdam area, The Netherlands. Participants: A total of 433 patients (MISS n ¼ 227, usual care [UC] n ¼ 206) with sick leave and self-reported elevated level of distress. Interventions: Forty-six primary care physicians were randomised to either receive training in the MISS or to provide UC. Eligible patients were screened by mail. Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measure was duration of sick leave until lasting full return to work. The secondary outcomes were levels of self-reported distress, depression, anxiety, and somatisation. Results: No superior effect of the MISS was found on duration of sick leave (hazard ratio 1.06, 95% confidence interval 0.87–1.29) nor on severity of self-reported symptoms. Conclusions: We found no evidence that the MISS is more effective than UC in our study sample of distressed patients. Continuing research should focus on the potential beneficial effects of the MISS; we need to investigate which elements of the intervention might be useful and which elements should be adjusted to make the MISS effective

    Raising awareness of carrier testing for hereditary haemoglobinopathies in high-risk ethnic groups in the Netherlands: a pilot study among the general public and primary care providers

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    0.05). 191 surveys were collected from general practitioners or midwives. Their attitude towards the education programme for high-risk ethnic groups was positive, yet they did not show strong intention to effectuate carrier testing of their patients on the basis of ethnicity. The main factor which explained their (lack of) intention was social norm, i.e. their perception of negative peer opinion (41% variance explained). The majority of primary health care providers felt that policy change was unnecessary. CONCLUSION: The "infotainment" programme may have a positive effect on people from high-risk groups, but informed general practitioners and midwives were reluctant to facilitate their patients' getting tested. Additional initiatives are needed to motivate primary care providers to facilitate haemoglobinopathy carrier testing for their patients from high-risk background

    A nationwide analysis of incidence and outcome of breast cancer in the country of Surinam, during 1994-2003

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    In this study, we describe the incidence, treatment, and outcome of breast cancer (BC) during the period 1994-2003 in the South-American country of Surinam and compare these with those of BC in the Netherlands. Pathology reports and hospital charts from all BC cases diagnosed between 1994 and 2004 were retrieved from Surinam's single pathology laboratory and its five hospitals. Data on demographics, tumor characteristics, treatment, and follow-up were gathered. We compared our data to BC statistics of first generation immigrants from Surinam to the Netherlands. 421 patients were diagnosed with BC during the study period. The age-adjusted incidence rate was 26 per 100,000 compared to 65/100,000 in first generation Surinamese women in the Netherlands. The majority had a fairly advanced stage at presentation, with 60% of tumors larger than 2 cm, and 41.6% with lymph node involvement. Because of the absence of radiotherapy facilities, local treatment in most patients was radical mastectomy. Adjuvant hormonal therapy (51.6%) was administered more frequently than adjuvant chemotherapy (20.3%). A significant number of patients were lost to follow-up, resulting in a median follow-up duration of only 23 months. The 5-year overall survival was 79%. BC incidence in Surinam is low compared to that in the western world, but the advanced stage at diagnosis, the low utilization of systemic adjuvant therapy, and the inadequate follow-up may lead to poor outcomes. A number of steps are underway to improve the level of cancer care in Surina

    Similarity in depressive symptom profile in a population-based study of migrants in the Netherlands

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    Objective Depression is a clinical syndrome developed in Western Europe and North-America. The expression of symptoms and the impact of symptoms on functioning may therefore be expected to vary across cultures and languages. Our first aim was to study differences in depressive symptom profile between indigenous and non-Western immigrant populations in the Netherlands. We hypothesized that differences in expression of depressive symptoms would be more likely in the domains of mood and cognitions, and less likely in the domains of psychomotor and vegetative symptoms. Our second aim was to study ethnic differences in the association of depressive symptoms and general functioning. Method In a random community sample stratified for ethnicity in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, depressive symptoms were assessed by bilingual interviewers using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI 2.1) and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Impairments in functioning were measured by the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS II). Results were obtained from 812 subjects: N = 321 native Dutch, N = 213 Turkish-Dutch, N = 191 Moroccan-Dutch, N = 87 Surinamese-Dutch. Differences in depressive symptom expression were tested by differential item functioning. Results The prevalence of DSM-IV depressive disorder and the overall level of depressive symptoms were higher in the Turkish and Moroccan immigrant groups compared to native Dutch subjects. Ethnic differences in item functioning of depressive symptoms were rare, and equally unlikely in all four symptom domains. Depression was equally associated with functional impairment across ethnic groups. Conclusion Although depressive symptoms were more common among migrants than in the indigenous population, both the depressive symptom profile and the associated functional impairments were comparable. These findings may help diminishing concerns about the validity of using existing diagnostic procedures among ethnic minority groups

    A General Procedure to Assess the Internal Structure of a Noncognitive Measure- The Student360 Insight Program (S360) Time Management Scale A General Procedure to Assess the Internal Structure of a Noncognitive Measure- The Student360 Insight Program (S36

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    Abstract The factorial structure of the Time Management (TM) scale of the Student 360: Insight Program (S360) was evaluated based on a national sample. A general procedure with a variety of methods was introduced and implemented, including the computation of descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Overall, the results indicated that the TM scale measured multidimensional constructs of TM with 5 factors. The paper concludes with a discussion of several issues concerning the wording of items and residual dependencies, as well as future directions for research