6 research outputs found

    Le Tour d’Europe des mĂ©diateurs sociaux: de la valorisation de l’expĂ©rience et la formation Ă  la reconnaissance et la professionnalisation

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    Inclusion, d’abord. Si ce n’est le mot lui-mĂȘme, le projet est “au fond” de tous les tĂ©moignages qui se lisent dans cet E-book. Nous laissons le lecteur le dĂ©couvrir par lui-mĂȘme. C’est ce qui, fondamentalement donne sens aux activitĂ©s des mĂ©diateurs. Contre une sociĂ©tĂ© qui exclue, discrimine, construit des murs et des frontiĂšres, calcule au “moins-disant” l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile, rejette les individus vers leur communautĂ© d’appartenance et les y enferme au lieu de leur permettre d’y trouver les ressources pour s’ouvrir Ă  l’altĂ©ritĂ© et leur sociĂ©tĂ© d’accueil – la mĂ©diation est lĂ  pour retisser les liens, donner accĂšs aux droits, permettre le long apprentissage d’institutions qui existent pour les protĂ©ger, dĂ©velopper leur confiance en eux-mĂȘmes, s’ouvrir Ă  sa propre richesse pour s’ouvrir Ă  celle de l’autre et rĂ©soudre les multiples conflits de la vie quotidienne.RĂ©fĂ©rence: 539947-LLP-1-2013-1-FR- GRUNDTVIG-GMP - www.arlekin-eu.f

    Au-delĂ  de ‘tisser le lien social au quotidien’, la construction du mĂ©tier de MĂ©diateur Social

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    PrefĂĄcio a “Le Tour d’Europe des mĂ©diateurs sociaux: de la valorisation de l’expĂ©rience et la formation Ă  la reconnaissance et la professionnalisation”MĂ©diation, ensuite. Comme vision sociale, d’abord. Celle d’une sociĂ©tĂ© patchwork Ă  l’image de la tunique d’ArleKin, dont les coutures se tissent grĂące Ă  ces “espaces-tiers” de mĂ©diation: espaces oĂč la prise de parole (la sienne) et l’écoute de l’autre (l’opposant, l’étranger, le reprĂ©sentant de l’institution), peuvent co-exister sans risque parce que protĂ©gĂ©s. Vision “d’une communautĂ© paradoxale (
) en train de surgir, faite d’étrangers qui s’acceptent dans la mesure oĂč ils se reconnaissent Ă©trangers eux-mĂȘmes” (Kristeva, 2007, p. 290).RĂ©fĂ©rence: 539947-LLP-1-2013-1-FR- GRUNDTVIG-GMP - www.arlekin-eu.f

    Arlekin: a collaborative action-research-training project without frontiers

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    This article presents the characteristics and methodology related to the implementation of a European project centered on the training of social mediators through European mobility and collaborative action-research. The ArleKin - Training in Mediation for Social Inclusion through European Mobility Project was financed by the European Union (ref: 539947-LLP-1-2013-1-FR- GRUNDTVIG-GMP) and focused on the following objectives: i) to give visibility to social mediation, as a means of innovative and pertinent social intervention for responding to new challenges of social cohesion in contemporary societies; ii) to develop the professionalization of social mediators in a concerted way at the European level; and iii) to experiment in-service training course in mediation through European mobility that was inspired by the tradition of the Companions of the Tour of France. The realization of the objectives of the project were attained through collaborative work among the various European partners and in the setting up of a community of practice and research composed of academics, researchers, professionals and politicians with the view of consolidating the professionalization and visibility of social mediators at a European level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ArleKin: learning together

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    This paper presents the experience related to developing a training course on Mediation for Social Inclusion through European Mobility within a project funded by the European Union between 2013 and 2016. The course is based on the training scheme of the Tour of France Companions in which trainees learn their role by observing and working with their masters in different cities. Social mediation, as the jobs were at that time, is learnt through immersion in various contexts. This course is still being developed in France and in other countries and it has been updated by the authors of the paper, through the use of Web 2.0. The course uses action-researchtraining methodology in which experiential, reflective and collaborative dimensions are present. In total, five countries and 13 Associations for Mediation participated along with the team responsible for in the project.539947-LLP-1-2013-1-FR- GRUNDTVIG-GM