95 research outputs found

    Ressources en GĂ©ologie CaribĂ©enne : les apports de l’outil GPS pour l’étude des sĂ©ismes et failles majeures de RĂ©publique Dominicaine

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    Cet article prĂ©sente comment l’utilisation d’un outil moderne, le GPS (Global Positioning System) peut apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments significatifs dans la connaissance des failles actives et de leur cycle sismique. Nous nous intĂ©ressons ici Ă  la frontiĂšre de plaque Nord-Caraibe, en RĂ©publique Dominicaine, et prĂ©sentons des quantifications de vitesses de dĂ©placement obtenues grĂące Ă  l’instrumentation de la zone depuis 1994 par un groupe de chercheurs français, Ă©tats-uniens et dominicains. Les rĂ©sultats sont ensuite discutĂ©s en termes d’alĂ©as sismologiques des failles majeures.This paper aims to demonstrate that the use of a modern tool, the GPS (Global Positioning System), can significantly improve our understanding of active faults and their seismic cycle. We focus on the North-Caribbean plate boundary, specifically in the Dominican Republic, and present some quantifications of velocities that result from measurements that have been made possible by the instrumentation of the area by a consortium of researchers from France, the USA and the Dominican Republic, since 1994. Then, we discuss the velocities in terms of seismic potential of the regional major faults

    De l’unicitĂ© des relations entre reprĂ©sentation et systĂšme de valeur dans l’enseignement des SVT

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    Une analyse croisĂ©e de la transposition interne des concepts d’agrosystĂšme en premiĂšre L et d’identitĂ© biologique en premiĂšre S s’appuyant sur des analyses de programmes et de manuels scolaires est ici prĂ©sentĂ©e. Les rapports entre l’enseignement de ces connaissances et certaines idĂ©ologies (productivisme, dĂ©terminisme) sont mis en Ă©vidence. Enfin, l’unicitĂ© des liens entre reprĂ©sentations, systĂšmes de valeurs et paradigmes scientifiques est discutĂ©e.A cross-analysis of the transposition (analysis of official instructions and textbooks) of the concepts of “agrosystem” and “biological identity” in French secondary school on is presented here. The relationship between the teaching of these knowledges and some ideologies (productivism, determinism) are highlighted. Finally, the uniqueness of the relationship between conceptions, value systems and scientific paradigms is discussed

    Sharing contextual knowledge information via asynchronous distance learning: Insights from a context-based research project in primary schools / Partage d’informations contextuelles via l’apprentissage Ă  distance asynchrone : aperçu d'un projet de recherche contextuel dans les Ă©coles primaires

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    This paper expands on the effective implementation of collaboration platforms for research purposes in primary education settings. In our study, Edmodo has been introduced as a medium for facilitating the asynchronous discourse between learners of Guadeloupe and Quebec. The following analysis is based on the digital traces derived from the online activity of users working on two different disciplinary research projects: one in linguistics and one in education for sustainable development (ESD). In essence, this paper covers the procedure of introducing a collaborative tool for educational purposes to an audience with diverse expertise in understanding and using it. In addition, it provides a conceptual analysis for understanding the online messages exchanged during these context-related interactions

    Approche comparĂ©e de l’alternance français-crĂ©ole dans l’enseignement de disciplines linguistiques et non-linguistiques aux Antilles françaises

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    Cet article rend compte d’une recherche sur l’alternance codique français-crĂ©ole dans l’enseignement de disciplines linguistiques et non-linguistiques aux Antilles françaises. L’observation de sĂ©ances au collĂšge en Ă©ducation physique et sportive, et en langue et culture rĂ©gionales option crĂ©ole, ainsi que la passation d’entretiens avec des enseignants ont permis d’analyser des aspects quantitatifs et qualitatifs de l’alternance codique. L’analyse des rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšle des formes et des fonctions de l’alternance codique diffĂ©rentes selon la discipline concernĂ©e (linguistique vs non-linguistique). Des pistes de didactisation de l’alternance codique sont ensuite formulĂ©es pour l’enseignement et la formation en contexte bilingue.The following research paper deals with the code-switching patterns observed in bilingual situations involving French and Creole, at school, in the French West Indies. Linguistic as well as non linguistic subject matters are taken into account. The observation of sessions to the middle school, both in Physical Education, and in Language and Cultural Studies option creole at secondary school level, as well as the exploitation of teachers interviewed, allow an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data on code-switching processes. The analysis of the results reveals forms and functions of code-switching vary according to the subject matter studied (linguistic versus non linguistic). Tracks of a formal approach of code-switching are then formulated for teaching in bilingual contexts

