6 research outputs found

    Zjawiskowe formy popełnienia czynu zabronionego w prawie karnym Ukrainy

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    Complicity  in  crime  is  one  of  the  forms  of  criminal  activity.  It  has  its  specific  features  which  allow  the  scholars  to  treat  complicity  as  a separate  criminal  law  institution.  These  specific  features  comprise  the  following  elements:  a)  the  participation  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  of  two  or  more  persons  bears  a heightened  danger  for  the  public  safety;  b)  an  offence  with  its  statutory  features  is  committed  only  due  to  the  joint  action  of  all  participants. The  institution  of  complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  is  regulated  in  greater  detail  by  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  from  2001  than  it  was  the  case  in  the  Criminal  Code  form  1960.  The  whole  Chapter  IV  of  the  General  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  entitled  “Complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence”  is  devoted  to  it.  Some  norms  referring  to  the  problem  can  also  be  found  in  the  Special  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine.  Despite  such  a detailed  legal  cover  of  the  institution  of  complicity  in  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine,  individual  problems  are  not  sufficiently  explained  and  there  are  some  internal  contradictions  as  well. Therefore  the  issues,  conclusions  and  propositions  presented  in  this  article  referring  to  the  improvement  of  the  criminal  law  seem  to  be  up  to  date  and  indispensable.  It  is  necessary  to  amend  the  individual  legal  issues  referring  to  complicity  and  to  explain  them  with  greater  precision.  This  will  foster  greater  effectiveness  in  counteracting  such  criminal  acts.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Legal and historical aspects of corruption risk counteraction management

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    Aby skutecznie zwalczać przestępstwa związane z korupcją, ważne jest, by wyjaśnić historyczne aspekty i warunki wstępne wystąpienia tego zjawiska, a w szczególności niektórych ich typów, które stały się dziś powszechne. W tym kontekście szczególne znaczenie ma analiza prac badawczych naukowców krajowych i zagranicznych. Pozwoli to, we współczesnych realiach, na uzasadnienie zaleceń zmierzających do udoskonalenia ustawodawstwa.To provide effective counteraction against corruption-related crimes, it is rather important to find out the historical aspects and preconditions of the origin of this ostent, especially their certain types which are widespread nowadays. In this context the research works analysis of homeland and foreign scientists from different times is of particular importance. It will give us the possibility to justify in modern conditions the recommendations aimed at improving the drawing up the content of legislation

    Criminal Law Means for Counteraction to Corruption in Ukraine and Poland : Similar and Distinctive Features

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    During the scientific research of any criminal-legal phenomenon or process, it is considered necessary to conduct an analysis of the origin of this phenomenon in a foreign country. This provides an opportunity not only to grasp the essence and understand the content of the subject of research, but also to develop effective countermeasures and borrow foreign experience. This becomes especially important in matters of combating corruption, when the criminal acts of officials reach not only domestic, but also international scales. Scientists’ positions, as well as the provisions of the current legislation in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland concerning the definition of the criminal law provisions for liability for corruption offenses are being researched, which is made on the relevant differences regarding the legislative enactment of the concept of “corruption” and its definition in the criminal law theory. Accordingly, a comparative approach to the methods of legislative consolidation of anti-corruption provides an opportunity to understand the social conditioning of the emergence of this phenomenon. Taking into account the integration processes in all spheres of life activity of society, the difference in the method of normative consolidation of actions forming such a phenomenon as corruption was revealed. This, in turn, not only indicates different forms of legislative fixation of the concept of the phenomenon, but also causes difficulties in the exchange of law enforcement practice, which causes a number of problems for both the relevant law enforcement agencies and ordinary citizens. A clear division and distinction between provisions on liability for corruption and corruption-related offenses was revealed. Taking into account the position of the domestic criminal law doctrine, the analysis of the current Polish legislation provided an opportunity to formulate real options for borrowing foreign experience to solve the specified problems

    Concept and composition of the forensic characteristics of domestic violence in Ukraine

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    Artykuł dotyczy koncepcji kryminalistycznych cech przemocy domowej na Ukrainie. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań, a także analizy praktyk śledczych i sądowych ustalono, że proponowany skład kryminalistycznych cech przemocy domowej obejmuje: czas, miejsce, środki, sposób popełnienia przestępstwa, tożsamość ofiary, tożsamość sprawcy, „wzór śladu” – ściśle powiązane ze sobą elementy.The work is dedicated to the concept and composition of the forensic characteristics of domestic violence in Ukraine. An analysis of the work of forensic scientists on the concept and elements of forensic characteristics was done. On this basis, as well as on the analysis of the investigative and judicial practice, the composition of the forensic characteristic of domestic violence is proposed. It was investigated that to those elements are included: time, place, means, crime manner, victim’s person, offender person, “trace pattern”, which are closely correlated with each other. The analysis of each of the elements is carried out


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    While designing and development of e-learning courses the LCMS MOODLE standard elements are deficient. This may be due to the fact that sometimes it is impossible to conduct demonstration experiments of physical phenomena or processes in the existing conditions of the institution, especially for laboratory work when you want to simulate a particular process without actually having physical devices and equipment. A teacher can use standard components (modules activity) to build the course in LCMS MOODLE. In case the teacher has not enough standard modules for students training activities, including physics, he can add other modules that are not included in the official version of the MOODLE system. EJSApp module can be one of them. With help of EJSApp module the teacher can add Java-applets created with Java simulation in LCMS MOODLE using Library Open Source Physics

    Zjawiskowe formy popełnienia czynu zabronionego w prawie karnym Ukrainy

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    Complicity  in  crime  is  one  of  the  forms  of  criminal  activity.  It  has  its  specific  features  which  allow  the  scholars  to  treat  complicity  as  a separate  criminal  law  institution.  These  specific  features  comprise  the  following  elements:  a)  the  participation  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  of  two  or  more  persons  bears  a heightened  danger  for  the  public  safety;  b)  an  offence  with  its  statutory  features  is  committed  only  due  to  the  joint  action  of  all  participants. The  institution  of  complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence  is  regulated  in  greater  detail  by  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  from  2001  than  it  was  the  case  in  the  Criminal  Code  form  1960.  The  whole  Chapter  IV  of  the  General  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine  entitled  “Complicity  in  the  commission  of  an  offence”  is  devoted  to  it.  Some  norms  referring  to  the  problem  can  also  be  found  in  the  Special  Part  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine.  Despite  such  a detailed  legal  cover  of  the  institution  of  complicity  in  the  Criminal  Code  of  Ukraine,  individual  problems  are  not  sufficiently  explained  and  there  are  some  internal  contradictions  as  well. Therefore  the  issues,  conclusions  and  propositions  presented  in  this  article  referring  to  the  improvement  of  the  criminal  law  seem  to  be  up  to  date  and  indispensable.  It  is  necessary  to  amend  the  individual  legal  issues  referring  to  complicity  and  to  explain  them  with  greater  precision.  This  will  foster  greater  effectiveness  in  counteracting  such  criminal  acts.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski