193 research outputs found

    Intersection of Forensic Odontology and Psychology

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    Forensic odontologists are expected to deal with challenging demands which can affect their mental health while dealing with forensic activities. This study aimed to explore the psychological impacts of forensic activities on forensic odontologists and students undertaking training. Firstly, it of an integrative review (part I) on the psychological effects of forensic odontology practice. The review was performed on Scopus, Medline and Web of Science. Next, an anonymous online survey using JISC Online Surveys tool (part II) was performed to assess the inherent opinions of forensic odontologists from the the International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS), and Association of Forensic Odontologists for Human Rights (AFOHR), and Dentify.me. Results were quantitatively evaluated by means of descriptive statistics and qualitatively upon reflection using Microsoft Office Excel (2010). Part I, only one full-text article out of 2235 (Webb et al., 2002) was found eligible indicating a low number of eligible studies. Part II, 75 forensic odontologists and 26 students (49.9% male; 50.5% female) from over 35 countries participated. Results showed that forensic dentists are more psychologically or emotionally affected by child abuse cases and least affected by age estimation cases. Most experienced forensic odontologists reported the lowest scores of discomforts. Males were more comfortable than women in dealing with stress. 80.77% (n= 21) of the students have not experienced any behavioural changes following mortuary sessions but 19.2% (n= 5) witnessed stress. All respondents support the inclusion of a module in Psychology or stress management in training programmes in Forensic Odontology. Suggestions to maintain mental health are considered by the respondents and topics to be taught suggested by a psychologist

    An integrative literature review of the potential technical challenges in Forensic Odontology practice:an exploratory study

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    Forensic Odontology deals with the presentation of dental evidence in a court of law. An academic exploration revealed instances of technical challenges within the field. This study endeavours to delve into the spheres where these challenges occur, with the core objective of enhancing the quality of practice. An integrative literature review was conducted using the online platforms SCOPUS and Web of Science. Based on the selection criteria, 29 pertinent papers dated 2000-2023 were included. Quantitative analysis of the categories of selected articles was performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Technical concerns were reported in all facets of Forensic Odontology with the general role of expert witnesses being reported the most (n=8; 27.58%). Within the different facets of the field, age estimation was the most prominent area of concern (n=8; 27.58%) and child abuse and neglect (n=1; 3.57%) represented the least reported category. Findings indicate that there is a need to prioritize avenues to enhance the quality of practice in the general role of expert witnesses and the specific area of dental age estimation. To this end, increased support for researchers must be provided to help validate methodologies. It is advisable to institute mandatory formal training and proficiency testing within the field. Inadequate knowledge of dentists regarding child abuse and neglect has been noted, demonstrating the need for more dedicated quality training. Recommendations for Forensic Odontologists have been curated combining this study's results and the codes of ethics of various forensic organisations

    An integrative literature review of the potential technical challenges in Forensic Odontology practice:an exploratory study

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    Forensic Odontology deals with the presentation of dental evidence in a court of law. An academic exploration revealed instances of technical challenges within the field. This study endeavours to delve into the spheres where these challenges occur, with the core objective of enhancing the quality of practice. An integrative literature review was conducted using the online platforms SCOPUS and Web of Science. Based on the selection criteria, 29 pertinent papers dated 2000-2023 were included. Quantitative analysis of the categories of selected articles was performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Technical concerns were reported in all facets of Forensic Odontology with the general role of expert witnesses being reported the most (n=8; 27.58%). Within the different facets of the field, age estimation was the most prominent area of concern (n=8; 27.58%) and child abuse and neglect (n=1; 3.57%) represented the least reported category. Findings indicate that there is a need to prioritize avenues to enhance the quality of practice in the general role of expert witnesses and the specific area of dental age estimation. To this end, increased support for researchers must be provided to help validate methodologies. It is advisable to institute mandatory formal training and proficiency testing within the field. Inadequate knowledge of dentists regarding child abuse and neglect has been noted, demonstrating the need for more dedicated quality training. Recommendations for Forensic Odontologists have been curated combining this study's results and the codes of ethics of various forensic organisations

    Cana-de-açúcar cultivada num latossolo que recebeu lodo de esgoto e vinhaça: teores de nitrogênio no solo e na planta

