35 research outputs found

    Infrared Thermography applied to measurement of Heat transfer coefficient of water in a pipe heated by Joule effect

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Ecotechnologies [TR1_IRSTEA]SPEEInternational audienceA methodology has been developed based on periodic excitation by Joule effect and infrared thermography measurement. It has been applied to measure heat transfer coefficients of water flowing in a round tube and in a multiport-flat tube. Models were developed to deduce heat transfer coefficient from wall temperature amplitude and heat flux measurement. For the round tube and for the multiport flat tubes, Reynolds number investigated ranges respectively from 2000 to 14000 and from 800 to 10000 and heat flux from 5 W to 29 W and from 10 W to 70 W. The good agreement between experimental and theoretical results has demonstrated the reliability of the methodology. This methodology also present the advantage to require a low heat flux, is not intrusive and fluid independant

    Etude rhéologique et thermique d'une boucle de réfrigération secondaire par coulis d'hydrates

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    14e Ă©dition du congrĂšs de la SociĂ©tĂ© française du gĂ©nie des procĂ©dĂ©s, Lyon, FRA, 08-/10/2013 - 10/10/2013International audienceLes fluides rĂ©frigĂ©rants classiques sont nĂ©fastes pour l'environnement en raison de leur potentiel de rĂ©chauffement global (GWP), c'est pourquoi leur utilisation doit ĂȘtre rĂ©duite. L'une des solutions est d'employer des fluides frigoporteurs diphasiques, comme les coulis d'hydrates, pour transporter le froid. Le travail rĂ©alisĂ© a pour objectif d'Ă©tudier les propriĂ©tĂ©s rhĂ©ologiques et thermiques des coulis de CO2. Le dispositif expĂ©rimental est constituĂ© d'une boucle pilote permettant la circulation des fluides. Les hydrates sont formĂ©s par refroidissement Ă  des tempĂ©ratures de l'ordre de 275 K et des pressions allant jusqu'Ă  3 MPa. Les coefficients d'Ă©change thermique locaux et moyens du coulis ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s par l'utilisation d'un tube chauffant. La rhĂ©ologie a montrĂ© que le coulis prĂ©sentait un comportement de type rhĂ©ofluidifiant pour des fractions d'hydrates en volume allant jusqu'Ă  22 %. L'Ă©tude thermique a quant Ă  elle montrĂ© que le coulis prĂ©sentait des coefficients d'Ă©change locaux de l'ordre de 2900 W.m-2.K-1 pour une fraction en hydrates de 19 %, ce qui est supĂ©rieur Ă  l'eau et lĂ©gĂšrement plus Ă©levĂ© que le coulis de glace. Ainsi, ces rĂ©sultats permettent de mettre en Ă©vidence les bonnes capacitĂ©s du coulis d'hydrates Ă  stocker, Ă  vĂ©hiculer et Ă  restituer l'Ă©nergie emmagasinĂ©e

    Amortissement des fluctuations de température d'un fluide circulant dans une conduite circulaire ou annulaire

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    A digital model to monitor the evolution of a thermic field inside a product flowing in a conditioning circuit has been developed. This model takes into account the circuit inertia, the circuit-product interaction. There is a good correlation between the digital model and the experimental results. / Un modÚle numérique permettant le suivi de l'évolution du champ thermique au sein d'un produit traversant un circuit de conditionnement a été élaboré. Ce modÚle tient compte de l'inertie du circuit, de l'interaction produit-circuit. On constate un bon accord entre le modÚle numérique et les résultats expérimentaux

    Phase equilibrium and dissociation enthalpy for semi-clathrate hydrate of CO2+TBAB

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    The present work investigates equilibrium conditions and dissociation enthalpy of hydrates formed from CO2-TBAB(tetra-n-butylammonium bromide)-water mixtures. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) was used for Hydrate-Liquid-Vapour (H-L-V) equilibrium condition determination in a TBAB concentration range from 4.43 to 9.01 wt% and in a CO2 pressure range from 0.3 to 2.5 MPa. The results showed that the presence of TBAB allowed decreasing the formation pressure of CO2 hydrate by approximately 74 and 87% at 283 and 279 K, respectively. Moreover, pressure reductions were dependent on the TBAB concentration. The dissociation enthalpy and the composition of double hydrate formed from 9.01 wt% TBAB solution were determined by both the DTA and Clapeyron equation. The DTA method resulted in 313.2 kJ per kg of hydrate for the dissociation enthalpy and 2.51CO2∙TBAB∙38H2O for composition of the double hydrate. For the use of Clapeyron equation, the volume change was defined by taking into account the gas solubility in the liquid phase. The calculation results showed a discrepancy with the experimental data obtained by DTA, suggesting the limited application of Clapeyron equation in the CO2-TBAB-water system