    Right message, right medium, right time: powering counseling to improve maternal, infant, and young child nutrition in South Asia

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    IntroductionQuality counseling can positively impact maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN) behaviors linked to poor nutrition outcomes. Global guidance includes 93 recommendations on MIYCN counseling.MethodsA desk review and key informant interviews sought to assess compliance to the recommendations, reach and quality, systemic gaps and opportunities for MIYCN counseling in seven South Asian countries. Ninety-three (93) policies and guidelines, 180 counseling materials and over 50 documents were reviewed; 115 key informant interviews were conducted. Information synthesis captured eight domains. Data from national surveys were analyzed to determine MIYCN counseling reach, quality and association with nutrition behaviors.ResultsResults showed that national guidelines were inconsistent with global recommendations for seven thematic areas. Coverage of contacts points like antenatal and postnatal care (ANC, PNC) with potential to deliver MIYCN counseling was highly variable. Having at least four ANC contacts was significantly associated with consumption of 100+ iron folic acid tablets in all countries. Rates of early initiation of breastfeeding (18% Pakistan to 90% Sri Lanka) were lower than institutional delivery rates, except for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. PNC contact within 48 h of birth was positively correlated with exclusive breastfeeding in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (OR 1.4, 3.1, 3.2). Health worker contacts and wealth status equally influenced child’s dietary diversity in India. MIYCN services were add-on roles for community-based workers, except in India. Supervision mechanisms exist but were not focused on quality of MIYCN services. Counseling resources were predominantly paper based (>70%), had rural-focused messaging on diets and mainly targeted women. Platforms to engage men were largely missing. Health management information systems included indicators on maternal contact points in all countries but not for children. Assessing funding for MIYCN counseling was challenging as costs were subsumed across several budget line-items.DiscussionThe research findings can be used to (1) align country guidance with global recommendations, (2) review workforce responsibilities and capacity building with supervision, (3) assess the need for new counseling materials based on coverage of content, service providers and audience, (4) integrate MIYCN counseling indicators in information systems and (5) include MIYCN counseling services with activities and budget in country plans

    Specificity Matters: Unpacking Impact Pathways of Individual Interventions Within Bundled Packages Helps Interpret the Limited Impacts of a Maternal Nutrition Intervention in India

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    BACKGROUND: To address gaps in coverage and quality of nutrition services, Alive & Thrive (A&T) strengthened the delivery of maternal nutrition interventions through government antenatal care (ANC) services in Uttar Pradesh, India. The impact evaluation of the A&T interventions compared intensive ANC (I-ANC) with standard ANC (S-ANC) areas and found modest impacts on micronutrient supplementation, dietary diversity, and weight-gain monitoring. OBJECTIVES: This study examined intervention-specific program impact pathways (PIPs) and identified reasons for limited impacts of the A&T maternal nutrition intervention package. METHODS: We used mixed methods: frontline worker (FLW) surveys (n = ∌500), counseling observations (n = 407), and qualitative in-depth interviews with FLWs, supervisors, and block-level staff (n = 59). We assessed 7 PIP domains: training and materials, knowledge, supportive supervision, supply chains, data use, service delivery, and counseling. RESULTS: Exposure to training improved in both I-ANC and S-ANC areas with more job aids used in I-ANC compared with S-ANC (90% compared with 70%), but gaps remained for training content and refresher trainings. FLWs\u27 knowledge improvement was higher in I-ANC than S-ANC (22-36 percentage points), but knowledge of micronutrient supplement benefits and recommended foods was insufficient (90%), but supportive supervision was limited by staff vacancies and competing work priorities. Supplies of iron-folic acid and calcium supplements were low in both areas (30-50% stock-outs). Use of monitoring data during review meetings was higher in I-ANC than S-ANC (52% compared with 36%) but was constrained by time, understanding, and data quality. Service provision improved in both I-ANC and S-ANC areas, but counseling on supplement benefits and weight-gain monitoring was low (30-40%). CONCLUSIONS: Systems-strengthening efforts improved maternal nutrition interventions in ANC, but gaps remained. Taking an intervention-specific perspective to the PIP analysis in this package of services was critical to understand how common and specific barriers influenced overall program impact

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