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    O lodo de esgoto é um resíduo obtido em Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto. A vinhaça constitui-se no principal efluente das destilarias de álcool. A principal diferença entre ambos está nos conteúdos de nitrogênio (N) e potássio (K), sendo o lodo de esgoto pobre em K e a vinhaça pobre em N. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do lodo de esgoto e da vinhaça sobre o nitrogênio no sistema solo-planta e os reflexos na produtividade da cana-de-açúcar por dois anos consecutivos. O experimento foi conduzido em um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo Distrófico plintico, localizado no Município de Pontal, SP. A cultivar de cana-de-açúcar testada foi a SP81-3250. Os fatores de estudo foram três resíduos (lodo de esgoto, vinhaça e lodo de esgoto+vinhaça), dois modos de aplicação (linha de plantio e área total), duas doses (100 e 200% do N e K necessários à cultura) e um tratamento testemunha (adubação mineral). O lodo de esgoto proporcionou maior acúmulo de N na planta e maior teor residual de N no solo. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto e vinhaça na cultura da cana-de-açúcar pode substituir a adubação mineral, tanto para cana-planta quanto para cana-soca.Sewage sludge is a residue from waste water treatment plants and vinasse is a main effluent from alcohol distilleries. The main differences between them are observed in the nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) contents. Sewage sludge is poor in K, and the vinasse in N. This research was carried out to evaluate sewage sludge and vinasse effects on the nitrogen contents of the plant-soil system and the effects of their application on planted-cane and 1st. ratoon-cane under field conditions, on a Typic Haplustox, in Pontal, State of São Paulo, Brazil, using the sugarcane cultivar SP81-3250. A randomized blocks experimental design was used with 13 treatments and three replications. The results were organized in a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial scheme (three residue forms, two application modes and two rates of N or K) and a control treatment (mineral fertilization). Sewage sludge provided the highest N plant contents and the highest residual N soil contents. Sewage sludge and vinasse can replace mineral fertilization for both planted-cane and 1st. ratoon-cane

    Teaching of forensic dentistry in Khartoum, Sudan

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    Background: Dental professionals assist with legal and criminal matters through the practice of forensic dentistry which has evolved over the past century and is now a crucial component of undergraduate dental education in many nations. The need for formal training in the subject and its inclusion in dental curricula were acknowledged and addressed in the 1960s and 1970s.Aims: This study aimed to investigate the teaching of forensic dentistry in dental universities of Khartoum, Sudan, and to propose certain topics and teaching criteria to be standardized in forensic dentistry teaching in Sudan.Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive study was conducted, involving all undergraduate dental institutions in Khartoum, Sudan. Institutional websites were searched using the Google search engine to obtain the dental program curricula in English. The curricula were then analyzed to identify the presence of forensic odontology/dentistry teaching.Results: Of the 19 universities included in the study, five (26.3%) teach forensic dentistry in their undergraduate curricula, whereas 12 (63.1%) do not. Two universities (10.6%) indicated the presence of forensic dentistry teaching in their curricula but did not provide actual instruction. The teaching of forensic dentistry mainly occurred during the second, third, and fourth years of the dental program. Three universities considered it an independent subject, while two universities incorporated it into oral and maxillofacial pathology. Four universities provided lectures only, while one university combined lectures and practical sessions. Qualified forensic dentists taught the subject in four universities, while one university had general dentists as instructors. The main topics delivered are: (1) introduction to forensics, (2) human identification, (3) dental age estimation, (4) interpretation of bitemarks, (5) DNA in forensics, and (6) child abuse.Conclusion: Forensic dentistry training is currently undervalued in Sudan due to various limitations. It is recommended that all dental schools in Sudan offer opportunities for students to learn and become acquainted with forensic dentistry as part of their dental programs. The Sudanese Dental Council should establish formal coordination with academic institutions and experienced forensic dentists to ensure the quality and relevance of the proposed modular course within the educational system. Finally, additional topics including dental record-keeping and dental malpractice are suggested for inclusion in the current modules

    Nitrogen loss through Brachiaria decumbens after anthesis stage: relation with soil moisture