    Influence de surfactants dispersifs sur les coulis d'hydrates de CO2

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    National audienceCe travail concerne la caractérisation en boucle dynamique des coulis d'hydrates de CO2 en présence de surfactants en vue d'une valorisation comme fluides frigoporteurs diphasiques. Deux approches ont été retenues pour cette étude : une approche multicritÚre permettant de caractériser les conditions optimales d'utilisation du surfactant sélectionné ; une caractérisation rhéologique de coulis d'hydrates générés à partir du systÚme eau-CO2-surfactant et une comparaison de ces résultats avec de précédents résultats obtenus sans surfactant

    Injection de vapeur dans un liquide en présence d'une accélération centrifuge

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    This is a study on a heat exchanger by direct injection of vapor in a liquid. The process consists of injecting vapor in an elbow. A centrifugal acceleration is thus created and it can reach 80 times the acceleration of gravity. / L'étude porte sur un échangeur de chaleur par injection directe de vapeur dans un liquide. Le procédé consiste à injecter la vapeur au niveau d'un coude. On crée ainsi une accélération centrifuge pouvant atteindre 80 fois l'accélération de la pesanteur

    Enhancement of heat exchanges on a condenser using an air flow containing water droplets

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    International audienceA study has been carried out on the enhancement of the heat exchanged on a tube and fin exchanger using an air flow containing water droplets. An experimental setup has been used, which consists of a channel where an air flow with droplets is crossing a heat exchanger fed with water. A model representing the heat transfer has been presented and validated using the experimental data. The heat exchange improvement obtained thanks to the injection of droplets in the air upstream to the heat exchanger has been quantified. The cooling of air due to water evaporation upstream to the exchanger and the supplementary evaporation of droplets while impacting or crossing the exchanger leads to an enhanced heat exchange. A gain by a factor up to 3.5 has been observed in the heat flux exchanged in the most favoring case, when comparing the heat flux exchanged using a simple air flow or air containing droplets. No streaming water has been observed in the present study owing to the droplet injection conditions: moderate water flow and droplet size near 25 Όm at the injection point

    Influence de la position et de l'orientation d'un systÚme de brumisation sur l'efficacité d'un échangeur de chaleur

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    4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering (CPOTE), Katowice, POL, 14-/09/2016 - 16/09/2016International audienceSpraying water in the upstream air flow of a heat exchanger improves the heat transfer. Two effects are part of this phenomenon: the spray evaporation that decreases the air temperature by adiabatic cooling and the spray impingement on the heat exchanger surface that increases the heat exchanger coefficient. In general, those effects don't apply on the entire heat exchanger surface. So, an experimental study has been carried out in order to compare the influence of several positions and orientations of water spraying on the efficiency of heat transfer. A pilot has been built allowing moving easily the atomizer injecting droplets in air while controlling flow rates, temperatures and humidity. Among the experimental conditions, it has been chosen a low pressure atomizer that produces a hollow cone spray. This choice has been done to keep in the meantime a good atomization (Sauter mean diameter of 50 ”m), a low pressure (5 bar) and low water consumption (1 L/h). For each configuration tested, a global and a local study of the system have been made. The global study consists in an overall energy balance. Until now, the best overall energy balance reveals an increase of the heat transfer of 10% for a water flow rate injected of 1 L/h with a heat exchanger power of 5 kW. The local study consists, on one hand, in an energy balance on a pass of the heat exchanger and, on another hand, on the characterization of the impacted surface. The energy balance is based on the microchannels temperatures of the heat exchanger pass. The impacted surface is characterized by the local cooling in the downstream flow of the heat exchanger and a qualitative measure with an infrared camera. With all these results, an optimization of the system has been done and gave the best position and orientation of the atomizer to obtain the maximal heat transfer

    Etude des transferts thermiques d'un coulis d'hydrate de CO2 dans une boucle pilote de réfrigération secondaire

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    CongrĂšs français de thermique, Gerardmer, FRA, 28-/05/2013 - 31/05/2013National audienceL'objectif de ce travail est de prĂ©senter les premiers rĂ©sultats de transfert thermique au sein d'une boucle pilote de rĂ©frigĂ©ration permettant l'utilisation d'un fluide frigoporteur diphasique le coulis d'hydrates de CO2. Afin de caractĂ©riser leurs conditions d'Ă©change thermique, un dispositif dynamique constituĂ© d'un tube chauffant a Ă©tĂ© conçu et mis au point pour Ă©tudier les coefficients d'Ă©change locaux. La mĂ©thode de mesure, validĂ©e sur l'eau, a permis d'obtenir des coefficients d'Ă©change locaux de l'ordre de 2800 Wm-2K-1 pour une concentration volumique en hydrates de 18 %. Ces rĂ©sultats sont du mĂȘme ordre de grandeur que ceux obtenus avec les coulis de glace