8 research outputs found

    “New Cardiac Devices: from adults to children”

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    Il presente simposio internazionale, con il supporto di professionisti italiani ed europei, ognuno con comprovata esperienza non solo clinica ma anche scientifica, ha lo scopo di fornire un aggiornamento sulle più rilevanti novità in tali ambiti, di cui possono usufruire attualmente i pazienti cardiopatici. Il simposio è articolato in tutti gli ambiti che articolano l'uso dei nuovi device, dalla diagnosi, all'indicazione terapeutica, l'impianto e la gestione post-procedurale. Il convegno è indirizzato sopratutto ai cardiologi, medici di base del territorio, infermieri di cardiologia, tecnici di emodinamica e cardio-tecnici

    Aglepristone (RU534) effects on luteal function of pseudopregnant rabbits: steroid receptors, enzymatic activities, and hormone productions in corpus luteum and uterus

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    The study was designed to examine the aglepristone (RU534) mechanisms affecting the corpora lutea (CL) lifespan in pseudopregnant rabbits. Aglepristone (10mg/kg b.w.) was injected subcutaneously twice at either early- or mid-luteal phase (Days 3 and 4, or Days 8 and 9, respectively) after induction of ovulation with GnRH (Day 0). Corpora lutea and uteri, explanted at days 6 and 11, were evaluated for immunohistochemistry and western blotting of progesterone (PR) and estrogen (ER) receptors, cyclooxygenase 1 (COX1), COX2, and PGE2-9-ketoreductase (PGE2-9-K) enzymatic activities, and progesterone, PGF2α, and PGE2 in vitro synthesis. Independent of luteal stage, aglepristone prolonged the functional luteal phase by 3 Days over that of controls as assessed by blood progesterone profiles. Aglepristone decreased protein for ER during both luteal-stages in CL and uteri. Progesterone receptor protein was decreased by RU354 at Days 6 in the uterus and at Days 11 in CL, whereas RU534 increased PR at Days 11 in uteri. In the CL, RU534 enhanced progesterone production at Days 6 and 11, whereas it decreased PGF2α and increased PGE2 at Day 11. In the uteri, RU534 decreased PGF2α and increased PGE2 synthesis at both days. COX2 and PGE2-9K activities were decreased by RU534 in the CL at Day 11, whereas in the uteri COX2 increased and PGE2-9-K decreased at Days 6 and 11. In conclusion, these data on aglepristone effects suggest that progesterone has a regulatory role on luteal function through direct and uterine-mediated mechanisms in pseudopregnant rabbits

    Pregnancy and Fetal Development: Cephalic Presentation and Other Descriptive Ultrasonographic Findings from Clinically Healthy Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under Human Care

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    Ultrasonography is widely used in veterinary medicine for the diagnosis of pregnancy, and can also be used to monitor abnormal pregnancies, embryonic resorption, or fetal abortion. Ultrasonography plays an important role in modern-day cetacean preventative medicine because it is a non-invasive technique, it is safe for both patient and operator, and it can be performed routinely using trained responses that enable medical procedures. Reproductive success is an important aspect of dolphin population health, as it is an indicator of the future trajectory of the population. The aim of this study is to provide additional relevant data on feto-maternal ultrasonographic monitoring in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) species, for both the clinicians and for in situ population studies. From 2009 to 2019, serial ultrasonographic exams of 11 healthy bottlenose dolphin females kept under human care were evaluated over the course of 16 pregnancies. A total of 192 ultrasound exams were included in the study. For the first time, the sonographic findings of the bottlenose dolphin organogenesis and their correlation with the stage of pregnancy are described. Furthermore, this is the first report that forecasts the cephalic presentation of the calf at birth, according to its position within the uterus

    Mechanisms and predictors of transient left ventricular dysfunction early after successful percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty.

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    BACKGROUND: The immediate effects of balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) on left ventricular (LV) function in patients with mitral stenosis are still controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms and potential clinical, echocardiographic and hemodynamic predictors of transient LV dysfunction occurring in patients with mitral stenosis early after successful percutaneous BMV. METHODS: Sixty patients without residual mitral regurgitation were divided into two groups according to the changes in the left atrial (LA) pressure 15 min after successful BMV: 18 patients (group A) did not present with any reduction in LA pressure, and underwent nitroglycerin administration (0.4 mg, sublingually). The remaining 42 patients (group B) presented with a decrease in LA pressure. RESULTS: At baseline, both the mitral valve gradient and area assessed at echocardiography and during cardiac catheterization were similar in groups A and B. Group A patients presented with, however, higher LV early- and end-diastolic pressures and peak V waves during cardiac catheterization both prior to and 15 min after BMV than group B patients (all p values < 0.05). In group A, nitroglycerin administration was associated with a decrease in LV end-diastolic pressure (p = 0.049), LA pressure (p < 0.001), and peak V wave (p < 0.001) that was still persistent 30 min after its administration, reaching values similar to those observed in group B early after BMV. At multivariate analysis, the only independent predictors of LV dysfunction early after BMV were found to be LV early- (p = 0.015) and end-diastolic (p = 0.023) pressures at baseline and the Wilkins' score (p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: After successful BMV a transient lack of LV adaptation to the increased LV preload resulting in a persistently elevated LA pressure is predicted by higher baseline LV diastolic filling pressures and higher Wilkins' scores. It is promptly and steadily reversed by nitroglycerin administration through a transient LV unloading, thus allowing a correct hemodynamic evaluation of the immediate results of the procedure