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a perda de N por plantas de Brachiaria decumbens no estádio da pós-antese relacionada com a umidade do solo, realizou-se um experimento em casa-de-vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos do estudo constaram da colheita de plantas nos seguintes estádios e condições de umidade do solo: (a) A60: estádio de antese e com umidade do solo mantida a 60% da capacidade máxima de retenção de água; (b) PA60: estádio de pós-antese ou maturidade com umidade do solo mantida a 60% da capacidade máxima de retenção de água; e (c) PA20: pós-antese com umidade estabelecida após a antese de 20% da capacidade máxima de retenção de água do solo. As plantas de Brachiaria decumbens, cultivadas em vasos preenchidos com solo arenoso, foram fertilizadas com sulfato de amônio-15N (800mg vaso-1 de N). As plantas dos tratamentos pós-antese (PA60 e PA20) foram colhidas após 17 dias do início do florescimento. O balanço de N do sulfato de amônio (15N) no sistema solo-planta indicou perdas de N, presumivelmente pela parte aérea das plantas de Brachiaria decumbens, no estádio de pós-antese (tratamento PA60), da ordem de 25% em relação ao de antese (A60). A perda de N na pós-antese avaliada no tratamento com déficit hídrico (PA20) foi reduzida comparativamente ao PA60, sendo da ordem de 11% em relação ao tratamento A60.The objective of this research work was to evaluate the N loss through Brachiaria decumbens in the stage of post-anthesis related to the soil moisture. The experiment was carried out in green-house condition and the experimental design was a completely randomized, with three treatments and six replications. Plants of grass-Brachiaria were cultivated in pots filled out with sandy soil. The soil of each pot was fertilized with ammonium sulfate-15N (800mg vaso-1 of N). The treatments consisted of harvest of plants in the stages and soil moisture conditions, as following: (a) A60: stage of anthesis and with soil moisture maintained to 60% of the maximum water retention capacity; (b) PA60: post-anthesis stage or maturity with soil moisture maintained to 60% of the maximum retention capacity, and (c) PA20: post-anthesis stage with soil moisture of 20% of the maximum water retention capacity established after the anthesis stage. The plants of the treatments post-anthesis (PA60 and PA20) were harvested after 17 days beginning of the flowering stage. The balance of N from ammonium sulfate (15N) in the soil-plant system indicated losses of N, presumably from the aerial part of grass-Brachiaria plants in the post-anthesis stage (treatment PA60). These values were of the order of 25% in relation to the anthesis treatment (A60). The N loss in the post-anthesis stage as evaluated in the treatment with water deficits (PA20), it was minimized comparatively to the PA60 and it was of the order of 11% in relation to the treatment A60

    Perdas de nitrogênio por Brachiaria decumbens após a aplicação de glifosato ou glufosinato de amônio

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    Nitrogen losses from the soil-plant system may be influenced by herbicide applications. In order to evaluate N loss in brachiaria (Brachiaria decumbens) after application of the herbicides glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium, an experiment was carried out in a greenhouse as a completely randomized design, with three treatments and six replicates. Treatments were as follows: i) desiccation of brachiaria-plants with glyphosate; ii) desiccation of brachiaria-plants with glufosinate-ammonium; and iii) control, without herbicide application. The plants were cultivated in 4 kg pots of sandy soil and fertilized with ammonium sulfate- 15N, (200 mg kg-1) in order to quantify the allocation of the fertilizer-N and its recovery in the soil-plant system. Plants treated with the herbicides had less N accumulation and less recovery of the fertilizer-N (15N) relative to the control. In the soil, the greatest recovery of 15N-fertilizer occurred for treatments where N was applied, possibly due to the occurrence of other N compound losses to the soil, like root exudation and root death. The total recovery of 15N-fertilizer in the soil-plant system was higher in the control than in the treated plants showing the direct action of the herbicides on nitrogen loss, and especially by the above-ground part of the brachiaria plants.As perdas de nitrogênio no sistema solo-planta podem ser influenciadas pela aplicação de herbicidas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a perda de N do capim-Brachiaria (Brachiaria decumbens) após a aplicação dos herbicidas glifosato e glufosinato de amônio, foi realizado um experimento em casa-de-vegetação em delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado (DIA), com três tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: i) dessecação de plantas de braquiária com o herbicida glifosato; ii) dessecação de plantas de braquiária com herbicida glufosinato de amônio e iii) testemunha, sem aplicação de herbicida. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos com 4 kg de solo arenoso e foram fertilizadas com sulfato de amônio (15N), na dose de 200 mg kg-1, com o intuito de quantificar a alocação de N-fertilizante (15N) e sua recuperação no sistema solo-planta. As plantas tratadas com os herbicidas apresentaram menor acúmulo de N e menor recuperação do N-fertilizante (15N) em relação à testemunha. No solo a maior recuperação do 15N-fertilizante ocorreu nos tratamentos em que foram aplicados os herbicidas, possivelmente, devido à ocorrência de perda de compostos nitrogenados para o solo por exsudação radicular e morte de raízes. A recuperação total do 15N-fertilizante no sistema solo-planta foi maior na testemunha que nos tratamentos, evidenciando-se a ação direta dos herbicidas nas perdas de nitrogênio, especialmente, pela parte aérea do capim-Brachiaria

    Classic Book Review - Forensic Odontology

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